Search result "chatreng."

400,000 in Chatreng Sampheling Monastery!

An astounding 400,000 people attended the Monlam Festival in Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s Sampheling Monastery in Chatreng, Tibet from 5-12 March, 2014. The Gelugpa Monlam Chenmo (or Great Prayer Festival) was established by Lama Tsongkapa in 1049…


A master with a mission – Ven. Zawa Tulku Lobsang Dorje Chokye Gyaltsen

By: Mar Nee One of the characteristic purposes of a high Vajrayana monk is to seek the swiftest path to enlightenment but such objective is not for oneself as much as it is to be able to guide other sentient beings along the same path into liberation post haste. These high lamas themselves acquire their…


Beyond Belief

by Paul Mooney in Chatreng and Shangri-La Beijing stands accused of manipulating a long-simmering controversy in Tibetan Buddhism that has divided followers of the Dalai Lama It’s early morning at the Songzanlin Monastery in Shangri-La, Yunnan province, and nine monks are fingering prayer beads as they chant in a small room, gold-coloured shawls on their…


Trijang Rinpoche’s Sampheling Monastery at Chatreng

Trijang Rinpoche’s personal Monastery in Chatreng District in Kham, Tibet. Hundreds of monks and thousands of lay people are very devoted to Trijang Rinpoche and the practice of Dorje Shugden. Everything is alive and well there. Sampheling Monastery at Chatreng is the home monastery of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. It has…

Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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