Is the Dalai Lama a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
From Más Allá de la Ciencia Number 103/9/1997, by J.C. Deus (Translated from Spanish; scroll down to see scans from the original Spanish magazine) For the first time in history, the Dalai Lama is having to confront serious accusations made against him publicly for infringing the religious freedom and human rights of his own people….

Activities and Events at Shugden Centres Around the World – May 2015
Spring is in the air and Dharma festivals are in the making. Take your pick and immerse yourself in the glorious doctrine of Lama Tsongkapa, the greatest scholar/yogi in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. [Editor’s note: If you would like your Dharma centre’s activities to be featured on DorjeShugden.com, please write in to our editors…

Activities and Events at Shugden Centres Around the World – January 2015
The new year brings us many exciting new programmes. If you wish to discover, explore or study the tradition and teachings of Lama Tsongkapa, here are some of the interesting and outstanding activities offered in January 2015…

New York City: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
New York City was the final destination in the Dalai Lama’s recent USA tour, where he was scheduled to give a 3-day teaching. Once again, the Dalai Lama had to face both Western and…

A Guide to Spiritual Practice
Spiritual practice can be incorporated into our daily lives. Many of these practices are readily available and establishing a consistent routine of study and practice ensures our progress along the spiritual path…

An Offering of Mahamudra
Recently, one of the most honored Gelugpa lineage masters, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, presented 500 copies of ‘The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra’ to the monks of Shar Ganden Monastery…

Activities and Events at Shugden Centres Around the World – October 2014
Awesome programmes of Je Tsongkapa’s tradition are lined up for October 2014 around the world. Here are some of the outstanding ones…

The Five Causes That Will Bring Down The Ban
The heat is on. While the International Shugden Community’s ongoing protests for the Dalai Lama to lift the Dorje Shugden ban is getting the most attention, there are four other powerful, unstoppable rivers that are flowing into the walls of the ban, slowly but surely bringing it down…

Supporting the Growth of Dorje Shugden in South Africa
Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre (VKBC) in Johannesburg, South Africa recently held a Dorje Shugden teaching and empowerment ceremony in June 2014. The administrators of VKBC had written to DorjeShugden.com requesting sponsorship of Dorje Shugden pendants…

FPMT, Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
Recent Facebook postings regarding Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa have brought attention once again to FPMT and its relationship with the 14th Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden…

Activities and Events at Shugden Centres Around the World – August 2014
August 2014 is shaping up to be a busy month for Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries and Dharma Centers around the world that have Dorje Shugden lamas as their spiritual guides or heads…

2012 US Kadampa Festival
This is a short video about the annual US Kadampa Festival. It is a joyous occasion when people gather from around the country to receive spiritual advice. It provides us with an opportunity to relax and enjoy a meaningful spiritual vacation — receiving personal advice to improve our lives, meditating on transformative teachings, and spending…

Battle of the Buddhists
Andrew Brown, 15 July 1996 Ruth Lister drove her shining 7-series BMW with aplomb down one of the worst roads I have ever seen. It was so badly potholed and steep that we might have been in Tibet. And so, in a sense, we were. For though physically we were in the small West Yorkshire…

Why Dorje Shugden Practitioners are not Isolationist – Part 1
Some people criticize Dorje Shugden practitioners for being ‘isolationist’ or ‘sectarian’, but it’s important to understand why these perceptions have come about because it may appear that ‘Shugdenpas’ have deliberately decided to separate from Tibetan society or Tibetan Buddhism as taught by the Dalai Lama. However, as is explained, this is not the case. The…

Validity of Oracles
TK’s reply: Geshe-la did give special treatment to his oracle uncle. Geshe-la invited his uncle the oracle several times to UK. In fact his oracle uncle took trance of Dulzin for over three hours and GAVE INITIATION OF AVALOKITESVARA to the students there one one occasion. That is how much the power of the oracle…

A Tribute to Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Few Buddhist masters have had as extensive an impact on the Buddhist world at large than Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. With over 1,100 Buddhist centers (and growing) across both the Eastern and Western hemispheres, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has brought the Dharma to places which may otherwise never have exposure to Buddhism. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is one…

Dorje Shugden at Zululand
Green Tara empowerment in Eshowe. 250 people attending, young and old, with Liberation from Sorrow Prayers translated into isiZulu, so beautifully sung. Our Temple in Zululand has been built by the local people, a ruined garage, transformed into a holy place. People enjoy Geshe-la’s Kadam Dharma presentation and blessings, and receive so much benefit from…

It’s the Dalai Lama vs Shugden
The ongoing temporal struggle between the Dalai Lama as head of the Gelugpa sect and the Britain-based Shugden community is part of a tradition that goes back to power plays between spiritual leaders in old Tibet. This time, Western followers of various forms of Tibetan Buddhism are adding fuel to the flames. ~ by Deepak…

Modern Day Lineage Masters of the Ganden Tradition
Rare video clips of some of holiest teachers like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. These teachers were responsible for spreading the Dorje Shugden Protector practice and the Gaden Tradition throughout the world.

Spiritual Lineage
Buddha Shakyamuni – is the founder of Buddhism who lived in the 6th century BC in Northern India. Buddha explained that all our problems and suffering arise from confused and negative states of mind and all our happiness and good fortune arise from peaceful and positive states mind. He taught methods for gradually overcoming minds…

Spirit Worship or Authentic Buddhist Practice?
Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden practitioners have repeatedly been accused of being spirit worshippers, which is completely untrue. It is also a grave yet nonsensical insult because it implies that they are not pure Buddhist practitioners, whereas in fact they go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha like every other Buddhist. They practice Buddha Shakyamuni’s…

Six Important Questions for the Dalai Lama or His Supporters to Answer
I found this comment on the new blog that officially goes with New Kadampa Truth ~ Fighting the Smears. If you have answers to these questions, please send your comments in and we will post them. This particularly applies to Tenzin Peljor! Background From Ron Cook: Below was an email sent to Tenzin Paljor, the…

Defamatory Accusations of Murder Repeated Over and Over Again for Ten Years
These horrible murders took place over ten years ago, and in all that time not a shred of evidence has ever been found linking Dorje Shugden practitioners to them. Nonetheless, the Dalai Lama and Office of Tibet continue to repeat this calumny on their website and literature. Repeating a lie over and over again does…

Are the NKT’s ordination vows in keeping with the Vinaya?
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s decision to condense the 253 vows of a monk and the 364 vows of a nun into 10 vows does not go against the Vinaya. In fact, all the ordination vows could be further condensed into practising the higher training in moral discipline. An ordained person practising the three higher trainings is…

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s Open Letter
The following Open Letter was posted on Dec 9th 1997 to the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala and to the Office of Tibet in London. This and many other private and public letters and petitions never received a reply. Your Holiness, For over eighteen years you have been continually speaking out against the practice of Dorje…

Lama Zopa Advice Book
Dorje Shugden is a spirit or mundane Dharma protector that some believe is a fully enlightened being. He has become a rallying cry for some who wish to return Tibet to a theocracy (His Holiness the Dalai Lama wants democracy) with one school or sect as the official ‘church’. No FPMT centre does this practice…

Venerable Geshe Kelsang talking about Distributing Wisdom with Dharma Books
Geshe Kelsang gave a short talk in Tharpa Publications on distributing wisdom with Dharma books.

Trijang Rinpoche Quotes About Dorje Shugden
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1900-1981) was a Gelug Lama and a direct disciple of Je Pabongka. He was the junior tutor and spiritual guide of the 14th Dalai Lama for forty years. He is also the root lama of many Gelug Lamas who teach in the West including Zong Rinpoche, Geshe Rabten, Lama Yeshe, and Geshe…

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
This excerpt from “The Story of Conishead Priory” details Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s arrival at Manjushri Centre, and how he served as the beacon of inspiration for its restoration.

How do Buddhists view other religions?
In this excerpt from “The Guide: Following the Buddhist Path,” Tibetan Buddhist master Geshe Kelsang Gyatso explains the “middle way” between sectarianism and eclecticism: cherishing one’s own tradition while respecting all other traditions and the right of each individual to follow the tradition of his or her choosing.

Dalai Lama 1984
Video footage showing the cover of a book, Buddhism in the Tibetan Tradition by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, with foreword written by H.H Dalai Lama in 1984.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s Talk on Dorje Shugden
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso explains how Dorje Shugden is Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa. This was at a Dorje Shugden blessing in 2006 at the Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England.