A Hugely Significant Geshe Lharampa Ceremony
22 January 2015 was a landmark day for all Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. For the first time in history, learned monks from Shar Ganden Monastery and Serpom Monastery were presented with their Geshe Lharampa certificates from the Gelugpa Buddhist University…

Appreciation Letters
We are humbled and honored to receive the support and approval of Shar Ganden Monastery, one of the two great Dorje Shugden institutions in South India. We thank you for your encouragement and we will continue our efforts to peacefully bring down the ban on Lord Dorje Shugden’s practice…

An Offering of Mahamudra
Recently, one of the most honored Gelugpa lineage masters, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, presented 500 copies of ‘The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra’ to the monks of Shar Ganden Monastery…

The Five Causes That Will Bring Down The Ban
The heat is on. While the International Shugden Community’s ongoing protests for the Dalai Lama to lift the Dorje Shugden ban is getting the most attention, there are four other powerful, unstoppable rivers that are flowing into the walls of the ban, slowly but surely bringing it down…

Saga Dawa Celebrations in Shar Gaden
Saga Dawa, the holiest time of the Tibetan year, is celebrated throughout the entire fourth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar. Tibetan lunar month begins and ends with a new moon, and the full moon day that falls in the middle of the 4th month is known as Saga Dawa Duchen…

The Dorje Shugden World Peace Puja at Shar Ganden
The Torgya ritual is a Dorje Shugden puja usually performed just before the coming of the Tibetan New Year. Its function is not just limited to preventing negative energies and driving off energies of such a nature…

For more about Dorje Shugden, the Lamas who practice him and other pages of note, click on any of the links below that may be of interest. To submit more links for consideration, please leave a comment.

Ven Geshe Tenzin Dorje
Versatile Ven Geshe Tenzin Dorje of Shar Gaden Monastery is the current school principal, the library director and now the preceptor. He has unparalleled skills in numerous fields yet it is his humility and desire to keep a low profile that makes him respected and well-loved by many. May he continue his dharma activities and…
Pilgrimage to India
We went to India to celebrate the dedication of the new Shar Gaden temple and along the way, we had an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of thousands of Buddhists who went before us. This journey began on Oct. 23 with three monks and 16 lay students heading to Mumbai, India. Our first visit…

His Eminence Geshe Thupten Thinley confers the commentary of the Essence of Eloquence on the Interpretive and Definitive Meanings composed by the incomparable Je Tsongkhapa Chenpo, to the devoted monks and lay people community of Shar Gaden. Geshe Thupten Thinley Rinpoche is being invited to the teaching courtyard. Domo Geshe Rinpoche also attended this teaching….

Tibetan Public Talk, Interview of Ven Geshe Jampa Losel, March 2012
This interview of Ven. Geshe Jampa Losel was posted on Shar Gaden’s Facebook. Geshe Jampa Losel was present at the launching of North American Gelug Buddhist Association (NAGBA) in 2011 together with Venerable Zawa Tulku Rinpoche. His picture can be found here. NAGBA was specifically founded to preserve the Gelug teachings with Dorje Shugden as…

Tibetan Public Talk 2012 Feb : Interview with Legthang Tenzin Gyatso
This is a Tibetan talk show. It is very inspiring to see Dorje Shugden Lamas like Legthang Tenzin Gyatso getting more publicity. Legthang Tenzin Gyatso is the Chief Director of the Dharma Bridge Foundation. The Foundation provides English language education at Shar Gaden and other Buddhist Monasteries in Nepal and India. Their goal is to…

Tordup and Losar 2012 at Shar Gaden Monastery
This video shows the Tibetan New Year pujas at Shar Gaden Monastery.

Great Prayer Festival at Shar Gaden
The most venerated Geshe la, Thupten Thinley Rinpoche, who turned the wheel of dharma with great dedication and love for nearly one and half months at Shar Gaden Monastery is making prayers here at the five-day-long Great Prayer Festival. Many participants, who were endowed with good karma, were fortunate enough to receive wisdom from Rinpoche….

Serpom Monastery Inauguration Ceremony
(Part 2 of 11) Debate session between monks of Serpom Monastery and Shar Gaden Monastery (Part 3 of 11) Inauguration and Consecration of the Assemply Hall of Serpom Monastery by Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche, followed by Mangja Puja (Part 4 of 11) The Invocations of Dharmapalas Dorje Shugden, Jowo Chingarwa, Setrap and Kache Marpo in the…

Taktse Dupcho at Shar Gaden Monastery
Video of the Taktse Dupcho puja at Shar Gaden Monastery, India.

Wrathful Dorje Shugden Fire Puja in Shar Gaden
These monks are doing Wrathful Dorje Shugden Fire Puja in Shar Gaden. This puja is very rare and is done once a year officially by Shar Gaden or as requested. It is done to achieve something that is riddled with obstacles.

The Yangdup Puja – 2011
The Yangdup Puja (Wealth/prosperity Generating Puja) is conducted every year at the monastery. It is mainly dedicated to the growth of BuddhaDharma, and generates merits to clear the sufferings of famine in the world. This auspicious event is attended by the monastery’s senior monks, geshes and alumni. It is also dedicated to their long time…

Long Life to Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche & Domo Geshe Rinpoche
A tenshug is a special ritual offered to high lamas to create the necessary merits and conditions for them to extend their lives. When a teacher is manifesting illness or uncertainty in living, students should arrange a tenshug offering done in all it’s completeness. When the teacher lives long, the Buddha Dharma will grow and…

Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche’s First Visit to Shar Gaden
Part 2 His Eminence Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche is a student of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. He is a very learned master with many practices. He is a most qualified teacher from Serpom and is Serpom Monastery’s first and current abbot. Here he is making his first visit to Shar Gaden Monastery…

Grand Opening of Serpom Monastery, 18 December 2011
December 18th, 2011 was a historical day as it was the long awaited, much anticipated official opening of Serpom Monastery. Serpom is located in South India, a five-hour pleasant drive from Bangalore. Built by the kind donations of sponsors and devotees, it has taken a few years to construct and now houses over 800 monks….

Dorje Shugden practitioners are still discriminated against
It’s sad to report that Dorje Shugden practitioners are still being discriminated against by the Tibetan public. The evidence comes from a recent blog post, ‘The Bad Boys of Buddhism’. The writer is J.D. Lewis, an accomplished American actor and playwright who has appeared in popular TV programmes as ‘Friends’ and ‘Suddenly Susan’. He has…

The Manjushri Jenang 2011
On 23rd, September 2011, Venerable Abbot Jetsun Lobsang Phende conferred the Manjushri Jenang, also known as the Permitting Empowerment, to the Shar Gaden students at the request of the teachers’ association. The spiritual event was conducted for the students to improve their learning skills in their daily educational activities. Manjushri is also known as the…

The Debate Test – 2011
The Debate Test of the Annual Geluk Exam is displayed before the superior masters of both monasteries – Shar Gaden and Serpom. This year (2011), it takes place in Shar Gaden as per the rule of rotating its venue every year. It is an acid test for every exam candidate where randomly-selected subjects written on a…

The Summer Retreat – 2011
The engagement of twice-monthly confessions, the rains retreat (summer retreat, Tib. yarne) and the closing of the rains retreat by a monastic community is a glimpse of the Buddhadharma existing in its pure form. Basically, the continuation of pure Buddhadharma solely depends on the monks’ communities which engage in…

The Geluk Exam – 2011
The Gelug Exam is widely known as the final stage of Buddhist studies within the monastic community especially in terms of Sutra studies. A monk must pass his monastery’s local exam where one must participate in all the related subjects like the Vinaya class (either 1st year or 2nd year) in order to be a…

Shar Gaden Monlam 2011
“The Great Prayer Festival is dedicated to the long life of holy Gurus of all traditions, for the survival and spread of Dharma to the minds of all sentient beings and for world peace” It is so wonderful to see the scenes from Shar Gaden at their Monlam 2011 festival. Monks young and old joined…

The Annual Yangdup Puja 2010 – Shar Gaden
The Official Yangdup 2010 Puja in Shar Gaden Monastery was held right next to the administrative office organized by the present administrators. They invited all the senior monks including the monastery’s administrative members, Lamas and Geshes to perform this wealth ritual which lasts for four days For more info: kindly visit the official website www.shargadenpa.org

Cincinnati Oracle Appears in India
Kuten Lama, head of a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Cincinnati and leader of a Tibetan Buddhist lineage is at odds with the Dalai Lama. Last month, Kuten Lama helped to inaugurate a breakaway monastery in South India. Kuten Lama is an oracle, who takes possession of the spirit of Dorje Shugden, a deity banned by…

The Maha Gutor Puja 2011 – (Last Day)
The Maha Gutor Puja was conducted in Shar Gaden by the monks there. Shar Gaden is one of the leading monasteries in South India that are supporting and spreading the Dorje Shugden practice. Taken from the dorjeshugden forum Wisdom Being (Forum Member) Many things happen during this religious event: On the 1st day, there will…

The Preliminary session of The Maha Gutor Puja, 2011 – DAY 1
The Maha Gutor puja was conducted at the premises of Shar Gaden. Gutor = Day before New Year’s Eve (29th day of the 12th lunar month). Usually, explanations of Tibetan festivals start by looking at the New Year’s Day celebrations. However, the year’s end is also of special importance and Tibetans observe ‘Gutor’ while they…

2011 Late Night Debate Ceremony at Shar Gaden
During this congregational debate ceremony at Shar Gaden, the assembly extensively debate on every major subject of Buddhist philosophy, including valid cognition, the six paramitas, the middle way, abhidhamma-kosa, and vinaya. The debate takes place in Shar Gaden’s sparkling new debate courtyard.

Venerable Zawa Tulku Rinpoche – Moncton Buddhist Centre
The inauguration of Moncton Buddhist Centre by Venerable Zawa Tulku Rinpoche was also attended by Mr Jampal Yeshe – President of the Dorje Shugden Society, and Dr Lucie Blouin who assisted with medical issues faced by monks in Shar Gaden and Serpom Monastery in India. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche is enrolled at Shar Gaden and regularly…

Shar Gaden Monks Dissolving Sand Mandala
(3:25) Shar Gaden monks dissolving a sand mandala in Füssen, Germany. A mandala is a deeply profound, universal symbol that translates literally to mean the “center and its surroundings” and is a physical representation of the universe and the interdependence within the universe, which means that everything and everyone is interlinked in one way or…

Shar Gaden Monastery with Dorje Shugden mantra
(5:41) A view of activities in Shar Gaden with the Dorje Shugden mantra being recited in the background, set to music.

Lama Michel Visits Shar Gaden-2010
Lama Michel Rinpoche and his entourage came to Shar Gaden on the 17th November 2010 for a 5 day-long visit for their Documentary project. Later, they will be visiting Serpom Monastery in Mysore. This filming is most likely related to the documentary project called ‘Lineage’. For more information about ‘Lineage’, check out the site’s previous…

Shar Gaden monks doing prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany
Shar Gaden Monks conducting prayer rituals in Füssen, Germany. Enjoy the beautiful chanting and the sound of the ritual items being played by the monks, such as the damaru, long horns and ritual cymbals.

The Invocation of Peaceful Dulzin at Shar Gaden (part 1 & 2)
29 November 2010 – In this video, the oracle takes trance of Dorje Shugden in the aspect of a peaceful Duldzin and answering questions posed to him by Shar Gaden monks. How fortunate we are, that the tradition of oracles still exists and they can take trance of enlightened protectors to assist us in spiritual…

Shar Gaden Monastery Educational Program
A short informative video about the Educational Program that takes place in Shar Gaden Monastery. Narrated by a volunteer English Teacher. This video gives an account of what is a typical day at Shar Gaden Monastery for the monks. Starting from the moment they wake to how their day ends. There are currently over 700…

Shar Gaden Consecration Puja 2010 – DAY 3
The Consecration Puja is one of the holiest spiritual events of Shar Gaden, which lasts for three days. It starts from 8th, October 2010 and goes on until 10th, October 2010.