Author Topic: The Gaden Lineage  (Read 7464 times)


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The Gaden Lineage
« on: October 05, 2010, 06:44:37 PM »
Would like to draw your attention to this, which i also just chanced upon (serendipity!)

A beautifully shot short and concise documentary about our lineage - very well done and gives a clear, short introduction to the importance of lineage (and traces in particular the Gaden Nyengyu whispered lineage)

Note, the video is in portuguese but you can also watch it on Youtube with subtitles here:
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  The video on this website is accompanied by a very beautifully written article also. I believe this video is just the trailer... (there must be a full documentary somewhere but I can't seem to find any info on it)

As lineage is so important across all Buddhist traditions, this is something we should all share with fellow practitioners and spiritual seekers. I rejoice in the efforts of Lama Michel and his people who have put so much effort towards this.

Also, here's an explanation from Lama Michel about the documentary:
“A spiritual tradition is kept alive not only by knowledge, but mainly for the inner transformation that comes as a result of spiritual practice based on transmission of knowledge and experience between master and disciple. The documentary will tell the story of the lineage of Ganden Nyengyu, beginning with Shakyamuni Buddha, transmitted via many other great eminent masters before getting to His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche and contemporary masters like Lama Gangchen Rinpoche. The value of this documentary is that it is important to all who are and still part of this spiritual family, all who are following this lineage. I ask everyone to believe in the value of the lineage and the importance of telling their story, to contribute and participate at making this project a success. The first phase will be filming in Tibet, in August, and then there will be other phases of filming in India, Nepal, Europe, USA, Brazil, and the editing and completion. I believe that with the help of the Sangha we will do it without any obstacle! I deeply appreciate the dedication, effort and affection of everybody! ”
Cheers, in Dharma,
Lama Michel


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 03:22:39 PM »
Dear Beggar

Thank you so much for finding the one with subtitles... helps non-Portuguese speakers like me!

I wonder if this video is for the Dorje Shugden Movie - which we haven't heard anything from for awhile. I do hope the Lineage Movie will showcase Lamas like Gangchen Rinpoche who is so inspirational. Despite all the criticism of being pro-China, he does what he has to do because he believes in spreading Dharma above all rather than politics.

Do share any more info about the movie if you find any!

I love this site - all the juiciest news here..
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2010, 02:41:54 AM »
What a beautiful movie!!!

It is as it says, short and very concise documentary of the Gelug Ganden Nyenyu, the wisphered lineage of Ganden.

It says.........

I imagine a tree whose roots, leaves and fruits can heal different diseases,
One day it was a seed,
This seed came from the fruit of another tree,
Each tree adapted itself to its environment, climate and the condition of its habitat,
Without losing its healing potential,
This experience acquired through the time was transmitted from tree to tree through their seeds.............
Upon receiving teachings from my spiritual masters,
The seeds and fruits of their experiences and realizations are being planted with my mind and heart,
In this manner, I am a part of a lineage of which I shall give continuance to by practising and transmitting its teachings..............

Beautifully said and I thank lama Michel for such wonderful work to spread the sacred holy lineage in Buddhism.

(p.s. notice the DS picture in the background of a ritual at interval 2:58 mins in the movie)


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2010, 08:40:15 AM »
What a beautiful movie!!!

It is as it says, short and very concise documentary of the Gelug Ganden Nyenyu, the wisphered lineage of Ganden.

It says.........

I imagine a tree whose roots, leaves and fruits can heal different diseases,
One day it was a seed,
This seed came from the fruit of another tree,
Each tree adapted itself to its environment, climate and the condition of its habitat,
Without losing its healing potential,
This experience acquired through the time was transmitted from tree to tree through their seeds.............
Upon receiving teachings from my spiritual masters,
The seeds and fruits of their experiences and realizations are being planted with my mind and heart,
In this manner, I am a part of a lineage of which I shall give continuance to by practising and transmitting its teachings..............

Beautifully said and I thank lama Michel for such wonderful work to spread the sacred holy lineage in Buddhism.

(p.s. notice the DS picture in the background of a ritual at interval 2:58 mins in the movie)

Dear Triesa, I am so glad that you noticed that DS picture in the background too!

It is such a beautiful trailer, isn't it? Can't wait to see the whole movie when it is done. And hopefully, it will also have subtitles in different languages too!

I also love the above lines that you quoted. It gives so much meaning to all spiritual aspects - especially to the Dharma.

Dharma can be and has been adapted to the different environments around the world, and yet never loses its healing properties and potentials. At the same time, it starts to spread and plants its healing seed across the globe - from one person to the next. So much good can come from one single an original tree of knowledge and healing.

It is truly magnificent.

Thank you, Beggar for sharing this.

It serves as a wonderful reminder to us all who are so fortunate to be in the mandala of our Gurus and to be receiving the precious healing Dharma. May we never take it for granted even for a second!


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 10:18:50 PM »
Thank you beggar for highlighting this in the forum.

This is indeed a very beautifully shot trailer, and the content too is very well done - great introduction in a non- lecture way, poetic and powerful...

A well-produced video like this will send the message across much better and also to a wider audience. Bravo to the team doing ths video.

It's also a great reminder of how grand and illustrious our lineage is, all the way back to Shakyamuni, and continued by a long line of great scholar & practitioners. Wow, mind-blowing 6 minutes and 37 seconds 8)


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 03:46:15 PM »
Watching this trailer again still capture me every single second, I must say.

I urge everyone to take a look at this beautifully done trailer, like what vajraprotector said, is so empowering and yet not in your face.

It reminds me again and again how fortunate of us to be able to receive the sacred teachings from the line of illustrous and eminent masters of a lineage that goes all the way back to Buddha Shakyamuni. This unbroken lineage is what makes the teachings so sacred and precious.

May we all be able to become the seeds that bears fruits and help preserve and spread the lineage far and wide.


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2010, 07:19:34 PM »
Watching this trailer again still capture me every single second, I must say.

I urge everyone to take a look at this beautifully done trailer, like what vajraprotector said, is so empowering and yet not in your face.

It reminds me again and again how fortunate of us to be able to receive the sacred teachings from the line of illustrous and eminent masters of a lineage that goes all the way back to Buddha Shakyamuni. This unbroken lineage is what makes the teachings so sacred and precious.

May we all be able to become the seeds that bears fruits and help preserve and spread the lineage far and wide.

We have received teachings because our guru/s, put in the time and effort to actualize Buddha's teachings. I like what you said very much... The truth is that, the only thing for us to do is ensure the seeds bears fruits...this is one of the ways to return the kindness of my guru an supportive friends.


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2010, 07:56:27 PM »
I agree with what you both wrote, Triesa and DS Friend.

I enjoy watching this video again and again, because it reminds me how far my own Guru has come. Not so much of distance, but in terms of the mileage in life's experiences.

Most Gurus have come a long way and endured much hardships just to get to where they are now. Some even survived near death experiences.

We are truly living in the most fortunate times whereby Dharma teachings are so easily accessible. In the old days, one had to travel through dangerous terrains and that journey may take days or weeks in order to reach a Guru's abode and receive teachings.

Yet every Lama can remember every single thing that was taught to them by their Gurus. They did not even have notebooks or any 'tools' to assist them in retaining all the teachings as we do. They relied on the power of their mind and memory.

May we all truly value our Gurus, our lineage and the precious teachings.

I guess, the best way to return our Guru's kindness is to remember the teachings well and teach others in turn. In this way, the fruit will always continue to bear fruits and be passed on.



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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2010, 04:57:02 PM »
You are absolutely right Helena. Many high lamas have come a long way and endure a lot of hardships in order to continuously turn the wheel of dharma to benefit us.

That's why I believe one's guru is the kindest person on earth, a guru is even kinder than our parents because the guru plans and works for our future lives, not just this life time.

And one best way to repay the kindness of one's guru is "Mind Transformation". And that I believe is Dharma in action.


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Re: The Gaden Lineage
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2010, 11:44:51 PM »
I would like to share short info re our lineage I came across recently, which is a good 'recap' for us to remember the glorious founding history of our lineage.

The Gelug tradition, also known as the Ganden tradition follows the teachings of the fifteenth-century scholar monk Je Tsongkapa Lobsang Dragpa (1357-1419), who was trained in Sakya, Kagyu, and Kadam traditions. Tsongkapa, who was born in the far eastern Amdo region of Tsongkha, founded several monasteries in the Lhasa region, chief among them Ganden Namgyaling, in 1409, which became his primary seat.

His main disciples also founded monasteries in both U and Tsang, creating an institutional foundation for the rapid growth of the tradition in the later part of the 15th century:
- in 1418 Khedrubje Geleg Palzang (1385-1438) established Palkor Chode in Gyantse
- in 1419 Jamchen Choje Shakya Yeshe (1355-1435) established Sera Tegchenling outside of Lhasa
- in 1416 Jamyang Choje Tashi Palden (1397-1449) established Drepung Monastery outside of Lhasa
- in 1445 Gendun Drub (1391-1474) established Tashi Lhunpo in Shigatse

Like the Kadam tradition which the Gelug supplanted, the Gelug place an emphasis on monastic discipline and scholarship. The Gelug pride themselves on their scholarship of the philosophical texts and on their understanding and explication of the view of the Madhyamaka Prasangika philosophical school. They also maintain a strong, if somewhat less public, tradition of tantric transmission, scholarship, and practice. The Gelugpa practice an extensive system of lamrim and lojong, both of which have their origins with Atisha and the Kadampa tradition.

The Gelugpa also have a living tradition and lineage of Mahamudra teachings, which are said to have been transmitted to Tsongkapa via visionary experience of Manjushri. The primary teachings of the Tantrayana studied and practiced in the Gelug are the tantric cycles of Vajrabhairava, Chakrasamvara, and Guhyasamaja. The Kalachakra Tantra is also commonly practiced among many Gelug practitioners.

by Miranda Adams 2009 (