A collection of press clippings and other entries from diverse media from 1996 to date, presenting an unbiased look at the illegal ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice within the Tibetan communities, India and elsewhere.
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The Guardian, 11 July 1996: Marking out the alternative path Buddhists can follow to Nirvana
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The Indian Express, 15 August 1996: Eleven Tibetan monks expelled for worshipping forbidden deity
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The Hindustan Times, 2 September 1998: Tibetan Monks Protest Against Religious Suppression
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The Hindustan Times, 20 December 2000: Court Directs Police To Probe Torture Of Lord Dorje Devotees
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Deccan Herald, 25 February 2008: Lamas protest denial of entry to Seralachi Buddha mandir

The Guardian, 11 July 1996: Marking out the alternative path Buddhists can follow to Nirvana

The Indian Express, 15 August 1996: Eleven Tibetan monks expelled for worshipping forbidden deity

The Hindustan Times, 2 September 1998: Tibetan Monks Protest Against Religious Suppression

The Hindustan Times, 20 December 2000: Court Directs Police To Probe Torture Of Lord Dorje Devotees

Deccan Herald, 25 February 2008: Lamas protest denial of entry to Seralachi Buddha mandir
William Herbert
January 2, 2015
Sanat Kumara the Christ, is known by many in the East and West as The Buddha Maitreya or by his honorific Tibetan title, His Holiness Jetsun Gyalwa Jampa Gonpo.
He has been enthroned and given many ceremonies of recognition in every lineage of Tibetan Buddhism as well as other Buddhist lineages such as the Nepali Sakya lineage (representing an unbroken blood line that dates back to his previous incarnation of Sakyamuni Buddha) and other International Buddhist Societies. He is the incarnated Living Buddha Maitreya, the Medicine Buddha and was born in Oregon in 1951. Buddha Maitreya is Native American and married to Mandarava Tara, the incarnation of the female bodhisattva tara, his wife and compliment of many years and lifetimes.
Maitreya comes from the sanskrit word “Maitri” meaning unattached and unconditional loving kindness. Buddha Maitreya is the reincarnation of God on Earth known as the Planetary Logos, who has many previous auspicious lives and incarnations that include Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Jesus The Christ, Babaji and several incarnations (many of which have been recognized) within Tibetan Buddhism including the Tibetan Yogi Saint Milarepa, Padmasambhava, Atisha, Je Tsong Khapa and Lama Dorje Shugden.
Buddha Maitreya the Christ created, designed with sacred geomancy and founded The Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Monastery & Planetary Healing Center Retreat – The Avatar’s Ashram in beautiful and sacred Lake County, Northern California.
Buddha Maitreya the Christ has always taught that wisdom comes from giving and has made the sponsorship of his previous lives’ monasteries within Tibetan Buddhism and their tulkus (living reincarnated saints) a major focus of support for more than 20 years. In 1994, Buddha Maitreya the Christ consolidated his work of helping exiled Tibetan Refugees when he established the first Dharma Center in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Through reincarnation, all the saints of all the religions reincarnate and are always with us, just as Christ is. Tibetan Buddhism supports and furthers this tulku reality. Buddha Maitreya the Christ supports many of these living saints so that through the blessings of their relationship with him, they can recapitulate their true nature and have their practical and spiritual needs taken care of, allowing them to fully incarnate who they truly are from previous lives and live healthy, happy lives in this life so they may better serve and further humanity.
Buddha Maitreya focuses his sponsorship on helping to meet the practical daily needs of monks and nuns such as providing monasteries with good quality, nutritious food, clothing and healthcare, supporting the safety and education of young monks as well as larger projects to help restore sacred sites. These include construction of Monasteries at some of the most sacred Buddhist regions of Dema and Litang in Tibet; several new prayer halls and facilities for colleges (called Khamtsens) within Drepung Buddhist University in Mungod, India and a Stupa for the healing of all Tibetan refugees within the grounds of the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, India.
In addition, Buddha Maitreya provides for three free clinics and treatments centers in Nepal in the cities of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and the village of Pharping to provide basic medical services for the poor and those in need.
William Herbert
January 2, 2015
Buddha Maitreya is the reincarnation of Dorge Shugden !