Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
Source: http://www.mandalamagazine.org/2012/ling-rinpoche-in-car-accident-out-of-danger/ Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, the main organizer of the Jangchup Lamrim teachings with His Holiness the Dalai Lama currently taking place in Mundgod Tibetan Settlement in India, was injured in a deadly automobile collision the day before the teachings began. According to Phayul.com, Ling Rinpoche was traveling to Goa to receive His Holiness on…

Proof of the bigger picture – Chinese demanded monks to worship Shugden
It has always been dorjeshugden.com’s firm stand that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is purposely creating the ban on Dorje Shugden with a bigger picture at the back of His mind, which is actually to promote Dorje Shugden, especially in the Chinese world, where a renaissance of Buddhism is expected to happen. Below’s account is…
Kyabje Yongyal Dorje Chang Visits Serpom Monastery December 16, 2011
These videos were taken on the 16th of December 2011 and shows the arrival of Kyabje Yongyal Dorje Chang just before the official opening of Serpom Monastery on the 18th of December 2011. See the monks and lay people respectfully making traditional khata offerings to Kyabje Yongyal Dorje Chang.

Serpom Monastery Inauguration Ceremony
(Part 2 of 11) Debate session between monks of Serpom Monastery and Shar Gaden Monastery (Part 3 of 11) Inauguration and Consecration of the Assemply Hall of Serpom Monastery by Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche, followed by Mangja Puja (Part 4 of 11) The Invocations of Dharmapalas Dorje Shugden, Jowo Chingarwa, Setrap and Kache Marpo in the…

This video can be called the ‘Making of Serpom Monastery’. One can see the huge amount of work that went into preparing the monastery. The establishment of this Buddhist monastery feels like a second renaissance of Buddhism.

Wrathful Dorje Shugden Fire Puja in Shar Gaden
These monks are doing Wrathful Dorje Shugden Fire Puja in Shar Gaden. This puja is very rare and is done once a year officially by Shar Gaden or as requested. It is done to achieve something that is riddled with obstacles.

The Debate Test – 2011
The Debate Test of the Annual Geluk Exam is displayed before the superior masters of both monasteries – Shar Gaden and Serpom. This year (2011), it takes place in Shar Gaden as per the rule of rotating its venue every year. It is an acid test for every exam candidate where randomly-selected subjects written on a…

Serpom Young Monks Reciting Ganglongma Daily
Video by Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan. Extracted from his Facebook: This is how the young monks of Serpom begin their school-day at 9 a.m. assembling in the courtyard to chant Gangloma, a prayer to have a sharp, fresh mind for acquiring knowledge. Their day really begins with puja [6 -7:30 a.m.]~Lozang Gyaltsan (Serpom Monastery is one…

The Maha Gutor Puja 2011 – (Last Day)
The Maha Gutor Puja was conducted in Shar Gaden by the monks there. Shar Gaden is one of the leading monasteries in South India that are supporting and spreading the Dorje Shugden practice. Taken from the dorjeshugden forum Wisdom Being (Forum Member) Many things happen during this religious event: On the 1st day, there will…

Serpom Monastery Oct’ 2010
This video highlights some of the beautiful enlightened imagery in Serpom Monastery. There are also many scenes of adult and younger monks in the Gompa performing prayers. The video shows literally a mountain of offerings piled up in front of the altar. It is really inspiring to see this thriving monastery still spreading the Ganden…

Shar Gaden Monks Dissolving Sand Mandala
(3:25) Shar Gaden monks dissolving a sand mandala in Füssen, Germany. A mandala is a deeply profound, universal symbol that translates literally to mean the “center and its surroundings” and is a physical representation of the universe and the interdependence within the universe, which means that everything and everyone is interlinked in one way or…

Shar Gaden monks doing prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany
Shar Gaden Monks conducting prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany. Enjoy the beautiful chanting and the sound of the ritual items being played by the monks, such as the damaru, long horns and ritual cymbals.

The Invocation of Peaceful Dulzin at Shar Gaden (part 1 & 2)
29 November 2010 – In this video, the oracle takes trance of Dorje Shugden in the aspect of a peaceful Duldzin and answering questions posed to him by Shar Gaden monks. How fortunate we are, that the tradition of oracles still exists and they can take trance of enlightened protectors to assist us in spiritual…

Shar Gaden Monastery Educational Program
A short informative video about the Educational Program that takes place in Shar Gaden Monastery. Narrated by a volunteer English Teacher. This video gives an account of what is a typical day at Shar Gaden Monastery for the monks. Starting from the moment they wake to how their day ends. There are currently over 700…

TV Documentary by France 24: The Dalai Lama’s Demons (Part 2 of 2)
(Read Part 1) Recently, France 24 sent journalists to India to investigate the claims of religious persecution by Dorje Shugden practitioners at the hands of the Dalai Lama and his supporters. This is what they found. Here we continue with Part Two of comments on this report. Part One can be found here. Clarification of…

TV Documentary by France 24: The Dalai Lama’s Demons (Part 1 of 2)
(Read Part 2) Recently, France 24 sent journalists to India to investigate the claims of religious persecution by Dorje Shugden practitioners at the hands of the Dalai Lama and his supporters. This is what they found. Please read on for comments to this TV documentary. Introduction First of all, it is wonderful that France…

Dalai Lama’s Reasons for the Ban of Dorje Shugden
About the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden The Dalai Lama has given three main reasons for banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. Before we reply to those, we should point out that although he says he “strongly discourages” it, there is an increasing body of evidence to show he has banned…

10 Questions for the Dalai Lama
Why do you deny that you are enforcing the ban on Dorje Shugden when there are videos of your speeches enforcing this ban? If you are truly an advocate for human rights, why do you issue identity cards which make it extremely difficult for Shugden practitioners to get food, water, shelter, medical attention and travel…

Rabten Choeling (Tibetan Temple in Switzerland)
Rabten Choeling is situated 820m above sea-level, high above the lake of Geneva, on Mont-Pèlerin above Vevey, with a great view on the alps of Wallis and Savoy. The centre is an Institute for Higher Tibetan studies as well as an authentic Tibetan-Buddhist monastery with about thirty monks and five nuns and twenty lay students….

Healthcare in Shar Gaden Monastery & Serpom Monastery
Dr Lucie Blouin visited Shar Gaden and Serpom Monasteries with Zawa Rinpoche to look at the health of the monks and what medical needs they have. She looked at the cause of their health problems, identifying poor lifestyle like drinking coca-cola will speed up the onset of diabetes. The monks need to be well nourished…

Tsongkhapa Parinirvana Day – Prayers in Shar Gaden
Monks in Shar Gaden, offering Ghanachakra Tsok on Lama Tsongkhapa’s Parinirvana day.

Latest Video of Serpom Monastery
A collection of photos from Ser-pom Monastery. Sera has produced innumerable scholars, masters, yogis, abbots, reincarnated tulkus and even regents. Currently Sera is in South India 6 hours away from Bangalore in Bylakuppe Tibetan Colony, Mysore State . Due to the ban His Holiness the Dalai Lama has enforced, Dorje Shugden practitioners may not associate with non-Dorje Shugden…

Dalai behind Tibet protests? Robert Thurman responded
CCTV blames Dalai Lama, saying he is behind the Tibet protests. Professor Robert Thurman responded that Dalai Lama was surprised and was not involved in the demonstration by young activists. Monks from Drepung monastery were caught innocently while on their way to the monastery for a celebration.

Firsthand Experience of the Dalai Lama’s Persecution
A Dorje Shugden practitioner and student of Domo Geshe Rinpoche shares her personal reasons for why she practises Dorje Shugden, and why she is protesting. Mob of Angry Dalai Lama Followers Attack Protestors On July 17, 2008 a group of hundreds of angry followers of the Dalai Lama attacked a group of peaceful Buddhist protestors. Imagine…

Dalai Lama’s Ban on Dorje Shugden Affecting Gaden Shartse Monks
Watch this video of monks in Gaden Shartse Monastery, engaged in their daily practice of rituals, prayers, studying, debates at the courtyard… Dorje Shugden has been practiced for 350 years as the principal protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage. These monks are devastated due to the ban imposed by the Dalai Lama.