Geshe Tendar (previous and current incarnations)
The previous incarnation of Geshe Tendar was a great scholar and practitioner of the higher tantras. He was renowned for his great learning of Sutras and Tantras, specializing particularly in the higher Tantras. He was a great master of the most rare rituals as he was a direct disciple of the two great Lamas, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.
He was often requested to give initiations of the higher Tantras within Gaden and abroad. He often also gave the life empowerment of Dorje Shugden (sogtae) many times.
Dorje Shugden, while in trance of Kuten Lama (Gaden’s oracle) formally recognized the unmistaken incarnation of Geshe Tendar in Mongolia. The previous Geshe Tendar was also one of the Gurus of Kuten Lama.
December 25, 2010
Geshe Tendar was a great teacher and scholar and had contributed a lot to the spread of Buddhism outside Tibet. I have no doubt his reincarnation will do the same.
January 17, 2011
The previous incarnation of Geshe Tendar, a great scholar and practitioner of both sutra and tantra( especially of the higher Tantras) is best remembered for his great contribution to the spread of the Gelugpa lineage teachings in faraway Phagri, in a remote corner of Tibet.
Being from the Ganden Shartze College, he established a monastery in Phagri as a branch of the Ganden Shartze College. He also engaged in intensive retreats in the retreat hermitage he had built in the mountains, at the request of the local people there.
Being a direct disciple of the two highly renowned and influential masters, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche(whom he greatly revered), it naturally followed that his Dharmapala was also Dorje Shugden.
It is also Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden, who in a trance of the oracle of Ganden, recognized the “unmistaken incarnation of Geshe Tendar in Mongolia”. May his incarnation continue his work of spreading the pure Dharma of Je Tsongkhapa’s lineage to the far reaches of the world, for the benefit of all beings.
February 4, 2011
Although the previous incarnation of Geshe Tendar was not a Rinpoche. He has been recognised as a very great Scholar in Sutra and Tantra specializing in higher Tantras. Being deciples of 2 great Lamas Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. He is known for his rare Rituals. He has often been requested to give initiations of Tantra. And also empowerments of Dorje Shugden. Oracle Kuten Lama took trance of Dorje Shugden at Ganden Monastery and officially recognised his new incarnation. His previous incarnation was also one of the Gurus of Kuten Lama. I hope his new incarnation will follow the footsteps of his previous incarnations.
Joo Won
March 26, 2015
Thank you many great masters like Geshe Tendar, a great practitioner in his previous life and put in so much effort to spread the Dharma. May many more would get the blessings of Protector Dorje Shugden from Geshe Tendar.
August 6, 2016
Thank you for this sharing. Another great master has returned to continue the work of his previous incarnation. This reincarnaiton proves that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being.
May Dorje Shugden continue to bless all and to protect the pure teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa.
May Gaden Shartse Geshe Tendar Rinpoche have good health and long life to spread the Dharma in the ten directions to benefit all sentient beings.
January 17, 2020