Author Topic: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student  (Read 19912 times)


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2010, 06:50:27 PM »
Thank you Hope Rainbow for sharing the wonderful information. It is always good to read the biography of high lamas as we will be inspired by their perseverance in continuing the spiritual path & pursue despite obstacles.

I personally feel inspired reading the biography of high lamas, because I realise that:
a) they too have to face a lot of obstacles (although not their fault) and overcome them - there's no short cut eventhough they are high lamas

b) lifetimes after lifetimes (usually the bio will include their previous incarnations/ lineage) they come back again and again to benefit many selflessly

c) these are special beings who is in samsara yet out of it, like a lotus that grew from mud but free from mud

I like coming to this forum because there are a lot of nformation or stories about other high lamas. Also, the section of GREAT MASTERS on the main page of also has many interesting stories of many high lamas:


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2010, 03:48:32 AM »
Re reading the Kangyur and Tangyur in secret, i remember reading somewhere too that when Trijang Rinpoche was small, he recited Manjushri's mantra 100,000 times on his own, without being prompted - just because he wanted wisdom! It's so amazing to read about the lives and motivation of our lineage Lamas and seeing the similar Bodhisattva traits - and always being attracted to Dharma no matter what the environment or circumstance. For me, it is irrefutable proof of reincarnated attained beings - Tulkus - and truly inspirational.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2010, 01:34:57 PM »
Actually, upon reading (the previous incarnation of) Trijang Rinpoche's biography, what strikes me is that many, many obstacles arozed, but he never gave up. His ladrang was in debts, the party of another candidate to the tile of Trijang Tulku created many problems, many a time people tried to attempt to his life, he met with discredit and doubtful students at Chatreng Monastery, he was forced out of Tibet by the chinese oppression then, he had health issues, to name a few.
Most of us have smaller obstacles to deal with, much smaller and very silly for most (diner with friends over Dharma talk, etc...), but our lack of merit make these obstacles so HUGE that we find it so hard to practice.
This tells me a lot about who Trijang Rinpoche actually is, of how highly attained he is...
And I say he is, because we only need to see the obstacles his current incarnation had to face and how he remained faithful and steady through them to confirm through observation that they are of the same mind continuum.

Just to add on that, Trijang Rinpoche's was cheated by two sangha who claimed to help him to raise funds for his ladrang by some kind of business deal, of course, all went sour but Trijang Rinpoche did not even attempt to ask where the money went so as not to tarnish the reputation of the sangha community. He just let go,

Like what Hope Rainbow mentioned, Trijang Rinpoche never give up no matter how many obstacles he faced and had to deal with. Through all these episodes, he demonstrated forgiveness, patience, tolerence, effort, concentration and humility  showing us ordinary lay practitioners that we can also deal with our issues and problems if we persist and never give up.

Teaching Dharma at this degenerated age is not easy........high lamas like Trijang Rinpoche, and including the current incarnation as well, has to go through so much to continuously turn the wheel of Dharma.

We should treasure all our lineage lamas and the scacred Dharma by transforming ourselves.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2010, 11:35:48 AM »

Just to add on that, Trijang Rinpoche's was cheated by two sangha who claimed to help him to raise funds for his ladrang by some kind of business deal, of course, all went sour but Trijang Rinpoche did not even attempt to ask where the money went so as not to tarnish the reputation of the sangha community. He just let go,

I just wanted to comment on this point - that Trijang Rinpoche preferred to remain quiet over the misdemeanors of the Sangha. I know we talk about karma and how that natural law will punish those who do wrong so we don't worry about making sure justice is done. However, how does that work in the normal day to day life - if we don't stop criminals, they will continue to harm others. Although in this case, trusting Trijang Rinpoche knows best, he probably knew that those two would not harm others and just con Trijang Rinpoche.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2010, 02:47:37 PM »
Thank you, Hope Rainbow, for sharing this infomation. It is really amazing to see highly attained lamas never complained or get tired studying or giving teachings. Trijang Rinpoche at such a young age had started to acquire knowledge, studying and getting himself prepared to teach and share the dharma. It is said in his biography that around the age of 25 years, he was actually giving teachings to around 800 monks.

Trijang Rinpoche is a good example for us to follow. We should not waste our lives doing secular matters which will be taken away from us when death comes, but we must use our time to study the dharma, transform to be a better person in order to reach out and help and benefit others.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2010, 02:25:30 PM »
Re reading the Kangyur and Tangyur in secret, i remember reading somewhere too that when Trijang Rinpoche was small, he recited Manjushri's mantra 100,000 times on his own, without being prompted - just because he wanted wisdom! It's so amazing to read about the lives and motivation of our lineage Lamas and seeing the similar Bodhisattva traits - and always being attracted to Dharma no matter what the environment or circumstance. For me, it is irrefutable proof of reincarnated attained beings - Tulkus - and truly inspirational.
Even at a very young age around 6 years old, Trijang Rinpoche could memorize many of the recitations from  Bodhicharyavatara (A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life-Shantideva), he could also memorize the tantra Expression of the Names of Manjushri, the short Orange Manjushri sadhana and almost all of the Ornament of Clear Realizations. He is definitely proof of a reincarnated attained being.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2010, 05:08:21 PM »
Amazing how much one Lama can do for an entire lineage - even at the most trying times of his country and even at the risk of his own life.

Highly attained Masters are so special that a lineage continues to survive and improves because of them. As such with the evidence from Trijang Rinpoche's life.

They can lose an entire kingdom, but it will not end there. They can go on to build a new stronger and bigger kingdom that makes the previous pale by comparison. Such is how Trijang Rinpoche has impacted the world of Buddhism - from Tibet, it now opens up to the whole world.

It is so inspiring to read about Trijang Rinpoche and what he has achieved/accomplished for the Gelugpa Lineage.

It is because of high lamas and tulkus like him, a lineage will never die.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2010, 10:43:15 AM »
I enjoyed reading Trijang Rinpoche's bio and found it very inspiring. At the end of his bio, I could begin to understand what is meant by perseverance in the vocab of these high lamas.

 As pointed out by the rest, he faced all the obstacles we face and much more.When Trijang Rinpoche was first recognised he was challenged by another contender, his physical safety was threatened to the extent that he and his personal attendant had to lock themselves up in a room. The difference between Trijang Rinpoche and us is -
giving up the spiritual path was never an option to him. These high beings take rebirth to show us the stainless example of walking the path.

Every experience invoked deep realisation in him. However, he's extremely humble, always put himself down on the same level as ordinary folks.

As my Guru says Trijang Rinpoche's bio should be taken as daily sadhana for lay people because all the qualities to be cultivated by buddhists are embodied by this great master and it's more relational to us because his time is so close to our current days.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 11:38:28 AM by kurava »


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2010, 03:29:47 AM »
Yes, Trijang Rinpoche's bio should be read as a daily sadhana - I do agree.

Kyabje Trijang's life serves as a evidence for those who lack ability or faith that it only takes one lama to be able to spread the Gelug tradition from Tibet to the world.

Because Trijang Rinpoche was such a suitable vessel to hold all the teachings/transmissions from his root Guru, Pabongka Rinpoche - the lineage could be passed on.

Because Trijang Rinpoche was such an accomplished Lama, no obstacle is too great. He continued to spread the Dharma far and wide. Many of the Gelug Gurus today are his students.

There goes to show, if one great Lama can do so much - what more a few?

May we all truly aspire to become just like Trijang Rinpoche.

And even if we can't, because of our own lack of ability or understanding, may we truly serve our lamas well so that they have all the support they need to continue their precious work.

The lineage continues because there are true holders of the lineage, and they have been given the right support and help to do their most valuable work.

hope rainbow

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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2010, 12:59:05 PM »

Just to add on that, Trijang Rinpoche's was cheated by two sangha who claimed to help him to raise funds for his ladrang by some kind of business deal, of course, all went sour but Trijang Rinpoche did not even attempt to ask where the money went so as not to tarnish the reputation of the sangha community. He just let go,

I just wanted to comment on this point - that Trijang Rinpoche preferred to remain quiet over the misdemeanors of the Sangha. I know we talk about karma and how that natural law will punish those who do wrong so we don't worry about making sure justice is done. However, how does that work in the normal day to day life - if we don't stop criminals, they will continue to harm others. Although in this case, trusting Trijang Rinpoche knows best, he probably knew that those two would not harm others and just con Trijang Rinpoche.

WB, about the reason why Trijang Rinpoche did not expose the scoundrels we do not know.
In his biography Trijang Rinpoche does not explain much, so it got me thinking.
Because these scoundrel were actually two elder monks, there is this possibility that Trijang Rinpoche did not act openly and did not make this a "loud affair" because he did not want this to discredit the sangha and affect people's faith and spiritual journeys.
Just look at what happens in our times, It just needs one story of a monk guilty of sexual behavior in tabloid magazines to tarnish the image of the sangha as a whole. Then, those with little or no merit cannot resist the moral downfall of loosing their reliance on Buddha-Dharma-Sangha.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2010, 02:43:36 AM »
What Hope Rainbow said is very applicable. Trijang Rinpoche did not really elaborate much on this incidence in his auto biography. It is more on how we interpretate his action.

I always have full faith of the actions of high attained lamas, such as Trijang Rinpoche, his not exposing or making it a loud affair of these two Sanga members who had cheated him must have a valid reason. Like what Hope Rainbow said, it only take one sanga member to behave badly and appears on the tabloid magazine, the whole world would be jumping up and down and start critizising, doubts would arise, respect would be lost and as a result, people will have less faith in the dharma.

Like the saying goes, one bad apple spoils the whole basket. So sometimes a high lama would just have to act and play dump, but that doesn't mean he is not aware of this at all. The main reason is just to protect the buddha teachings.

We must also understand that not every Sanga member is free from fault, they are also normal human beings who are subject to greed, anger and desire; if not they would already be a buddha. having said that, the negative karma these two sanga members created in cheating Trijang Rinpoche with the vows they had taken would be definitely much much more heavy.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2010, 08:27:27 PM »
Reading about great masters like Trijang Rinpoche and the many other great masters on this website has truly been an inspiration. Due this this blessings, I have been putting in more energy, focus and time for dharma related activities such studying and contemplating and finds much joy in doing so.

I pray that the people behind this website receives all the resources they need to continue this most beneficial work.


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2010, 09:13:28 PM »
Reading about great masters like Trijang Rinpoche and the many other great masters on this website has truly been an inspiration. Due this this blessings, I have been putting in more energy, focus and time for dharma related activities such studying and contemplating and finds much joy in doing so.

I pray that the people behind this website receives all the resources they need to continue this most beneficial work.

I have been trying to digest Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche's biography and what little I have been able to grasp has been an incredible teaching in itself. Just to think that these masters are not masters from long, long ago; but are actually masters of our era makes it that much more powerful of a teaching for me. It is much more tangible for my mind.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 09:08:40 AM by Tenzin Sungrab »


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2010, 06:16:58 AM »
The great thing about reading the lineage lamas' biographies is that they seem to have much in common - for example, although they are attained, they usually have gone through some kind of hardship and overcome them. That makes it easier for me to relate to them. Their qualities such as perseverance and humility are very inspirational.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Trijang Rinpoche's daily routine as a student
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2010, 09:32:35 PM »
Where can one find a copy of Trijang Rinpoche's autobiography ????