A Tribute to Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Few Buddhist masters have had as extensive an impact on the Buddhist world at large than Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. With over 1,100 Buddhist centers (and growing) across both the Eastern and Western hemispheres, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has brought the Dharma to places which may otherwise never have exposure to Buddhism.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is one of the last Greats, that last generation of immaculate teachers, scholars and monks who left Tibet and brought with him the perfect lineage of teachings that are being upheld today. Ordained since the young age of 8, Geshe-la studied for many years under the father of all Lamas today, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, before he eventually left Tibet to live in India among the exiled Tibetan community.

Living in exile never deterred him from his practice and spiritual determination. Having brought only two Buddhist scriptures with him during his escape Geshe-la endured the hardships of a new country to settle into his monastery, where he taught and did retreats for 18 long years.

Under the guidance of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Lama Yeshe – another of the greatest pioneering Buddhist teachers in the West – invited Geshela to join him in England to teach. Again, he would start a new life in a completely foreign land, teaching in a place and to a people who were only beginning to know the existence Buddhism.

Against all odds, Geshe-la has built the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) organisation to what it is today – a spiritual institution that has centers in every major city in the world, that publishes thousands of books of his teachings and that only continues to grow.

Geshe-la maintains the perfect lineage as passed to him by his own teacher, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. His centers throughout the world promote and uphold the most sacred teachings of the Gelug lineage – Tsongkhapa, Vajrayogini and Dorje Shugden.

By his tireless efforts in bringing these practices to the world to help beings everywhere, he is now the most widely-known Gelugpa Lama in the world, second only to the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama. Bookstores throughout the world carry his books and thousands of people from all over flock to the NKT headquarters in the Lake District, England to attend their globally famous summer festival and teachings each year.

While there are many Lamas all around the world creating tremendous change, few have reached out to as many people from as many countries, backgrounds and cultures as Geshe-la has. At www.dorjeshugden.com, we rejoice in his continuous and enormous contribution to making Dharma so widely accepted in the world today.

From a single Geshe from Tibet, thousands of practitioners, monks, nuns, scholars and Dharma teachers have emerged; further, tens of thousands of students have also been introduced into the authentic Buddhist lineage, studying at introductory, intermediate and advanced levels.

We celebrate the thousands more students now and in the future who are being introduced to Dharma through Geshe-la’s extensive study programs and the beautiful Sangha that flourish throughout his organisation.

All of us at dorjeshugden.com make this virtual offering of a butterlamp to the incomparable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, requesting him to remain for another 1,000 years to continue turning the wheel of Dharma and benefiting countless beings.

This is the first of the many tributes of Dorje Shugden lamas that we at DorjeShugden.com will be offering. Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is the first. We will do similar tributes in the near future, with dedications for the long life of these great lamas. We invite any information, background, history, pictures, memoirs, etc of lamas who are champions of our lineage. Please leave your ideas, thoughts, pictures etc in the comments section below.

Admin: We are sure that Geshela has had a tremendous and deep impact on thousands of practitioners everywhere. If you have had any experiences or wish to exchange any thoughts about Geshela, we invite you to please share them with everyone here – either in writings or pictures. We would love to hear your experiences and celebrate in what you have to share.

Many people would be inspired to hear your views, thoughts, sharings and perhaps encounters with this great 21st century Master of Sutra and Tantra.

Please take note that the comments section is able to accept pictures and links to videos as well as text.

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  1. Wow, these pictures are so beautiful and the article is very beautifully written. Thank you. I have not had the fortune to meet Geshe-la myself, but I have met with some NKT friends who have a center near my home. They just recently showed me this teaching about Dorje Shugden. It’s been very helpful to me and my family. Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2r2YHNOy3E This idea of tributes is a very good idea to celebrate these teachers. Thank you and I look forward to more.

  2. Dear webmaster,
    This is a great section. It is a terrific idea to pay tribute to the masters of Buddha Dharma. I am greatly inspired by your dedication to the teachings and lineage masters without bias. Your website talks about and includes all masters of the Shugden lineage. I have not had the great fortune to meet Geshe Kelsang, but this video is wonderful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2r2YHNOy3E

  3. I am so fortunate to have the karma to be one of Geshe-la’s students. He has given me so many blessings simply by being an example of wisdom and compassion manifest right here where we need him most.
    His teachings on love and equanimity have helped me during times of grief. His example of supreme patience and kindness have been my guide in parenting a beautiful daughter. His unfailing wisdom and belief in my ability to love has given me the confidence to practice Dharma. Without him my human life would be wasted.

  4. Geshe la has transformed my life. Meeting him and the buddha dharma lifted me out of a very dark and unhappy place. I feel so fortunate to have him as my guru. I love him with all of my heart and am so thankful for his presence in my life.

  5. I have been Geshe-la’s disciple since 1986 and was ordained two years ago. I continue to live at home in San Francisco where I practice Geshe Kelsangs’ instructions. Over the years I have commissioned statues and thangkas of Dorje Shugden and Geshe-la. He is our Guru, Yidam, Daka and Dharma Protector. It has been amazing to watch pure Kadam Dharma spread like wildfire throughout the world. Thank you Geshe-la. I have had the honor to meet you several times and the connection with you is my most precious possession. I pray that we follow purely in your foot steps and that the Ganden Oral Lineage of the Mahamudra continues unbroken through the realizations of our generation.

  6. Hommage to my most venerable and beloved spiritual guide, the very embodiment of wisdom and compassion whose endless efforts on behalf of we suffering beings have given us an opportunity to follow the true, unmistaken path. Hommage to venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

  7. Very Kind Tribute to Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and the New Kadampa Tradition

  8. Thank you for this article it is so inspiring. The most meaningful things I’ve ever done in this life have been inspired by Geshe Kelsang. His life and deeds are a powerful example of how tremendous the effect even just one persons pure practice can be!

  9. Thank you Dorjeshugden.com for this lovely tribute to a great master. I live in a small town in the uk that has very little culture or religious diversity. There is a beautiful New Kadampa Tradition centre in the town with 2 wonderful shrine rooms. Other than this there is no sign of Buddhism or Buddha’s teachings nearby so I feel very grateful for Geshe Kelsang’s hard work in spreading Dharma in so many places in this modern world. Without his efforts there would be no Dharma in this area. I’m sure, like myself, there are many people who’s lives have been deeply touched by Geshe-la’s strong intention to bring the medicine of pure Dharma to as many people as possible.

  10. I am very blessed to have founded the teachings of Venerable Geshe-la in Mexico. Without his teachings and his Dharma Centers my life would feel empty. Thank you dear Guru. I deeply love you!

  11. Your love has reached us in Oregon, Geshe-la! Thank you so much!

  12. Geshe-la has forever impacted and changed my heart. All my happiness experienced today is a direct or indirect result of He and His teachings.

    Thank you for this wonderful post, coming at the most auspicious time for me.

    May He live for a very long time.

  13. Indeed there’s no one incomparable in the West spreading Dharma furiously as HE Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. HE had no problem re-creating the Sera heaven where he had originated from because of the potent blessings of his sacred guru, HH Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang and of course the incomparable and uncommon protector Dorje Shugden.

    I rejoice tremendously in the works which he has done and the legacy which will continue to grow and flourish in the land beyond Tibet.


  14. thankyou so much for helping this blind turtle.

  15. All I need to do now is, take these teachings to heart. So … there IS hope!
    That makes life worth living, for everyone, not just me!!

  16. Thank you my most precious Guru

  17. Geshe-la has been tremendous in the effort in promoting Buddhism through NKT. His efforts is beneficial in helping in the lifting of the ban sooner. The West is fortunate to have a guru like him. He is true to his teacher by following their instructions to the end. May Geshe-la continue to turn the Dharma wheel.

  18. Personally I’ve read books by Geshe Kelsang and he is an amazing scholar. But he is still an ordinary person. So he can be mistaken about the Shugden practice. Why is it he can be right and HHDL is wrong.

    I mean you can’t compare the two teachers ok? HHDL is way far ahead in every aspect than Geshe Kelsang. There’s a reason HHDL is way ahead, because his thoughts and what he speaks about has much more impact and relevance to many more people. His popularity just grows. That itself tells you how great HHDL is. I mean tens of millions of people all cannot be wrong compared to a couple of hundred Shugden practitioners.

    Ok, the Tibetans are a bit fanatical when it comes to HHDL and I’ve seen it here in Dharamsala. But they are only a few million (India, Nepal & Tibet). But HHDL is accepted by tens of millions across many continents inclusive of world leaders. Which Lama can do that. Not even Geshe Kelsang.

    So did you ever think Geshe Kelsang went alittle too far with the protests against Dalai lama? Years back if the Dalai Lama did not escape Tibet, build a relations with the Indian Govt and get land for the Tibetans, there would be no Geshe Kelsang at all. There would be no survival of Tibetan Buddhism. All the centres and lamas around the world exist because of HHDL.

    Don’t you think Geshe Kelsang and the other Lamas like him should be grateful to HHDL and loyal? Be grateful should be a result of practice of higher tantras right? At least sutras. So what is the big deal if they give up Shugden and pick the HHDL?

    So I personally think Geshe Kelsang is mistaken.

  19. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is truly a dharma teacher who really believes in Dorje Shugden and wants to spread the dharma. NKT and many dharma books are some of the testaments of this great master. I salute Geshe la with much respect and admiration. May the spread and practice of Lord Shugden spread like wildfire throughout the world.

  20. Thank you for the much information that is shared on this site. It has help me to be more affirm in the practice.

  21. This is a lovely section in dorjeshugden.com

    A tribute to great masters who practices Dorje Shugden shows great courage and Guru Devotion which gives us the light to follow suit. Thank you Dorje Shugden for this page. May we honour more great Masters like Geshela who has done so much for the benefit of others. Amazing!!!

  22. We are not talking about Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in the context of the ban here, so it is not necessary to talk about whatever “negative” things may be perceived of him. We are celebrating his contribution to the world and what he has done for the spread of Dharma. It cannot be denied that because of Geshe-la, tens of thousands of people have been able to learn the Dharma – through his books, teachings or 1,000 OVER Dharma centers in the world. It is largely because of him that Tibetan Buddhism and the Gelugpa lineage is so widespread now.

    Yes, same can be said of Dalai Lama, of course – he has had the largest influence in the world, in bringing Tibetan Buddhist to millions. This is not an article to compare the two or to say that one is “better” than the other. It is simply an appreciation for one great Lama and for all the teachings that he has brought to the world.

  23. I’m one of those who have learned dharma through Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s books. Thank you Geshela!

  24. The first Dharma centre I was affiliated with was one of the NKT centre branches… although I have since changed centres some years ago, Geshe-La and NKT will always hold a special place in my heart. I will also never forget the kind, calm, cheerful and gentle resident monk teachers I had met through NKT centres in other countries. I knew roughly about the DS conflict from NKT, but I didn’t think Geshe-La’s DS practice/ opposition with HHDL could ever contaminate his crystal clear teachings. Anyone who thinks Geshe-La is an ordinary person should read his books. No normal person can write like that, and spread Dharma / sprout Dharma centres / produce sangha members as quickly and widespread as Geshe-La. I really rejoice in his great works. May he live long and love us for a thousand years more!

  25. Ordinary beings are unable to change other people’s lives in such positive ways! Geshe-la has put some many of us on the Fortunate Path to Liberation and Happiness and only for his kindness and tremendous generosity he deserves our deepest love and respect.
    Thank you Dear Venerable Tireless Spiritual Guide…. from the bottom of our hearts we tahnk you and rejoice in your virtyuos actions for the benefit of ALL beings……..

  26. I am so grateful to you for writing this about Geshe-la and I’m very much looking forward to seeing more tributes like this of other Dorje Shugden teachers. Would you allow people to make suggestions for other tributes? These Lamas deserve to be celebrated -they go through so much difficulty to make the practices and teachings survive and grow wherever they are, especially in the light of so much opposition from the ban.

    Geshe-la has been on his own for decades, with no support even from his own Sangha and not permission to meet with his own Lamas. Yet nothing has deterred him, NKT have grown from strength to strength and become so much of an inspiration for so many other centres around the world. My own Lama and center refers often to the works of Geshela and use his books as study materials.

    So it’s not just the people who are his direct students from NKT. I hope people know that it is also many other Buddhists around the world, like my own little sangha, who are benefitting from his teachings and compassion.

  27. Thank you for this beautiful homage. What a wonderful idea, to celebrate all the Lamas of our great and unequalled Virtuous Tradition! We can all rejoice in each others’ Lamas, and offer them homage. HH Trijang Dorjechang is, for almost all of us, our grandfather. Venerable Geshe Kelsang is the Father of so many of us, myself included. I look forward to reading about and paying homage to all my Venerable Uncles, who maintain the lineage and blessings of Guru Tsongkhapa’s doctrine through their unfailing devotion to Great King Dorje Shugden!

  28. I found Buddhism just about 10yrs ago. From the moment I wandered in to a meditation class, just looking for a different way to relax I was ‘hooked’. Geshe La’s teachings and Buddhism in general have touched my life and that of millions of others in ways I cannot begin to fathom.

    Without Geshe La’s love and kindness in bringing the Dharma within my reach I would not be the person I am now, would not be able to cope so well (or at all) with some of the ‘little dramas’ life has presented me with.

    Geshe La and my more direct teachers are my inspiration and the Dharma is my strength. I cannot imagine life without it or them.

    I rejoice in Geshe La’s wisdom and accomplishments and that of all my Dharma teachers and Dharma friends and dedicate this for all sentient beings.

  29. Wow! Thank you Dorjeshugden.com for this lovely tribute to a great master ~ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso….many of Dhama practitioners will inspired by this great master and dedication to the teachings and the lineage.
    May Geshe Kelsang Gyatso continue to turn the Dharma wheel.
    May all the Great lama have long life. May the spread and practice of Lord Shugden spread like wildfire throughout the world.

  30. Where can I find other followers to learn from in san Francisco bay area?
    My email is
    Text164@ yahoo.com

  31. Thank you, Admin, for this great tribute to Ven Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. I believe it is impossible to tell about Geshe-la’s deeds because they are just beyond comprehension. I heard that his assistant was one day asked to share stories about Geshe-la’s deeds, but she could not – what he accomplishes just in one day would fill volumes. For me he is the embodiment of a modern day Bodhisattva. Working full-tilt for the benefit of others yet being completely relaxed and enjoying, just as Shantideva describes it.

  32. Thank you for such a beautiful article! I’m one of Geshe-la’s students, and I have no words of my love for him. He has given meaning to my life. I hope one day I will be able to repay his kindness by giving to others what he has given to me. May Geshe Kelsang Gyatso live for a very long time!

  33. Thank you, Dorjeshugden.com for this tribute to a great Master, one of the last living legends of Masters who had studied at the feet of the incomparable Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Geshe Kelsang Rinpoche is like a 1000-armed Chenrezig, indefatigable in his spread of Dharma,and especially of the Gelug lineage teachings and practices of Tsongkapa, Vajrayogini and Dorje Shugden, all over the world. Copies of his numerous books can be found in bookshops all over the world. In fact, I can safely say that I found my way to Tibetan Buddhism by reading his books.

  34. How fortunate to know about this great master.

    I always pay “extremely full” respect to all living Buddhas in the world, for me, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is one of them.

    By just looking at how much he has achieved now, you can’t imagine how much efforts they have put in. I think they don’t even bother to count or take record how much they have done, they just go all the way with it.

    Starting up centers in places that new, especially places that didn’t have Buddhism development before is not easy at all. From learning to speak the language, getting students and resources, maintaining the places etc; I really admire Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and some other great masters did it with the pure motivation to spread the sacred dharma and help others.

    Thanks dorjeshugden.com for making lamp offerings to great Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. I like this kind of information very much from the site, looking forward for more similar information in future. It’s very heart warming to know the lamp of Buddha is spreading wide by tireless masters.

    I rejoice and wish Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has stabile health and long life.

  35. Dear Vajrastorm, beautiful description of how Geshe-la is likened to 1,000 armed Chenresig. Very apt.

    Tenzin Lekshey

  36. When i was in my teens, i overheard some people in our dharma community commenting that a Geshela has been ex-communicated by his monastery. That sparked an interest in me and seeked to find out more about him. I was saddened to hear such a news; which monastery would ask a geshela to leave??? I followed geshela’s teaching wherever i could stumble upon and through the years bought more and more of his books. The contents are so structured and precise. Afew years ago, i saved enough to travel to UK to visit geshela’s centre and was amazed at the organisation he has established in a foreign land…and it dawned on me that geshela never left sera; he brought sera to a foreign land . A classic example that if you have the merits, wherever you go, you bring the merits with you and you can continue with your spiritual journey.

  37. I rejoice totally from all the hardwork and hardship that Geshe-la has to endure in order to bring the precious Dharma to the people. It is very fortunate to be able to receive any of his teachings because the books helped me in the past. I will be very very happy if i have the fortune to able to have an audience with Geshe-la and thank Geshe-la personally for the wonderful work that helped so many people in the world and that includes me!

  38. Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso (VGKG) is one of the greatest Buddhist Masters of this century. A true Mahasiddha / Bodhisattva who had performed so much enlightened deeds to benefit countless others as listed below.

    1) Most outstanding proponent of Dorje Shugden practice
    - Alone all by himself without any backup from his Sera Monastery upholding the pure lineages of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden.
    - Written the book – Heart Jewel – a commentary to the Guru Yoga Tsongkhpa and Dorje Shugden practices.

    2) An impeccable example of his pure guru devotion to his root Guru His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche.

    3) Written more than 18 Dharma books that is easily understood and that had been translated into many international languages. Geshe Kelsang’s books are best sellers.

    4) Established one of the most successful Buddhist tradition in the Western World known as the New Kadampa Tradition(NKT) that practise the pure Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden Lineages. Currently NKT centres are located in many countries of the World.

    5) Developed one of the most successful education program for NKT to preserve and spread lineages of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden.

    6) Conferred many Buddha Heruka/Vajrayogini Highest Yoga Tantra and other Deities initiations to his students planting seeds of enlightenment in the practitioners.

    The enlightened deeds of VGKG are countless and what was listed above are only some of his greatest achievements.

    It is due to VGKG’s book – Transform Your Life – that had inspired me to embark on the Buddhist spiritual path. And also for me the great fortune to meet the pure and authentic lineages of Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden.

    Thank You Geshe-la. May you continue to turn the Dharma Wheel especially upholding the lineage of Dorje Shugden.

  39. Wow, dorjershugden.com administrator offering Ven Geshe Kelsang Gyatso a vrtual offering of a butter lamp. Lovely tribute.

    This great master has established a series of remarkable books on Buddhism and meditation, established 3 unique study programs and 1100 centres and group around the world, trained hundred of qualified teachers and flourishing ordained community and created a project build Buddhist Temples in every major city in the world.

    He is a humble Buddhist monk dedicated to helping people throughout the world find true happiness in their hearts.

  40. i am a studend of geshe kelsang since 1996. he changend my life. i had the oprtunitiy to meet him and shake his hand. he was so warm and friendly.
    i see in him the buddha. he walks the talk.
    i hope is staying in this world very long to benefit all peaoples around the world.
    thank you my kind root guru geshe kelsang gyatso

  41. Geshe Kelsang..incredible teacher..without him there would be no buddhist teachings in my town and many others..so that speaks for itself!

  42. I have deepest respect towards both HHDL and Geshe-la Kelsang Gyatso, both of them have promote the pure Dharma in their own way.

    @tenzin gyatso
    Geshe-la have builted over 1000 of retreat centers around the world, and HHDL have travel around the world to give initiation or teaching to the public. We do not jugde them (a monk, a lama or a living buddha) about how much they have contribute to the people or what they have done. They are monk, they have contributed their life to all the beings, why do we jugde them since we ourselves can’t sucrified our life for others?
    Is that any different if a begger gave out the only $5 he have or a millionaire donate $1k to someone who in need? No if both of them do it whole heartedly. We can’t just said HHDL is a living Buddha, HHDL brought Tibetan Buddhism out from Tibet and spread it over the world, he have more followers so he’s right and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is wrong. They might be on different paths but both of them are leading people towards the ultimate happiness. It’s not about to pick HHDL or DS, it’s about our promise to our Guru, you should understand this theory if you are following Tibetan Buddhism lineage. This is not a pair of shoes, we can’t just throw it away after it benefit us.

    I have no chance to meet up with Geshe-la yet, but I rejoice how much dharma he have brought to others. Can all of you imagine one person that used to only have 2 scripture text have builded thousand of centers, published thousand of book and changed countless of life?

    Not only he changed people life by his knowledge, but he passed down all he have to other so other will continue his task or duty when he’s not around. This is another clear sign he’s not evil, because he’s selflessness.

    May I request Geshe-la Kelsang Gyatso to remain with us for countless of years, and may we will gain his compassion and determination to benefit others.

  43. He has many books published on his teachings. Almost every bookstores I go, I see his books. He is truly a great masters, the number of centers he has already shows very clearly.

    He must have gone through a lot of difficulties in the beginning when he first arrived in the western world. It was a completely different environment for him, the weather, the food, the culture, the language etc. Despite the difficulties he faced, he managed to spread the Dharma so far and wide in the western world.

    May Geshe Kelsang Gyaltso live long to continue turning the wheel of Dharma.

  44. The extend of brillance and genuine love are reflected in all of Geshe-la Kelsang Gyatso’s great work accomplished around the world. He has so much inner strength alone to counter so much odds against him and moreover in alien countries. He is certainly most extraordinary.

    I rejoice in all of Geshe-la’s great deeds and I join in lighting the virtual butterlamps in dedication to his long life. May Geshe-la remain with us for infinite number of aeons to bring happiness and light to beings around the world.

    Much, much love to you Geshe-la!

  45. Thank you Dorjeshugden.com for this wonderful tribute to a truly great Master. His work spread to the ten directions via his centers all over the world.

    Thank you Geshe la. You are Tsongkhapa! I prostrate to you.

  46. A very beautiful tribute to our most Venerable Spiritual Guide, i have no words worthy, to express my deep appreciation, for his devotion to all of us stuck here in samsara. History will come to show his magnitude of mind, and will benefit all livings beings to bring us all to enlightenment. There are many teachers like him, but none who is a shining jewel to reach so many, with such a pure intention. I follow his teachings, through his teachers, and practise, to follow his most excellent example.
    Thankyou admin for creating this vechicle, to be able to make our offerings. May Geshe-la live for a very long time.

  47. This is to Tenzin gyatso,

    The issue is not about letting go shugden and embracing HH Dalai lama, this is fairly easy. The issue is letting go the truth that Dorjee Shugden is an authentic dharma protector. This nobody can force me even if the person has entire world population as his followers. I need reasons and Hh Dalai lama has not given any valid reasons behind his claim accept for some scriptural authority. I even can quotes lots of scriptural authority confirming Dorjee Shugden as an authentic. So only scriptural authority is not enough, this is unique quality of Buddha unlike most of world religion. When my family was going through one of the hardest time , we have just lost our country Tibet, our father, who was our bed winner, was bed ridden by kidney ailments, at that moment my mother invited shugden oracle( choyang Kuten,uncle of gehse Kelsang). At that time shugden, with so much love and affectionate bearing in his face uttered some nectar like words in metric form. I just summarize the meaning here and basically what he said is ,” oh my dear faithful, I fully understand and very much concerned about your suffering, but don’t get yourself more tormented , everything is happening by the force of karma,get yourself wider perspective that our dear fellow Tibetans who are being totured relentlessly with immense amount of sufferings by Chinese in their prisons. Think about them and hopefully you will find some relief. When I heard these words, I was moved and was crying and then I decided that this protector, whoever he is, he deserved my respect. I still have those beautiful words written stamp on it by choyang Dublin Kuten certifying that it is shugden,s words. It is the HH Dalai lama who is forcing us to chose between him and shugden. Shugden never did this and on the contrary shugden advises us not to abandon faith to Dalai lama. I can leave shugden, but nobody can force me to leave the truth that shugden is an authentic protector.

  48. I have joined Gaden monastery in 1992 and graduated as Geshe in 2008.I have studied entire five treatises indepth under my most precious teachers. Luckily prior to monastic study, I had been to school, that’s how I learned English, so I have read many books by geshe Kelsang, ocean of nectors and so on. Just for the sake of westerner reader, from my humble knowledge, I can certify that all the books by geshe Kelsang I have read are authentic and are just as what I have learnt at Gaden monastery. So rest assured. When i read his books, I understand that geshela,s intention is not to make his books becoming New York time best seller, but to impart authentic and uncontaminated teaching of Buddha and Tsongkhapa to all the truth and liberation seekers. May geshel,s follower also follow in his footsteps and never discriminate and entirely focused on carrying the legacy of geshela that spreading Buddha and tsongkhapa’s teaching purely.

  49. Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso introduced the three precious jewels to my life and i will be forever grateful. Though I have struggled with samsaric attachments and negative minds like so many of us, the peace i find by going to refuge in Geshe-la, Dorje Shugden, and Arya Tara is undeniable. Every single time I have gone for refuge to them, I have received help. Geshe-la has guided me out of darkness SO many times in the past 8 yrs and healed pain so deep, when i had no hope.

    I have no doubt in my mind that Buddha’s teachings produce the TRUE happiness that we all seek. I aspire to create more motivation and determination in my life to practice Dharma more often. May Geshe-la and his teachings live on for eons and help to eliminate suffering for all living beings.

  50. Thank you for the wonderful, heartfelt tribute to Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso – always my Guru, Yidam and Protector.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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