Vegetarianism in Buddhism
Buddhism has three main schools of thought – Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana – and a superficial examination of these three schools (or vehicles) reveals what appears to be conflicting views on the practice of vegetarianism…

FAQS – About Dorje Shugden’s Practice
Where did Dorje Shugden’s practice come from? Dorje Shugden arose as the principal Protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s doctrine about 350 years ago, at the time of the 5th Dalai Lama, who composed the first verses of praise to him. However, the common lineage and practice that is being followed throughout the world today is more…

FAQs – About Dorje Shugden
Who is Dorje Shugden? Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri, the Enlightened Buddha of Wisdom. He arose as a Dharma Protector about 350 years ago especially to protect Nagarjuna’s Middle View, as taught by Lama Tsongkhapa. He is often considered to be a Protector of the Gelugpa lineage but actually, he protects all…

Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen
Immaculate Disciple of Je Tsongkhapa In a previous lifetime, in1327, the great being Dorje Shugden emanated in Central Tibet as Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen. As in his previous incarnations, he displayed a compelling inclination towards spirituality from a very young age, and took on his studies with tremendous zeal and astonishing…

Descended from Tushita
One of Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche’s Gurus, Mahasiddha Tagpu Pemavajra had the miraculous ability to astral travel to pure lands of the Buddhas, such as Tushita Heaven. On one occasion, Tagpu Pemavajra ‘travelled’ to Tushita and had an audience with Lama Tsongkhapa and his Eight Great Disciples. There, he specifically…

A Sublime Aspiration is Generated
During the time of the incomparable Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa, a dove was once seen circling around the hall during a teaching session at Gaden Monastery. Gyaltsab Je and Kedrub Je, two of Je Tsongkhapa’s closest disciples, knew the bird was an emanation of the Dharma Protector Nechung but they didn’t say anything…
Pilgrimage to India
We went to India to celebrate the dedication of the new Shar Gaden temple and along the way, we had an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of thousands of Buddhists who went before us. This journey began on Oct. 23 with three monks and 16 lay students heading to Mumbai, India. Our first visit…

Ven. Lama Thubten Phurbu gives messages to NAGBA USA
Lama Thubten Phurbu is doing a lot of work in China and Tibet to spread the tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden. It is really good news to know that NAGBA is associated and working closely with many lamas of the Gelugpa tradition and spreading Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden’s lineage. To know more…

His Eminence Geshe Thupten Thinley confers the commentary of the Essence of Eloquence on the Interpretive and Definitive Meanings composed by the incomparable Je Tsongkhapa Chenpo, to the devoted monks and lay people community of Shar Gaden. Geshe Thupten Thinley Rinpoche is being invited to the teaching courtyard. Domo Geshe Rinpoche also attended this teaching….
Lamrim Shugden
We are the holders of the tradition of Je Tsongkhapa. The principle defining characteristic of this tradition is the union of Sutra and Tantra. One of the most important things for us to do as Kadampas is to realize this union. I have worked extensively in the past on the union of the Lamrim and…

Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden’s Two Functions
The function of a Dharma protector is to arrange all outer and inner conditions so that everything that happens to us is perfect for our swiftest possible enlightenment. But Dorje Shugden is more than just a Dharma protector, he is also a wisdom Buddha. It is not enough to just know that the outer and…

Chatring Samphel Ling Monastery, Kham Tibet
Dear Wisdom Being, Thank you for this wonderful video of Sampheling monastery. It is so beautiful to imagine Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche has once walked through these walkways to give teachings and advice to the predecessors of these monks. Have you guys read the autobiography of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche? When Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche first came here…

The Decision to Surrender
A lot of people get confused how one practically surrenders completely to the spiritual guide. It seems as if you would become a lifeless zombie frozen, incapable of acting. The reality is it is the exact opposite. Right now we are a lifeless zombie incapable of acting since we are completely controlled by our delusions…

Dorje Shugden Empowerment
Dorje Shudgen is the dharma protector of the Mahayana tradition of the great Buddha-Lama Je Tsongkhapa. He is an enlightened being who is an emanation of the wisdom, compassion and spiritual power of all the Buddhas. His powerful mandala and retinue are the synthesis of the three Jewels – Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. His job…

Lama Tsongkhapa’s Holy Items
These are holy items still kept in Tibet today: Lama Tsongkhapa’s holy tooth relic Lama Tsongkhapa’s Mala, bell and hat Lama Tsongkhapa’s bowl Kedrup Je’s Yamantaka Statue

Daknak Rinpoche celebrates Lama Tsongkhapa Day in Taiwan
His Eminence Daknak Rinpoche is Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s brother, Daknak Rinpoche has a center in Taiwan called The Chinese Gandenpa Buddhist Center. These are some pictures of their celebration of Lama Tsonghkapa Day in December 2011. For more information about H.E. Daknak Rinpoche: The Opening of a New Dorje Shugden Monastery Kyabje 13th Daknak…

The Yangdup Puja – 2011
The Yangdup Puja (Wealth/prosperity Generating Puja) is conducted every year at the monastery. It is mainly dedicated to the growth of BuddhaDharma, and generates merits to clear the sufferings of famine in the world. This auspicious event is attended by the monastery’s senior monks, geshes and alumni. It is also dedicated to their long time…

Long Life to Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche & Domo Geshe Rinpoche
A tenshug is a special ritual offered to high lamas to create the necessary merits and conditions for them to extend their lives. When a teacher is manifesting illness or uncertainty in living, students should arrange a tenshug offering done in all it’s completeness. When the teacher lives long, the Buddha Dharma will grow and…

Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche in Mongolia
Late last year 2011 in the historic visit of HH Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche to Mongolia, thousands turned up to receive the blessings of Trijang Rinpoche. Rinpoche gave speeches, teachings and blessings of the Monastery in Mongolia. It was a long awaited and highly anticipated visit. Many from India, Nepal, Tibet, Taiwan, USA…

Gaden Monastery was built by Dorje Shugden
A Brief History of Ganden Monastery Alexander Berzin, 1991 expanded with Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche II, September 2003 Original version published in “Gelug Monasteries.” Chö-Yang, Year of Tibet Edition (Dharamsala, India, 1991). The founding of Ganden Nampar-gyelway-ling Monastery (dGa’-ldan rnam-par rgyal-ba’i gling dGon-pa) by Jey Tsongkhapa Lozang-dragpa (rJe Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa) (1357-1419) was prophesied by Buddha…

Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to Thousands
Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands by Lama Jampa Ngodup Video 1: Dorje Shugden Initiation at Zinai Monastery Video 2: Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation

Serpom Monastery
This is a collage of photos of Serpom Monastery – first, we see the altar which has a very grand Lama Tsongkhapa statue which is flanked by Shakyamuni Buddha and Medicine Buddha. There are beautifully made torma offerings in front. There are also beautiful scenic views of Serpom Monastery at dawn, at sunset and when…

Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen (1374 – 1434)
What immediately comes to mind when we hear or see the name, Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen, are two things – he built Ganden Monastery, which stands to this day, and he offered it to his Guru, Lama Tsongkhapa. These two great deeds alone would be enough to illustrate what kind of Lama and disciple this extraordinary…

Sacred Mantras
Mantras are a very powerful, effective and simple way to connect to the Buddhas and their blessings. You can recite them anywhere or combine them with your daily prayers. The more you recite, the stronger your connection is with the Buddhas. You are directly creating positive karma and merit to strengthen your affinity to the…

Ngawang Drakpa Prophecy & Dhe Tsang monastery
Ngawang Drakpa is one of Lama Tsongkhapa’s main students. To show his gratitude and appreciation of his Guru, he promised to build 108 monasteries. The 108th monastery he built was called the Dhe Tsang Monastery. Text from the video: Ngawang Drakpa once dreamt of a conch shell descending onto his lap from the sky. He…

Serpom Monastery Oct’ 2010
This video highlights some of the beautiful enlightened imagery in Serpom Monastery. There are also many scenes of adult and younger monks in the Gompa performing prayers. The video shows literally a mountain of offerings piled up in front of the altar. It is really inspiring to see this thriving monastery still spreading the Ganden…

Dagom Gaden Tensung Ling Buddhist Monastery
Dagom Gaden Tensung Ling Buddhist Monastery (DGTL) in Bloomington, Indiana, USA was founded in 1996 by the renowned Tibetan Buddhist teachers Ven. Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche and Ven. Gonsar Rinpoche. Their deepest wish in establishing the monastery was to preserve for the benefit of all sentient beings the Buddha’s teachings as…

Yangting Dechen Ling Monastery, Kham, Tibet
Yangting Dechen Ling Monastery in Kham, Tibet has successfully completed the construction of the new main prayer hall recently after long hard-work and dedications. The original monastery was founded by Yogi Je Lodö Namgyal who was one of the foremost disciples of Je Tsongkhapa in 1421, a couple of years after…

Trashi Chöling Hermitage
Location and Layout Trashi Chöling – literally “The Place of Auspicious Dharma” – is located about three kilometers from Sera in the mountains northwest of the monastery. It takes about one hour to walk from Sera to Trashi Chöling. The hermitage also lies approximately halfway between two other important hermitages – Pabongka, which…

Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden
Introduction to the Dharma Protector A Dharma Protector is an emanation of a Buddha or a Bodhisattva whose main functions are to avert the inner and outer obstacles that prevent practitioners from achieving spiritual realizations, and to arrange all the necessary conditions for their practice. In Tibet every monastery had its own Dharma Protector, but…

Dorje Shugden Movie Project
Dorje Shugden: On The Trail Of A Buddhist Protector is a documentary film project. The general idea is to do documented research on the origin and practice of the Buddhist protector deity Dorje Shugden. It is important to show the practice as integrated part of a living Buddhist tradition without going into the recent controversy….

Shar Gaden Monastery – World Peace Tour
An update from Shar Gaden Monastery of the recent World Peace Tour Please click to enlarge

The Return of the King: Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche
This website team has the privilege to receive this incredible news very recently and has the permission to announce it to the world…We at this website wish His Holiness Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche long life, continuous Dharma activities and stable health. We know your incarnation is well and currently living among us although you remain…

Guru Devotion by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave this teaching at Aryatara Institute, Germany, 7 April 2001 Every one of us has universal responsibility. If you have a good heart, loving kindness-compassion, then in your daily life, numberless living beings, including the people around you, animals, insects, in fact, all other living beings, do not receive harm from you….

The Gaden Tripas
The History of Gaden Tripas Throne holders of Tsongkhapa and Supreme Head of the Gelugpa School of Buddhism The Ganden Tripa or Gaden Tripa (tib. dGa’-ldan Khri-pa) (“Holder of the Gaden Throne”) is the title of the spiritual leader of the Gelug (Dge-lugs) school of Tibetan Buddhism, the school which controlled central Tibet from the…

A Daily Sadhana of the Peaceful and Fierce Lama Tsongkhapa
Refuge and Bodhicitta I and all sentient beings go for refuge to Guru, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha Until we achieve Enlightenment. Through the positive potential I generate by practicing generosity and the other far-reaching attitudes may I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all. Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Invocation From the heart of the…