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I dont think we are discussing meaningless subjects on this website. I dont think we are simply gossiping re dates, marriages, games, money, intercourse, business, or fun. We are very concerned re our practice in relations to Dorje Shugden and this is a online support system that is freely provided. I am grateful for it. I am sure there are within NKT who are in doubt, or have questions. This website can provide them with some answers when they are far away all over the globe. As well as many other non NKT members who have questions. So I dont think contradiction to your guru's advice is the question here. It is again motivation. Do you come away after being involved in the forum here and or the actual website with more understanding towards your practice and awareness of what other practitioners are going through? If you do, then it has not been meaningless activities.

Geshe la is a advanced being coming from a Tibetan Culture that had not much activities besides dharma. So they have not much habituations culturally to have other preoccupations. Also their society doesnt believe in talking things out in the open to clear doubts or misunderstandings. Dharma is just taking root outside of Tibet and it requires alot of questioning, answers, disscussions and finally understanding. Engaging in that is healthy for someone brought in this type of expression. Eastern culture is more about silence and it goes away hopefully. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. Non-Easterners, find it easier to talk, express, share and open up. It is in fact commended. Sometime this works also and sometimes it doesnt, just the same.

This website helps in open discussion and talk directly about dharma. To share and have support. To listen to other views that might create and stimulate more thinking to eventually strengthen one's practice. So I do not think it is meaningless activity. It is a different cultural approach to affirming and making one's practice firm/strong and clear. My motivation in being involved in this great website is to understand my practice better because I truly have seen Dorje Shugden's benefits in mine and the lives of many. I would like to share my humble two cents from time to time also to help others. I have derived immense benefit from sharing in this website. So I conclude for me it is a dharma practice to be involved here because it strengthens my practice during these difficult times. After all, dharma practice and understanding can come in many ways deriving beautifully according to one's individual cultural modes of expression.   

« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 07:12:14 AM by Admin »


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Dear Everyone,


Let's always interact with eachother with great care, concern, genuine respect, and accurate information which are causes for the above to happen on this website i say respectfully.

Many thanks.

jeff Ryan

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I think this site has already become the Gelug site for the Ear Whispered Lineage. This site is known by most Dharmapala practitioners.

Positive Change

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I dont think we are discussing meaningless subjects on this website. I dont think we are simply gossiping re dates, marriages, games, money, intercourse, business, or fun. We are very concerned re our practice in relations to Dorje Shugden and this is a online support system that is freely provided. I am grateful for it. I am sure there are within NKT who are in doubt, or have questions. This website can provide them with some answers when they are far away all over the globe. As well as many other non NKT members who have questions. So I dont think contradiction to your guru's advice is the question here. It is again motivation. Do you come away after being involved in the forum here and or the actual website with more understanding towards your practice and awareness of what other practitioners are going through? If you do, then it has not been meaningless activities.

Geshe la is a advanced being coming from a Tibetan Culture that had not much activities besides dharma. So they have not much habituations culturally to have other preoccupations. Also their society doesnt believe in talking things out in the open to clear doubts or misunderstandings. Dharma is just taking root outside of Tibet and it requires alot of questioning, answers, disscussions and finally understanding. Engaging in that is healthy for someone brought in this type of expression. Eastern culture is more about silence and it goes away hopefully. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. Non-Easterners, find it easier to talk, express, share and open up. It is in fact commended. Sometime this works also and sometimes it doesnt, just the same.

This website helps in open discussion and talk directly about dharma. To share and have support. To listen to other views that might create and stimulate more thinking to eventually strengthen one's practice. So I do not think it is meaningless activity. It is a different cultural approach to affirming and making one's practice firm/strong and clear. My motivation in being involved in this great website is to understand my practice better because I truly have seen Dorje Shugden's benefits in mine and the lives of many. I would like to share my humble two cents from time to time also to help others. I have derived immense benefit from sharing in this website. So I conclude for me it is a dharma practice to be involved here because it strengthens my practice during these difficult times. After all, dharma practice and understanding can come in many ways deriving beautifully according to one's individual cultural modes of expression.   


It is always nice to hear of such praise for the website. Kudos to the people behind this wonderful informational, educational and sharing platform. Let us rejoice and bring this forum to the forefront, if it is not already :)


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This website has provided me with  so many logical information . I have better understanding towards my practice and I feel that it will also benefit others as it has benefited me. I don't think we are  discussing meaningless  subjects on this website.  Instead  I would like to thank all those involved in this website for  putting so much effort to provide us with the necessary information to help us in our practice.


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People can be helped spiritually via the internet Geshe-la used to post if im not mistaken once upon a time and then things got nasty which is no suprise as to why he advised people not to waste their time with it, However im still of the opinions it can be benefical in a controlled environment Geshe-la has our best interests at heart and he is a Spiritual master of great accomplishment, He said once that he is like a monkey in regards to much worldly knowledge but I can say that if not for this means of communication many people would not have found their local centres or found sangha friends from across the world so therefore I take his advise as not to spend every waking moment on such, encouraging us to spend more time in meditation is a good thing :)


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Dear Zach,

I fully agree with you there... i think the internet is an amazing tool which can help to provide information to anyone anywhere in the world at the click of your mouse! It is so much easier for people to gain information these days, compared to how Buddhism started in Tibet those centuries ago, when the Tibetan translators would have to walk/ride to India to get the teachings and translate them and bring them back to Tibet. How much opposition they faced then too, from the shamanistic Bon practitioners which was the prevailing religion at the time. Now, we have many texts available in our various languages - thank goodness that many texts are available in English these days. It is so easy for us to study Dharma. Research where are Dharma centres, teachings etc.

Of course we shouldn't spend "every waking moment" on the net, though it really is a great source of information for me to study. I must say that I am eternally grateful to my friend who pointed me in the direction of this website as almost everything I know about Dorje Shugden i learned from this site. I'm sure that there are many people like me who are pretty isolated and value this site tremendously as my cybersangha!

You're very fortunate that you have Geshe-la to guide you, Zach :)
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Haha, this is indeed a very relevant view that some people might have for those who come on this forum. I concur with the points expressed and if it wasn't for this forum, I would probably be surfing on some other meaningless website or worse still, wasting away on Facebook. I don't think any of us here have set out on this forum to change the world but it has become that because this is one of the few Dorje Shugden forums around and it hosts quite a veritable amount of information. This forum allows us to talk and discuss Dorje Shugden freely and it allows hundreds of thousands of people who view it, to have imprints of Dorje Shugden. What a great way to spread Dorje Shugden!


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Definitely NOT!

I don't find it a waste of time, in fact I gladly come here... there are so much to learn especially for beginners like myself.  Trust me, I have learned so so much!!!  By understanding more, it is even more beneficial to know that actually it will inspire people to practice dharma, share and learn.  On a higher note, it plants imprint in people's mind stream.  May all be able to receive and practice dharma in no time.  Such wonderful beneficial activity, how can you say not?

And what I really like is that it is truly a discussion, no disrespectful words, putting down; it is pure learning, sharing, sometimes debate just like the monastery, I learn a lot from people interacting on the forum!  I think it is very healthy.  We never put any other religion down, question and say this is the ONLY path.  So same thing here, many also did not say Dorje Shugden is the ONLY path or vice versa.

I suppose there are haters out there who already choose a side.  But I guess they won't fit in here because there is no side here.  Don't hate, we love...


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I totally agree with Barzin.  To add, I  think this website is the best online spiritual support system for any DS practitioner.  In fact, I dare say that everything you want to know about DS, its practice and any issues surrounding it, you can get from this website. It’s like a one stop centre for anything DS. The people behind this website has definitely worked very hard and put in a lot of thought into website so that it can help many people with their understanding and practice and to give moral support to practitioners during these difficult times of ban on DS practice. My sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation to them always.

Being involved in the forum and the website makes me understand so much more about my practice and DS matter in general.  With so many articles and discussion on the DS controversy in Forum, I am definitely more aware of what other practitioners in other parts of the world go through to continue their practice and it inspires me to be even more devoted to my practice.

Surely, being involved in a website that provides so much benefit cannot be a waste of time.


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I have been on this website for quite sometime and I don't find it meaningless as there is so much to learn from this website. There are so many articles on Dorje Shugden and so much proof to counter the ridiculous claims that are made against him. This website gives ammunition and logical proof to counter lies spread against Dorje Shugden and when people read it and they think and find out, they learn the truth and are more informed of the choices.

I also find that posting in the forums here is a very meaningful activity as in order to post I need to learn up more and when I do I gain more knowledge on how to explain to people on Dorje Shugden. It also serves to strengthen my faith and help clear doubts that I may have about Dorje Shugden. Besides, it also trains up our my ability to talk to people regarding this issue as I have seen so many exchanges in the forum and have a glimpse of how people think.

During this time it is very important for us Dorje Shugden practitioners to band together and be united against the ban, and show unity. Dorje Shugden has been accused of splitting the sangha, lets prove that wrong by being united and together. This forum is proof and testament to that. Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world come here, get inspired, get knowledge and support from everyone else here and that alone is a very beautiful thing.

This is the biggest forum on Dorje Shugden. This is the definitive site for Dorje Shugden materials. This is the place. No other place on the net has this much information and new news that is all about Dorje Shugden, presented in a neutral manner. Without a doubt, this website will be the biggest force to removing the ban.


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  • Posts: 816 has provided a platform for all Dorje Shugden practitioners to gather as a community to:

-   learn
-   help and support
-   care
-   love
-   share
-   debate
-   know
-   uphold
-   increase our knowledge and wisdom
-   receive blessing from Dorje Shugden
-   be familiar with our lineage and tradition
-   be updated
-   voice our concern
-   speak up
-   disseminate information
-   and etc

on anything and everything about Dorje Shugden!  Not just that alone, we have the section on general Buddhism too which is a store of wisdom!

Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the creator of this website and the team working tirelessly behind the scene.  I have truly benefited a lot from the time I had found this precious website. 

Thank You for your kindness!

Keep up the good work!

I fully agree with Mountain and other contributors here.  It is not a meaningless activity to spend time at the forum or to browse this website.  Besides enriching us with knowledge, we are providing support and help to spread the teachings of Dorje Shugden in particular and Lama Tsongkhapa in general through the internet.  So many people can benefit from the information provided by this website.  So many people can benefit from Dorje Shugden’s blessing and protection.  It is the best gift that we can share with the World.

This is the biggest forum on Dorje Shugden. This is the definitive site for Dorje Shugden materials. This is the place. No other place on the net has this much information and new news that is all about Dorje Shugden, presented in a neutral manner. Without a doubt, this website will be the biggest force to removing the ban.

I can’t  agree with Ensapa more.


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I think to remeber that Geshe'la gave this advice related to the NKT internal forum which was very active at that point of time.


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It is definitely not meaningless or a waste of time contributing towards this website. The website admin and team have worked hard in researching and uploading all the info for us so we can have hands on info at the click of the button. This is also a very good platform for us to improve and exchange the knowledge on DS. Furthermore, the info is accurate and not bias.

We should be grateful for all the effort that has been put behind this website to benefit DS practitioners around the world. Without them, most of us will be deprived of this precious Protector.

Thank you DS warriors!


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I think to remeber that Geshe'la gave this advice related to the NKT internal forum which was very active at that point of time.

There was a period of time where many of Geshe-la's students went to every single buddhist forum there was and started defending NKT and Dorje Shugden, but mostly in a not so skillful way (sorry, but that its how it appeared to be to me and many people at that time) which did nothing but to reinforce the image and perception that Dorje Shugden practitioners were fanatics as these people were pretty gung-ho at that time and their persistence scared many people away.

This caused a huge negative backlash where many Buddhist forums the world over ban the talk of NKT or Dorje Shugden talk altogether because they were just too tired to deal with all the persistent and long posts, especially when they came back again and again. In addition to this, many anti NKT and Dorje Shugden were put up, citing such behavior as a reason to not support NKT or Dorje Shugden. It was actually counterproductive than productive and stirred up more wrong views than usual.

I believe that Geshe-la's advice was in response to that negative backlash that was generated by the fervor as it was not helping NKT or Dorje Shugden in particular. This was on top of the fact that most of the students were posting anti Dalai Lama material on this forums, and most of the people in these forums were pro Dalai Lama and this caused a huge clash altogether….and the advice was to clear up this negative backlash and let it cool down so that NKT's name can be cleared.

Either way, that advice has caused most forums to forget about the NKT ban on their own forums and many are slowly to lift the ban and allow NKT members to post there again although not every forum would…so the advice was in reality to help protect the minds of both NKT students and also the minds of the forumers out there from negative views that is generated from the clash of ideas. So I don't believe it applies to forums like this one or their own forum.