Dalai Lama speaks: What you wouldn’t know if you’re not Tibetan
This video of the Dalai Lama speaking at a teaching in January 2008 at Drepung Loseling Monastery has been identified as being the catalyst for the escalation of the Dorje Shugden ban…

Robert Thurman: Fanning hatred against Shugden Buddhists
One of the enforcers of the Dalai Lama’s illegal ban is none other than Robert Thurman, regarded as ‘the Dalai Lama’s man in America’. Thurman had previously labelled Shugden Buddhists as the “Taliban of Buddhism”…

The Bhutan Affair
For better or for worse, the fastest way of spreading news today is via social media and like any other inanimate object, the results of social media use are dependent on the motivation of its users…

Tibetans rejected by Nepal
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to ds@dorjeshugden.com. By: Tsering Bruckman In an unprecedented move back in 2005, the Nepali authorities shut down two key offices associated with the Dalai Lama in the country’s capital city, Kathmandu. It…

Tibetans rejected by Pakistan
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to ds@dorjeshugden.com. By: Kay Beswick There is more disappointing news for the Sikyong Lobsang Sangye as he embarks on yet another tour of America to curry favor with the West and raise…

Tibetan leadership sabotages Indian citizenship
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to ds@dorjeshugden.com. By: Solaray Kusco Below are two articles received reviewing the Tibetan leadership’s stance towards applying for Indian citizenship. In a scathing review of the Tibetan leadership’s latest actions, Mila Rangzen…

Tibetans rejected by Sweden
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to ds@dorjeshugden.com. By: Ashok Rao In a move that is beginning to be mirrored by many others, Sweden announced in June 2016 that it no longer accepts the Tibetan Yellow Book as…

Tibetans rejected by Italy
By: Kay Beswick One by one, the world’s nations are dissociating with the Tibetan leadership. On June 28, 2016 Swedish authorities announced a change in regulations, saying that they no longer accepted the Tibetan Identity Certificate as a valid identification document. The Identity Certificate, popularly known as the Yellow Book thanks to its cover, is…

The CTA’s Walls are Crumbling
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to ds@dorjeshugden.com. By: Kay Beswick If you have been following the Lukar Jam saga, you will know that Lukar Jam Atsok is a vocal freedom fighter for Tibet’s complete independence. He is…

Shugden Thangka Causes a Stir in Tibet
On 18 September 2016, Tashi Dargyeling Monastery in the Nyentog region of Tibet released an official letter warning of the monastery’s boycott of all Shugden practitioners and all who have connections with these practitioners…

How the Dalai Lama’s Shugden Ban Divided a Family
T.D. is a Tibetan living in India and is a Gelug Buddhist by birth. She has felt first hand the effects of the Dalai Lama’s religious discrimination as her family of Gelug Buddhists is torn apart…

The Dalai Lama Respects Terrorists But Not Shugden Buddhists
The Dalai Lama said in an interview reported by the Italian daily, La Stampa, that the proper response to ISIS’s atrocities which have included beheadings, bombings and tortures is to try to respect them and try to understand them. In essence, the Dalai Lama’s statement endorses ISIS’s agenda of terror and justifies their extreme, cruel and coercive methods as legitimate tactics in negotiations…

Testimony of a Victim of the Shugden Persecutions
This is the testimony of Kalsang Dolma, who was dragged into the controversy in 1996 when she was merely a young girl. She has witnessed how the Dalai Lama and his government have broken the Tibetan community at large, as well as individual families, with this ban. After much suffering, she has decided to speak up. This is her story.

Thanks to the Dalai Lama?
Today, the name “Dorje Shugden” itself heralds the coming of pure Dharma. Looking at the benefits that have arisen from the ban, perhaps, just perhaps, the ban can even be viewed as one of Dorje Shugden’s enlightened activities, one that allows him to correct the degeneration of Lama Tsongkapa’s lineage and protect this precious doctrine for future generations, just as he swore to do many centuries ago as Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen. And, as ironic as it may sound, all this is thanks to the Dalai Lama…

Samdhong Rinpoche and the CTA Scam
It has been 55 years since the Tibetan people became victims of a conflict that engulfed their lives and displaced them from their homes. Since then, the people have been hit by wave after wave of disappointments with the likelihood of them regaining their independence nowhere in sight…

Dalai Lama Recognizes the Bön
A casual comparative study of the Bön and Buddhist religions would immediately reveal that Bön does not qualify as a proper object of refuge, at least not according to Buddhist principles, Tibetan or otherwise…

CTA Defends Shugden Hit List
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) finally defended its decision to publicize its own list of Shugden protesters in an official press release. It fallaciously pointed out that the names and pictures of the protesters were already in the public domain…

Definitive Proof of the Ban and Discrimination against Dorje Shugden
DorjeShugden.com has compiled a never-seen-before collection of official letters, documents, threats, and other forms of evidence that proves that the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice does exist, was enforced, and that Dorje Shugden practitioners are discriminated against and segregated as a result…

True Spiritual Leadership: Karmapa vs Dalai Lama
On 11 June 2014, the world lost a light when news of the passing of Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche Mepham Chokyi Lodro surfaced. Devotees from all around the world mourned and prepared for the final rites of H.H the 14th Shamarpa, which the late master himself had indicated should be performed in Nepal…

Don’t Enroll Your Children in Shugden Monasteries
In the video, one will witness firsthand the Dalai Lama firmly discouraging parents from sending their children to Dorje Shugden monasteries. The Dalai Lama clearly states that Dorje Shugden practitioners are against the Dalai Lama (although it is in fact the Dalai Lama who created this standoff against Shugden practitioners) and implies that Dorje Shugden monks use fraud and deceit to recruit new monks…

Important Questions for Dr. Lobsang Sangay
Dear Respected Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay, I am also a Tibetan and I respect you very much that you give a good name to the Tibetan people. You prove that Tibetans are also educated, worldly and capable. I am very happy you are the prime minister of our Tibetan community in India. They need…

Time for Creating Progressiveness and Unity
Dr Lobsang Sangay Head of the Central Tibetan Administration Dear Dr. Lobsang Sangay, I am writing to congratulate you on your democratically elected position as the leader of the Central Tibetan Administration. With no disrespect to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, I am happy to see that the Tibetan community worldwide finally has someone who…

Buddhist Dharma Event becomes Politics
To members of Central Tibetan Administration and Tibetan friends, Tashi Delek! How are you? Last week, I am in Delhi for the Global Buddhist Congregation 2011, arrange by Asoka Mission and very venerable Lama Lobzang. It is very good to meet so many Buddhist people coming from all countries in this congregation. I congratulate to…

Gaden Trisur is Ostracized
Dear Friend in Dharma, I am writing to share with you the life and works of very special, courageous and extraordinary Buddhist master, one we must always remember for his contribution to Dharma. His Holiness Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal is a remarkable Buddhist teacher, who was chosen among many other elite scholars to become the…

The Hypocritical Situation
Dear fellow Dharma brothers and sisters, By now, the religious ban on the deity Dorje Shugden, as instructed by the Dalai Lama, has drawn worldwide attention. For the first time in Buddhist history, Buddhists are being excluded from Dharma teachings and social welfare, brutally attacked and discriminated against by their own Buddhist community, simply because…

Protest on the Allegation on Dorje Shugden
Dear Lobsang Sangay, As the new Head of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), I am writing to protest that I am shocked to see this section on Dorje Shugden practice on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s website (http://www.dalailama.com/messages/dolgyal-shugden) and request that the CTA have it removed as soon as possible. Every allegation on this page…

Dalai Lama’s Referendum Contradicts Vinaya
The purpose of this article is to examine whether or not the recent actions of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, with respect to the practice of Dorje Shugden, are in accordance with the Vinaya, Buddha’s Code of Conduct. My intention here is not to engage in hurtful speech or divisive speech but rather to investigate…

Heartfelt request from monks in Mundgod
At this very difficult period of our life, we have decided to face any difficulties, even to place our own life, if necessary, as a target, to safeguard the precious lineage of teaching and practice of the Dharma [Buddhism]. Declaration and Request by Dokhang Kamtsen/Hostel, 14th February 2008. To the attention of all the most…