Powerful Protection Against Spirits or Black Magic
There are many types of protection one can have, dependent on the spirit or malady, but one of the most powerful is relying on the benevolent protector DORJE SHUGDEN. Dorje Shugden’s rites, rituals, prayers, meditations and protective mantras are hailed as one of the best. This practice is excellent to do daily to bless our…

Dharma demystified: Kawang – A confessional practice
Dharma Protector practice may appear to the untrained eye to be shrouded in the mist of mystery rendered thicker by the passage of time. However these practices accord tremendous benefits to the practitioners and by all written accounts, these practices are originated by and descend from the greatest of Buddhist masters. Time has not diluted…

Jigme Norbu (1831-1861), the Fourth Zhabdrung Mind Incarnation
High Lamas can manifest in different forms, such as the Mind emanation, Body emanation or Speech emanation. Jigme Norbu was a layman who was recognised as the Mind emanation of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (1594-1651). To understand the importance of this incarnation, we must look at the achievements of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, who was the reincarnation…

Dragshul Trinley Rinchen (1871-1935) – the 39th Sakya Trizin
Traditionally, the Sakya Throne Holders (Sakya Trizins) are considered to be incarnations of divine beings and succession is via a hereditary line, from father to son. Over the past hundred years, the position of Sakya Trizin evolved to alternate between two “houses” or Phodrangs, called Drolma and Phuntsog. Throughout the Sakya tradition, there has been…

The Dorje Shugden World Peace Puja at Shar Ganden
The Torgya ritual is a Dorje Shugden puja usually performed just before the coming of the Tibetan New Year. Its function is not just limited to preventing negative energies and driving off energies of such a nature…

Morchen Kunga Lhundrub (1654-1728)
Morchen Kunga Lhundrub is the epitome of non-sectarianism, known to have upheld and respected many lineages equally and without any problems. As a highly influential master of the Sakya tradition, he was also revered by the Gelugpas as a lineage master of Naropa’s Vajrayogini. Within his own sect, Morchen was revered as a lineage holder…

Serpom Torgya
The Dorje Shugden Torgya is a powerful ritual performed to avert or ward off all negative energies and obstacle-causing entities so that good energies, prosperity and peace are ushered in. These two videos show the Dorje Shugden Torgya ritual recently performed at Serpom Monastery.

Tordup and Losar 2012 at Shar Gaden Monastery
This video shows the Tibetan New Year pujas at Shar Gaden Monastery.

Taktse Dupcho at Shar Gaden Monastery
Video of the Taktse Dupcho puja at Shar Gaden Monastery, India.

The Yangdup Puja – 2011
The Yangdup Puja (Wealth/prosperity Generating Puja) is conducted every year at the monastery. It is mainly dedicated to the growth of BuddhaDharma, and generates merits to clear the sufferings of famine in the world. This auspicious event is attended by the monastery’s senior monks, geshes and alumni. It is also dedicated to their long time…

Kyabjye Zong Rinpoche performing Fire Puja
Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang performs a fire puja in front of the Ganden Shartse old assembly hall. Geshe Tendar Rinpoche is also in this picture. Tendar Rinpoche was widely known for having transcendental wisdom in Tantric fields and had conferred the Dorje Shugden Life entrustment many times at various places. At the moment his reincarnation…

The Annual Yangdup Puja 2010 – Shar Gaden
The Official Yangdup 2010 Puja in Shar Gaden Monastery was held right next to the administrative office organized by the present administrators. They invited all the senior monks including the monastery’s administrative members, Lamas and Geshes to perform this wealth ritual which lasts for four days For more info: kindly visit the official website www.shargadenpa.org

Serpom Monastery (Annual Medicine Buddha Festival)
The video shows the annual sacred festival of the Buddha of Medicine performed at Serpom Monastery. At 0:21 – 0:24 a picture of the Venerable Abbot of Serpom Monastery Kyabjye Yongyal Rinpoche is clearly displayed. He is the holder of the Gaden Oral tradition. Born in Tibet in 1948, Kyabje Yongyal Dorjechang was recognized as…

Shar Gaden monks doing prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany
Shar Gaden Monks conducting prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany. Enjoy the beautiful chanting and the sound of the ritual items being played by the monks, such as the damaru, long horns and ritual cymbals.

Shar Gaden Consecration Puja 2010 – DAY 3
The Consecration Puja is one of the holiest spiritual events of Shar Gaden, which lasts for three days. It starts from 8th, October 2010 and goes on until 10th, October 2010.

Shar Gaden Consecration Puja 2010 – DAY 2
The Annual Consecration Ritual Pujas are performed once a year as part of Shar Gaden’s significant Dharmic events. It is a three-day puja that begins on 8th October and lasts through to 10th October. It is dedicated to all sentient beings around the world – that they may be free from suffering, poverty war, ailments,…

Shar Gaden Consecration Puja 2010 – DAY 1
The Consecration Puja is one of the holiest spiritual events of Shar Gaden, which lasts for three days. It starts from 8th, October 2010 and goes on until 10th, October 2010.

Dorje Shugden Movie Project
Dorje Shugden: On The Trail Of A Buddhist Protector is a documentary film project. The general idea is to do documented research on the origin and practice of the Buddhist protector deity Dorje Shugden. It is important to show the practice as integrated part of a living Buddhist tradition without going into the recent controversy….

Shar Gaden Monastery – World Peace Tour
An update from Shar Gaden Monastery of the recent World Peace Tour Please click to enlarge

Download: Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang’s Autobiography
Dear all, This website is happy to present for the first time the actual volume that Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche personally wrote on all aspects of the Dharmaphala Dorje Shugden. Rituals, prayers, short invocations, source, history, lineage, previous incarnations, kangsol, fire pujas etc. of Dorje Shugden are in this volume. Kyabje Rinpoche wrote it in the…

Torgya Ritual 2010 at Shar Gaden
An update from Shar Gaden Monastery of the Torgya Ritual in 2010 Please click to enlarge

Taktse Dubcho Ritual at Shar Gaden
An update from Shar Gaden Monastery of the recently held four-day Taktse Dubcho Ritual Please click to enlarge

Tsongkhapa Parinirvana Day – Prayers in Shar Gaden
Monks in Shar Gaden, offering Ghanachakra Tsok on Lama Tsongkhapa’s Parinirvana day.

Dalai Lama’s Ban on Dorje Shugden Affecting Gaden Shartse Monks
Watch this video of monks in Gaden Shartse Monastery, engaged in their daily practice of rituals, prayers, studying, debates at the courtyard… Dorje Shugden has been practiced for 350 years as the principal protector of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage. These monks are devastated due to the ban imposed by the Dalai Lama.

Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang Chanting Prayers of Dorje Shugden
Precious footage of the Illustrious master, Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang chanting prayers of Dorje Shugden while playing ritual instruments!

Rare Video Footage of Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang
Part 2 An illustrious master who reincarnated perfectly and purely just to benefit all sentient beings. Watch this rare video of Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang. Enjoyed the footage? Download this video here.

Gaden Monastery Had a Strong Practice of Dorje Shugden
Ganden Monastery had a strong practice of Dorje Shugden. This video shows the wrathful Dorje Shugden ritual taken at Zong Labrang’s temple, 1985