Last visit - The politician
Today, I had the incredible luck to meet with him. I mean I met with the politician we nickname "Kissinger".
He alone has got it all right he told me. It has everything to do with the "realpolitik", you know...
The Chinese market is big, so big... Nowhere will you find so many beings. And our neighbour is so wise,
rich and powerful... He can only dream of doing business with them.
But wait a minute, I told him: how could you ever think they will do business together, our neighbour is so
"Tibetan" in his ways...
He answered: don't worry, you will understand at the end of this "illusory play" of "realpolitik".
The Chinese will help the enemies of their perceived enemy...
So, our wise neighbour plays a clever gambit: it's like in chess, you know, if you sacrifice only one of your pawns to gain one queen, you have such an incredible deal. And if the sacrifice is only "illusory" you see what I mean.
Of course, one had better to avoid mate in the meantime, we can't afford to lose the King in this game.
So please, don't tell anyone. You know, they are so suspicious those Chinese. We have to be very very careful not to spoil everything...
Poor mother, I thought