Author Topic: Private Space  (Read 8524 times)


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« on: September 14, 2010, 10:25:08 PM »
It is the purpose of this website to:

1. Bring attention to the ban by showing views from both sides pro-against Dorje Shugden. Let the readers make up their mind.
2. To promote the practice of Dorje Shugden and to highlight his practice to the world. As there are many other cyberspaces that highlight Shakyamuni/Tsongkapa's holy teachings, but not many to bring Dorje Shugden to others.
3. By bringing the authenticity of Dorje Shugden/practice/lineage to the world, it automatically highlights the great lineage lamas under attack at this time. When people gain faith/confidence in the lineage lamas, naturally as a by-product, they will embrace the sacred teachings of Shakyamuni/Tsongkapa. Hence this sacred website automatically leads the practitioners to the authentic teachings of Shakyamuni/Tsongkapa.

It is not the purpose of this website to:

1. Be platform for hate messages against the Dalai Lama or any other lama. You may express your views in a polite manner. Whether you like the Dalai Lama or subscribe to some of our views toward his actions is of no consequence to us.
2. It is not a platform for the views of any centres.
3. It is not a platform for centers to use it as a platform for their political activities against the Dalai Lama/his actions or any lama/tradition/centres. We respect all forms of Buddhism and all religions.

This website is PRIVATE CYBER DOMAIN. It is up to the webmaster and our team to follow the views we adhere to from day one of this website's inception. If you find it 'extreme' or not to your liking, then it is up to you not to participate. But we do not need your constant criticism of our views. I repeat, this is a private space and you are a guest.

We will post any information as and when we like and we do not need anyone's approval nor disapproval. If you do not like some of the information, then you need not comment and proceed to what you like.

We are gracious enough to offer a platform for your views although we may not always agree/subscribe to it, but keep your views polite and moderate your speech. Since we are able to offer you a space to share your views, you should appreciate this space where we share our views.

We have been a platform for anyone who wishes to know more of Dorje Shugden which will enhance their practices of Buddha's teachings. We have worked hard and long hours. We have spent much resources. We are committed. So I think you should look for the many good points in our efforts and works manifested in this website instead of faults.



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Re: Private Space
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 10:44:20 PM »
It is our true hope by understanding Dorje Shugden better, it removes the 'faults' of the lineage lamas. By the lineage lamas having no faults as wrongly described by the TGIE, people will gain faith in them and congregate to them for teachings. This is our hope. What prevents people from going to these lineage lamas is that they practice/teach Dorje Shugden. So if Dorje Shugden's practice is made clear, it will exonerate the holy lineage lamas. Then people will not criticize the lineage lamas. The lineage lamas alive today will not be seen as deviant, hence many will flock to recieve teachings from them. Far from being deviant, the lineage lamas are perfect vessels of BuddhaDharma. This website definitely promotes BuddhaDharma via Dorje Shugden.

We are very happy you can make Dorje Shugden well known in the world as it will definitely help the Lineage of Tsongkapa expand in this degenerate age.



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Re: Private Space
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 09:55:03 AM »

I agree with everything Mana has said. Straightforward and to the point.

I like how we promote Buddha's teachings through Dorje Shugden. Makes alot of sense to me. I hear people saying they don't want Dorje Shugden to be above Shakyamuni, or becomes a sole saviour refuge or surpass the practice of dharma. I find that they are not thinking deep enough and from many angles to skilfully draw ppl to the dharma but Mana put that straight.

This website really has it together and has remained consistent with their initial motivation for their inception if you read the mission statement. Great job guys.



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Re: Private Space
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 10:02:11 AM »
The objectives of this website is very clearly spelled out for all to read.

I myself have no problems understanding it and I am really glad that we do have this website and Forum.

Thank you, Mana for reminding us again.

Thank you, DS.Com!


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Re: Private Space
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2010, 05:41:17 PM »
Hear, hear, Mana...

I really don't know how people can think that this forum is a public space. It is most definitely a private space - the fact that you even need to sign up as a member to post shows that it is a private space. I very much appreciate that people like me get to come in and enjoy the space - share knowledge, learn, ask questions etc.

I appreciate that the moderators are constantly around the forum to ensure that the forum is kept civil and safe so that i (and all the other participants, i'm sure) can focus on the wonderful content available here.

Thank you!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Big Uncle

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Re: Private Space
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2010, 07:28:47 PM »
Its amazing that such a simple concept can be misconstrued by so many people. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful resource as along with its equally wonderful forum where people can share all manner of information and the rules are really quite simple. So we follow along and many more people will get on the forum and although its about 20 or so odd people writing in but there are thousands who are reading the forum. If we infuse it with hate this Lama, hate this Lama etc, many new people will be turned off from Dorje Shugden. People's lives are already complicated enough, they don't more to make things worse.


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Re: Private Space
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2010, 01:51:26 PM »
Thank you to all who commented and it is encouraging to see that many of us are here to learn, to discuss, to share views and also with one common spread the buddhadharma through Dorje Shugden.

This is a sacred space for all who have benefited from the practice of Dorje Shugden to promote his practice, to clear doubts and to spread harmony among the buddhist community,

If everyone can contribute POSITIVELY to this forum, it will not only make it grow, but it will be an ocean of information to many newbies who come at DS.COM. Imagine the merits we can collect through our positive and constructive discussion that lead new people to the Buddhadharma?

And again to the Web administrator and the hard working team behind this website, thank you always to upkeep this sacred space for King Dorje Shugden.




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Re: Private Space
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2010, 03:02:49 PM »
(2458) Alexes

10 October 2010 19:53:29     

hey Lineage,

I agree with you totally. I don't write well so I don't get into the forum, but I read them alot for months now. I can't go a day without it.

There was a group that was very aggressive and critical of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation announcement and Dalai Lama. It was tiresome to read their daily rhetoric against these two. I was thinking are these guys really Buddhists or just out to make problems. Glad this type of posts have stopped. Very aggressive and very sad for ppl who say they have been in dharma or wronged. Wronged or not, everything passes. Just move on man!

Pleasure reading the forum these days.

This was extracted from Guestbook posted by Alexes:
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 03:05:19 PM by thaimonk »


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Re: Private Space
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2010, 03:04:33 PM »
(2456) Lineage

10 October 2010 17:37:41     

It's amazing a few months ago I came across the forum and saw a 'group' of ppl attacking the posting of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation. I was thinking why are they so against it.

The Tulku system is an integral part of Tibetan Buddhism and just accept it without so much criticism and see what happens.

I felt so much hostility from this group and thought no wonder people are against Shugden practitioners. When they protest in Europe against the Dalai Lama, they talk so gentle and sweet to the reporters and on this forum far from it with vulgarities included.

I am glad to see the forum 'back to normal' and calmed down after that period which was very disheartening.

I am glad this forum has retained it's Buddhist attitude. Also that the forum is for all to see open and transparent. All you have to do is to get approved to write in the forum, but anyone can read the postings whether you join or not. This TRANSPARENCY is very healthy and breeds trust in my mind.

I thank the hardworking group of people of this forum for your work and correct attitude.

From Guestbook posted by Lineage:


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Re: Private Space
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2010, 03:44:55 PM »
Thank you Thai monk for posting the comments of Alexes and Lineage from the guest book.

I am glad they feel the same way as I do. At that time, I was pretty new in the  forum and found that a handful of the forum posters were like finding faults in everything they read. It was not at all a pleasant discussion at that time. Sometimes I also wonder what were their real motives in the forum???

I enjoy much more now  what has been going on in the forum. We ask questions,help each other to learn and find out facts, express our views without any aggressiveness.

Lets us all maintain this sacred space to promote the Buddha Darma through Dorje Shugden. Lets build rather than destroy.



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Re: Private Space
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2010, 04:21:14 PM »
Thank you for posting those comments from the guestbook. I must admit that it wasn't the differences of opinion that I wasn't comfortable with at the time. Of course there are differences of opinion everywhere - but it was how the messages were conveyed - which was quite condescending, patronising and personal. Fortunately, as everyone seems to agree, it's rather pleasant in here now. Lots of new stuff to read everyday. Thanks to all who contribute to this wonderful space.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Private Space
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2010, 05:36:56 PM »
I agree with you, WB.

It is not the differences in opinion that bothers me as well.

It is the fact that some people are so stuck with what they think is right and what others think is wrong. It is them being stuck and wanting others to be just as stuck as they are that really boggles my mind.

I mean, everything is so impermanent and things change with every piece of new info or revelation. Just discovering something new or different can change the whole outcome of anything.

Education and respect do not mean that we all have to agree. Education that comes with real knowledge and understanding is really to help us respect one another better even if we do not agree.

After all, it is because we all hold different preferences and have been brought up so differently, from various cultures and traditions - we can't all like the same things and agree on the same things.

But one thing we can surely agree on is to become better people and respect one another in a kind, caring way.

There may be different schools of Buddhism, just as there are various ways to express loving kindness but love is love. Buddhism teaches us all to love more, not less. Never less.

Everyone who contributes to expanding our minds and hearts is truly teaching us to love more. With love, we can respect people with true care - no matter how different we all can be.

Mother Teresa said it best - She said that she loves all religion but she is in love with her own.

I feel the exact same way and I am very grateful to anyone who helps me to love more.



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Re: Private Space
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2010, 06:23:53 PM »
It is our true hope by understanding Dorje Shugden better, it removes the 'faults' of the lineage lamas. By the lineage lamas having no faults as wrongly described by the TGIE, people will gain faith in them and congregate to them for teachings. This is our hope. What prevents people from going to these lineage lamas is that they practice/teach Dorje Shugden. So if Dorje Shugden's practice is made clear, it will exonerate the holy lineage lamas. Mana

Dear Mana,
Thank you for reminding us folks the purpose of this space. It is true that when the controversy started, people always choose to see the 'faults' of the lineage lamas as pointed out by His Holiness - that the lamas are 'wrong'.  Of course, it is difficult for people to judge, because they know the Dharma that His Holiness has taught, more than a "foreign" protector that perhaps they have never heard about.

This space here has provided much information about the deity and the practice, validated with resources like Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors, and other news that are correct, and up to date.

I myself has gain great confidence in this protector and its practice from visiting the website and forum. I congratulate the team for keeping this page going and up to date, may your work continue to dispel the darkness and doubt in people's mind. I would also applaud like to applaud the team for presenting both side of the controversy without bias.  :-*