Crisis of confidence in Tibetan leadership

In the Tibetan settlements, there is a question on everyone’s lips but no one wants to discuss – what will happen when the Dalai Lama is gone?

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Life without the Dalai Lama?

By: Ringzin Tsomo

October 2, 2017

DHARAMSALA, INDIA – high in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, something strange is afoot. For the first time in six decades, Tibetans are starting to consider the possibility of life without His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Concerns have been growing about His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s behavior in recent years. The slow decline in his reputation began early in 2015 when in an interview about his successor, the Dalai Lama told the media that he would be the last Dalai Lama. He then further claimed that if the institution were to continue, he would come back as an “mischievous blonde female” and “her face must be very attractive” or “nobody pay much attention”.

Globally, the Dalai Lama was swiftly condemned as sexist, with some accusing him of holding misogynistic views towards women. Members of the Tibetan leadership, including Sikyong Lobsang Sengge, scrambled to clarify the Dalai Lama’s statements but the damage control came perhaps too little, too late.

At 82 years old, most people would be happily retired but this has not been the case for the Dalai Lama. But as the Tibetan leadership fails to find a qualified successor for the public relations juggernaut that is the Dalai Lama, concerns are growing for the future of the Tibetan people.

Later, in October of that same year, the Dalai Lama was accused of exploring relationships with women, with the reporter even providing a photograph she claimed was the Dalai Lama on a date with her mother. Her report was subsequently met by widespread skepticism and later retracted by the online publication Broadly, who apologized for their failure to fact-check. Nevertheless, observers of the Tibet situation were keen to note that in years gone past, such reports about the consummate media darling would have been unthinkable. The fact they are becoming more frequent has not been lost on the Tibetan government.

Buoyed by public sympathy for his health conditions, the Dalai Lama nearly made it through 2016 without further gaffes. That is to say, until September when he infamously closed the year off by mocking then-President hopeful Donald Trump, going so far as to imitate the President’s infamous hairstyle. It appears however, that his disarming giggle was not enough to charm the White House who were decidedly unamused. To this day, the US President has not indicated any interest in meeting with the Dalai Lama, a sure sign of his disinterest in the Tibetan cause.

This interview was followed by a 2017 televised appearance on the host John Oliver’s show, during which he claimed that he was not in the position to criticize self-immolations. The Dalai Lama was heavily criticized for his remarks in this interview, by an incredulous audience who found it difficult to believe that the leader of the Tibetan people was not able to offer any comment on or was powerless to stop any of these violent suicides.

The Dalai Lama’s beleaguered reputation has not been helped by Dorje Shugden practitioners who continue to shadow his worldwide appearances, protesting for the freedom to practise their religion free from persecution. Given such a series of public relations missteps, there is little surprise that the Tibetan leadership have seen it fit to scale back His Holiness’s public engagements. In the last few months of 2017, the 82-year old Tibetan leader has called off a series of international visits and meetings, with his team citing exhaustion.

In an interview in 2016, the Dalai Lama mocked then-President hopeful Donald Trump. Since being elected into power, President Trump has not indicated any interest in meeting with the spiritual leader and has in fact steadily eroded American government support for the Tibetan cause.

This has done little to stem talk of the Dalai Lama’s wellbeing, after 2016 was dominated by rumors of ill health after His Holiness visited the Mayo Clinic. Reports from the media attributed these visits to everything from a general check-up to chemotherapy. The Associated Press even reported that the Dalai Lama was receiving treatment specifically for prostrate cancer.

Closer to home, the toll of this repeated negative press is starting to be felt in the Tibetan settlements.

Lhundrub, 45, admits that he worries about the Dalai Lama. Declining to give his full name, Lhundrub agreed to be interviewed only on the condition of anonymity, saying that he feared retribution on his family who continue to live in the settlements.

“When I was younger, I heard all sorts of wonderful things about the Dalai Lama. He could do no wrong and people would never even dare to question his decisions. Nowadays, he is always making all kinds of comments to the media. People are whispering if something is wrong. Is someone hiding the news from us?”

His concerns were echoed by Tselha, 27, who accuses the Tibetan leadership of keeping the public in the dark. “What will happen when His Holiness passes away? How do we plan for our future if we don’t know what is going on? Are we stuck with Sikyong Lobsang Sengge?”

Indeed, current polls suggest that Sikyong Lobsang Sengge is facing a crisis of confidence, with his approval ratings registering at an all-time low. According to a well-placed source within the government, there is growing concern about this among the Tibetan establishment.

Dhardon Sharling has been heavily promoted by the Sikyong Lobsang Sengge. Her frequent appearances by his side has triggered public suspicions about the reasons behind the Prime Minister’s apparent favoritism towards her.

“It seems the Sikyong is more concerned about his public image. He spends more time promoting himself and the people he favors, and less on the affairs of our people,” our source tells us. “He was voted in because people thought a Harvard-educated man would know how to guide our people towards dialogue with China. We all thought he would be a breath of fresh air. Instead, things seem to have become worse compared to Samdhong Rinpoche’s time.”

He is anxious to clarify that he is not the only person who feels that way.

“Within the Parliament, there are many people who are starting to doubt the Dalai Lama’s decisions. As a spiritual guide, they continue to respect him but doubts about his political acumen and decision-making process are gaining strength,” he tells us.

“The recent speeches by MP Tenpa Yarphel really highlighted this. While the honorable member expressed frustration over our government’s reliance on Nechung for state decisions, every Tibetan knows the only reason Nechung has the power to do this is because His Holiness [the Dalai Lama] said so. But now people are starting to wonder if His Holiness made the right decision and how many more wrong decisions have been made.”

As the Tibetan leader continues to advance in age, it is a question no one wants to ask but everyone knows needs to be answered – what will happen after the Dalai Lama is gone? No doubt preparations are quietly being made in this burgeoning democracy for the Dalai Lama’s successor, but observers point out that a single charismatic leader has yet to be identified.

After decades of divisive policies and institutionalized segregation by the Tibetan leadership, and an over-reliance on the appeal of the Dalai Lama, disheartened Tibetans find they can do little else but offer their prayers that the Tibetan leadership wakes up soon to the reality that more will need to be done soon to draw their people together. Until such time that happens, there is very little that people like Lhundrub and Tselha can do but sit and wait.


Associated Press claims the Dalai Lama has prostrate cancer

Click to enlarge. An article published in a local Floridian paper, citing information from the Associated Press that the Dalai Lama has prostate cancer.

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  1. The Dalai Lama is so old and he can pass anytime. Beijing is waiting for that. Beijing has full control of Tibet and nothing to fear. Dalai Lama and his government negotiates with Beijing or not does not matter. It’s a small matter in fact. Tibet will never have another King so powerful like Dalai Lama and so influential.

    Actually if Lobsang Sangye was smart, he would do his best to negotiate with China for a better deal for autonomy for Tibet while Dalai Lama is alive. With Dalai Lama alive, he will have more weight and backing. So why doesn’t Lobsang Sangye do so? The reason why Lobsang Sangye does not work hard to negotiate with China is because he does not care about the people. If the Dalai Lama dies, he is rich with big houses and he just moves on. He is in his position for the perks and wealth and US Passport which he has now. So why should he worry?


  2. Sharling Dhardon and Lobsang Sangay are always together. Very close. They launched the book against Dorje Shugden practice together. Together they can authorized the spending of thousands of US dollars for commissioning a book against Dorje Shugden to further isolate and segregate the Tibetans who continue with their faith in Dorje Shugden. They do this to please the Dalai Lama so their money-making posts will be secure. They only want money.

    After the launching of the book against Dorje Shugden practitioners, they went down to Delhi to be at an expensive hotel and delicious five star dinner to enjoy their victory together.




  3. Sharling Dhardon is rich and carries expensive hand bags while her ‘refugee’ Tibetans sell sweaters on the hot Indian streets.


  4. Nothing willl happen after Dalai Lama is no more. Maybe 100 years ago Tibetan will be lost without this leadership but nowaday Dalai Lama created more problems than solution. Maybe even better situation without Dalai Lama because the bad leaders no more support form Dalai Lama and cannot hold on to their power. If Dalai Lama is good and powerful and Dorje Drakden is good how come so long we still fail. China has no Buddha in leadership and communist also dont have in religion. So how come if in the world nothing more power than Buddha how come our living Buddha fail?
    Either Dalai Lama not really Buddha or our karma so bad we cannot get what we want. Either way, Dalai Lama have or not have is same thing. I see that if Dalai Lama don’t have maybe China stating to dialog again with our leaders. My family say Dalai Lama is Buddha but my eye see very ordinary politician so nothing in my 30 years can make me believe. My family situation better after we don’t depend on Dalai Lama and Losang Sengge. Be make our own life. All the prayers we make. It nothing happened so Buddha no power or we no karma is Dalai Lama no Buddha. Maybe in 10 years Tibetan no more on earth. Become Chinese or America or Swisszerland or Canada or Indian or Nepal but no more Tibetan. If any good people left in our govment please don’t let Tibetan people become invisible.

  5. If Sikyong Lobsang Sangay believe in his own talk, he should bring his family come live in Dharamsala. But they are not there but in America. Why? The CTA tells people they have to ba patriotic and not abandon Tibetan cause but our leader is first to abandon. Even before he was elected he already abandoned Tibetans.

  6. Tibetan must catch all who corrupt into jail. Elect someone who will unite all Tibet to fight!✊✊

  7. If ‘President’ Lobsang Sangiye really believe in CTA, Dharamsala, Tibetans and Dalai Lama, he should not get USA citizenship. He should live in Dharamsala with his whole family. Why does his family all live in USA in a big house and rich?

  8. These three MPs from Dharamsala is well known to get money from China to be part of Tibetan exile government and make trouble for Tibetans. They pretend to be close to Dalai Lama but they are close to China.


  9. Sikyong Lobsang Sangi just interested in money and perks and the same goes for the ministers in the Tibetan CTA. They are all corrupted and ‘eating’ donations from the West but do close to nothing for the Tibetan pubic. May the Western governments cut or reduce funding to the corrupt government officials.

  10. Yeah it is really sad, that things are going from bad to worst under the Lobsang Sangay leadership.

    Ordinary Tibetans in India must make plans for their future, since things are really up in the air. If things are not so great now with His Holiness still active on the world scene, how will things be when His Holiness is no more or not active.

    So I urge ordinary Tibetans to think about whether to accept Indian Citizneship or become a law abiding citizen of Tibet as a part of China.

  11. The Dalai Lama has been around for 60 years in Dharamsala and nothing has happened. What is there to happen if the Dalai Lama passes on?

    Tibetans in China are Chinese Citizens with passports that are recognised internationally. They can go where they like.

    Tibetans in Dharamsala are still refugees, being used as scapegoat for members of elite CTA to get rich and are citizens of whichever country they choose.

    Tibetans who are still poor refugees must do something for themselves. Maybe become Indian citizens or make a conscious choice to return home to Tibet, China.

    Some one need to lead now before it is too late.

  12. It is quite obvious that CTA had hid a lot from their people if going by the interviews with Lhundrub and Tselha. The feudal system is still very much in place even though CTA is suppose to be progressive with the appropriate tenets of governance. CTA is just like a bunch of school kids in detention having lots of time for mischief and the Dalai Lama as the Headmaster. Luckily there is MP like Tenpa Yarphel who dare to question despite accusations of being Anti-Dalai Lama and a Chinese spy. It is wise for the people to quickly take responsibilities for their own lives instead of depending on CTA which is just a money machine to line the pockets of the MP and their cronies.

  13. My heart goes out to the poor Tibetans struggling to make a living and waiting for CTA to lead them. Everyone is saying the ministers of CTA are corrupted and only make money for themselves. Tibetans need to quickly decide for themselves if they should be Indian or Chinese citizens who will enjoy the full perks before the Dalai Lama is gone.

  14. Wake up guys, the future is in your hands, not Nechung’s !


  15. His Holiness actually is showing so many mistakes just to make Tibetans think deeper – since he can make not popular comments, so called sexist comment, can get ill and all that…is trying to wake Tibetans up – that His Holiness can make and might make mistakes by saying Dorje Shugden is harmful. He wants all Tibetans to think deeper, not to believe blindly.

    His Holiness also showing political leaders including Lobsang Sangey and all Tibetan MPs can make mistakes, would make mistakes. So, do not follow blindly what politicians say. We must use our brain, we all have brain, so just use it. Don’t borrow leaders’ brain, don’t follow blindly. Think more, think left and right, and deeper.

    His Holiness is a Buddha, he wants Tibetans to think independently and maturely NOW and after he is passing. He wants to help us, and we must grow from there.

    Hence, do you think Dorje Shugden is an evil? Dorje Shugden can harm His Holiness? Lobsang Sangey is a good leader & think for people’s benefits? All MPs help and care for we Tibetans? THINK, DEEPER. DO NOT FOLLOW BLINDLY. That’s the only way out for we Tibetans.

  16. It’s not HH Dalai Lama whose passing will negatively impact the Tibetans in exile , particularly the poor.It’s something more pressing and urgent. It’s NOW that they should act to gain Indian citizenship. Otherwise, a day will come soon when they will be stateless and homeless, should India decide to take back the land given to these Tibetans in exile 60 years ago. 60 years have passed and nothing has been done to improve the lot of these poor Tibetans by the Tibetan leadership.The Tibetan leadership has done nothing to secure the future of all Tibetans in exile , particularly the poor.

    All have been fed with pipe dreams of a return to a free and independent Tibet. On top of this, the selfish Tibetan leadership has discouraged with threats these poor Tibetans from getting Indian citizenship.Furthermore, the ban on Shugden practice has been used to distract the ordinary Tibetans in exile from their own serious problems, and created disharmony and schism among the people.

  17. Tibetan parliament MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar attacks Chinese Dalai Lama student.

    Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar who is an MP of the Tibetan ‘parliament’ in Dharamsala seems to like to make trouble. She was recently in Paris on an all-expense-paid luxury trip to have meetings against the Dalai Lama’s middle way. They stayed in nice hotels, enjoyed the cafes and went sight-seeing also. She and other independence (rangzen) activists gathered together to have a meeting on how to oppose the Dalai Lama’s middle way. If you are having a meeting on rangzen, then naturally you are opposing the Dalai Lama’s views. She is against the Dalai Lama as blatantly as it can get. She advocates full independence for Tibet which Professor Samdhong Rinpoche the former prime minister said is very dangerous. 🇨🇳Samdhong Rinpoche said clearly that Rangzen activists and supporters are the most dangerous people in Tibetan society. Because they go against what the Dalai Lama is asking the world to support which is autonomy of Tibet under China. Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is seen in these pictures in October 2017 in Dharamsala fighting violently with a female Chinese tourist from the USA. 😠This Chinese woman Ms. Wen Qi Zhu had just had audience with the Dalai Lama as you can see in the pictures. But when she left the audience after blessings she was affronted by a CTA member Ms. Lhagyari violently on the streets just below the Dalai Lama’s nose. A random video was taken of this event and in the video Ms. Wen Qi Zhu was saying she is also a student of the Dalai Lama. She has also contributed to the donations of the recent teachings by Dalai Lama to cover the expenditure.😡

    Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is an MP of the CTA and she should conduct herself with more decorum and good manners since she is representing the Dalai Lama’s government. Often they are violent. Of course Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar has the democratic rights to post, protest and speak for Tibet in Dharamsala, but she should also be ready for opposition. Opposition even in Dharamsala must be tolerated as it is a democratic India. 👍Some may be shocked someone opposes Ms. Lhagyari’s views in Dharamsala the headquarters of the Dalai Lama, but that just shows you how arrogant some Tibetans may be thinking if you oppose their views, they can violently strike back. Democracy only works for Tibetans so they think and it should not work against them is their convoluted thinking. Many in the audience may not agree with Ms. Lhagyari Namygal Drolkar’s views on Tibet and as an elected official of the Tibetan government, she should be more courteous, polite and explain things well and not resort to a catfight with a paying tourist. After all she is the official and representative of the government. She should educate the masses and not violently fight with them. She should resign as obviously she is not fit for this job.👎 It is a disgrace and shame. After all the paying tourist Ms. Wen Qi Zhu has every right to protest back or speak against the view of Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar, since India is democratic and allows freedom of speech which goes both ways.👍 Some Tibetans have to learn manners, being polite and accepting that the world is not going to agree with them on everything anymore. Tibetans have to accept their 60 years of playing up the refugee card while living well in India and immigrating all over the world will not gain sympathy anymore. The CTA or Tibetan government in exile have many policies that divide and segregate their own people on the basis of religion so now that they are getting some of their own karma back, why are they upset?🙏

    Here is an article on how Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar went to Paris for a rangzen meeting against the Dalai Lama:

    Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar



  18. Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is an MP of the CTA and she should immediatly resign and give honor to the disonorable CTA or Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala. She is an elected official. She should not fight with the tourists and spectators. If she is going to post things about Tibet, she has accept there will be people who do not accept what she is posting and be ready for opposition but not using violence. If the spectator gets violent, then Ms. Lhagyari should immediately go to the police and run from the scene. The police station is very nearby. Do not stand around and have violent interaction with people walking by. It does not look good as an MP of the Tibetan government in exile under the Dalai Lama. MP Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is a disgrace and should resign.👎


    grabbing Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar by her head

  19. Tibetan parliament MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar is taking money from China.

    She should resign from parliament🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

  20. The Chinese Government has already planned for the Dalai Lama’s death.

    The will make the Panchen Lama the “Regent” of Tibet.

    The Chinese will use the “Golden Urn” method to chose the next “Tibetan” 15th Dalai Lama.

    There will be an “Indian” 15th Dalai Lama chosen by the CTA.

    As “Regent” of Tibet the Panchen Lama will make Dorje Shugden the “Official State Protector” of Tibet.

    The Panchen Lama will make the next “State Oracle of Tibet” a Dorje Shugden “Oracle”.

    He will replace “Pehar” who will be retired.

    The Panchen Lama will give the “Tibetan” 15th Dalai Lama all the teachings on Dorje Shugden.

    The “Tibetan” 15th Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama will spread the teachings of Dorje Shugden throughout Tibet.

    Either the “Regent” the Panchen Lama or the “Tibetan” 15th Dalai Lama will proclaim Dorje Shugden as a “Yidam”.

    They will create the “Empowerment” and “Sadhana” for us to practice Dorje Shugden as our “Yidam”.

    Finally the Chinese and the Panchen Lama may go so far as to proclaim that the “Tibetan” 15th Dalai Lama is an incarnation of Tulku Drukpa Gyeltsen.

    They will claim that the 5th Dalai Lama stole the title by corruption and bribery from Tulku Drukpa Gyeltsen.

  21. Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar is stupid! Her rough, loud and offensive talk does not win any support and it certainly would not quell or subdue the equally loud and defensive Chinese Ms Zhu. It looks like she has met her match and I hope she is ready for lots of opposition as she is taken the Rangzen pro-independence stance that counters the Dalai Lama. It gives her the opportunity to feel with it is like to be Shugden practitioner. With more Dalai Lama followers experience discrimination first hand so they know what it feels like and that when given the chance, they might do something to remove the ban.

  22. What happened to Tibetan Kashak CTA govt talks with Chinese government? Why Sikyong Lobsang Singgi-la have no result when even Samdong Rinpoche managed a few talks with China. This is not acceptable. Tibetan cause cannot go backwards now. It must go forward and have result.

  23. I really can’t Imagine if one day if really happen without His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the CTA & the Tibetan people now still in India will become how? due to the CTA present all the performance, if without the big name of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, CTA will become Nothing at all ……😢

  24. After His Holiness enters clear light, the voice of discerning Tibetans in exile will fade into nothingness. As it is already now being plagued by a series of very unfortunate events made clear to the public, like never before. Thanks to digital media and social media. How the Tibetans in exile leaders corrupt, abuse power and violate laws are now found all over the internet that can be accessed through the tiny device called handphones, which everyone has one, if not two.

    So when there is no more God King, what to do, disband and disseminate into the Indian society. Since Tibetans in exile have been used to being breastfed by the generous Indian government, and have been enjoying the perks for the last 60 years; Where else can they go? They could not be going back to China since they hate China so much.

    As the future is so grim, there is no wonder no one bothers to voice out against the bad governance by CTA. They just have to wait it out and then merge into the Indian society. Another generation will pass, and soon they can forget this painful episode, how their beloved Tibetan leaders led them into oblivion.

  25. Time to unite Tibetan people with no bias against protector deity or religious inclinations. The Tibetan unity is very crucial now before everything falls apart. If the Tibetan leaders really want to benefit the people, it should start to be more secular and minimize and eventually work towards abolishing religious ruling like that Shugden ban. After all, this is the way of the future and it is what every democratic country in the world today practices.

  26. It’s sad to read this article but it’s the fact that everyone need to face. What most disheartening is seeing Tibetan leadership unable to improve their situation and of course under Lobsang Sangay leadership it has not improve Tibetan welfare as well as making any effort to negotiate with China. It’s obvious that Lobsang Sangay has no interest to improving Tibetan situation as we can see he always hide behind HH Dalai Lama and busy with raising fund through using Tibetan lives as a sympathy card. The Tibetan has made a wrong choice with Lobsang Sangay and after His Holiness gone Tibetan is nothing and everything will be too late. Tibetan should realise that Lobsang Sangay will not go through thick and thin with them. He is holding US citizenship and will just leave India once his tenure ended. Tibetan in exile left with nothing!

    Tibetan leadership so far has only created division among Tibetan and violent to their people who disobey them. It has been 60 years and how long more the Tibetan need to suffer? To all the Tibetans, please think for the future of your next generation and don’t be the victim for Tibetan leadership for gain fund for their own anymore. Open your eyes now!

  27. Teĺl me why is Lobsang Sangye base himself in America and not Dharamsala? This is a joke where the Leader of CTA himself doesn’t believe in getting Tibet back and doesn’t stays on the ground with his people but talks a lot about helping Tibetans in exile and want to claim Tibet again. What a joke! 😆

  28. There is really no support for the Dalai Lama from the CTA! What are they doing? No disrespect but as we can read in the article, HH seems tired of having no support from his government. He travels all year long at his age!! What kind of government is the CTA?

    And then they even attack his students! And in Tibet, the Tibetans cry for help and even self-immolate! Why is this CTA so inefficient? Why are they not helping their people??

  29. Thanks for highlighting the concerns of the Tibetans in exile. They should have thought about who will spearhead the Tibetan cause long ago. They should have recognized that the current leaders are not putting them first but rather they were being very introspective and looking out for themselves. So, all these blind loyalty are leading them nowhere but the lower realms.

    Sad to say that other than the Dalai Lama, no one else commands the respect of the rest of the world. As for the spiritual leader part, they should just go on as before which is to follow the religious head of the different schools like the Sakya Trizin, Karmapa or Gaden Tripa.

    The CTA has not improved the lot of the refugees with economics projects and education. Guess that’s how the CTA plans to control them. Good to see that more Tibetans themselves are questioning all these shenanigans.

  30. The recent comment by ex CTA prime minister sums it all “Former Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche at the welcome dinner Thursday said, “His Holiness the Dalai Lama will live for a long period of time, as he has promised to the Tibetan people. However, there is a limit. In the absence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibetans could be on the verge of its darkest days. In such a scenario, only the democratic administration established by His Holiness would be able to steer the Tibetan people,” he was quoted saying.”

    even Samdhong Rinpoche knows that once Dalai Lama is gone, exiled Tibetans will enter its darkest days. it may not have to be that way, but with the self-serving government CTA, who does not care about its people at all, for sure exiled Tibetans will enter “its darkest days”.

  31. When the Dalai Lama is gone, can the Panchen Lama recognised by the Dalai Lama’s fit into his shoes? Lobsang Sangay must be eagerly waiting for the time to come so he and his cohorts can rule and steal more money.😜

  32. Nechung is not even Enlightened. I seriously don’t understand why HHDL rely on him. The Tibetans should rely on an Enlightened protector, Dorje Shugden for advice instead.
    Look at what your Harvard graduate is doing? Where are the Tibetans headed? Nowhere near a dialogue with China. No achievement of anything for the suffering Tibetans. With HHDL gone in the future, the Tibetans really need to start planning now and not only rely on CTA who has done nothing for the refugees except themselves.

  33. CTA would be the rulers of the poor Tibetans in exile after the Dalai Lama has passed. Greater opportunities for them to pilfer foreign funds meant for the people.

  34. Religion can never be mixed with politic. His Holiness used to be the political head of Tibetans in exile but he has retired. CTA should not let him represent ruler of the Tibetans anymore. Why is that his image in the international political arena is still more dominant that Losang Sangye? Why is he still meeting all the world leaders but not the prime minister? He is old now, he should really be teaching Dharma, and do only Dharma.

  35. The future of Tibet will be in China. What else is there to hope for. If even the Dalai Lama cannot change this, and he requests now everyone to ask for Umaylam, what else is there to be said.

    Yet, the CTA seems to be more interested in Rangzen meetings in Paris, sigh!! It is sad to see how the Dalai Lama is not respected in the CTA and his words are not taken seriously.

    And I agree with the comment above! Why is Lobsang Sangye based in America and not in Dharamsala? This shows where his heart beats! Not for us Tibetans!

  36. Tibetans living in India must not trust Lobsang Sangay and his thieves in the CTA. That goes the same for other Tibetans living outside India. The CTA days of taking Tibetans money are coming to an end.

  37. Tselha, 27, who accuses the Tibetan leadership of keeping the public in the dark. “What will happen when His Holiness passes away? How do we plan for our future if we don’t know what is going on? Are we stuck with Sikyong Lobsang Sengge?”

    I have been reading many comments about Lobsang Sangye, and it is true and proven from the above statement that even the Tibetans has no confidence or trust to their prime minister, after so many years of Dalai lama retiree, Tibetans still look up to him instead of Lobsang Sangye who is now the prime minister… how sad it is, Lobsang Sangye really failed tremendously. At the end, the one that really stopped the unity of Tibetans is not Dorje Shugden but it is Lobsang Sangye.

  38. Is Lobsang Sangye a Buddhist?


  39. Central Tibetan Administration, Lobsang Sangye and even Tibetan parliament MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar want money, money and money only, and they don’t care about Tibetan peoples.

    To all the Tibetan and Western Countries people, it’s a time to see ” Their ” true face of Central Tibetan Administration, Lobsang Sangye and even Tibetan parliament MP Ms Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar.


  40. No one else would be able to do what the Dalai Lama has done for the last 60 years even though there were disagreements by other people over what the Dalai Lama had said and done. The CTA know they are losing their golden goose and they know no one else can bring in foreign fund meant to better the Tibetan people’s lives then the Dalai Lama. The greedy sikyong and his partners-in-crime in the CTA have been siphoning the money into their pockets and could be hastening to take as much as possible before time runs out for them after the Dalai Lama has gone. Tibetans would perhaps see a dissolution of their parliament and the ministers would have readily packed to emigrate to other countries; countries that they have already bought properties and set up businesses for their “retirement” from Tibetan politics

  41. Tibetan need to wake up and realise that their future is in their hands. With Dalai Lama around CTA never improve anything in term of their welfare instead create division and separation with violent with Dorje Shugden ban and never said a word to stop self immolation reason being CTA can use this to ask for more fund through sympathy.

    When Dalai Lama gone you can imagine CTA has no big card to ask for fund and they never created any good relationship with any other country leader and who else will support them? It has been 60 years long and do you think CTA will make any positive act? If they can it already happen.

  42. The fact is that CTA depend too much on Dalai Lama whether on spiritual path or secular. It’s really sad to see an old ordained monk had to take all these heavy burden just to survive so-called Tibetan leadership in exile. CTA used HH on unnecessary tasks which caused serious ailments.
    Besides, what did Lobsang Sangay responsibility for CTA? MONEY.
    The Tibetans really need to find solution and be prepare on this coming crisis for it may not secure their lives and welfare. 😓

  43. Whether CTA ‘s imminent Denise will be happening soon or sooner or not, along the way, a certain Dalai Lama death is also imminent. Who will assume the role in India?😜

  44. Dalai Lama’s current actions will put many of the Tibetan people to doubt. They should in fact wake up and realize that everyone will die. Even the Dalai Lama will pass into clear light in the future. So they must be prepared for days when Dalai Lama is no longer around, whose advice are they goinng to listen to. Are the Tibetans going to depend on CTA? I think better not.

  45. Yes, it’ll be hard for the Tibetan when the day come that Dalai Lama pass into clear light. But looking at the situation now, maybe it won’t give any impact. Hopefully Dalai Lama will say or do something to lift Dorje Shugden ban when the time come. So, who will face the greatest lost when Dalai Lama pass into clear light? The one that has been using Dalai Lama name to get money from the west, the one who has been using Dalai Lama name to get Tibetan supporter, the one who has been using Dalai Lama name to ban Dorje Shugden, yes, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) – Lobsang Sangay. They (he) will lose the crown to ask for funding from the west. Maybe he will encourage more people to self immolate in order to get fund by then. 😅

  46. Dalai Lama misbehavior in public are the warning for most of tibetan to wake up don’t just depend on the leader to seek for tibet freedom. Especially with CTA has done very little to support Dalai Lama. What CTA care is to get money from the foreign country. With poor management to exile gorvernment, when Dalai Lama is not around any more. Tibetan will not able get help from CTA. People represent CTA like Lobsang Sangye currently not to depend on to get tibet freedom. His only concern about his own benifit. How sad and truth. Tibetan are seeing and now.

  47. I would request H.H Dalai Lama to live long, to clear fog that has blurred vision of people for so long and caused unwanted negative consequences such as loss of lives and low standard of living among Tibetans.

    All Tibetan need to stand up with courage and fight for what they really wanted.. We shall not wait any further until we reach the dead end.🕳

  48. It is very sad to read “But now people are starting to wonder if His Holiness made the right decision and how many more wrong decisions have been made”. Is there any future for the Tibetan in Exile. In addition, Tibetan can’t see any result of Tibetan cause after 60 years.

    Can CTA still survive with life without Dalai Lama? The first thing is China will take full control of Tibet by chosen their own 15th Dalai Lama which this is tibetan afraid off. And most Tibetan in exile will remain stateless and homeless. Sad….

  49. Life moves in without His Holiness. He’s worked so hard for the Tibetan and now its time for the Tibetan to really stand on their own feet and think for their own future. Since CTA has no ability to take care of their people need not talk about free Tibet. In fact they only focus on their own needs, that’s all. They do not have to depend on HHDL cause they already have plenty in their bank account. So Tibetan got to think for your own future because your family and loved one depend on you that’s for sure.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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