Author Topic: THE ILLUSORY PLAY - H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's autobiography now in English  (Read 39998 times)

christine V

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Amazing, H.H Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's autobiography is so long and detail. I have not done the reading. Even read on the very beginning chapter , i have learned a lot from H.H. Will continued to read. This illusory is really like reading and "watching" how a true Bodhisattva live in real live. I remember in one chapter, H.H say something like- he do not think he have 6th sense or clairvoyance when he can't even know what is going to serve on dinner. To me, he is so humble, he teaches us by his actions.   H.H wanted us to learned Dharma is true way not by the superstitious methods. 


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This appears to be the final draft of a translation that was completed in 2007.

You may also like to know that an amazing biography was also written that is being translated into English, but, it will not likely be available for free download, and unfortunately the portions about the Dharmapala have had to be omitted from the translation. Since we already know about Rinpoche's relationship with this heart protector, the biography will still be a wonderful window into this Mahasiddha's life.

You may here of its publication before me, but I will inform you here when it is finished nonetheless.


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This website has provided me with so much information that without which I would not be able to share with friends more of Dorje Shugden.

And now this, another great article. Again, my thanks and salute to the team behind this. Keep up the good work.


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This unbelievable piece of work is going to be a spring in a dry desert. Water for the thirsty. Light for the confused. Refuge for the those lost. Logic in the storm of malicious confusions.

I cannot overstate how much this information on this site will move our Dorje Shugden cause ahead. No centre, no lama, no organization, not even the Dorje Shugden coalition groups has produced such an incredible piece of work made available for the whole world.

We can protest, write letters and beg for something to happen, but with such a definitive work such as this describing the intimate relationship Dorje Shugden has with the most influential Gelug Lama of recent times is beyond doubt or debate. If such a lama of this calibre can rely on Dorje Shugden, THEN HE IS NOT OF AN EVIL ORIGIN FULL STOP.

Even the Tibetan Govt in exile or Dalai Lama would not be able to say anything to His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche's own written autobiography.

It will have impact for many decades to come long after the dissolution of the Tibetan Govt.

We have to get this autobiography translated into many languages and posted. And because you have provided the English translation, it will be possible.

With great respect and folded hands to the team at  I thank you tremendously.


indeed nothing can be done by anyone to alter or edit this piece of work which has inspired and will only continue to inspire many more people into the golden doors of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings.

I am thinking to myself that when the 14th HHDL was just a boy escaping from the grasp of the red guards to India, so much has been done by this loving compassionate mentor of HH who has done nothing but to care and provide for HHDL both spiritually and secularly in many many unbelievable ways. When we go through HH Trijang Dorje Chang's biography, a wealth of information found there which cannot in any means be faulted by anyone, yes! not even the current HHDL with due respect. HH Trijang Dorje Chang has lived, studied, attained, taught and nurtured half if not 2 thirds of the entire Gelug planet, how can he be wrong about Dorje Shugden?!

Putting the issue aside how can we wipe out the name of such a holy Lama (who is the Junior Tutor of HHDL by the way) in the mantras printed to be inserted into our holy statues which are objects worth of superior homage?

May HH Trijang Rinpoche's vast and powerful prayers come to fruition after this terronous storm soon!

thank you once again to the folks behind for having this monumental work published for all!
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Like WB, I truly appreciate the RED highlights because I too am eager to be on the look out for our Protector's name to be mentioned - especially in the crucial events of history.

In Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Bio, it confirms a few things such as Rinpoche seeking the Protector for advice on whether His Holiness should Tibet or not, and how to go about the escape route.

Throughout the Bio, I found that the Protector has been watching all the high lamas since day one - just as Trijang Rinpoche himself had commented and observed.

I sincerely appreciate all the effort made into making this bio available - even to the point of highlighting certain paragraphs about the Protector in red. To me, that shows how much care and effort that the team responsible for this, took to deliver such an important and valuable piece of work to the rest of us.

Why can't people just appreciate and rejoice for a change?

All the time spent in studying Dharma or reciting or quoting Dharma texts did not teach these individuals how to appreciate and rejoice?

It is said that once you accept Dorje Shugden as your Dharma protector, he will take care of you life after life until you achieve Bodhicitta and Trijang Rinpoche's biography proves that. His biography is also a testament to the fact that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened Dharma protector. CTA cannot do anything against the biography, nor can they edit out Dorje Shugden (like they sometimes do) and now the whole world will know of Dorje Shugden's benefits.


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I thought people here might like to know that a very accurate new translation of Trijang Rinpoche's autobiography is coming out soon in book format by Wisdom Publications. It will include an extra section on the remaining 6yrs of Lama Dorjechang's life compiled and written by the Venerable yogi Lotsawa David Gonsalez based on reliable sources such as the attendant and scribe to the late Trijang Dorjechang, the great Heruka yogi Gelong Lobsang Choepel.


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Dear psylotripitaka

Thank you for the news about this new translation of the autobiography. While I am happy that a respected publishing house like Wisdom publications is producing this autobiography, my question is – can it be accurate if it omits the parts about HH Trijang Rinpoche’s Dharma Protector practice? Especially as Dorje Shugden is so central to HH Trijang Rinpoche’s life and his guidance so prominent in Tibetan history, such as confirmation that he was the one who helped the Dalai Lama to escape from Tibet safely!

However well this translation is done, it is not complete and will not do justice to the greatness of HH Trijang Dorje Chang. Purely from a literary and historical standpoint it is extreme prejudice.

I'd rather read this version on the website which IS complete anyday!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Dear Kate,

Thanks for writing. I do value and agree with your point, but it is not the autobiography that I was referring to in a previous post regarding information being omitted. It was in a biography that was going to be translated but this will no longer be translated anyhow. The new translation of the autobiography is complete and accurate. To make many mistakes in a translation without humbly having it checked over by other translators, or to exaggerate or completely change bits of of the Gurus' own words is indeed a disservice. But, it happens, and mostly none of us know about it especially if we aren't translators. Anyways, that's a whole other discussion.


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The second part of H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's autobiography "THE ILLUSORY PLAY" is available now and it has been combined with the first part, so now you may download the COMPLETE autobiography at

Thank you for this awesome news that many have anxiously waited for.... it is truly a treasure! And thank you for all your hard work admin to care enough to highlight parts where Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche mentioned Dorje Shugden in red for easy reference. Your commitment and dedication to lifting the ban in these wonderful activities to bring awareness to everyone senior practitioners and newbies are inspiring.
May more people come in to help get this TRANSLATED in to as many languages as accurately as possible. And yes the part on Dorje Shugden should never be omitted for it plays such an important significant role for us now and in to the future. It explains and clears many doubts and creates deeper conviction on how big a role Dorje Shugden will play when the ban is lifted and how many people He would beneit for He is the protector of our times... the kaliyurga times.

Notice there is significant similarity in Dorje Shugden and Vajrayogini's practice.... both becomes more powerful, stronger and significant as the age of kaliyurga, degeneration of this planets society spins deeper in to the dark ages. I'm beginning to understand now why their practices are heavily promoted by our Lineage Father the great Heruka His Holiness Kyabje Pabongkha Dorje Chang. How fortunate we are to be able to receive this nectar... still.     

Big Uncle

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This appears to be the final draft of a translation that was completed in 2007.

You may also like to know that an amazing biography was also written that has been translated into English, but, it will not likely be available for free download, and unfortunately the portions about the Dharmapala have had to be omitted from the translation. Since we already know about Rinpoche's relationship with this heart protector, the biography will still be a wonderful window into this Mahasiddha's life.

You may here of its publication before me, but I will inform you here when it is finished nonetheless.

This is very sad and a very stunted account of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's life. Like what Wisdom Being had said, Dorje Shugden features quite prominently in Trijang Rinpoche's life and on top of that, the account is from 3rd party and not directly from Trijang Rinpoche himself.

I have downloaded and gone through the autobiography myself and I am amazed at the detail in which he recalls everything. This is certainly a very powerful and inspirational read as we discover how a real Bodhisattva leads his life of service towards others. Its good that it is free and available for download by everyone but I think it would be great if it was made into a comprehensive printed autobiography. Besides Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, it is also really nice to read about the account of Tagpu Pemavajra in it, this little known mahasiddha that seems to possess this amazing ability to eject his mind to pure realms. I have not heard about him from anywhere else and wonder if he has living incarnations right now.


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This appears to be the final draft of a translation that was completed in 2007.

You may also like to know that an amazing biography was also written that is being translated into English, but, it will not likely be available for free download, and unfortunately the portions about the Dharmapala have had to be omitted from the translation. Since we already know about Rinpoche's relationship with this heart protector, the biography will still be a wonderful window into this Mahasiddha's life.

You may here of its publication before me, but I will inform you here when it is finished nonetheless.

Sigh, I really hate to read about something like this, when Dharma texts or biographies are edited so that they become 'politically correct'. Why not be brave and release an unabridged biography of Trijang Rinpoche?! Whatever happened to people who would stand up for the truth? Why cant they release 2 versions: one 'clean' version and one unabridged version for the more 'special' readers? In any case, Illusory play is already more than enough for me. I prefer the one that is not censored, thank you.


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Big Uncle and Ensapa,

You are right. I would like to apologize to the admin in particular for arrogantly disrespecting their enormous efforts to provide this translation. My words were inappropriate.


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Big Uncle and Ensapa,

You are right. I would like to apologize to the admin in particular for arrogantly disrespecting their enormous efforts to provide this translation. My words were inappropriate.

Editing the hagiography of a great master is wrong. Period. They should never have done something like that at all. Dharma texts should never be edited or re-interpreted the way the translator wants it or else it would distort the real meaning and it will mislead people. That is why in the past, those who are great translators also happen to be great practitioners themselves unlike now, where anyone who is interested in Tibetan can learn it and start translating texts, and then miss out or skew the the whole Dharma text to a different direction. Ironically, Trijang Rinpoche himself advised against only reading portions of the Dharma text that we like.


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Ensapa, indeed your points are sound and reflect what I have stated in my reply to Kate. However, if your comment about "anyone interested in learning Tibetan..." is referring to Sharpa Tulku or Lotsawa David Gonsalez, the comments do not apply to these great Yogis who have been translating for a long time and are recognized by many realized Lamas as qualified Lotsawa's (Eyes of the World) due to their very special understanding born from authentic realization.

Anyways, there's no point in continuing this particular conversation. I regret bringing up the conversation the way I did not just because it was disrespectful, but it is taking our attention away from drawing attention to the good qualities of Trijang Dorjechang. Big Uncle was right, hence my sincere apology. Let's change our attention to admiring faith and wishing faith with respect to the good qualities of the Lama.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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Ensapa, indeed your points are sound and reflect what I have stated in my reply to Kate. However, if your comment about "anyone interested in learning Tibetan..." is referring to Sharpa Tulku or Lotsawa David Gonsalez, the comments do not apply to these great Yogis who have been translating for a long time and are recognized by many realized Lamas as qualified Lotsawa's (Eyes of the World) due to their very special understanding born from authentic realization.

Anyways, there's no point in continuing this particular conversation. I regret bringing up the conversation the way I did not just because it was disrespectful, but it is taking our attention away from drawing attention to the good qualities of Trijang Dorjechang. Big Uncle was right, hence my sincere apology. Let's change our attention to admiring faith and wishing faith with respect to the good qualities of the Lama.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Obviously, my comments do not refer to them, but just to my general dismay of some of the translators that you can see on the net during this time and age, especially some who have a Tibetan savior complex and who have obvious attitude problems to top that off and have strong anti Gelug sentiments while at that. I am very saddened by the omission of Dorje Shugden in Trijang Rinpoche's biography, but in no way do i think that Sharpa Tulku and David Gonzales are unqualified because i can see that many people have benefitted from their works and that tells me that they know what they are translating. I do hope they will produce an uncensored version when the ban is lifted though.