Author Topic: Calling on DS 5 Forms  (Read 7278 times)


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Calling on DS 5 Forms
« on: September 10, 2010, 11:24:07 AM »
I have been thinking seeing as there are five forms each is draws on the different energies of that form, which is logical, peaceful, increasing, controlling and wrathful.

Some questions:

A) Is the 5th form wisdom or all combined into one?

B) Do they each have a different mantra?

C) Do we need special initiation to draw on the different energies for our spiritual practice / worldly affairs?

Does anyone know?



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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 03:43:40 PM »
I have been thinking seeing as there are five forms each is draws on the different energies of that form, which is logical, peaceful, increasing, controlling and wrathful.

Some questions:

A) Is the 5th form wisdom or all combined into one?

B) Do they each have a different mantra?

C) Do we need special initiation to draw on the different energies for our spiritual practice / worldly affairs?

Does anyone know?


Dear iloveds

A) Yes, the 5th form, or I would call the main form taps into mainly the wisdom energy, when we recite the main form mantra, it helps us to gain tremendous wisdom to distinguish right and wrong. However, the main form mantra does encompass all the energies of the other forms.

B) Yes, all 5 forms have a different mantra.

C) I believe it just requires an oral transmission from a qualified guru. No initiation is required. Anyone can clarify this?


Big Uncle

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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 05:02:29 PM »
This is what I believe the 5 forms of Dorje Shugden are referred to:-

1. Dulzin Dorje Shugden - the main form of Dorje Shugden resting on a snowlion.

2. Vairochana Shugden or Shitze - the peaceful/pacification (of diseases) form of Dorje Shugden resting on an elephant

3. Ratna Shugden or Gyanze - the increase (of wealth and resources) form of Dorje Shugden resting on a horse

4. Pema Shugden or Wangze - the control (of negative mind and situations) form of Dorje Shugden resting on a dragon

5. Karma Shugden or Trakze - the wrathful (to overcome extremely dangerous circumstances and black magic) form of Dorje Shugden resting on a garuda.

Each has a mantra to tap into a specific energy of Dorje Shugden to accomplish a specific need. As far as I know, there is no such thing as an initiation for Protectors except a "life-entrustment" ceremony called Sogtae although such ceremonies are also loosely called initiation as well. I think this ceremony is not mandatory for propitiation.  In order to practice any of the emanations specifically, one would get an oral transmission of the mantra from one's Lama and the specific visualisation to tap into the emanation of Dorje Shugden for assistance.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 05:05:17 PM by Big Uncle »


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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 08:18:17 PM »

C) Do we need special initiation to draw on the different energies for our spiritual practice / worldly affairs?

I don't think there is a specific need for a special initiation to propitiate the different energies of each emanation. However, it would be good to receive the oral transmission of the mantra of a particular form that your lama may have assigned to you - this carries the blessings of the lineage which will make your recitation very much more empowered. Your teacher should be able to advise you which form would be most beneficial to you, your practice and your dharma work. For some, it may be more beneficial to focus on the main form and for others, they may need to focus on a certain aspect, such as Shize's peaceful methods.

If you are focusing on one of the four emanations you can also recite more of the serkym verse that is specially addressed to them. This is the one immediately after the serkym verse to DS and reads as follows:


Five types that bestow unimpeded
Acts of peace, increase, control, and wrath,
Offering you nectar that bestows bliss,
Spontaneously grant our every wish!


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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 08:18:39 PM »

C) Do we need special initiation to draw on the different energies for our spiritual practice / worldly affairs?

I don't think there is a specific need for a special initiation to propitiate the different energies of each emanation. However, it would be good to receive the oral transmission of the mantra of a particular form that your lama may have assigned to you - this carries the blessings of the lineage which will make your recitation very much more empowered. Your teacher should be able to advise you which form would be most beneficial to you, your practice and your dharma work. For some, it may be more beneficial to focus on the main form and for others, they may need to focus on a certain aspect, such as Shize's peaceful methods.

If you are focusing on one of the four emanations you can also recite more of the serkym verse that is specially addressed to them. This is the one immediately after the serkym verse to DS and reads as follows:


Five types that bestow unimpeded
Acts of peace, increase, control, and wrath,
Offering you nectar that bestows bliss,
Spontaneously grant our every wish!


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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 05:51:30 PM »
i was told by a friend who used to come to this forum that there is an initiation for Dorje Shugden practice but it's tantric so he could not share with me about it. Apparently the initiation was kept very secret before the ban, but since then, High Lamas have been freer with giving the initiation in order to better preserve the lineage.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2010, 09:23:02 PM »
According to Michael von Brück in Canonicity and Divine Interference: The Tulkus and the Shugden-Controversy  (quoted by samayatree/ big uncle in earlier threads)

There are several aspects of initiation in Tibetan Buddhism. There are two types of 'initiation', and the first type comprises two aspects:

1. (a) The initiation into the realm or presence of the positive emanation of a deity (dbang) which corresponds largely to the Indian rite of abhisheka

(b) the permission to continue the practice of a deity (rjes gnang)/Jenang after initiation (a) (dbang) proper . This requires control of the deity, and high masters are supposed to be able to have the power to control the deity.

2.Life-entrustment initiation (srog gtad)/ Sogde which is a complete surrender of the person's whole life and unconditional refuge—this commitment can be made only to the Buddha or the yidam as his perfect emanation on the personal level.

Now, I have read about 2 sources of Dorje Shugden initiation texts: -

1. Rongchen Kirti Lobsang Trinley (1849-1904)
There was an initiation (Jenang) manual composed by Rongchen Kirti Lobsang Trinley. Jenang is a much shorter ceremony than the full initiations (dbang) that are given for various yidams. Most protectors have their own rje gnang, and do not have a full initiation (dbang).

The text continues, giving details on where it should be performed, the layout and special materials needed and the preliminary rites. Like other Jenang, the main procedures are initiations of body, speech and mind. This is then followed by a life force initiation (srog dbang) which has its own special commitments. This began earlier and separately from the one that Tagphu Dorje Chang and Pabongkha Rinpoche later derived.

2. Pabongkha Dorje Chang

From Pabongkha Rinpoche in 'The profound blessing of life-initiation of Shugden, the most powerful dharmapala of Jamgön (Tsongkhapa)' : 

" I have written this at the request of Shugden, because in the past there was a tradition of Sogde (srog gtad)(life entrustment) to Shugden but later neither the tradition nor the text could be found—they have become like flowers in the sky—so Shugden has asked me two times to write a new initiation text.

I have passed on the practice of initiation (dbang) to some disciples in accordance with my own experience, and (a text) has been written as a seed for (a detailed text). But only that would be not reliable and something like an illegitimate son. Therefore, I explained it in detail to my master Tagphu Dorje Chang and presented this draft to him. ...  He took that draft and wrote his text down, combining this seed text with his own vision.

Tagphu commented about the five types of Shugden, the respective colors etc., the offerings to be arranged, thus at the time of initiation the large Lamrim text should be there on the altar, a cakra representing one's life, damaru, dorje etc. The practitioner has to utter the life generating words of Vajrabhairava and to make torma offerings. ... 

The initiation can be given to somebody who has received initiation into Vajrabhairava and keeps the commitments connected with it. ...  Though there are so many different traditions and philosophies in Tibet, only this tradition of Tsongkhapa is the supreme, the top of the victory banner, the most complete, the essence of the teaching. ... 

To bring Shugden into one's own service is a very powerful blessing. In order to receive this initiation the disciples visualize themselves as the yidam (Vajrabhairava) and as such invoke and control Shugden. The dharmapala (Shugden) is presented to the disciples as the one who abides by their commands."

After reading the above, I am very confused as to whether the requirements mentioned by Pabongkha Rinpoche are for the life entrustment (Sogde) or for the initiation (dbang) ???

Also it was mentioned by von Brück that most protectors do not have full initiation (dbang) but Jenang is only given after dbang, hmmm.....

Anybody can help??
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 09:38:10 PM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2010, 06:03:26 PM »
Life entrustment, give over ones life in complete surrender?

What does this mean? Why would anyone give their life? Whats the purpose and is it something we request or advised by ones lama.



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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2010, 04:17:22 AM »
Life entrustment, give over ones life in complete surrender?

What does this mean? Why would anyone give their life? Whats the purpose and is it something we request or advised by ones lama.


It does not mean give over your life. It does not mean surrender of who you are. It means:

1. Surrender as in to a superior force able to help you reach that level. This force is your ultimate potential enshrined in the accomplished Dorje Shugden's enlightenment.

2. Surrender your ego, hatred, jealousy, greed and miserliness for love, compassion, stability, peace and generosity. Ultimately wisdom.

3. It means to trust a enlightened protector UNTIL you achieve Bodhicitta to help keep you on the path to that end in life after life.

4. Life entrustment is to trust your SPIRITUAL life to all that Dorje Shugden stands for which is Nagarjuna's middle way view, the Three Principle Paths, 50 Verses of Guru Devotion, Lam Rim, the higher tantric methods of Heruka, Guhyasamaja and Yamantaka.

Nothing in dharma practice is meant to harm you or your life or your future. Dharma practice is like a deafening sound of a thunder that only threatens your ego. Frightens the core of your samsara. So relax and rejoice in your good fortune.



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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2010, 05:50:48 AM »

Nothing in dharma practice is meant to harm you or your life or your future. Dharma practice is like a deafening sound of a thunder that only threatens your ego. Frightens the core of your samsara. So relax and rejoice in your good fortune.


I can totally relate to what TK wrote.

Nothing in Dharma teaches us to do anything bad to ourselves or to others. In fact, it teaches us to become better people.

I also think it is important that we DO SURRENDER our spiritual life to our Guru, Dorje Shugden and Yidam. Otherwise, how would we ever grow and progress in the real sense. As it is with a Guru and Protector and Yidam, we are still progressing at such a slow pace - I dread to imagine what it would be like without a Guru, Protector and Yidam!

Being trapped in samsara, we need some serious help.

By the way, I found an older thread that was posted by TK and Big Uncle in

I wonder if this is the same 5 different mantras of the Dorje Shugden's Five Families. I've extracted them and posted them below for everyone's easy reference.

(Gaining attaimnents through the energy of peaceful Shugden, peace of environment & mind. Harmony in one's abode/dwelling area. Calming of disasters.)

(Long life/increasing life & healing of disease/protection from diseases)

Ratna Shugden:-

( Gaining great merits and increase of all necessary needs both material and spiritual)

Padma Shugden:-

(Control of  wordly deities, negative people, naga and influencing friends towards the positive)

Karma Shugden:-

(Destruction of obstacles and inner/outer 'enemies')

Please kindly confirm if they are the mantras of the 5 Forms that iloveds is asking for?

It's great to be here as I always get to learn new things and if not, I get a refresher/reminder of the previous things I have learnt. And that is always good and very helpful since my memory is rather bad.

Thank you all for sharing so much with the rest of us here. Deeply appreciated.


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Re: Calling on DS 5 Forms
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2012, 11:14:33 AM »
I really love what you have wrote here, TK. Thank you for such a concise explanation on the 5 forms of Lord Dorje Shugden and also on what does sogtae mean. I do have a few brief questions about this tho:

It does not mean give over your life. It does not mean surrender of who you are. It means:

1. Surrender as in to a superior force able to help you reach that level. This force is your ultimate potential enshrined in the accomplished Dorje Shugden's enlightenment.
If I want to surrender to Lord Shugden and to my Guru but somehow, my negativities are too strong and turns out that I think I am surrendering but in the end I did not, will Lord Shugden teach me how and slowly ease me into surrendering? Will Lord Shugden be able to patiently guide me to let go of things gradually until I achieve the desired state?

2. Surrender your ego, hatred, jealousy, greed and miserliness for love, compassion, stability, peace and generosity. Ultimately wisdom.
This resonates with me very up our negative qualities for positive ones...although the negative ones are deeply ingrained in our psyche. In more ways than one, sometimes when we feel that we are giving up..the end result turns out that we are not. How do we identify and really give up at the end of the day?

3. It means to trust a enlightened protector UNTIL you achieve Bodhicitta to help keep you on the path to that end in life after life.
This part is what really touched my heart: to have a constant and trustworthy Dharma protector that will never leave me from one life to the next. My biggest fear is never to encounter the Dharma again...and on lifetimes where I will be vulnerable. May I never give up the Dharma no matter what happens.

4. Life entrustment is to trust your SPIRITUAL life to all that Dorje Shugden stands for which is Nagarjuna's middle way view, the Three Principle Paths, 50 Verses of Guru Devotion, Lam Rim, the higher tantric methods of Heruka, Guhyasamaja and Yamantaka.
In essence...Dorje Shugden stands for Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings as all that you have mentioned are what Lama Tsongkhapa has taught. So, is it safe to say that to go against Dorje Shugden is no different that going against Lama Tsongkhapa? The strongest opponents of Dorje Shugden other than the Dalai Lama is from the other schools...I guess this is a very strong reason why.

Nothing in dharma practice is meant to harm you or your life or your future. Dharma practice is like a deafening sound of a thunder that only threatens your ego. Frightens the core of your samsara. So relax and rejoice in your good fortune.
I find this a very powerful reminder, like the sound of a bell in the middle of the night. But I do wonder, many people like to read about statements like these, but when Dharma practice gets a bit too difficult, or when Dharma starts to infringe on their perception of what Dharma is, or when Dharma is no longer convenient with them, they are the very first people to abandon the teachings...I just hope that I can remember this always when things get tough.

I really love what has been written here about the real nature of sogtae. This is a very strong reminder for me on why I should get sogtae...and its not just for 'protection' or for things to become easier. It is for Dharma practice. thank you again TK for reminding us because we all need to remember the real reason of practicing Dorje Shugden.