‘Democratic’ Tibetan leaders want to downplay consulting dangerous spirit Nechung for everything
When examining the failures of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; based in Dharamsala, North India), it is merely due diligence to examine their closest advisors too and one of the Tibetan leadership’s closest advisors is the spirit Nechung…

Tibet in Exile
In March 1959, the Dalai Lama, together with his two teachers and family, succeeded in escaping from the besieged Summer Palace in Lhasa. The escape route was secured by the guerrilla organization of the Khampas (East Tibetans), who suffered severe losses in the process. Approximately 100,000 Tibetans followed the Dalai Lama to India, and about…

Dalai Lama Relies on Spirits for Political Advice
A CNN video explains how the Dalai Lama relies on spirit oracles for political advice on Tibet and China, for instance, with the State Oracle of Tibet in Dharamsala. Dalai Lama asks Spirit Nechung for Political Advice Nechung’s advice on Tibetan affairs has been sough by HH Dalai Lama for hundreds of years.