The Buddhist hate group the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) has been heavily criticized for remaining silent in the wake of the Dagri Rinpoche sex scandal
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
Dear DS.com,
I am from Malaysia. I don’t practice Dorje Shugden but I have come to your site a few times and found that your articles are very educational and (surprisingly) unbiased. In Malaysia, there’s been an issue recently regarding a molesting monk named Dagri Rinpoche who was being invited by FPMT’s Losang Dragpa Center and co-marketed by the so-called Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM).
In case you don’t know, this Vajrayana Buddhist Council or VBCM is a tiny splinter group in Malaysia who basically like to take pictures with the Dalai Lama. They offer small donations and take pictures with him, and then come back to Malaysia to try and be the authority of all Tibetan Buddhists here. Their work never takes off and their facilities are very small. They basically have nothing to show for their work. If you go to their Facebook page, there’s very little interaction. I myself don’t post there or get involved but I was looking for information in Malaysia on the sex scandal monk Dagri Rinpoche and VBCM’s Facebook page came up.
So I went in there and started reading, and that’s when I found the exchange between VBCM’s Nicole Sia and another commentator. It’s very interesting so I thought I’d submit this to you, because it seems that your portal is carrying news on Dagri Rinpoche.
By the way, I find the news about him absolutely disgusting and shocking. The full extent of the law should come down on him. I hope you will post all of these items here for the benefit of sharing information on this Dagri Rinpoche. If you decide not to post it, no hard feelings.
James Lim
By: James Lim
EDITOR’S NOTE: The comment exchange below originally took place on the Facebook Fanpage of the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM). As the article submitter James Lim explains, the VBCM are a small group of lay people based in Malaysia who persistently attempt to position themselves as their country’s Buddhist police, although their self-appointment has never been recognized, funded nor supported by any Malaysian government department. Few centers in Malaysia support the VBCM, both online and offline, as evidenced by the lack of activity on their Facebook page.
In the wake of the Dagri Rinpoche scandal, VBCM shared letters issued by their co-conspirator, FPMT Malaysia’s Losang Dragpa Centre and Dagri Rinpoche himself. In response, Alison Ong commented to express disappointment in their reactions. She described especially the shortcomings of Lama Zopa’s statement and questioned his whitewashing of the abuses committed by Dagri Rinpoche, using Dharma to cover up Dagri Rinpoche’s despicable actions. Alison’s comment led to a heated response from Nicole Sia, a member of the VBCM.
What is unusual is that no official response has been issued by the VBCM regarding Dagri Rinpoche’s abuses. VBCM have traditionally been extremely discriminatory towards others, using every opportunity to impose their self-righteous judgement on other lamas and centers, but in this Dagri incident where he has been found to sexually assault women, VBCM have been silent. Although Dagri Rinpoche was even arrested by the Indian police, the VBCM have not spoken up against Dagri Rinpoche nor the FPMT who covered it up for 10 years.
The original comment exchange below may be found on VBCM’s Facebook Fanpage but please be aware that the VBCM has a long history of deleting or hiding posts because they do not believe in speaking the truth: https://www.facebook.com/ONEvbcm/posts/10156597455989335 For this reason, we have reproduced the entirety of the comment exchanges below, inclusive of a screenshot.
If Lama Zopa Rinpoche did not believe that Dagri Rinpoche was guilty of sexually abusing his students, why did he then issue a statement of advice to all his students on how to view the offender?
Dagri Rinpoche (right) is frequently pictured with Lama Zopa, thereby giving Dagri Rinpoche some credibility within FPMT and therefore access to more victims he can sexually abuse.
In response to a swell of complaints about Dagri Rinpoche’s molestation charges and the FPMT’s cover up, Lama Zopa dictated an eloquent Dharma talk.
But if you listen to it very carefully, after a few lines, Lama Zopa is already distracting you away from the real issue, which is the fact that Dagri Rinpoche has been exposed for molesting and abusing women for a long time.
Lama Zopa wants us to view Dagri Rinpoche as an extraordinary being and close our mind to what really happened. However, if we viewed all sexual predators as extraordinary beings and keep up that faith, then we don’t need the law at all. Everyone who commits a crime is henceforth to be regarded as being ‘extraordinary’ and we are just simply to hold them with a good view. Then people like Dagri Rinpoche can continue to commit more crimes without any limits or restrictions.
But the truth of the matter is, whether Dagri Rinpoche is an extraordinary being or an ordinary being, is not the issue. The issue is that he inflicted criminal acts upon ordinary beings who only have ordinary views and, as a result, suffer very much like all ordinary people do when they are harmed. How can you tell ordinary people to have extraordinary views about a sex crime that has hurt them and shames their family?
So Lama Zopa should address the actual problem and “call a spade a spade”. And he must address the issue at hand directly, that is, Dagri Rinpoche is dangerous and he has harmed many people. Lama Zopa should advise his students and all victims to speak up and report what has been done to them. Lama Zopa should create a compassionate environment for the victims to speak up and receive support at a difficult time. Victims should not be told to view Dagri Rinpoche’s actions as extraordinary and just forget the whole thing because this will allow Dagri Rinpoche to continue doing what he has been doing and harm more women. I shudder at that thought of Dagri Rinpoche having complete immunity for all the things he could do to female students and nuns.
Shall we now apply the logic in Lama Zopa’s speech to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche’s exploits that he will commit eventually and say, “Hey, when he molests you, you just think about it this way, okay?” “You just view him as an extraordinary and allow him to abuse you because he had two dreams about himself going to Gaden heaven and being some deity.” “Because of these dreams, he is an extraordinary being and whatever sexual molestation that he inflicts on you should be taken happily.” Shall we say this to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche to pre-empt them?
If so why not send this letter to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche, because there is going to be a lot more of them?
Why not send this letter to every female Buddhist aspirant who will become Dagri Rinpoche’s student though FPMT, and tell them that when they get molested next time, to just think about his sexual assault in this way and not get angry. Don’t report him. Just keep offering yourself up to Dagri Rinpoche because whatever he’s doing to your body is beneficial to you! Shall we say this to all future female students of Dagri Rinpoche? No we should not. Lama Zopa’s advice to students is not appropriate towards the victims and their families. The onus of responsibility should be on lamas to behave properly, not to harm their students physically and spiritually. It should not be on new and aspiring Buddhists to accept being abused and then told to maintain a pure view of their abuser. http://tiny.cc/werr6y
In response to Alison Ong’s comment above, Nicole Sia Mei Yee, one of VBCM’s members and supporters posted this comment below.
If you think you are so smart, reveal yourself. Don’t create phantom profiles ( 1 person create multiple profiles on social media ) with the intention to insult. This is the attitude of a coward. Characteristics of coward people,
- Create phantom profile with a Lama picture or some bombastic Tibetan name.
- Used an innocent person’s picture as profile picture
- Raised concern over certain issue. Pretending to be civic minded but with bad intention in their cow brain
- Attention seeker. Always strive to be in the limelight
- Dare not show themselves in public or be brave to comment fearing they will be hit or cannot bear the humiliation
its obvious you have low self esteem.
You this kind of people, you forget the root teachings of Buddhism but try to claim like you are very concerned over social moral crimes. Internally you know nuts. In your heart, when you see innocent lives being claim by ISIS, you think
- oh my! i wonder where they will be reborn next life
- why don’t they have dharma inside them
- i wish i can help the innocent victims
but you fail to understand, you yourself is planting the seed of hatred. You yourself is planting negative imprint in people. You think you are doing a great job alerting the public but have you analyse yourself what you see and read on social media, it it verified? Have you think from all directions? Is the news real or just false claim?
Nicole Sia Mei Yee, a VBCM member who uses language like “you know nuts” when chastizing other people online for not being Buddhist enough according to her estimation.
Buddhist organisations and women leaders all over the world like Tzu Chi, Fo Guang, Haitao Life, Tenzin Palmo, Plum Village, Srawasti Abbey and many more are striving to inspire and educate young adults to ease their mind. Alleviating the burden in their heads. Help them from depression, suicide, family issue via their programs and social work. And here you are waking up every morning checking out whats the best way to inflict hurtful comments and finds it amusing. Think about your actions and look at yourself in the mirror. Compare your face with people from the positive side.People like you, when you can’t achieve what you want, when your actions goes out hand and you land yourself in deep trouble, you think “aisk…i think Buddhism is not the suitable religion for me, the centre is not suitable for me to practice, Nobody help me when i am in trouble. So corrupted and unfair. Not only that, my boss and colleague in office also abuse me. Why am i suffering all this? I think i better switch to another religion and start all over again.”
Trust me, people like you will never find happiness in any religion you embrace as long as you have a negative intention inside you. Besides that, you wont even find happiness in your love relationship or smooth undertaking in your career or business. Think about it.
VBCM is a small group of laypeople in Malaysia who persistently attempt to position themselves as their country’s Buddhist police, although their self-appointment has never been recognized, funded nor sponsored by any Malaysian government department.
Lastly, to be fair. VBCM is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. They don’t receive any form of salary and also like any lay person have a family and career to look after. VBCM don’t receive any strong support from government like Fo Guang Shan or Maha Vihara. Don’t expect them to take lead in whatsoever moral issues and act like an activist. If they run into sticky situations, are you there to help? You ask yourself personally, are you a good leader yourself in your personal life, as a partner, as a parent and career before you insult organisations for their poor leadership. VBCM is just a representative of a small Buddhist minority group within Malaysia with His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama and many more leaders from the 4 traditions as their guide.
Alison subsequently penned the comments below in response to Nicole Sia Mei Yee’s attempt to protect the VBCM’s refusal to speak up against Dagri Rinpoche although the Indian police arrested him for sexual assault. VBCM and their co-conspirator Losang Dragpa Center have traditionally been extremely discriminatory towards others but in this Dagri incident where he has been found to sexually assault women, they have been silent. They have not spoken up against Dagri Rinpoche or the FPMT who covered it up for 10 years.
To Nicole,
I am a real person. Whether you know me or not doesn’t matter. What matters is what I have to say, which is of value, to protect our sisters and daughters from bad people regardless of what their titles are.
Things have happened to me before in Dharma centers but when we speak up, they silence you. You tell me to reveal myself but I am not the one hiding. Why don’t you reveal more about yourself on your Facebook account? Why not? Why can’t everyone see your profile or any details about you?
But most importantly, and let’s not distract from the issue at hand, but this is not about me. The issue is about the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) and why it failed to do the right thing, and why the VBCM promoted a sex offender and could not tell a proper monk from a sex offender. THAT’S the issue.
You are right, VBCM is only a very small group. The VBCM is a group of lay people who have very little real knowledge of the Dharma. They have no spiritual qualifications and no training and background whatsoever to be deserving of being a “Buddhist council”. And yet, the VBCM does not behave humbly or beneficially but instead has a history of having a big mouth, poking into the business of other centers and hurting many people in the past. Why is the VBCM even trying to control Tibetan Buddhism in Malaysia when it has no right and no qualifications to do so? No one is asking VBCM to regulate, watch over, mediate, police, comment, update and govern on Tibetan Buddhism in Malaysia. No one asked them to do it and they are just doing it on their own. Anyways, they are not even doing a good job because they are not qualified. There is no need for VBCM in Malaysia whatsoever. People do not even have enough time to run their own centers, find donations to pay bills, upkeep and so forth, so why should they donate manpower to VBCM? They already have enough to do in their own centers.
Instead of spending the last 30-40 years in a monastery studying the Dharma, VBCM Committee member Pek Chee Hen has spent it on worldly pursuits. Yet he presumes to tell ordained monks and nuns what they can and cannot do. VBCM recently tried to cover their endorsement of the Malaysian sex monk Shi Zhao Liang who has been arrested. They have a habit of endorsing monks and teachers who they never thoroughly check out. Most recently Pek Chee Hen and his VBCM group endorsed as a special guest to Wesak Day 2019, the Tibetan sex monk Dagri Rinpoche. Dagri Rinpoche has been molesting women for decades and was reported to FPMT and the Dalai Lama’s Office. Both places did nothing. In fact FPMT continue to send Dagri Rinpoche to their various centers to teach, endangering more women. Now Dagri Rinpoche has been finally suspended from FPMT’s teacher’s list. They have finally caved into public pressure and shaming.
The VBCM committee is always the same, with the same people voting each other into the committee all the time and this has been witnessed firsthand, that is why VBCM never grows. VBCM’s current committee wants to hold on to their damaging policies and the way they are now, and never allow change or growth. Hence they keep the committee members rotating just among themselves. This is how they conspire with one another to hang on to what little “power” they wish to exercise. Don’t forget Losang Dragpa Center’s (LDC) Pek Chee Hen is also involved with VBCM and LDC. Of course you only promote each other.
You are also wrong to say they are volunteers. People like Ms. Tee have been paid a high salary by the Kuan Yin Contemplative Order (KYCO)/Tony Wong for many decades now, including travel expenses. So in fact, none of them are working for free unless they have some way of making money fall out of the sky for them. And what do they do to earn this money? What do they do to deserve being a “Buddhist council”? Absolutely nothing except to cover up for sex monks, discriminate against teachers, centers and practices.
Shi Zhao Liang, the Malaysian ‘monk’ who was arrested for the sexual assault of young boys for the last decade
VBCM covered up the sex monk Shi Zhao Liang who was proven to be guilty of his sexual assaults on young boys. The VBCM did nothing and said nothing. First, they said Shi Zhao Liang is not a Vajrayana monk so it’s not their business. But protecting young and innocent children should be EVERYONE’S business so that was just a lame excuse. Now they also do not say anything about the Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ sex scandal. Isn’t Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ a Vajrayana monk? So how come the VBCM is still quiet? How come the VBCM did not hesitate to promote a sex offender on their Facebook page and when the person they promoted was exposed for his sexual offences, VBCM just remained quiet and hid? Why didn’t the VBCM take responsibility for promoting the wrong person? Why do they not apologize? Look how little ‘likes’ and comments they get on their Facebook page and their name is the VAJRAYANA BUDDHIST COUNCIL of ALL Malaysia? Why is that? Because they have not been doing a good job and people see through that and do not support. We see that and we do not support, and we save everything they do and watch them carefully.You say so much and yet clearly the intention is to deflect attention from the fact that Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ is a confirmed molester of women. Three female victims have come out. They and their witnesses have all spoken publicly and are confident enough to show their faces to back up their testimonies. If what they said were untrue, would they have shown their faces and opened themselves up to be sued? FPMT is rich and a big organization and can sue easily so this is not something made up or imagined. Lama Zopa and the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) knew about all the many reports regarding Dagri and kept it quiet for many years. Lama Zopa even told people not to talk about it. Dagri has given initiations, teachings, commentaries and transmissions and so many people are now lost and don’t know what do. They have lost faith in Dagri because they trusted him, took refuge with him, donated to him, donated to his monastery and his khamtsen (Tsawa Khamtsen) and now they are lost. Think of them. There are many more victims in the spiritual sense besides the three women who have come out. All these invitations, empowerments and teachings carry no blessings because Dagri broke his vows and so everything he has given is void and invalid. Dagri is simply not trustworthy. So the issue here is Dagri and why FPMT, LDC and VBCM covered for him. Just to let you know, there are other monk teachers in FPMT organization that have had inappropriate relationships with female students and touched female members, that have been hushed up. FPMT Amitabha Buddhist Center (ABC) in Singapore has had many students leave due to this happening with their resident teacher and it was hushed up. Many of them are very angry and now looking for ways to make this public.
So you should not be asking me why I am speaking up. You should be asking VBCM and LDC why they wanted to bring this type of monster into our country to molest our sisters and daughters. Are you agreeable to sex predators coming to our country and assaulting our sisters and daughters? Is that what you want? Of course we dare to speak up. And it does not matter if how we speak up is agreeable to you or not. In this Internet age, everything we say can be easily verified if you do some light research. Lama Zopa even came up with a statement of how to ‘view’ Dagri’s offences in the last few days. Why? Because Dagri is guilty and Lama Zopa knows that. But to avoid liability in spiritual, legal and reputational terms, Lama Zopa has to advise victims and concerned people how to conveniently ‘view’ the situations or it will become a massive PR disaster for FPMT and LDC. He has to advise people in a way to placate their anger, hurt and loss of faith. It is not working though. Many are speaking up against Lama Zopa unfortunately. Just go to his Facebook page and read the comments, if they have not been deleted by now.
On the Dagri scandal and on promoting a sex predator, VBCM is as quiet as mouse. But in the past, they tried to act like ‘authorities’ of Tibetan Buddhism. What gives the VBCM the right to say who is good and who is not good, and which center and teacher is genuine or not genuine? Which practice is blessed or not? What is the VBCM’s so-called authority or expertise based on? Just because they have attended a few teachings and taken a few pictures with the Dalai Lama does not give them the right to do anything in Malaysia. Many people take pictures with the Dalai Lama but that does not mean they immediately become qualified authorities in Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama has taken pictures with mass murderers like Shoko Asahara who is also a cult leader. The Dalai Lama has also taken pictures with Keith Raniere, another cult leader. Both are now in jail. As I said, just because you take photos with Dalai Lama does not authorize you to govern the Tibetan Buddhist followers in Malaysia. It also does not give you instant wisdom. You make mistakes too. VBCM likes to splash their pictures taken with the Dalai Lama all over their unsteady website (sometimes it exists and sometimes it’s gone) and Facebook pages. They do this all the time to fool the Malaysian public into thinking that they are so holy, so learned and have the Dalai Lama’s backing. Well they are not holy, not learned and the Dalai Lama will take pictures with everyone, even his security guards. Splashing their pictures all over the place on social media does not convince the public that VBCM has any authority to judge and sanction any teacher, tradition, center, temple, practice and tradition. VBCM committee are just ordinary lay persons who are not Dharma teachers and not knowledgable. It will do them well to remain silent and just practice the Dharma they claim to protect. Even the great monks of Brickfields who are learned masters from Sri Lanka meet all monks of all traditions, peoples, centers, traditions and do not discriminate nor do they criticize, and they are real sangha and learned. If they do not discriminate, who are VBCM to do so? Ms. Tee Siew Seet, Mr. Pek Chee Hen and so forth are the core of VBCM and Ms. Tee likes to hide behind other committee members of VBCM to do the dirty works for her so she does not get into trouble and make her Sifu Tony Wong look bad.
Ms. Tee Siew Seet, a long-time committee member of the VBCM who hides behind other VBCM members, relying on them to do her dirty work of criticizing and discriminating against other lamas and centers. She has been on the committee of VBCM since the first day of their inception. She insists on being their committee and does not allow new people into the ‘top’ posts in their small ‘council’. She enjoys taking pictures with the Dalai Lama and then posting these on social media to gain the ‘authority’ to tell other centres in Malaysia what to do. She likes to infer she is in the Dalai Lama’s good books and therefore has the right to dictate what other Tibetan Buddhism-based centres in Malayisa can and cannot do. She has very little knowledge of Buddhism but it is said by the Buddhist circuit that she enjoys the power.
VBCM has no knowledge, learning and authority to be the VAJRAYANA BUDDHIST COUNCIL OF MALAYSIA. You are right, they are not backed by any of our Government Departments because they are not qualified to be backed up. The VBCM is not backed up by anything and even you can see that it is nothing but a shell. Many of us will not keep silent about VBCM because they have no authority to judge other teachers, centers and lineages in Malaysia. They have no right to say who is bad and who is good. I have as much right as the VBCM but I don’t interfere in matters that do not concern me. The VBCM has in the past opposed centers inside and outside Malaysia and have tried to sabotage teachers trying to come into Malaysia or within Malaysia. What gives them that right? If they have the right because they are a member of the public, then so do I. I don’t need a ‘big’ name and big banner to say what is right and wrong. I only need to speak the truth and without fear. Anyway, on what basis does the VBCM decide which lama is good or bad? On what grounds and guidelines? And with what qualifications do they judge by? Just a few committee members ‘certifying’ and ‘authorizing’ which lama and center is good or bad in Malaysia? That’s absurd and fake. And we are supposed to follow what these unqualified fellows dictate and ignore our rights as citizens of our free nation? But when a lama is found out to be sexually molesting women and VBCM has promoted these lamas past and present, they remain quiet. Cowards that they are.
The people behind VBCM only dare to say things anonymously on Facebook. They only post as VBCM and do not reveal who is doing the postings. This is why none of the committee post the same things on their own Facebook pages. And why is there no transparency? Which of the committee have been deleting critical comments, which one of them have been hiding comments they don’t like? Which one of them deleted comments that shared facts that the VBCM doesn’t want the public to know? Which one of the committee is promoting this lama or that center? No one knows which person from within VBCM is doing this on their Facebook page, so they are anonymous and act while hiding behind anonymity. They should identify themselves at the end of each post and state who they are and take responsibility and be ready to be held accountable. So they are the ones that are anonymous and they have a banner of being a council? How can council members hide?
The Dalai Lama takes photos with thousands of people every year. Just because someone has had their photograph taken with the Dalai Lama, does not make them an authority on Buddhism. VBCM flashing their photograph with the Dalai Lama is exploitative, and it abuses the Malaysian public’s good will and unfamiliarity with Tibetan Buddhist customs in order to make themselves (VBCM) appear as a Buddhist authority. In reality, the VBCM are not qualified to be such an authority nor are they recognized, funded or sponsored by any Malaysian government department.
VBCM acts like a commercial marketing company and all they do is promote lamas on their Facebook pages without any care or screening. On the one hand, they presume to tell others who is a proper lama and yet evidently some have turned out to be sex offenders but VBCM keeps quiet. VBCM is not qualified to manage Vajrayana Buddhism in any way. No one is qualified in Malaysia to do so and no center should do so, lest people start looking deeper into them. Even if VBCM is claiming to carry out the Dalai Lama’s wishes, they are not qualified to do so. The Dalai Lama’s advices, wishes and concerns do not need to be enforced by anyone. It is up to the individual to follow them or not. Buddhism is an open religion and not militaristic or controlling so don’t make it that way. Buddhism is not like the Vatican where the Pope controls everything. The Dalai Lama is not the Pope and he has no Vatican. We Malaysians have full religious freedom and the Vajrayana teachings we follow are up to us. Although I respect the Dalai Lama very much, I do not have to follow everything he says. I have my own discerning wisdom, intelligence and free will. By not following everything that the Dalai Lama says does not make me his enemy. So don’t make me his enemy. It just simply makes me a proud citizen of Malaysia who exercises my free choice.
The question everyone should ask over and over again is who authorized the VBCM to judge who is good and not good. Just because they claim they follow the Dalai Lama’s teachings does not give them the right or qualification to be a moral compass. If VBCM are such good followers of the Dalai Lama and REALLY PRACTICED WHAT HE TAUGHT, the committee of the VBCM would be highly attained already. They should be healing people, they should be advanced in their meditations and they should be teaching the Dharma to many people by now. None of that is happening. That means the people in the VBCM don’t practice well and they are just like the rest of us. NOT PERFECT. In that case, they should not pretend that they are better than the rest of us and tell us what gurus we should follow or not follow.
If the VBCM had any qualifications or if had any decency or sense of civic responsibility, it would not have promoted a dangerous sex offender like Dagri. What the VBCM did was just wrong. It was dangerous for the VBCM to do that. How can anyone trust the VBCM and what they say now? VBCM making that mistake shows they are not qualified to screen teachers coming into Malaysia. They are not qualified to be a council of any sort. They should keep quiet and practice Dharma deeply instead of trying to be a council and assume to tell the rest of us what to do. Dangerous. They told us to get teachings from Dagri and look how that worked out. It worked out badly. More and more witnesses are speaking out. Dagri is a molester and preys on innocent women while hiding behind maroon robes. Dangerous. Because the VBCM makes dangerous mistakes, I as a member of the public will speak up and report. In fact, everyone should be asking the VBCM why it promoted a sex predator and then when exposed, just turned away instead of acting responsibly? Why did FPMT’s Malaysian branch LDC promote this molester? They should apologize and be honest and not just change their advert regarding Dagri’s coming quietly and not say anything. Shame.
FPMT’s Malaysian branch Losang Dragpa Center (LDC) invited Dagri Rinpoche to officiate their 2019 Wesak Day program, encouraging members of the public to be exposed to this sexual offender and therefore endangering their safety. Many on social media protested his visit, writing comments on LDC’s Facebook page which they hid. LDC has recently accepted Dagri Rinpoche cancelling his trip to conduct Wesak Day 2019 in Malaysia. Public opinion and exposing him to be a Tibetan sex monk has sent him into hiding. Three victims have come out to speak against Dagri Rinpoche who was arrested and released on bail. LDC has lost much of their reputation due to their negligent handling of this sex monk who is a danger and menace to society. LDC tried their best to cover this situation and when people called them, they did not pick up the phone or hung up on people.
Instead of doing the proper thing, the VBCM deleted and hid posts by the public that warned others of Dagri. On the one hand the VBCM claims to be a council and to be a source of accurate information, but on the other hand they hide and delete important posts and comments. The VBCM should never delete posts unless they are vulgar. I have personally screenshot many posts they have deleted and hidden so there is a record of the VBCM’s cover-ups. They even block accounts so where is the transparency and honesty? Why not let the public exercise the right to say what they like especially when it is on important issues like this dangerous Dagri? VBCM’s Facebook page has so little interaction already so why block people, hide and delete comments? How come they can tell the public what they want but the public cannot respond and tell them what the public wants and feels? We can be telling the truth too even if we don’t ADVERTISE our photos taken with the Dalai Lama, you know?
You asked why I speak up and monitor the situation? It’s because the VBCM failed to perform its job and duty to inform the public. In fact VBCM is not qualified for any duties in regards to Vajrayana Buddhism. So we the public have to stand up and make a stand. I repeat, the VBCM failed. Remember, FPMT has suspended Dagri. Why suspend him if the allegations are not real? After all the public outcry, the FPMT became afraid. They have always known the allegations are real. Dagri was arrested in North India by the Indian police and that is real. It is real. He did molest the Spanish lady and that is real. He did grab the breast of the Korean lady and that is real. Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo said to speak up as she is aware of Dagri and what he did. The Dalai Lama said, “People who commit sexual abuse don’t care about the Buddha’s teaching. Make it public through media, though they may not pay heed to Buddhist teachings on ethical behaviour, they will likely take notice if their face appears in the media.” That is why we are speaking up. But why isn’t the VBCM speaking up? Why use the Dalai Lama as their claim to ‘authority’ but ignore the Dalai Lama when it is their own loss of face at stake? And how come you and VBCM do not even think about the damage done to Dagri’s victims? Where is your moral compass? What about the poor ladies who came to Dagri in full faith and trust and were horribly molested and it destroyed them? What about them? Do you have any sympathy for them? They have sworn statutory declarations and witnesses to this. They have gone to the police. They are open about it. They are not asking for compensation or money but just an admission, an apology so they can heal, so that potential victims will not become victims. FPMT, LDC and VBCM must think of the victims.
VBCM is covering for Dagri because the LDC is a part of VBCM. VBCM should disclose openly that the LDC invited a ‘teacher’ of doubtful character, exposing the public to danger. Why does VBCM protect the LDC instead of the Malaysian public? Very biased. Is it because you have members of LDC in the VBCM? Doesn’t this show that the VBCM only acts in its own self-interest? Why scold me when you should scold VBCM and LDC?
It is strange you and VBCM attack those who do the right thing and defend those at fault. Dagri has touched many women without their permission. That is wrong. For sure, we are not speaking up because we are disgruntled with our centers and teachers and giving up on the Dharma. We are very happy with our lives and our spiritual practice. We don’t have to be in any center to become spiritually evolved. We are speaking up because we haven’t given up on the Dharma. We are stopping monsters hiding behind religion to victimize women. Why don’t you think about the women, the victims? Why must the victims suffer more to protect VBCM and LDC’s face? Why? Think of the victims.
Lama Zopa’s statement regarding the sexual offences of Dagri Rinpoche were widely derided online, and denounced as tone deaf, out of touch and lacking compassion and understanding for the victims’ experiences. It is clear that Lama Zopa knew of Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual offences against women but kept sending him to various centers of their organization. Many have spoken out against Lama Zopa and his insensitive message to the students of Dagri Rinpoche who are very disillusioned, and for him failing to reaching out to the victims.
When you stop to think about it, the VBCM’s ONLY claim to fame is that some of them have taken photos with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. So have I and I have also donated many times to his causes and teachings and will continue to donate. But that does not mean the Dalai Lama is perfect. He is a good person, good monk and knowledgeable but he makes mistakes too. Just look at the people he has endorsed such as Shoko Asahara and Keith Raniere. If you have no idea who they are, just Google those names and the Dalai Lama and you will see that the Dalai Lama has also made mistakes. And the Dalai Lama himself said that if he has made a mistake, I do not need to follow along the mistake but take his other teachings and apply it. The Dalai Lama has said, “If the spiritual master is following a wrong path, which is contrary to mainline teachings, the student should be able to take a stand and not blindly follow that path.” It is not improper to tell your guru he is wrong when he is wrong. It does not affect guru devotion. So Lama Zopa has made mistakes but that doesn’t mean I no longer regard him as a good person. I don’t need to follow men in robes blindly. But I must be discerning and open my eyes and be alert always. High lamas can make mistakes and they will continue to. That is fine, but they must own up to it.
The bottom line is, LDC has promoted a sex offender and is still promoting him. I, as a good member of society who values the truth and who understands the importance of the situation, am simply bringing this to their attention and to the public’s attention. Why does it have to be this way? Because if you bring it to their attention in an open and direct way, they will brush you off to save their own skin and face and because they do not want to lose revenue and income from events such as the one they wanted to bring Dagri in for. Of course having Dagri at LDC will bring money, new members and more resources, or so they hoped. Too bad.
Bottom line is VBCM has no right to tell us what lamas and practices are good or bad because they have no basis and no qualifications and they should keep quiet. Even when a lama like Dagri is bad, they have the chance to exercise their councilship but they do not. Shame. Their motivation is not genuine, that is why they don’t speak up when necessary. No one respects the VBCM and it is reflected in the lack of support in person and online.
We will keep speaking up and we will keep sharing our opinions with the public after we do thorough research always. We are simply the concerned public who do not want more women being abused in the name of religion. We know how that feels.
Also, do you want to take a chance and leave your daughters and sisters with Dagri in a room? I wouldn’t!
H.H. the Dalai Lama
FPMT/Lama Zopa
All Malaysian Buddhist centers
Religous department of Tibetans in Dharamsala
Buddhist Scholars
Malaysian government
Buddhist forums
Monasteries in India and Nepal
Dharma centers around the worldThe news on Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual molestation is big, and growing bigger still, all around the world.
Dagri Rinpoche’s teachings around the world are being cancelled: https://www.facebook.com/carol.mcquire/posts/10161953935340145?comment_id=10161954361765145
Links to news talking about this issue:
- https://www.tibetsun.com/news/2019/05/08/tibetan-lama-dagri-rinpoche-faces-me-too-allegations
- http://www.tibetanjournal.com/senior-tibetan-lama-faces-allegations-of-sexual-assault/
- https://medium.com/@alexandernazzarro/dalai-lama-offices-dagri-rinpoche-molests-women-cb3c5f8f1b1a
- https://hindi.news18.com/news/himachal-pradesh/dharamsala-women-molested-in-delhi-to-kangra-filght-old-men-arrested-hpvk-1953835.html
- https://www.jagran.com/himachal-pradesh/kangra-tibbati-man-tease-with-women-in-delhi-kangra-plane-19191754.html
- https://news.raftaar.in/kangra-crime-news-state-tibbati-tease-with-women-teasing-plane-%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%8D%E2%80%8D%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%80-%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%97%E0%A4%A1%E0%A4%BC%E0%A4%BE-%E0%A4%86-%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B2%E0%A4%BE-%E0%A4%9B%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%A1%E0%A4%BC%E0%A4%9B%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A1%E0%A4%BC/detail/ec9e4e49c2ba67cd2459f42005974c12
- https://www.amarujala.com/shimla/crime/molestation-with-female-passenger-in-delhi-kangra-flight
- https://www.bhaskar.com/himachal-chandigarh/shimla/news/30-year-old-woman-accused-65-year-old-man-for-molesting-her-in-air-india-flight-01537189.html
- https://www.facebook.com/palden.gyalpo.5/posts/680924665671499
- http://bangchen.net/42968/22/58/
- http://tibetexpress.net/10307/second-woman-alleges-molestation-by-dagri-rinpoche/
- https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/myanmar-journalists-freed/
- http://timesasian.com/archives/6801
- http://timesasian.com/archives/6838
- http://www.phayul.com/news/article.aspx?id=41433&t=1
- https://www.lionsroar.com/prominent-tibetan-lama-accused-of-molestation-by-two-women/
- https://himachalabhiabhi.com/latest-news/dagri-rinpoche-denies-sexual-assaults-allegations.html
- https://thetibetstar.com/2019/05/13/breaking-news-is-dagri-rinpoche-guilty/
- https://www.tibetwebsite.com/prominent-tibetan-lama-accused-of-molestation-by-three-women/
- https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/tibetan-lama-dagri-rinpoche-suspended-from-teaching-after-molestation-allegations
- https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/himachal/tibetan-monk-in-eye-of-metoo-storm/770574.html
May 16, 2019
In 2011 + 2012, FPMT’s branch in Malaysia (LDC) invited Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ to give pujas, oral transmissions and initiations. Now how do they feel? So many people have gotten empty transmissions, teachings and rotten initiations from a sex offender teacher Dagri Rinpoche? What do they do now? Ask for a refund? How do FPMT make up for sending a dangerous sex monk to give teachings and initiations to the public when they knew about him and covered up. Lama Zopa knew about Dagri Rinpoche victims’ complaints. 👎
May 16, 2019
Thank you DorjeShugden.com for sharing with the world what is going on !!
I am so disgusted about the fact that this is how some monks behave!!
Everyone should be aware and keep their eyes open!!
May 17, 2019
Have you guys seen this?
I have been reading up with all that had happened with the latest Dagri Rinpoche molestation case. I cannot believe there is so much going on, especially with the way FPMT, their spiritual head, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the monastery had responded. They are clearly downplaying the abuse, which is uncalled for in this day and age.
You guys should read what Jakaira, one of the victim’s responded to these parties. It is obvious that she is quite upset with the way they had dismissed her and the other abuse victims. This is quite shocking to read about and does not put FPMT, Lama Zopa or the monastery in good light. As Jakaira has said, they are all liable to the damages inflicted on the victims because they choose to side with the abuser, Dagri.
Very shocking and sad…
Do read her letter….
Tenzin K
May 19, 2019
Very obvious that VBCM deleted the post because they don’t want to get involved and stay away from it. How not dharmic and non-ethical.
Why I say so:
Not dharmic – VBCM says that they are council and should be a concern for a scandal like this is Buddhist organization especially in Malaysia where a Buddhist center/organization that affiliate with the involves the center/organization in this case which is LDC with FPMT. Why be so coward but just want a good name without doing anything? Buddhism is about compassion not self-centered!!! Not a good example at all.
Non-ethical – Simply just delete the issue in their FB show how irresponsible. There is a scandal that affects the image of Buddhism as a whole how could VBCM just thinking only for themselves by deleting the issue in FB will not be on their court. As a council pls take up responsibilities and act like a Buddhist!!
Dorje S
May 19, 2019
I haven’t finished reading the whole article yet, but the conversation between Nicole Sia and Alison Ong is very interesting. As an ordinary person who may or may not has a lot of dharma knowledge, what Alison Ong said makes a lot of sense “But the truth of the matter is, whether Dagri Rinpoche is an extraordinary being or an ordinary being, is not the issue. The issue is that he inflicted criminal acts upon ordinary beings who only have ordinary views and, as a result, suffer very much like all ordinary people do when they are harmed. How can you tell ordinary people to have extraordinary views about a sex crime that has hurt them and shames their family?”
If even Alison Ong is able to see the consequences, why can’t a high lama who suppose to have wisdom, compassion and skilful means like Lama Zopa sees it?
And look at how Nicole Sia replied Alison, she didn’t even acknowledge Alison’s fact above instead keep accusing Alison of using fake identity. It’s funny. A fact is a fact, it doesn’t matter who asked the question. If you can answer well, then answer it, and by doing so, you are actually doing something to protect what you believe in. Why avoid the question?
The way Nicole replied Alison really very badly representing FPMT especially when the whole world is now starting to cast doubt about its credibility. She is not helping at all. 😌
Dagri No More
May 20, 2019
It is frustrating to know that the Tibetan leadership and FPMT actually knows about his crimes a long time ago before this current incident. Why did they not take any action against him to protect the nuns and women in their organisation? They are willing to sacrifice their nuns and female disciples just to keep Dagri Rinpoche around?
They are doing it just to keep their connection with His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Since Dagri Rinpoche is working close to His Holiness, those centres who hosted Dagri Rinpoche will naturally be benefitted from that relationship. It is clear that those centers do not treat their nuns and female disciples well and all they care about is benefits for the center or themselves.
I hope the public will learn from the previous experience with Sogyal who is still not persecuted for his crime against his students. He manages to get away with it because he is close to His Holiness the Dalai Lama too. Being close to His Holiness should not be a getaway pass for them to commit crimes and not pay the price.
May 20, 2019
This is what people say “what goes around comes around”. Dagri Rinpoche has been hurting innocent women including nuns for the past 10 years. But who knows, maybe he has been doing that for longer than that! He took advantage of his title ‘Rinpoche’ to cover up his evil intention. He told the victims that he was giving them special blessings to help them progress in their spiritual journey or heal their diseases. For a person who is supposedly learned, Dagri Rinpoche twisted Buddha’s teachings to fulfill his sickening desire.
Molesting women is one of his many crimes, he also sounds like he is an alcoholic and he uses alcohol to facilitate his ill intention. Tantric masters use alcohol for higher practice, but he consumes alcohol for his desires. He is the reason why much general public has doubt in Tibetan Buddhism and lamas.
We must thank the Indian woman who reported on Dagri Rinpoche. She is not a Buddhist, she has no reason to tell lies to accuse Dagri Rinpoche. For her to make a report to the police and the police accepted her case, she must have enough evidence to prove what she said. Dagri Rinpoche can say all he wants to, but no one will really believe him. It is time for him to get the results of the actions he has committed.
Aritis Rock
May 20, 2019
It has been so many days passed since Dagri Rinpoche molested case arise, I have seen many people speaking but except VBCM, beside posting that letter from Dagri Rinpoche, well, from the post, it clearly that VBCM is siding Dagri Rinpoche no matter what others say, in this case, then how can VBCM became the authority of Malaysia Buddhism since they are so biased? 2 weeks has passed, VBCM has not said a single word, they have not explained anything to the public, since they want to be the leader of Malaysian Buddhism, so isn’t it this is the important moment for them to stand out, take charge and do something? or say something?
Reading the letter from Dagri Rinpoche, for the lady in the plane, he said she accused him, for Jaki who recorded a video explaining how Dagri Rinpoche molested her, he said she has mental problem, so whoever come out to say what happened to them, Dagri Rinpoche will just accuse them as it is their problems.
When he is carrying the title of a Rinpoche, he is suppose to set as an example to his followers, he is suppose to be the inspiration for others to be like him, but what he did has totally lose all my respect, is he even qualified to be a Rinpoche then?
May 20, 2019
VBCM seems like a really hypocritical society.
Only want to look good, when push comes to shove VBCM will not dare to do what is the right and correct thing.
May 21, 2019
I absolutely abhor vbcm. Just reading the post made me think of the lies and hypocrisy they practice. All these organizations are just out to cheat for their own benefit. JUST LIKE CTA. If they can’t handle the questions and truth why do they even exist. Think about it. For money of course and fame that came from deceits. Such cowards should be put in the spotlight and reveal the lies they tell the world. SHAME ON U VBCM!

May 21, 2019
How can Lama Zopa tell ordinary people to have extraordinary views about a sex crime that has hurt them and shames their family? if we viewed all sexual predators as extraordinary beings and keep up that faith, then we don’t need the law at all.
This is total nonsense. The Dharma center supposed to provide a comfortable, safe and conducive place for our spiritual path. It should not turn out as a dangerous place for sex predator. FPMT and Lama Zopa have to be responsible for this matter.
Mia Dex
May 22, 2019
VBCM and CTA are the same. Both are not supported by governments, corrupted and always putting safeguards on criminals. What kind of organisation is this? So disgraceful! The most pathetic was misusing spiritual path as bate for innocent victim falls in. Such monk should be disrobed, punished by right government authorities.

May 22, 2019
Interesting and juicy news! My friend in Malaysia never heard of VBCM, neither have I. He probed a bit and true enough they are a nobody who wants to be a somebody. This Nicole defended VBCM and Dagri Rinpoche when she should be concerned for other girls and women who might fall prey to Dagri. I hope she doesn’t be a victim of any sex predators. But the matter at hand is not about Nicole, who seems to divert away the attention from Dagri.
Why did Lama Zopa side Dagri by giving lame excuses, I wonder. Why allow Dagri to visit other FPMT centers where he was able to enjoy ‘fresh stock?’ How is it that Lama Zopa did not know what Dagri had been doing to these women. And if Lama Zopa knew, then why did he not stop Dagri but continued sending him all over? Yet after the victims came forward and exposed Dagri, Lama Zopa said the unthinkable.

Dondrup Shugden
May 22, 2019
The purity of Buddhism and practice of the Dharma is badly tainted by the words of Nicole Sia. Not to mention that Lama Zopa can condone the sexual abuses and molestation acts of Dagri Rinpoche as being acts of extraordinary.
However, as a practising Buddhist, and being disgusted with what is happening with I do not lose faith in the Dharma.
What is happening with FPMT and VBCM is that they are manifesting the truth of suffering in Samsara. What is unforgivable is that they seem to think they are doing the right thing.
Sad that FPMT has grown so huge as this organisation will have unfortunate impact on Buddhism especially so for female aspirants.
Belinda Mae
May 22, 2019
I think for a Buddhist practitioner we should behave well whether we are lay person or a Lama. Sexual abuse will result in body karma and perhaps mind karma. Protecting a person who is hurting others is definitely wrong as the person will continue to hurt many others.
May 22, 2019
This shows how corrupt and distorted things are in VBCM which I felt the same like CTA. They will defend the undefendable despite clear cut evidences but would throw allegations of all sorts at Dorje Shugden where the long proven history and solid proof as an Enlightened Protector. Disgusting!

Richard Tamlak
May 22, 2019
Hmmm….. something fishy is going on in VBCM. It leads me to relate it with CTA. Why does it sound so similar to CTA? Who likes to cover bad things up, but like to fry up some illogical issue, like accuse Dorje Shugden and the lamas who practice Dorje Shugden. It sound like they are just another supporter of The Dalai Lama, who likes to take picture with The Dalai Lama, then self claimed that they represent the whole Vajrayana Buddhist in Malaysia. Just like CTA, self claimed that they represent all the Tibetans, where Tibetans in Tibet don’t even want CTA to represent them. Or, is this VBCM is just another branch of CTA in Malaysia? People who doesn’t know the truth, and follow blindly, just thought that they are the great Buddhist, just because they are The Dalai Lama follower.
Theresa Sia
May 22, 2019
Nicole mentioned that “VBCM is just a representative of a small Buddhist minority group within Malaysia with His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama and many more leaders from the 4 traditions as their guide”. Surprise that “VBCM group endorsed as a special guest to Wesak Day 2019, the Tibetan sex monk Dagri Rinpoche”. Indirectly they are supporting sexual abuse by monk. In this case, public will be confused about Buddhism, they may misunderstand Buddhism is evil but actually is nothing to do with Buddhism but the people who claimed that they are leaders of the Buddhism group is.Very disappointed to VBCM, please do not forget one of your objective “To uphold and maintain the proper image of Buddhism ……”. Are you still “maintain the proper image of Buddhism” ? Dagri Rinpoche issue has obviously shown you did not play that role. Very sad to say that.
May 22, 2019
Thank for sharing this article sharing the right information about VBCM and Dagri Rinpoche sex scandel. This this bad and wrong cases becauce VBCM society try to cover up regarding Dagri Rinpoche sex scandel case. People who do this should not represent Buddha, dharma and sangha name anymore. It bring bad image toward buddhism.
It cause buddhism regenerate at Malaysia. How haevy the karma will be. Om Mani Pedme Hung.
Joan Sim
May 24, 2019
I used to go to this VBCM but I stopped. The reason is very simple because they always do closed-door elections for their committee members. They do this to make sure they can always hold the power to decide where the donations go.
Some more they are biased. They are supposed to promote all centres of Vajrayana Buddhism but they are selective and they discriminate Dorje Shugden practitioners. They don’t stop here. They tell people to stop going to their centres if people used to go to Dorje Shugden centres. They also spread the news around and make sure no one supports Dorje Shugden centres or practitioners.
I don’t know why they call themselves Buddhists because they do not even practice kindness and fairness for all beings. If they have the Bodhisattva vows, they are fake Bodhisattva because their actions have no bodhi but only siddhi of selfishness all the way la!
May 28, 2019
What is VBCM? What I found from the internet the full name is Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia. Do they represent all Vajrayana Buddhist in Malaysia? Who chose them to be the representative? I am sorry I am not trying to challenge any Malaysian here, but I keep seeing VBCM name appear in Dagri related post, make me wonder who they are. It seems like they are discriminating Dorje Shugden practitioners too. Who are behind them? Are they gelug, nyingma, kagyu or sakya?
June 5, 2019
Correct, VBCM aka Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia. They call themselves a council but none of their committee members know anything about Buddhism. A council should be run by a group of people who are at least a Geshe or equivalent. Those in the VBCM are only people who call themselves Buddhists
They choose themselves to be a council and they vote among themselves to make sure they continue to be in the committee in order to control the little finances and power they crave so much for. They are a group of anti-Dorje Shugden people who tell non-Dorje Shugden practitioners to discriminate them.
In a nutshell, VBCM is an organisation formed by a group of non-qualified clowns who are using Buddism for their own benefits.
May 27, 2019
It is just amazing that someone can think that by taking a few pictures with the Dalai Lama gives them the authority to govern others. Hello! Wake up already. The Dalai Lama isn’t even the actual head of the Tibetan Buddhist Schools. If base on his own lineage, Gelug, it is the Gaden Tripa who is the actual head. But anyway, back to VBCM and LDC. What gives them the rights to put others down when they themselves are faulty? Promoting and covering for the sexual offenders whom they treat with reverence?? No? Then why are they so silent in both cases? Why is this Nicole Sia being so self-righteous in putting Alison who wishes to expose the wrongs that exist? Why not just simply apologise and be humble to show that they are practitioners of Buddha’s teachings. Condoning harm to others through the teachers that they endorsed and promoted is simply wrong. Instead of admitting their mistake, Nicole Sia turns around and try to cover up by being a bully, shooting herself in the foot with her lack of knowledge.
Nope, they have no rights at all to police others!!
Ngawang Jigme
June 1, 2019
Unlike 5 years ago, Tibetan leader Lobsang Sangay is not invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony this time. It is clear that PM Modi of India snubs the Tibetan leadership once again in favour of deeper ties with China. The Tibetan leadership finds itself increasingly isolated as nobody wants to offend China by lending any support to the ungrateful Tibetans.
Tenzin K
June 2, 2019
VBCM only want to act as a council when everything is ok. Something went wrong they will tell you none of their business. How could this be practical? As a Buddhist organization, you should lead by example then you will gain respect from your own hard work. For Dagri Rinpoche issue VBCM act was really disappointing.
Tenzin P
June 3, 2019
Dagri Rinpoche will not get away this time. There is already a court case against him and bringing up His Holiness’s name will not help him anymore. Did he really think that being close to His Holiness will bail him out of the crimes that he committed? Don’t be silly. India is not treating the Tibetans like how they use to treat them anymore. No more privileges for the Tibetans especially those that committed crimes!
Dagri Rinpoche will reap what he sowed and those who had protected him for decades should be ashamed for encouraging his sick behaviour and not put a stop to it. FPMT is one of them and they should stop defending him by saying he is a bodhisattva and his actions are of compassionate origin. Those lies will not work anymore.
Dagri Rinpoche’s action had caused a lot of harm which is more than just the victims. Think about those who are new to Tibetan Buddhism. Their faith in Buddhism will be shattered and this will deter them away from their spiritual path. On top of that, Dagri Rinpoche had been giving out vows and this will definitely affect those who received vows from him.
June 3, 2019
What Lama Zopa said in his statement about Dagri Rinpoche is quite disappointing. He is still saying Dagri Rinpoche is a highly regarded Buddhist master and his students should rejoice because they have received higher practice or teachings from him. Lama Zopa is saying what Dagri Rinpoche it is ok to molest the students because they are molested by a Buddha.
So, Lama Zopa is also a high lama, even higher than Dagri Rinpoche, why doesn’t he touch the female students or nuns’ breasts in order to give them blessings? If Lama Zopa thinks it is not appropriate, why is it appropriate for Dagri Rinpoche to do that? Because Lord Buddha had sexual misconduct in his previous lives so it is ok for Dagri Rinpoche to do that too? If Buddha has to suffer from that, Dagri Rinpoche has to face the consequence also.
It is not right for FPMT to cover Dagri Rinpoche up, he harms female students and also gives a bad name to Buddhism. People come to a Dharma center for refuge but instead, they receive pain. Many women are traumatised. They thought they were the wrong one and they feel guilty of it when it is Dagri Rinpoche who has seriously violated them.
June 18, 2019
I find it strange that they need to defend a sexual predator instead of calling for a thorough inquiry into his activities, which most probably could be true based on the number of victims that came forward. These victims are not related to each other and the incidents had happened at different period of time. The most recent which happened in a very public place had his molestation reported to the police. The difference is that now India is no longer on the policy of coddling the Tibetans in exile, even if they state themselves as from the office of the Dalai Lama, the Indian police are free to pursue the truth in court against Dagri Rinpoche.
These religious people should support the truth and investigate the allegations without hiding any facts. Otherwise why even practice religion to be upholders of morality and compassion? The victims had been harmed and those Dagri Rinpoche had taught had been cheated. So isn’t it of better practice to expose wrongs instead of sweeping the matter under the carpet or diverting with flimsy excuses that will allow him to continue his harm to others?
June 20, 2019
If it was not because of the Indian woman, Dagri Rinpoche would still be out there molesting women and get away with it because the authority decided to cover him up. The Indian woman is not a Buddhist or Tibetan, she does not have any motive to accuse Dagri Rinpoche of molesting her. Therefore, I believe Dagri Rinpoche really did molest her.
This is unbelievable that Dagri Rinpoche can still tell lie about the meeting in Dharamsala with Ms. Jaikera. He started by saying that Ms. Jaikera is suffering from mental illness to discredit her. But this is normally the case isn’t it? Men will accuse women of having mental problems so they don’t have to be responsible for the crime they have committed.
This is good that Dagri Rinpoche is charged and will be persecuted. He must have harmed so many women in the past 10 or 20 years. He thinks he is a Rinpoche and he can get away with it, he is completely wrong! Now he has to pay for the price. This is a wake up call to the Tibetan community, they have to remember sexual abuse is not right and they cannot do what they like!
July 7, 2019
From what I understand is, Malaysia is a country that promote religion freedom. Thus, the country respect and stay harmony with their people’s different religions and culture.
The so call Council of Vajrayana in Malaysia, if they are not a proper council, why did any Malaysian Buddhist recognised their status? I understand from some of my friends in Malaysian, they are very good in create conflict amongst the Buddhist centres in Malaysia.
H.H Dalai Lama, to my knowledge is actually ban in Malaysia by the Malaysian Government. If the Vajrayana Council have took pictures with the Dalai Lama, does there actually openly challenge the government of Malaysia, as we know that Malaysia have very good relationship with China and China have ban Dalai Lama. More over, currently Many countries have stop to even relate themselves with Dalai Lama.
The VBCM making such a big mistake in Dagri Rinpoche’s case, have not even have the courage to apologise, instead trying their best to cover up. It is really bad to act in this way, and, really disqualified to represent the teaching of Buddhism.
I hope the other Buddhist organisation in Malaysia are not blind and fully support VBCM which have been create so many disharmony amongst the Buddhist in Malaysia. Further now, brought as international criminal to Malaysia and further endanger the safety of the people of Malaysia
Carol Macquire
August 29, 2019
$5,000 for 6 weeks course in FPMT! Looks like this is a private club for the rich and privileged.
September 2, 2019
Tenzin Paljor
August 31, 2019
FPMT reply to Dagri Rinpoche victim, Jakaira Kunsang, reveals claims of sexual abuse and FPMT cover-up as genuine
See the full post on FPMT Wallahs – Old and New facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2387411328211489/permalink/2405187776433844/
Tenzin Paljor
August 31, 2019
Leaked letters from the FPMT expose another sexual abuse victim by Dagri Rinpoche and more cover ups from the FPMT leadership
Read the full post and the comments on FPMT Wallahs – Old and New facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/2387411328211489/permalink/2407272092892079/
September 24, 2019
Monks are supposed to be celibate so he shouldn’t be touching women at all. This is a major problem with Tibetan Buddhism’s lax view that monks somehow don’t have to be celibate. Tantric sex and all that BS clearly shows it is not truly Buddhist.
Tenzin Paljor
January 31, 2020
Dagri Rinpoche court case has now proceeded after three times postponements for consideration of charge, and now at the stage of presenting the evidence for prosecution.
After receiving more reports of sexual harassment cases of Dagri Rinpoche,
- The FPMT Board announced that they have engaged FaithTrust Institute (FTI) to conduct an independent assessment of sexual misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche in FPMT centres that even named Dagri Rinpoche as the suspect of the investigations.
- The FPMT Board made an announcement that a confidential email address for victims and informants who want to contact FaithTrust Institute.
You can read this for yourself on the FPMT website: https://fpmt.org/fpmt-community-news/statement/dec-20-2019-update/
Mr. Pek
November 20, 2020
Too bad FPMT now sell out Dagri Rinpoxhe. I lose respect.