His Eminence Kyabje Gelek Rinpoche of Drepung Loseling Monastery

Gelek Rinpoche

Kyabje Gelek Rinpoche

Born in Lhasa, Tibet, in 1939, Kyabje Gelek Rinpoche was recognized as an incarnate lama at the age of four. Carefully tutored from an early age by some of Tibet’s greatest living masters, Rinpoche gained renown for his powers of memory, intellectual judgment and penetrating insight. As a small child living in a monk’s cell in a country with no electricity or running water, and little news of the outside world, he scoured the pictures of torn copies of Life Magazine for anything he could gather about America. Now Rinpoche brings his life experience and wisdom to both the east and the west.

Gelek Rinpoche

Among the last generation of lamas educated in Drepung Monastery before the Communist Chinese invasion of Tibet, Gelek Rinpoche was forced to flee to India in 1959. He later edited and printed over 170 volumes of rare Tibetan manuscripts that would have otherwise been lost to humanity. Rinpoche was also instrumental in forming organizations that would share the great wisdom of Tibet with the outside world. In this and other ways, he has played a crucial role in the survival of Tibetan Buddhism.

Gelek Rinpoche

He was director of Tibet House in Delhi, India and a radio host at All India Radio. He conducted over 1000 interviews in compiling an oral history of the fall of Tibet to the Communist Chinese. In the late 1970’s Rinpoche was directed to teach Western students by his teachers, the Senior and Junior Masters to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Since that time he has taught Buddhist practitioners around the world.

Gelek Rinpoche

Rinpoche is particularly distinguished for his thorough familiarity with modern culture, and special effectiveness as a teacher of Western practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism. Recognizing the unique opportunity for the interface of spiritual and material concerns in today’s world, Rinpoche has also opened a dialogue with science, psychology, medicine, metaphysics, politics, and the arts.

In 1988, Rinpoche founded Jewel Heart, a Tibetan Buddhist Center. His Collected Works now include over 32 transcripts of his teachings, numerous articles as well as the national bestselling books. Rinpoche is a U.S. citizen and lives in Michigan.

Source: Jewel Heart (http://www.jewelheart.org/gelek-rimpoche/)

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  1. Gelek Rinpoche unbeknown to many of this non-close students, has not given up the Dorje Shugden protector as he is a staunch follower of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. When asked if he has given up, he never answers in the affirmative, but always says that he is ‘not allowed to do it’. Very skilfull indeed.

    He is another great lama with many lineages under his belt.

    May he live long in this time of the degenerate age.


  2. As Gelek Rinpoche said one day,” Well Tom, I am from Dorje Shugden Country”

  3. Well, although I am not belong to Gelukpa. I belong to Drukpa Kagyud but, I have been working under few great Gelukpa Rinpoche for which I am very proud of that. All those Rinpoche are followers of Dorjee Shuk-den, I don’t see anything wrong with them infect they are all very humble and kind hearted.

  4. His Holiness The Dalai Lama, become well known in Western and European country, as well as in many Asian Countries, because of his representatives have acted on is behalf. All those Rinpoches and Geshe are Dalai Lama’s devoted and faithful Gelugpas and all of them are ” Dorje Shugden ” follower.
    I think in late 1980′s in New Delhi there held a Dorje Shugden kind of Conference, at that time I have mentioned, ” His Holiness ” has broken his own chair’s four leg. Now he has no strong and trusted supporters. We all Tibetan should know this, we have Zero world politic knowledge, because in the past our people or the Government have never put their nose in it and we are not good in it. Buddhist Teaching is the only our present and future weapon, so why do we not stick on it? In religion path we can find good disciples or student or followers whom you can trust. To do this His Holiness in the future gain need his old “Dorje Shugden” followers. At present His Holiness think some of the Gelugpa Rinpoche,Geshe or the lay monk are taking his orders not to follow ” Dorje Shugden ” but in the deep down all these people feel very o cord to be far from their own close one. Its like some kind of punishment for them.
    Many of our Tibetan lay or I should say innocent general public might say I am ” Lang Dharma ” Evil or any words they will say, even they will forget they are Buddhist, but I don’t care, what is fact is fact. His Holiness always teaches us to tell truth and don’t be afraid. ” Say what you think!!! which will improve our “TRUE TIBETAN DEMOCRACY”. FREEDOM OF EVERY OTHER RIGHTS. Including Rights of Follow “DORJE SHUGDEN”
    Gyatso Ngodup

  5. A modern lama who was a radio host and was interested in all thing American at a young age. Historian by his accounts of the Cultural Revolution. And, yet he has has played a crucial role in the survival of Tibetan Buddhism. He sounds great, having a foot in each world and marrying them together so that he has an efficient way to deliver the dharma. Very skillful indeed.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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