Author Topic: 344,901  (Read 17228 times)


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2010, 10:08:17 PM »
It's 367, 787 as of 17th November 2010.

Growing and increasing  - may more and more people benefit from Dorje Shugden.

May more and more come to find, learn and make a connection with Dorje Shugden.

That's what I truly pray and think about when I see the number increase each day.


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2011, 07:19:08 AM »
Being true to our vows and commitments is the crust of the matter. Hence the emergence of (438,949 views as of today) and our Dorje Shugden facebook page (!/GyelchenDorjeShugden). We feel there are many silent participants who agree with us. We want the ban to be gone, but we will believe in the bigger picture as spoken by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Overall better for our individual practices to have this view.

We are not against Dalai Lama nor wish to disparage him as we have our vows, but we will promote Dorje Shugden to show the other side of the coin of this sacred practice. We do not agree with Dalai Lama's ban, but we do like some of the other works he has done. No one in this world has a perfect track record. To point someone out and penalize him and overlook everything else he has done is not fair. Look into ourselves and see what we have done and the results of our lives. Have we made mistakes, been hypocritical in the past knowingly and unknowingly? Do we have problems now that impair us from doing more as a result of our negative karma coming back? We all do.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 07:23:49 AM by Mana »


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2011, 02:56:40 PM »
It's 367, 787 as of 17th November 2010.

Growing and increasing  - may more and more people benefit from Dorje Shugden.

May more and more come to find, learn and make a connection with Dorje Shugden.

That's what I truly pray and think about when I see the number increase each day.
This website has helped me to learn more of our sacred protector and has got me connected to Dorje Shugden. May more and more people benefit from this website. Kudos to the hardworking team!


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2011, 05:01:49 PM »
I've just noticed that there are 245 people who were online at one time on this forum! Wow!

Admin - what is the current number of hits here?

Quite amazing for a website on a supposedly marginal and niche practice. In fact, if it was so marginal and niche and hardly anyone practices it, then why would there be such a fuss. Interesting.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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(No subject)
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2011, 01:20:02 PM »
I rejoice for all those who have benefitted from this forum over the years. I personally feel a deep gratitude for having found this forum a few years ago. The members here have helped me spiritually, mentally, and even financially with my work here at Shar Gaden.

I may not agree with every position represented here, but I wholeheartedly trust the motivations of those who post here. I know the only desire is to bring others relief from suffering, and to help provide the tools for that to happen; such as a closer relationship with our precious protector.

Thank you all for your help.

Your friend,
Tenzin Sungrab


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2011, 02:39:34 PM »
Wow, growing and increasing with viewers  :) May more and more people benefit from Dorje Shugden ;D


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Re: (No subject)
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2011, 03:03:22 PM »
I rejoice for all those who have benefitted from this forum over the years. I personally feel a deep gratitude for having found this forum a few years ago. The members here have helped me spiritually, mentally, and even financially with my work here at Shar Gaden.

I may not agree with every position represented here, but I wholeheartedly trust the motivations of those who post here. I know the only desire is to bring others relief from suffering, and to help provide the tools for that to happen; such as a closer relationship with our precious protector.

Thank you all for your help.

Your friend,
Tenzin Sungrab

Hi TS, like you said, it is very hard for everyone to agree on everything, we all have our little different perceptions on almost everything, call it human nature, our culture and upbringing, or our delusions. But one thing for sure at this website as we can all see, is that we are all here to spread Dorje Shugden practice to help benefit more people as we have been helped and benefitted one way or another through our compassionate protector.

And I agree with you that we have all benefitted from this website tremendously, from understanding of the practice,  the lineage masters, to Dorje Shugden background and history.......all under one roof, one website. ;D


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2011, 04:57:07 PM »
Being true to our vows and commitments is the crust of the matter. Hence the emergence of (438,949 views as of today) and our Dorje Shugden facebook page (!/GyelchenDorjeShugden).

Dear Mana
I agree and you put it so well! It's not about turning disappointments and hurts against others...we can if we wanted to. But it's about our vows and commitments. I am thankful to my beloved Guru for the vows and commitments if not I would have succumbed to reacting negatively to most circumstances and create further karma. Instead, due to the disappointments I can say with a clear conscience that I am channeling the energy towards bringing about some good instead.

I pray that many others will find solace and heal from learning thru what this website has to offer and, participating in the forums.

We feel there are many silent participants who agree with us. We want the ban to be gone, but we will believe in the bigger picture as spoken by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Overall better for our individual practices to have this view.

How can we continue to practice if we view what our Guru teaches is wrong. The illustrious master, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche gave so many teachings. Some of us may have the fortune to have directly sat at his holy feet to learn the holy dharma. Some of us may not, but have received the holy dharma from a Guru who has directly received teachings from Trijang Rinpoche. Either way, the Dharma we have in our hearts and minds more than likely came from Trijang Rinpoche. To me, I am not qualified to be selective. I believe whole heartedly that Trijang Rinpoche has so kindly forewarned us to not have wrong views about His Holiness.

I agree totally that we want the ban gone and holding on to Trijang Rinpoche's advice has given me strength and hope.


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Re: (No subject)
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2011, 06:48:27 PM »
I rejoice for all those who have benefitted from this forum over the years. I personally feel a deep gratitude for having found this forum a few years ago. The members here have helped me spiritually, mentally, and even financially with my work here at Shar Gaden.

I may not agree with every position represented here, but I wholeheartedly trust the motivations of those who post here. I know the only desire is to bring others relief from suffering, and to help provide the tools for that to happen; such as a closer relationship with our precious protector.

Thank you all for your help.

Your friend,
Tenzin Sungrab

Dear TS,

I really like what you have posted here. This website team has worked very hard, long hours and spent much resources to have this website available for the past few years. This website arose from love/devotion/faith in our lineage lamas, Tsongkapa's infallible doctrine and Dorje Shugden. This website has recieved so much appreciation and some criticism, but you summed it up very well. You may not agree with all the positions here, BUT YOU KNOW THE POSITIONS WERE POSTED WITH A GOOD MOTIVATION AND THAT IS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS AT THE END OF THE DAY. You are right about that. It does not matter if the views are different. It doesn't matter if we come from different centres, different lamas and different methods. We have gathered here because of the persecution. We should remain here with one voice until the persecution is over. When it is over, then we can 'return' to our individual uniques methods of practice. Together we stand to achieve one goal-REMOVAL OR ELIMINATION OF THE BAN AGAINST DORJE SHUGDEN.

This website has helped you and many others spiritually, mentally and financially-AND WE ARE VERY HAPPY TO BE OF SERVICE TO FELLOW SHUGDEN PRACTITIONERS. We have asked nothing back from anyone nor are we expecting it, but we are happy that many follow this site loyally to achieve our desired ends as this is the purpose. We are grateful for those contributing in many ways by participation in the forum, creating awareness of this website elsewhere, contributing articles, pictures, videos and resources. We will prevail for Dorje Shugden to be understood by peaceful means, patience, hard work, and devotion.

We wish no one ill will, but we have our mission statement and we will abide by it.

Again, we are happy with your expression of appreciation. Differences do not really matter at this point as we have one goal in mind that will benefit all of us, our lineage, centres, lamas and practice-ELIMINATION OF THE BAN-by creating correct awareness of Dorje Shugden to the greater public by our work on this sacred website which we take as our dharma practice.


« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 06:54:36 PM by Mana »


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2011, 06:26:14 PM »
It is without a doubt that many, many more people in the world have heard of Dorje Shugden in the last decade or so. I understand that yes, many have been harmed by the ban and it has been painfully damaging to many everywhere.

So, in response to the harm, we work even harder. We right a wrong by bringing the truth of Dorje Shugden's practice as far as we can. It is a very positive way to show how much more right Dorje Shugden's practice is, than to keep pointing out how wrong the Dalai Lama and his government are. This way, we help two types of people - 1. the people who are suffering, so that they can be freed when the truth of their practice is known to the world and 2. many "new" people around the world who can be introduced to the practice.

This is what this website is accomplishing and it is a great thing to rejoice in.

thank you to everyone here for contributing your time and love to make this website grow and go out to many. For every person who logs on, may they gain plenty of knowledge and understanding, and be fortified in their practice!

humbly, beggar


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Re: 344,901
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2011, 07:37:42 PM »
This way, we help two types of people - 1. the people who are suffering, so that they can be freed when the truth of their practice is known to the world and 2. many "new" people around the world who can be introduced to the practice.

This is what this website is accomplishing and it is a great thing to rejoice in.

What a clear and concise summarization of why we are on this forum. Why we are involved on this website. I couldn't have said it better myself. These are the reasons I am here and will remain here. I want the ban to be lifted and will work together with everyone else to accomplish this or at least till the ban becomes insignificant. I definitely want Dorje Shugden's practice to reach many more and I will contribute towards this in my small way.