Author Topic: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced  (Read 12520 times)


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UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« on: November 05, 2010, 05:27:42 AM »
Posters and Postings enforcing the Shugden ban
By Dorjee Shugden
Forced signature and ID card campaign

Tibetan Buddhism knows several hundred Protecting Deities. In the 1970’s the Dalai Lama abandoned his faith in one of these protectors, the Deity Dorje Shugden. The practice of Dorje Shugden is an ancient prayer (with commentaries) that simply helps Buddhist practitioners to develop virtuous minds of love, compassion, wisdom and spiritual protection. In the years to follow, the Dalai Lama has increasingly aimed his teachings and public talks (both religious and political) at moving others to also abandon their faith in Dorje Shugden. In 1996 he utilised and endorsed the leverage of his exile Administration (Tibetan Government in Exile) to impose social obstacles to those not willing to follow his own change of faith. As a result, access to various jobs, positions, schools, and monasteries in the Tibetan community in exile became impossible without publicly renouncing Dorje Shugden. Ambitious aspirants on the contrary, showing their support for the new measures, were duly rewarded with key positions and visits of the Dalai Lama to their establishments.

An estimated one third of the Tibetan population and hundreds of the most renowned Masters of Tibetan history used to rely on Dorje Shugden in the past. The Dalai Lama’s measures effectively reduced this number to a minority. Still not satisfied with these results, as recently as January 9th 2008 he instigated public swearings in the monastic universities in South India – aimed at making social life impossible for anyone not converting to the new line of faith. Such swearings are now conducted outside of monasteries in Tibetan communities throughout the world, including Europe.

“Not to have any relation with those venerating Lord Shugden” is now being implemented in society as well as in Monasteries creating a complete social segregation. Those who maintain their faith in Dorje Shugden are publicly denounced as being ‘unclean’, ‘traitors to the Tibetan cause’, ‘enemies of the Dalai Lama’ and receive the treatment of an outcast society. For example, without the Identity Card, it is now impossible to attend common Prayer Halls, to buy goods in shops, to obtain visa’s for travelling and families are being torn apart. The ‘unclean’ ones have effectively been singled out, are now ostracized in every-day life, and religious apartheid is becoming a reality amongst a population under the spiritual leadership of the Dalai Lama who teaches about religious freedom and tolerance to the West.

Such words, such swearings, and such proceedings are unprecedented in Tibetan Buddhist history and they are certainly unacceptable in most countries of this modern world. This forced segregation in no way corresponds to a Buddhist way of life or a democratic way of life.


Identity card for those who have sworn and submitted their vow (scanned in version)

ID No:
House No:
Date of Issue: 16-02-2008


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 06:31:12 AM »
This is just sad.  :'(

hope rainbow

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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 08:49:11 AM »
I'll quote from a very famous teacher from the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa:

"What is faith?
Faith is a naturally virtuous mind that functions mainly to oppose the perception of faults in its observed object."

two questions from this:
1. If I understand this correctly, faith cannot be lost, or it isn't faith. Is that correct?
2. For a being like the Dalai Lama, faith cannot be lost, or else it would be givng in to a lower type of perception, not and enlightened perception. Is that correct?


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2010, 09:44:50 AM »
This may come across as being disrespectful but this is not my intention. I have often heard that Buddhism will be destroyed not by non-Buddhists but from within, destroyed by Buddhists themselves. In this case - the implementation of these ID cards, ostracism and overt discrimination - it certainly seems to be the case. (then again, in spite of all this, it does not seem that Buddhism is diminishing; in fact the practices are now more well known than ever! But it is a sorry sign of how practice has become and the blatant lack of respect for what the Sangha represent for us).

I believe in certain Buddhist countries like Thailand, monks also have some form of identification cards but in this case, it is more of protection for the Sangha (so that people do not assume monks robes as imposters and misuse the name of the Sangha) or so that these Sangha can receive special privileges or receive the right assistance wherever they go. It is certainly not to distinguish them from one practice or another as explained above in this post. It seems quite unlawful. Is it even in line with the Vinaya rules to implement something like this?


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2010, 12:40:13 PM »
I'll quote from a very famous teacher from the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa:

"What is faith?
Faith is a naturally virtuous mind that functions mainly to oppose the perception of faults in its observed object."

two questions from this:
1. If I understand this correctly, faith cannot be lost, or it isn't faith. Is that correct?
2. For a being like the Dalai Lama, faith cannot be lost, or else it would be givng in to a lower type of perception, not and enlightened perception. Is that correct?


Faith can be lost if our faith is on the level of correct belief and is not a valid cognizer.  Faith can be unshakeable, but generally It's like any other mental factor - subject to causes and conditions.  It increases and decreases in accordance with those causes and conditions and so our main practice every day is faith.  It's something we have to renew and increase by thinking about the benefits of a practice or the good qualities of our Teachers, the Three Jewels and so forth.  We need to protect our faith, otherwise it can degenerate.  We need to protect and increase our faith until it becomes spontaneous.

Faith has to have a basis.  It's not right to assume that someone must be enlightened because they are famous and therefore whatever they do is okay.  In the case of the Dalai Lama, my view is at variance with everyone else on this site.  I don't believe that his ban and ostracism of Shugden practitioners are enlightened actions because they are harming others and harming the Buddhadharma, and in particular, the Ganden Tradition.  They are causing a schism in the Sangha.  Therefore, it's very important to check someone's credentials before you accept them as a Spiritual Guide.  It's best to observe them over a period of time and if you find their actions to be in accordance with Dharma, and even inspiring, you can commit to them and see them as your Spiritual Guide.  That's always your choice.  However, I think it's wrong to say "the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig, therefore everything he does is beneficial".  This would be blind faith and not based on any investigation or valid reasoning.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 12:46:13 PM by Lineageholder »


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 04:00:21 PM »
This topic (ID cards) has become a very hot topic on facebook these past 24 hours. Many people have started to look into this and many are starting to raise voices of support for the monks who are being persecuted.


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2010, 06:53:26 PM »
I have felt the need to "come out of the closet" a bit more about my opposition against the ban. These past 2 weeks, on different forums, facebook, emails etc. I have started to speak up and get some conversation going to raise more awareness. I know many will now see me as damaged goods, including some who practice Dorje Shugden but can't reveal that. This makes me sad and it has been very hard to feel so alienated from those I respect. However, this issue is more important than a few lost friends and I will not let my own situation keep me silent any longer.
I owe everything to our Protector. Everything good that has come my way these past 4 years is directly related to my relationship with Dorje Shugden.


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2010, 01:13:14 AM »
I have felt the need to "come out of the closet" a bit more about my opposition against the ban. These past 2 weeks, on different forums, facebook, emails etc. I have started to speak up and get some conversation going to raise more awareness. I know many will now see me as damaged goods, including some who practice Dorje Shugden but can't reveal that. This makes me sad and it has been very hard to feel so alienated from those I respect. However, this issue is more important than a few lost friends and I will not let my own situation keep me silent any longer.
I owe everything to our Protector. Everything good that has come my way these past 4 years is directly related to my relationship with Dorje Shugden.

Hi Tenzin Sungrab,

Why do people see you as damaged goods? Because you stand up for Dorje Shugden? Surely your friends would know that by your going to Shar Gaden, you are a Shugden supporter?

Which forums are you at where you're defending our Protector? I'm just curious and would like to see what you're saying :)

I like your conviction for our Protector. May Dorje Shugden always prevail!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2010, 02:39:50 AM »
We cannot let this thread 'die' or become obscure. We have to keep it alive. We have to post it on facebook and twitter again and again to keep the awareness up.

It would be good to put the link to this page on Facebook/twitter, so the visitor can read up on other related issues so understanding can be disseminated.



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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2010, 03:38:30 AM »
Despite a few negative comments on my facebook about this topic, overall the response has been very reassuring. I have had almost 100 comments total on the 2 posts I made about the ban. Many people participated that were not aware of the ban beforehand.
I gave up on the other forums. Too many people just post nonsense to try to stir the pot. Facebook is a good medium for me due to the fact that I am communicating with people I already have a connection with, even if some of them know nothing about the ban.

I have noticed that 6 of my friends have posted this on their page as well. 3 of them are new to this issue and want to help create awareness.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 03:58:02 AM by Tenzin Sungrab »


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2010, 06:08:45 PM »
Many people participated that were not aware of the ban beforehand.

This is interesting to know.

TS: what are their responses to knowing about the ban? Upon learning about it, the first time, what are their reactions? It'd be interesting to know how people are responding to the ban right now and how they are seeing it (or even what is the kind of information they first meet with to learn about the ban?... which of course surely determines how they will see it).

Does it intrigue these people to know more about Dorje Shugden or are they more interested in just the politics?

I hope that by the ban/politics, it can somehow draw them to learn more about the practice and the vast enlightened qualities of our Protector also. This would be best - so that it doesn't stay just as discussion and politicking and talk, but actually about practice.

Thanks for all your sharing, TS.


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2010, 07:26:19 PM »
Here are a few of the replies to this article by those new to the issue:

These first replies are from a lady who sponsors a monk at Shar Gaden and who was told by a friend recently to give up sponsoring the monk.  After some discussion and a few emails to her, she has now changed her mind and will continue to sponsor the monk.  Her turn around literally brought tears to my eyes.

*How I feel is if there was an injured boy on the road, would I stop to help him. Of course I would. Would I first ask are you Shugden or Christian or whatever religion, no. I would just help the boy. If the action to support a little monk is done out of compassion I don't see how that can be a bad thing. My motivation is only to help and compassion. How is that going against His Holiness. This is what the Dalai Lama encourages.

*I really don't know much about this situation but I know that my motivation is compassion and this is going with the wishes of HH the Dalai Lama's, not against them. This young boy does not know yet what he will be. It reminds me... of the story of the two zen monks walking, one was an older monk the other a young monk. They come across a river and there is a woman trying to cross the river. The young monk goes and picks her up and takes her to safety and then the two monks continue on their way. About 30mins. later the older monk says to the young monk, you know as monks we are not suppose to touch a female and you helped that woman back there. The young monk says to the older monk, "you still thinking about that, that was in the past". Well the story goes something like that The young monk didn't think about what he should or should not do, he just did what was needed. Helping this young boy is like that, I am just doing what needs to be done.

Her are a few from other people who are new to the issue:

 *Thank you, Duke, for this information. I am saddened through and through. I am praying for all blessings upon all those who are involved in this dreadful, untenable state of affairs.

*Thank you, Duke, for passing on the information, unfortunate as it is. And, thanks for the words from Kelsang and Sage, which reflect my heart.

*Sounds like the NWO or China... so much for Dharma bearing fruit in the Tibetan community... all I can say is in my own heart I will inwardly practice forgiveness and peace and outwardly practice kindness even to my enemies.

*in my humble opinion we should meditate for all parties involved that they be free from suffering and embody truth and compassion....

*This is just heartbreaking. When I first started investigating Buddhism I was so taken by the teachings on compassion and the accepting of all religions. What a terrible thing to occur!! Those poor practitioners! This is more than disturbing!

*I'm so saddened by this as well. Why does there have to be politics in this? Perhaps it's a test? Perhaps the Dalai Lama is testing our faith????

* Even the Buddha said to question what he told his disciples.......i personally think in this particular case, from the videos i have seen and from what i have read, i QUESTION HHDL on this matter.....HHDL can certainly speak his mind on any subject, including Dorje Shugden. BUT, at what cost? The pain and suffering of those he is shunning? i have love and respect for HHDL, but i also believe that he can be wrong.

* Allowing people to be shunned, BEATEN, ostracized, etc. is not the way of a bodhisattva.....if you have caused pain to another directly or indirectly, you should do whatever it takes to make amends, to banish their pain and suffering.....that said, i don't throw the baby out with the bathwater....i have love and respect for HHDL....i meditate that he will understand how his words have harmed the Dorje Shugden and show the compassion that he has in a plethora of other ways to them.....

* May we all remember that the principle tenets of ALL religions are: love, kindness, compassion, altruism, forgiveness.....let us move forward from this discussion in a positive way and meditate on those tenets for all involved....

Here is one that was just posted a few minutes ago:

Hi Duke - thanks so much for starting the discussion on the anti-Shugden ID cards, for providing so much high quality information, and moderating it so reasonably.
Although I can understand why you might deem this a political matter, the discussion is getting deep into the participants' belief and perceptual systems- including mine. Bravo. This is a tragic situation. Discussing it openly and sanely is helping us on our path.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 10:40:08 PM by Tenzin Sungrab »


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2010, 10:55:20 AM »
Many people participated that were not aware of the ban beforehand.

I hope that by the ban/politics, it can somehow draw them to learn more about the practice and the vast enlightened qualities of our Protector also. This would be best - so that it doesn't stay just as discussion and politicking and talk, but actually about practice.

Thanks for all your sharing, TS.

Dear TS,
If people are interested to find out the " controversial practice ", it'll be great if you can direct them to this site. They shall get an objective view. I was "released" from the negative feelings developed towards HHDL, the disappointment towards what he symbolizes etc after reading through the informative and educational write ups, unbias comments and sharings posted on this site.

Let's not allow the sufferings of the people live under the TGIE go to waste. Perhaps this site offers the opportunity to transform the present unfair situation into a powerful tool to spread the precious practice of DS to even more people and faster !


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2010, 01:36:52 PM »
Dear TS,

Thank you for your efforts in bringing awareness of this ban through facebook and twitter. Like what Kurava said, lets bring more people to this web site and read and learn about DS practice. Lets not let the sufferings of those monks who have been ostracized go to waste.

I ask everyone to remember that the principle tenets of ALL religions are: love, kindness, compassion, altruism, forgiveness......... and only at times like this, can we be able to practise all of the above.


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Re: UNDEMOCRATIC ID cards still enforced
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2010, 09:03:01 PM »
Thanks, Mana for sharing this.

I have posted in my FB.

It is a very depressing situation.

We all should help and do whatever we can to spread awareness.

Thank you, TS for doing your best to promote this sad situation so that more people will be educated on the truth.

May more be awakened and realise that the ban is not simply just stopping a worship or religious practice. It is actually harming people's way of life!

It is during challenging times that we need to do more and practise Dharma even more!