‘Democratic’ Tibetan leaders want to downplay consulting dangerous spirit Nechung for everything
When examining the failures of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; based in Dharamsala, North India), it is merely due diligence to examine their closest advisors too and one of the Tibetan leadership’s closest advisors is the spirit Nechung…

CTA: A stunted democracy
It has been a turbulent few years for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership), fraught which many exposes about their behavior and lack of concern for their own population. It is a view that is rapidly picking up steam amongst the Tibetan community These are the facts: There are never any new viable candidates…

Frankfurt: Peaceful Demonstration Coverage
As part of his recent 20-day visit to various European countries, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama spent two days in Germany. From 13 to 14 September 2017, the Dalai Lama gave public talks and engaged in dialogues with various groups in Frankfurt. A significant number of Dorje Shugden practitioners and supporters, comprising of mostly Tibetans,…

The Tibetan leadership has destroyed Tibetan Buddhism
In Tibet, politics and religion have always been inseparable. The justification for this dangerous mix was that Buddhism would ‘cleanse’ and protect politics from abuse. However, it is much more common to see the religion being abused to explain away certain actions and decisions by the Tibetan government which seem to be devoid of logic and common sense.

Panchen Lama’s historic 2017 visit to a Dorje Shugden monastery
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. By: Steve Lee The highest-ranking lama of Tibet, the 11th Panchen Lama Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu officially visited Denma Gonsa monastery on the 19th July 2017. This massive Dorje Shugden monastery…

Is the Dalai Lama the Face of Inter-Religious Harmony?
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is a Bodhisattva who needs no introduction. He is world-renowned because of his hard work in promoting peace and harmony and showing love and compassion to all sentient beings. Although the Dalai Lama is synonymous with Buddhism, practitioners from other religions equally respect this spiritual leader for what he…

6 Theories as to Why the Dalai Lama Imposed the Ban on Dorje Shugden
In this article, we will look at some theories that are frequently raised to explain the Dalai Lama’s perpetuation of the ban against the Dorje Shugden practice. Over time, one insubstantial reason after another was advanced to explain the ban but when tested against established Buddhist doctrines and also secular logic, they were easily debunked…

Make A Difference Today: Say Yes to Religious Freedom
On the 20-year anniversary of the Dorje Shugden ban, we at DorjeShugden.com wish to bring to light once again the history of this unethical ban, the sufferings it has caused and what all Shugden Buddhists around the world are tirelessly petitioning for. This is also a reminder that the fight to lift the Shugden ban is far from over, and that we should once again rekindle our resolve to see the end of such faith-based discrimination that has no place in the 21st Century.

20 Years of Suffering: Lift the Shugden Ban
This short video sums up 20 years worth of information about the unethical Shugden ban and the discrimination, fear and coercion faced by Shugden Buddhists on a daily basis, especially those who are brave enough to stand up, speak and fight for their Religious Freedom…

World Shugden Convention Held in Bangkok
The World Shugden Convention was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 2-3 April 2016. Sponsored by the North America Gelug Buddhist Association, the meeting was graced with the presence of over 20 notable Shugden lamas, practitioners and defenders of the lineage…

The Karmapa oppressed by Dalai Lama loyalists
by Michaela Smith The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. In an interesting turn of events, an explosive open letter to the Dalai Lama has recently come to light. Written by Lodreu Rabsel Rinpoche, who served as the General…

7 Reasons Why The Dorje Shugden Ban Undermines The Tibetan Cause
The Central Tibetan Administration likes to blame Dorje Shugden for the failure of the Tibetan cause. In fact, they insist that Dorje Shugden practitioners are the reason why the Tibetan dream of returning to their homeland has thus far not materialized. Here are seven reasons why the CTA’s Dorje Shugden ban has harmed and damaged the Tibetan people’s dream of living as free people.

A Dalai Lama Insider Returns to China – Has the Defection Begun?
By: Shashi Kei The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. On September 2nd 2015 the Tibetan government-in-exile celebrated its 55th ‘Democracy Day’ with the usual grandiloquent speeches about how much the Tibetans owe the Dalai Lama and…

The Truth About The ‘Democratic’ Dorje Shugden Vote-Stick Referendum
The oft-quoted example used to support the Dalai Lama’s claim that monks voluntarily chose to renounce Dorje Shugden’s practice is known as the ‘vote stick referendum’ that took place in 2008. On the face of it, the monks were given a choice. But this claim is not true…

CTA and the Kagyus
This article seeks to point out the selectivity of the CTA when dealing with Tibetan Buddhist issues, and how their bias and prejudice have the potential to destabilize Tibetan society. Is the real intention of the Dalai Lama and CTA to unite their people and pursue a genuine fight for freedom, or is it to divide the Tibetan community for their own selfish agendas? Based on hard facts and analysis of past events, it would seem that the latter is more plausible…

The Dalai Lamas – A Divine Comedy
In a 2001 interview with the Dalai Lama in the book “The Dance of 17 Lives” by Mick Brown, the Dalai Lama inferred that the 16th Karmapa, whom he had on numerous occasions acclaimed as Buddha Akshobhya, was not at all learned and in fact had told lies about the Dalai Lama…

My Friend Mao
The Tibetans have and are suffering from the Dalai Lama and the CTA’s actions with regards to Dorje Shugden. And no closer is the CTA in securing Tibet’s autonomy, much less independence. So why is the CTA condemning those who are trying to bridge the divide between China and Tibet when the Dalai Lama himself is still cooing admiration for Mao? Why the bias and double standards?

The Dalai Lama Respects Terrorists But Not Shugden Buddhists
The Dalai Lama said in an interview reported by the Italian daily, La Stampa, that the proper response to ISIS’s atrocities which have included beheadings, bombings and tortures is to try to respect them and try to understand them. In essence, the Dalai Lama’s statement endorses ISIS’s agenda of terror and justifies their extreme, cruel and coercive methods as legitimate tactics in negotiations…

Half A Century Of Wasted Aid – What The CTA Hides
Things are not going well for the CTA. Unemployment rates amongst Tibetans in India are as high as 75%. Penpa Tsering stands accused of being a murderer. The Dalai Lama is plagued by protesters everywhere he goes. Questions are being asked about whether foreign aid is being appropriately used. By any single measure, this government should be broken. Don’t you wonder what keeps the status quo?

Dalai Lama Owes Shugden Practitioners
In spite of all the abuse and false accusations hurled against Dorje Shugden and his practitioners, the honest truth is that the Dalai Lama owes his fame, success, and even his life to Dorje Shugden and the attained masters that uphold this practice…

Thanks to the Dalai Lama?
Today, the name “Dorje Shugden” itself heralds the coming of pure Dharma. Looking at the benefits that have arisen from the ban, perhaps, just perhaps, the ban can even be viewed as one of Dorje Shugden’s enlightened activities, one that allows him to correct the degeneration of Lama Tsongkapa’s lineage and protect this precious doctrine for future generations, just as he swore to do many centuries ago as Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen. And, as ironic as it may sound, all this is thanks to the Dalai Lama…

Obama, the Dalai Lama and China
It seems China’s growth, resurgence and political might has won over the US President. Obama, being sensitive to the good relations he has with China, did not want to damage this by meeting the Dalai Lama…

How Come Only Samaya with the Dalai Lama is Important?
Why is samaya with the Dalai Lama more important than samaya with one’s other teachers? Should we abandon all our commitments, vows, AND BREAK OUR SAMAYA WITH OUR ROOT TEACHER just to preserve samaya with the Dalai Lama?

Rebuttal of Commonly Cited False Accusations Against Dorje Shugden
One of the reasons most quoted in support of the Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden is the 1997 murder of the principal of the Buddhist School of Dialectics, Geshe Lobsang Gyatso, along with two of his students…

Theological Implications of the Dalai Lama’s Religious Ban
In analyzing the Dalai Lama’s Dorje Shugden ban, it is easy enough to see how restricting a person from expressing his religious beliefs is a breach of his human rights. However, even as news about the ban acknowledges how it impinges on various ‘freedom of religion’ provisions in the constitutions of a long list of democratic countries and the United Nations Charter…

Dalai Lama Used 2014 Lamrim Teachings To Undermine His Guru
In early December 2014, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama gave his annual teachings on Lama Tsongkapa’s “Great Stages of The Path To Enlightenment” to an international audience in Dharamsala. The teachings were held over three days and not long into the first day’s teaching, it became obvious that the Dalai Lama intended to use this religious platform for his political agenda once again…

The Secret History of the 14th Dalai Lama
Behind Tenzin Gyatso’s veneer of enlightenment lies a secret dark history of repressions and human rights abuses, committed against the very people he is supposed to protect…

Boston: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
Following on the heels of protests in Princeton, New Jersey, devoted Shugden practitioners comprised of local Tibetans and the International Shugden Community followed the Dalai Lama to demonstrate at his upcoming teachings in Boston…

Dalai Lama Recognizes the Bön
A casual comparative study of the Bön and Buddhist religions would immediately reveal that Bön does not qualify as a proper object of refuge, at least not according to Buddhist principles, Tibetan or otherwise…

The Five Causes That Will Bring Down The Ban
The heat is on. While the International Shugden Community’s ongoing protests for the Dalai Lama to lift the Dorje Shugden ban is getting the most attention, there are four other powerful, unstoppable rivers that are flowing into the walls of the ban, slowly but surely bringing it down…

Definitive Proof of the Ban and Discrimination against Dorje Shugden
DorjeShugden.com has compiled a never-seen-before collection of official letters, documents, threats, and other forms of evidence that proves that the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice does exist, was enforced, and that Dorje Shugden practitioners are discriminated against and segregated as a result…

True Spiritual Leadership: Karmapa vs Dalai Lama
On 11 June 2014, the world lost a light when news of the passing of Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche Mepham Chokyi Lodro surfaced. Devotees from all around the world mourned and prepared for the final rites of H.H the 14th Shamarpa, which the late master himself had indicated should be performed in Nepal…

Sera Mey’s Actions Confirms Shugden Lies
The once-great monastic university Sera Mey betrayed its core principle of upholding the truth, and began to expel its own monks whom it could not coerce into being disloyal to their gurus and Dharma protector. Whatever values its founder bestowed onto this great university was expensed to secure a convenient but immoral place on the politically correct side of the Dalai Lama…

Don’t Enroll Your Children in Shugden Monasteries
In the video, one will witness firsthand the Dalai Lama firmly discouraging parents from sending their children to Dorje Shugden monasteries. The Dalai Lama clearly states that Dorje Shugden practitioners are against the Dalai Lama (although it is in fact the Dalai Lama who created this standoff against Shugden practitioners) and implies that Dorje Shugden monks use fraud and deceit to recruit new monks…

The ‘Unthinkable’ Spiritual Leader
In a recent interview, the 14th Dalai Lama referred to the ongoing but recently escalated Gaza crisis as “unthinkable” on the basis that he did not expect “such violence from people who claim to hold religious principles”. Commenting on the failure of others to abide by their respective religious tenets, the Dalai Lama went on…

The Dark Side of the Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama preaches love, compassion and tolerance to the rest of the world but his tone is infinitely darker when speaking to Tibetan audiences about the Dorje Shugden ban…

Death of the 13th Dalai Lama
Until today, no one is willing to speak the truth about who is responsible of the death of the 13th Dalai Lama. It was an uncalled for incident which blindsided a nation, who was at that time fighting a war for independence and stability…

A FREE TIBET – Is it possible with internal UNREST?
Finding a space for Dorje Shugden in a land called home The world has witnessed and maybe even sympathized with the 133 charred Tibetans who sacrificed their lives through the act of self-immolation in order to free Tibet and for the return of the Dalai Lama from exile. Tibetan refugees living in America and Europe…

The Ultimate Political Spinmaster, the 14th Dalai Lama
In 2010, the current affairs show Cross Talk hosted by veteran journalist Peter Lavelle made a number of observations which questioned the authenticity of the Dalai Lama’s Tibet as the world imagines it…

How the Dalai Lama’s Actions Are Affecting Religion
Recently, the Huffington Post ran an article written by Robert Thurman, “The Dalai Lama And The Cult Of Dolgyal Shugden” which although sensational by its title, was no more than a rehash of allegations spawned by Thurman over 17 years ago, against a 350-year-old Tibetan Buddhist practice that the Dalai Lama has been trying to destroy since 1996 with some, but incomplete success…