Author Topic: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore  (Read 15339 times)


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I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« on: October 04, 2010, 09:53:56 PM »
From guestbook post 2429 by Lineage:

I was against the Dalai Lama till I came to this site. I couldn't accept some of the views and mission statement of this site, but after months of reading and contemplating, I can see the wisdom of the approach in a non-biased way. I can't say I like the Dalai Lama, but I understand what is happening now. And my anger towards him lessened considerably in regards to the Dorje Shugden ban. I do not hate him now and forgive Dalai Lama and yet I hold on strongly to my practice of Dorje Shugden. I thank everyone on this site for your incredible help in my life and practice.



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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2010, 12:04:40 AM »
It is very heartwarming and at the same time refreshing to view comments like this, especially when we can witness the transformation from anger to forgiveness and understanding. I am sure the person feels a lot better now without the grudges that he/she was holding onto.

I also do not agree with the DS ban the Dalai Lama imposed on DS practitioners, causing many to suffer in fear and in tears.  But I do believe, at our level, we might not be able to comprehend the works of the high lamas and bodhisattvas, and if we all regard Dalai Lama as the enmanation of Chenrizig, but seeing him making very illogical statements openly that DS is a spirit and his Gurus are wrong in practising DS , I can only conclude a much bigger picture behind the DS ban, because I believe the Dalai Lama is definitely not a fool.

The infiormation  posted in all the threads in this forum have been presented in a non biased manner, and that have made readers think and contemplate themselves, I sincerely rejoice in everyone's participation and creating the cause for DS practice to fluorish without preaching anger and hatred.


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 02:43:56 AM »
what a lovely, honest sharing! it took me awhile to reconcile my feelings towards the Dalai lama in the earlier days too. Especially in the pro-Shugden anti-Dalai Lama rhetoric which is plentiful on the net. I am glad that the information on this site does present both sides of the story, gathering the information here in one place so it is easy for me to read and gauge for myself. I like the bigger picture hypothesis very much because it makes sense to me and allows me to continue to have faith in the lineage Lamas - which includes the Dalai Lama - as well as in my Protector.

One of my friends who doesn't believe in the bigger picture concept (which is fine - we respect each other's differences of opinion - yes he's still my friend!) did ask why this concept is not popular (which is why he doesn't buy it). I had said that surely a concept should not be judged by its popularity but by the logic within. I think that people have become quite passionate about this subject and sometimes it's difficult to change one's perspective. However, saying that, I am very happy to read the sharing posted here where someone is courageous enough to say he/she changed their mind! To me, this shows mind transformation and a lowering of ego. Isn't that Buddhism in action!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

hope rainbow

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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2010, 03:19:02 PM »
I rejoyce in reading the post by "Lineage", two main reasons:

it shows that this website, with persistence, is eventually (and rightly) being perceived as it is, un-biased.
being un-biased brings about clarity and peace.

someone has gained a larger mind, an open mind.
(I heard a high lama say: your mind is like a parachute, it only is of use if it is open)

I would like to quote from Trijang Rinpoche (previous incarnation).
This is what he said upon witnessing directly the series of sad events that occured in Lhassa in the 1940's between the respective parties of Ratreng Rinpoche (the ex-regent) and Tagdrag Rinpoche (the regent of the 14th Dalai Lama) that ended in some people bad-mouthing high lamas, emprisonement, suiscide, and the passing away of Ratreng Rinpoche in prison (rumored to have been murdered).
Here is what Trijang Rinpoche said:

" [this is] the kind of situation in which one needs to be very careful not to impute fault or pass judgement upon the actions of holy beings"



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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2010, 06:04:24 PM »
Kudos once again to the people behind this website! Lineage's comment has proven to me once again the power of knowledge which this website provides in abundance. It's very important to give people two sides of a story, show them different ways of looking at the same situation (or person) and allow them to come to their own informed decisions. This is the best way for people to contemplate and come to a decision that they will remain convinced of and committed to. I am very happy indeed that one less person hates the dalai lama and will therefore stop the rhetoric and damaging words against another high lama. This website's aim to make people hate neither dalai lama nor dorje shugden is the most noble one I have seen yet and I applaud your efforts to keep it going, in the face of so many, many majority views that are either vehemently against or vehemently for one side or the other.


Humbly, happily, beggar


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2010, 08:14:57 PM »
The reply by "Lineage" made my day :)

I actually first got my information about Dorje Shugden from this website, so jumping onto the anti-HHDL wagon was never an option for me as this website NEVER criticizes HHDL. That really got me thinking, and made me want to know why if a pro-DS website not anti-HHDL.

Most are, aren't they.

If you read this, Lineage, I rejoice for you! I don't think that the karma created from having negative thoughts about Chenrezig is insignificant  :-\

May this website continue to benefit many, many people!


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2010, 07:50:17 AM »

Excellent post and thread. One of the purposes of this website is fulfilled.



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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2010, 08:02:18 AM »
What a wonderful and uplifting post to read after being absent from this Forum for a few days!

I am truly happy to read Lineage's post.

Like Wisdom Being, I too had problems trying to understand my own feelings and thoughts about the Dalai Lama. It is not easy to understand when one is so ignorant. Here, I mean ignorant to be one with not enough knowledge and experience and yet choose to make a judgement on matters which are obviously beyond one's capacity.

As what Hope Rainbow shared from Trijang Rinpoche's words - it is difficult to use ordinary perception to judge the actions and speech of High Lamas - simply because we are not at their level and we do not possess all the knowledge, data, foresight, etc. Without all those information, any conclusion we make is going to be made out of ignorance. And so, it would be wrong.

I guess, it is just human nature to judge according to what they think they know and see, without thinking deeper and looking for more information.

Knowledge is everything because it changes one from ignorant to being well informed. However, knowledge without understanding is also not complete.

This website has done above and beyond informing us. It educates us all, keeps us updated and brings together a wealth of information without bias and prejudice. This website shares everything openly and leave us to make our own conclusion.

This is what I truly appreciate most of all - it changed this pile of ignorant lump into someone more informed and a little less ignorant than yesterday.

I truly rejoice that modern technology is used well and that it can really benefit others.

May many more gain real understanding of both Dorje Shugden and His Holiness.



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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2010, 08:33:05 PM »
Generating pure views sure is difficult but without it, how can we purify the way we perceive, think and act? Having Guru Devotion will be impossible without pure views especially if we wish to receive higher teachings and tantric practices.

It is very uplifting to read this post as it is a transformation of a buddhist! The observation and experience of Dalai Lama's words and actions remained the same outwardly, but we gain when we generate pure views. What's there to be gained if we hold on to anger, disappointments...?

I definitely do not have pure views, but I will work towards it. Happiness comes through generating pure views. Hatred, anger, disappointments  comes through our ordinary perception.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 07:28:05 AM by DSFriend »


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2010, 06:39:11 AM »
Yes, it is true - most of us do not have pure views. Anytime something unpleasant happens, we will generate negative thoughts - no matter how minute.

I noticed that I myself have much inner dialogue that goes on in my head 24/7. It just doesn't stop. At times, it can even become so noisy inside my head, so-to-speak.

However, when I observe how these inner dialogues take place and not get too caught up with them, I find that they will also eventually subside.

I recently had the good fortune to attend a teaching by my Guru and he spoke about how our karma, both good and bad lay dormant. And these karma can only be triggered by our thoughts. Once we generate positive or negative thoughts - then the respective karma will be activated.

I was so blown away by that particular teaching.

Our thoughts have so much power. That truly scared me and woke me up. But then again, upon deeper reflection - how can our thoughts not have power?

Every single moment of every day of our lives, we are engaged in our inner dialogues - we tell ourselves so many things and these things get reinforced over time. Then they become cemented in our mind. Once our mind is set, it becomes hardened - fixated on a certain view. Imagine that has been going on for so many lifetimes. Imagine how much negative thoughts get compounded in each lifetime and how these translate into our negative karma.

Everything begins with a thought - good or bad. When compounded and reinforced, it becomes actions. And that is real. Irreversible unless purified. Karma records everything, as we all know. And even the Buddhas cannot change our karma. Because we have created it.

Hence, I realised that in times when I feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts or feelings, it is because I have allowed the negative thoughts to consume me. And if in that very moment, I did not do anything to address it or stop it, then it does take over me and I will end up doing something negative. That seals the karma of that particular deed.

But when I choose not to entertain those negative thoughts and replace them or even counter them with positive thoughts, then I am reinforcing my good karma and activating that. I will be able to change the course of my fate for that day, for example. I will not do something negative but something positive.

So, if I continue with each day as such - reinforcing good thoughts and positive attitude - then everyday, I become less susceptible to my bad karma/bad moods, etc. I actually 'win over' the maras and bad karma.

My Guru advised me to start the day with generating a good motivation and think of good thoughts. Start my day with Dharma and end my day with Dharma. With that, every day becomes a day well spent. And eventually, my good karma will become much more than my bad karma. That will reverse my fate to something much better.

Hope this sharing has been helpful.

Have a great weekend, everyone.



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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2010, 10:06:55 PM »
Thank you tk for sharing the comment.

Initially, when I first found out about the controversy, I too was very confused.

I didn't understand why HH the Dalai Lama didn't put a stop to the suffering of the monks, the confused community, the "split" of faith etc. All I could think of was that the government or His Holiness' people didn't provide His Holiness with the correct information. That was my reason for why His Holiness could say that there was no ban, that people were not ostracised. But, one thing remained unexplained - how His Holiness could say his Gurus were wrong, that is not based on misinformation, no way. 

I started to have doubt - whether the Dalai Lama is really a hypocrit or a liar as many have branded him, but that would go against my belief, my experience of being moved and feeling light after reading his book/ watching his Dharma talks.

I was very fortunate to have come across this site and to learn that there is another way to view this controversy, and that I am not alone in believing this.

Thank you to the website team, not only have you cleared by doubts, you have provided much information about the lineage, practice and also news that I appreciate very much.


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2010, 03:12:54 AM »
Reading other people's responses and replies to this thread has been most heart warming. Because it is about changing oneself for the better and understanding that Dharma is all about peace, harmony and compassion for all. Nothing can be achieved without having cultivated that peace within ourselves first.

Notice, it all begins with our chain of thoughts and how those produce a set of emotions within us. Hence, we hang onto a view or an emotion.

But with new knowledge and greater understanding, observe how everything begins to change within. From there, everything that we see also changes.

The outside really reflects the inside - in more ways than one.

I am so happy to read this post because it clearly shows how much a website and forum like this have benefited people.

More understanding, more tolerance, peace and compassion will spread through websites like these.

Now this is a very good thing for all concerned.

Less division, less hostility = loving kindness and peace for all.


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2010, 08:32:05 AM »
I did not hate DL but I disliked him for what he did directly or indirectly to the Tibetan sangha and people who had so much faith and respect for him.

DL’s books introduced me to Vajrayana Buddhism in general and the Gelug lineage in particular . For that I am very thankful to DL.

I felt disillusioned when I heard about the ban and its consequences. Doubts began to creep into my mind …. If DL were truly Chenrizig,  why did he do this? How can DL advocate freedom for all religions and impose ban on his own lineage practice ? Why did DL( Chenrizig) cause so much sufferings?.....

Thanks to the logical explanations provided by, my doubts /questions are cleared and answered. I choose not to feel negative about DL anymore because such feeling is not beneficial to me and only serve to impede my practice and undermine the foundation of Guru Devotion.

Until I develop bodhichitta, who am I to criticize and doubt Chenrizig?


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2010, 03:32:09 PM »
I do not agree with the banning of Dorje Shugden by HH the Dalai Lama as this ban had caused a lot of pain and sufferings to DS practictioners. However, when I look at the bigger picture, I questioned myself and realized that whatever actions HH the Dalai Lama took, there must be a reason behind it and at my level, i do not have the right to discredit such a highly renowned Lama.

I found many logical answers and explanations on and many of my doubts were cleared for which I am very thankful to this website team. Until then, I choose not to have negative thoughts against HH the Dalai Lama, but to learn and understand better from the great website.   


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Re: I don't hate Dalai Lama Anymore
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2010, 04:30:16 PM »

I found many logical answers and explanations on and many of my doubts were cleared for which I am very thankful to this website team. Until then, I choose not to have negative thoughts against HH the Dalai Lama, but to learn and understand better from the great website.   

Does that mean that Buddhists are doormats, believes blindly to a leader, and in total contradiction to what buddha taught us, question and not just simply believe?

I don't think so.

I like what you say very much that you found logical answers and explanations which cleared your doubts. Obviously you had doubts just like many of us,...but through researching and logical reasonings, you derive at your conclusion to not having negative thoughts against Dalai Lama. To me, this is about exercising our discriminatory  abilities.

Answers are there if we were to let go of our fixed perceptions and projections...

thanks pgdharma