
Dalai Lama Retires From Politics

BY YIQIAN ZHANG The Dalai Lama is retiring — not from his spiritual role — but from his political service in the Tibetan government in exile — saying the Tibetan people need a freely elected leader. The announcement comes on the 52nd anniversary of the failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. “The Tibetan government in…


The Annual Yangdup Puja 2010 – Shar Gaden

The Official Yangdup 2010 Puja in Shar Gaden Monastery was held right next to the administrative office organized by the present administrators. They invited all the senior monks including the monastery’s administrative members, Lamas and Geshes to perform this wealth ritual which lasts for four days For more info: kindly visit the official website


Buddhist Wisdom – The 20-year Kadam Choeling

This is a 15-minute documentary on Kadam Choeling, and the celebration of its 20th anniversary. Kadam Choeling is a Dharma center of the Gelug tradition established 20 years ago in the area of Bordeaux, France, by the disciples of Dagpo Rinpoche. Dagpo Rinpoche was one of the important lamas who taught Pabongka Rinpoche the Lam…


Lobsang Sangay’s statement on Regionalism at Lithang Tenshug 2008

(The comment below is not made by, it is from Bhoe Gyalo, the person who put up this video in Youtube) Lobsang Sangay La in the 10 questions has answered “The three basic principles that I will follow are: UNITY, INNOVATION AND SELF-RELIANCE. ” and unity for him means, “UNITY means a society based…


Serpom Monastery (Annual Medicine Buddha Festival)

The video shows the annual sacred festival of the Buddha of Medicine performed at Serpom Monastery. At 0:21 – 0:24 a picture of the Venerable Abbot of Serpom Monastery Kyabjye Yongyal Rinpoche is clearly displayed. He is the holder of the Gaden Oral tradition. Born in Tibet in 1948, Kyabje Yongyal Dorjechang was recognized as…


Ngawang Drakpa Prophecy & Dhe Tsang monastery

Ngawang Drakpa is one of Lama Tsongkhapa’s main students. To show his gratitude and appreciation of his Guru, he promised to build 108 monasteries. The 108th monastery he built was called the Dhe Tsang Monastery. Text from the video: Ngawang Drakpa once dreamt of a conch shell descending onto his lap from the sky. He…


Untouchables in Tibetan Buddhism

His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama is a symbol of love and compassion all over the world but a few in Tibetan Buddhism community questions this claim. They blame Dalai Lama of taking away their religious freedom. These are worshipers of a controversial deity named Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is a protector deity in Tibetan Buddhism…


Monasteries Practising Dorje Shugden in Tibet

This video shows that many monasteries, monks and lay people in Chamdo, Tibet are practising Dorje Shugden, and Dorje Shugden initiaiton has been conferred to tens of thousands


Huge Dorje Shugden statue of Tseri Sagong Monastery in Chamdo, Tibet

In Kham, Tibet, more Tulkus/Geshes/Lamas are practicing Dorje Shugden and making the practice grow. It is growing more than it ever existed before. It has made the lamas work harder to promote Shugden in their individual areas. The ban has confused many lamas who stayed quiet watching things for some time now. They never speak…


Lama Thubten Phurbu Spreading Dorje Shugden in Chamdo, Tibet

Lama Thubten Phurbu consecrating Dorje Shugden tenkang (Protector House), giving talk on Dorje Shugden and doing Dorje Shugden puja at various monasteries in Chamdo, Tibet.


Three Principal Aspects of the Path – Lama Yeshe

The Three Principal Aspects of the Path: During His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 1982 teachings at Institute Vajra Yogini, France, Lama Yeshe was asked to “baby-sit” the audience for a couple of days when His Holiness manifested illness. The result of this session is this excellent two-part introduction to the path to enlightenment, in which…


The Maha Gutor Puja 2011 – (Last Day)

The Maha Gutor Puja was conducted in Shar Gaden by the monks there. Shar Gaden is one of the leading monasteries in South India that are supporting and spreading the Dorje Shugden practice. Taken from the dorjeshugden forum Wisdom Being (Forum Member) Many things happen during this religious event: On the 1st day, there will…


Serpom Monastery Oct’ 2010

This video highlights some of the beautiful enlightened imagery in Serpom Monastery. There are also many scenes of adult and younger monks in the Gompa performing prayers. The video shows literally a mountain of offerings piled up in front of the altar. It is really inspiring to see this thriving monastery still spreading the Ganden…


The State Oracle of Tibet


The Preliminary session of The Maha Gutor Puja, 2011 – DAY 1

The Maha Gutor puja was conducted at the premises of Shar Gaden. Gutor = Day before New Year’s Eve (29th day of the 12th lunar month). Usually, explanations of Tibetan festivals start by looking at the New Year’s Day celebrations. However, the year’s end is also of special importance and Tibetans observe ‘Gutor’ while they…


North America Geluk Buddhist Association

These are inauguration pictures of the North America Gelug Buddhist Association, March 5-6, 2011. This group is specifically to preserve the Gelug teachings with Dorje Shugden as their principal Dharma Protector. In North America, their rights to the freedom of practice will be protected and cannot be disturbed by anyone. Democratic governments would never impose a…


Teaching by Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen about renunciation and describes the six realms of existence

Part 2 Part 3 An incredible teaching by the late Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen about renunciation and describes the six realms of existence that was given in 2008.


Mandala Offering – His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche

My root guru, His Eminence Tulku Khejok Rinpoche demonstrates how to offer a Mandala. Although I am not able to include Rinpoche’s detailed explanation (it is entirely my inability), I still want to share this very precious recording. I am lucky to receive this practice first hand from Rinpoche. By actually seeing him offer the…


Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche’s Teaching, Markham, Tibet, VOL l

(17:35) “IF YOU GO FOR REFUGE IN THE DHARMA, YOU HAVE TO RESPECT EVERY SINGLE LETTER OF IT…” Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche speaks out against people who disparage the teachings and texts of the Gelug great masters like Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Dagom Rinpoche, especially texts related to the Dharmapala Dorje Shugden….


French Medium Meets Oracle Nechung

This is a trailer for a documentary on the State Oracle of Tibet ( Maud Kristen, a renowned French medium, visits Northern India, the bastion of Tibetan civilization in exile, to discover their oracle system. 
She meets Thupten Ngodup, the medium of Nechung, in Tso Pema and follows him on his pilgrimage to the sacred…


The Great Fifth

Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, “The Great 5th” Dalai Lama was the temporal and spiritual ruler of Tibet from 1642-1682. He unified Tibet under the Gelug school of Buddhism, made Lhasa the capital city, established friendly relations with the Manchu Emperor in Beijing and built the Potala Palace. He was a great writer on spiritual subjects and…


Gonpo Dhondup – Panchen Lama Dren Lu (Longing) Tibetan Song


Critical report on the Dalai Lama (ARD-Panorama)

Part 1 View video on YouTube: This penetrating German documentary, Panorama, challenges the popular Western myth of Tibet as Shangri-La. Cutting through the myth making and Hollywood romanticism, this investigation provides a shocking insight into the reality of life in Tibet under the Dalai Lama’s rule. The first part of the video touches on…


2011 Late Night Debate Ceremony at Shar Gaden

During this congregational debate ceremony at Shar Gaden, the assembly extensively debate on every major subject of Buddhist philosophy, including valid cognition, the six paramitas, the middle way, abhidhamma-kosa, and vinaya. The debate takes place in Shar Gaden’s sparkling new debate courtyard.


Venerable Zawa Tulku Rinpoche – Moncton Buddhist Centre

The inauguration of Moncton Buddhist Centre by Venerable Zawa Tulku Rinpoche was also attended by Mr Jampal Yeshe – President of the Dorje Shugden Society, and Dr Lucie Blouin who assisted with medical issues faced by monks in Shar Gaden and Serpom Monastery in India. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche is enrolled at Shar Gaden and regularly…


The 13th Dalai Lama

Excerpt from the video: It was during the time of the 13th Dalai Lama that Nechung’s prophecies started to falter. This supports the idea that Nechung’s time as a protector is ending and the time of Dorje Shugden to emerge as an universal protector is at hand. For example, a victory against the British promised…


Samdong Rinpoche’s Speech

(Transcript of Radio Free Asia (Tibetan Section) on December 24, 2010) Kelsang Yugyal: On the 23rd, the Tibetan Welfare Association and Majnu-ka-Tilla Tibetan office organized a program at the hall of the Tibetan children’s village where the Tibetan deputy Yeshi Phuntsok, Chochong Wangchug, directors of local bodies, members of NGOs and public were present. Samdhong…


Karmapa Spy Issue

Karma Returns to the Tibetan Government Incredible news report videos on the event with so many accusations. It’s completely ironic. The Tibetan govt in exile always accuses anyone they don’t like of being a Chinese supporter or spy. What is there really to spy on?? As if whatever the Tibetan Govt can do that would…


World’s Largest Dorje Shugden Statue in Gonsa Monastery, Kham

Denma Gonsa Rinpoche’s Monastery Denma Gonsa Rinpoche is a great senior lama and student of both Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo. He transmitted the pure teachings to his district people and 600 monks of his monastery. This great Monastery houses a 12 story high main image of Je Tsongkapa and has a beautiful…


Shar Gaden Monks Dissolving Sand Mandala

(3:25) Shar Gaden monks dissolving a sand mandala in Füssen, Germany. A mandala is a deeply profound, universal symbol that translates literally to mean the “center and its surroundings” and is a physical representation of the universe and the interdependence within the universe, which means that everything and everyone is interlinked in one way or…


Kyabje 13th Daknak Rinpoche Teaching LAMRIM

Kyabje 13th Daknak Rinpoche from Sera Jey, teaching LAMRIM in Taiwan Gadenpa. (Video is in Tibetan – no subtitles).   For more information about H.E. Daknak Rinpoche: The Opening of a New Dorje Shugden Monastery Daknak Rinpoche celebrates Lama Tsongkhapa Day in Taiwan Daknak Rinpoche visits Segyu Gaden Phodrang  


Lama Michel Visits Shar Gaden-2010

Lama Michel Rinpoche and his entourage came to Shar Gaden on the 17th November 2010 for a 5 day-long visit for their Documentary project. Later, they will be visiting Serpom Monastery in Mysore. This filming is most likely related to the documentary project called ‘Lineage’. For more information about ‘Lineage’, check out the site’s previous…


Inauguration of Jangchup Lamrim Temple, Lumbini, Nepal

His Eminence the renowned Gonsar Rinpoche has been a firm and strong practitioner of Dorje Shugden since day one. He is the root and heart student of Geshe Rabten and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche among other teachers. He hails from Sera Je Monastery. He has wonderful centres in Switzerland, Mongolia and Austria. Gonsar Rinpoche…


Shar Gaden monks doing prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany

Shar Gaden Monks conducting prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany. Enjoy the beautiful chanting and the sound of the ritual items being played by the monks, such as the damaru, long horns and ritual cymbals.


The Invocation of Peaceful Dulzin at Shar Gaden (part 1 & 2)

29 November 2010 – In this video, the oracle takes trance of Dorje Shugden in the aspect of a peaceful Duldzin and answering questions posed to him by Shar Gaden monks. How fortunate we are, that the tradition of oracles still exists and they can take trance of enlightened protectors to assist us in spiritual…


The Dalai Lama and Guru Devotion

View the video on YouTube: The heart of Buddhist Practice is to rely sincerely on the Holy Spiritual Guide who reveals the Path. These are the Dalai Lama’s own comments on his Guru devotion. Watch the complete version of the Dalai Lama’s interview in the video View the video on YouTube:


Shar Gaden Monastery Educational Program

A short informative video about the Educational Program that takes place in Shar Gaden Monastery. Narrated by a volunteer English Teacher. This video gives an account of what is a typical day at Shar Gaden Monastery for the monks. Starting from the moment they wake to how their day ends. There are currently over 700…


Modern Day Lineage Masters of the Ganden Tradition

Rare video clips of some of holiest teachers like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. These teachers were responsible for spreading the Dorje Shugden Protector practice and the Gaden Tradition throughout the world.


Shar Gaden Consecration Puja 2010 – DAY 3

The Consecration Puja is one of the holiest spiritual events of Shar Gaden, which lasts for three days. It starts from 8th, October 2010 and goes on until 10th, October 2010.


Shar Gaden Consecration Puja 2010 – DAY 2

The Annual Consecration Ritual Pujas are performed once a year as part of Shar Gaden’s significant Dharmic events. It is a three-day puja that begins on 8th October and lasts through to 10th October. It is dedicated to all sentient beings around the world – that they may be free from suffering, poverty war, ailments,…

Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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