Addressing the Goa Institute of Management, His Holiness the Dalai Lama criticized India’s legendary Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru for being self-centered and the primary cause for the partition of India and Pakistan. At the same talk he called for peace between Muslim sects while ignoring the fact his own Tibetan community remains heavily divided due to religious differences.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Ashok Rao
In 1959, India generously and graciously opened their arms to the Dalai Lama and his Tibetan refugees as they fled China-occupied Tibet, now commonly known as the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. In India, the Dalai Lama was given the highest honor, respect and privilege as befitting the Indian customs of venerating high spiritual personages. The Indian leader at the time was Prime Minister Jawarhalal Nehru and it was his extremely kind leadership that allowed the displaced Tibetans in-exile a country to settle in.
Recently however, the Dalai Lama has begun forays into Indian politics by making outlandish comments regarding the very same Prime Minister Nehru that gave him and his people safe refuge. Not only that, his comments broached a highly sensitive subject, that of the Partition of British India into the two nation states of India and Pakistan that we know today. Awakening painful and bloody memories, his comments have angered the sentiments of Indians around the world, as the repercussions of Partition remain unresolved up until the present day and strained relations between India and Pakistan endure.

(L-R) Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Jawaharlal Nehru and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. During the talk, the Dalai Lama said that Nehru opposed Gandhi’s wish to give the prime ministership to Jinnah.
The Dalai Lama surprisingly blamed Prime Minister Nehru for the split between the two countries during which untold millions suffered so much loss in terms of life, identity and property. It is something that has deeply damaged the psyche of the two nation states who have yet to mend their relations. It is shocking that the Dalai Lama would broach the subject almost insensitively. He basically claims that if not for Jawarhalal Nehru, who became Prime Minster against Mahatma Gandhi’s will, Pakistan would have remained a part of India. The Dalai Lama claims that Mahatma Gandhi wanted Muhammad Ali Jinnah to become Prime Minister instead. But if Jinnah, being a staunch Muslim, had become Prime Minister instead of Nehru, he most probably would not have entertained the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans at that time. The Dalai Lama should consider himself lucky that Nehru became Prime Minister.
Video: Dalai Lama criticizes Prime Minister Nehru
Or watch on Youtube:
But what he forgets to mention is that moved by the plight of the Tibetans, the compassionate Prime Minister Nehru generously gave the Tibetans in-exile 24 large tracts of land throughout India as thousands of Tibetans began pouring into the country, overjoyed that India had granted them refuge. These Tibetans were given assistance, protection, aid, support and political asylum, something that has continued to this day. It was due to the kindness of Prime Minister Nehru that Tibetans were even permitted to set up their own government in-exile in the hills of Dharamsala, northern India, now called the Central Tibetan Administration.
The Dalai Lama seems to have forgotten all that Prime Minister Nehru did for the Tibetans. Instead, he has labelled the Indian leader as ‘self-centred’ and the cause that India and Pakistan separated in the first place. His claim was completely uncalled for and has sparked fury among Indians, clearly evident on social media platforms. The Dalai Lama has definitely created a public relations nightmare, another mark against his already declining reputation all over the world.
However, Prime Minister Nehru was not the only subject that the Dalai Lama sought to interfere in. In his speech, he spoke of how Sunni and Shia Muslims are the same – they worship the same God, follow the same Quran and pray five times a day, yet they kill each other due to sectarian differences. The irony is the Dalai Lama’s own backyard is not as trimmed he would have you believe. The Tibetan community themselves are heavily divided along religious lines, especially with the segregation and ostricization hurled against Dorje Shugden practitioners.
If the Dalai Lama is happy to give practitioners of another religion advice, he should follow his own advice and free Dorje Shugden followers from the oppressive shackles that he and his very own Central Tibetan Administration have imposed. After all, if Muslims all believe in the same God; both Dorje Shugden followers and non-Dorje Shugden followers all believe in the Buddha, accept the spiritual theory of karma and have the conviction that everyone can become enlightened. The only difference between the two groups is that Shugden followers incorporate Dorje Shugden into their practice.
Contrary to the Dalai Lama’s own advice of religious harmony, Dorje Shugden followers remain segregated, their religious practice banned, they are not granted the same medical privileges as their counter-parts, cannot attend the same schools and they cannot hold official positions with their society. Even monks are kicked out from monasteries that they have called home for so long. Strange how on one hand the Dalai Lama advocates harmony but on the other is the cause for discrimination within his own community. Dorje Shugden followers are not even allowed to join the Dalai Lama’s talks, whether secular or spiritual, despite the fact the Dalai Lama is supposedly the leader of the Tibetan people. He has condemned them to be pariahs within Tibetan communities all over the world.
Video: Dalai Lama undemocratically condemns Dorje Shugden practice, intolerantly expels thousands of monks
Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
The Dalai Lama’s comments against Prime Minister Nehru has raised the ire of many Indians. He is not only seen as interfering in Indian politics but criticizing the very leader that began shaping India to what it has become. Since in his speech in the video he can easily propose that mistakes are a common occurrence, it means that anyone can make mistakes no matter who they are. But by the same token, this would mean the Dalai Lama himself can make mistakes too. In this case, he has done so on two major counts. The first, by calling Prime Minister Nehru “self-centered” and the other by creating disunity among his own Tibetan community by unethically banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. The Dalai Lama who claims to be a democratic leader, should act democratically and not ban any religious faith within his community. Banning the Tibetan Dorje Shugden devotees and segregating them from mainstream Tibetans was his instruction and it clearly shows you that he is not democratic. Dorje Shugden is a spiritual path whether he accepts it or not. As a leader, the Dalai Lama should be tolerant towards all spiritual paths as that is the democratic way. Only then can he be called a truly democratic leader.
So, when the Dalai Lama wants to suggest that people should be harmonious and espouses religious tolerance, he should very well walk the talk and start with his own people rather than interfering in the affairs of the very country that granted him so much. He should stop commenting on Indian politics and creating more disharmony, but concentrate on his own community and heal the huge rift that he himself created with Dorje Shugden followers.

The Dalai Lama (left) has forgotten about Prime Minister Nehru’s (right) kindness towards the Tibetan people and now maligns him calling him “self-centered”.
As a so-called spiritual leader and a monk who has vows based on renunciation, it is not befitting of the Dalai Lama to keep talking about politics. So why is the Dalai Lama poking his nose into other people’s political affairs and criticizing their leaders? He should deal with the inequality within his own community first and remember the kindness of those he now maligns.
The Dalai Lama has shocked his generous host country of India with his latest political interference into the internal affairs of the country. Indians have expressed tremendous shock that the Dalai Lama would have such audacity to criticize one of the Prime Ministers of India. At least the Prime Minister of India was able to hold on to and secure his country’s independence from Great Britain, unlike the Dalai Lama who lost his own country, Tibet, through bad leadership. It is ironic that a refugee leader who lost his country and has not regained it for the last 57 years criticizes the leader of a sovereign nation. What Nehru did or did not do is for Indians to decide and not a refugee Tibetan whose remarks have hurt the sentiment of his host country.
India, Pakistan would have remained united if Muhammad Ali Jinnah was made PM: Dalai Lama

Click to enlarge and read the whole article. Source: http://zeenews.india.com/india/india-pakistan-would-have-remained-united-if-prime-ministership-was-given-to-jinnah-dalai-lama-2131525.html
Partition Wouldn’t Happen If Nehru Had Not Been Self-Centered: Dalai Lama

Click to enlarge and read the whole article. Source: https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/dalai-lama-partition-wouldnt-happen-if-jawaharlal-nehru-had-not-been-self-centered-1897367
Dalai Lama stirs controversy

Click to enlarge and read the whole article. Source: https://northeastlivetv.org/2018/08/09/dalai-lama-stirs-controversy/
Spare us your history lessons, Dalai Lama

Click to enlarge and read the whole article. Source: https://www.newsbred.com/spare-us-your-history-lessons-dalai-lama
Or watch on Youtube:
The Dalai Lama’s criticism of Prime Minister Pandit Nehru has gone viral on the Indian media circuit. Indians across the world and across the board have taken great offense to what the Dalai Lama said about Prime Minister Nehru. The Dalai Lama has gone too far in interfering in Indian politics when he was not even invited to do so. Since so many have been offended by his comments, his actions will have many negative public relations implications in the future.
Addendum: Partition of British India
Partition, the division of British India into the two separate states of India and Pakistan on August 14 and 15, 1947 – was a “last-minute” mechanism implemented as Great Britain decided to accelerate the transfer of power into Indian hands. Although Pakistan celebrated its independence on August 14, and India on August 15, 1947, the border between the two new states was not announced until August 17. Based on the Radcliffe Line, the border was drawn up by Cyril Radcliffe, who had little knowledge of the situation in India at the time, using out-of-date maps and census materials.
The north-western flank of the country with its Muslim majority became Pakistan. The rest of the country, predominantly Hindu, became what we know as India today. This decision was made largely to limit violence and bloodshed between Hindus and Muslims. Around six million Muslims relocated from India to Pakistan, and more than four million Hindus and Sikhs moved from Pakistan to India, motivated by the their hope for safety at a time of religious partisanship.
The partition triggered a colossal wave of migration, bloody riots, as well as mass casualties. It is estimated that over 14 million people were displaced along ‘religious’ lines, burdening the newly formed countries with overwhelming refugee crises. The violent nature of the partition created an atmosphere of hostility and suspicion between India and Pakistan that plagues their relationship to the present day.
Angry comments against the Dalai Lama on social media

The Dalai Lama’s comment labeling Prime Minister Nehru as self-centered has angered Indians who have taken to social media to express their indignation and horror at his remarks

Users on social media are questioning why the Dalai Lama made such statements when it was Prime Minister Nehru who gave Tibetans safe refuge in India
India wants Dalai Lama to get out
August 9, 2018
“The Dalai Lama has shocked his generous host country of India with his latest political interference into the internal affairs of the country. Indians have expressed tremendous shock that the Dalai Lama would have such audacity to criticize one of the Prime Ministers of India. At least the Prime Minister of India was able to hold on to and secure his country’s independence from Great Britain, unlike the Dalai Lama who lost his own country, Tibet, through bad leadership. It is ironic that a refugee leader who lost his country and has not regained it for the last 57 years criticizes the leader of a sovereign nation. What Nehru did or did not do is for Indians to decide and not a refugee Tibetan whose remarks have hurt the sentiment of his host country.”
This statement from the post really says it all. It summarizes the Dalai Lama perfectly.
Utsang Nyima
August 9, 2018
An Indian journalist writes telling to the Dalai Lama to “spare us the history lesson”. I doubt this is the last of this issue and clearly there’s a silent war between Modi’s government and Dalai Lama’s government in exile in Dharamsala, North India. Or has the Dalai Lama already cut a deal with Beijing and has already begun agitating on China’s behalf?
Read what the Indian journalist said in full about the Dalai Lama.
Sridevi Ramakrishna
August 9, 2018
I use to support Dalai Lama, after reading this I lost my faith in him completely. He should leave my country of India and return to China. He should never dabble into politics. Unfitting of a monk spiritual person. ☹️💔
Tenzin Paljor
August 9, 2018
I am ashamed Dalai Lama said this about our host India. We Tibetans owe so much to India.
August 9, 2018
Wow, it feels like the Dalai Lama really intents to go back to China, and he is hoping that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will do just that for him. Basically hoping Narendra Modi will ask China to take back their highest profile dissident. Although India’s think tanks and strategic advisors, may be aware of such a ruse, but public opinion of Indians towards the Dalai Lama now, can change things so that Indian government has no choice but to deport the Dalai Lama perhaps even the entire Tibetan exile community back to China?
Remember the Dalai Lama has meaningful dialogues with the smartest folks on this planet, making such an obvious error of criticizing the host nation, that is hosting him and his people, is uncharacteristic and reeks of hidden motive.
Krishna Bahadur
August 9, 2018
Why is Dalai Lama giving us Indians a history lesson? He can’t even get his own country back and he gives us a lesson in history?? Dalai Lama is over-hyped and overconfident and thinks he can say what he likes and get away with it.

August 9, 2018
India and Pakistani media blowing up with Dalai Lama’s statement, so many news portals has picked up on this story and most of them are highly critical against the statement by Dalai Lama saying if Nehru was not so self-centred, India and Pakistan would not have partitioned! Such an insensitive remark and bad PR. Dalai Lama really went too far this time.
August 9, 2018
The Dalai Lama is committing political suicide by interfering and condemning Nehru, the very person who took him and Tibetans as refugees into India. Is this a political plot to look good and garner support from China now that Dalai Lama wants to return to Tibet? The Dalai Lama, being a spiritual leader, should just stick to spiritual matters and not get involved with politics as he claims to have left all politics to CTA. Or has he? Even when he speaks of spiritual matters, he takes a swipe at other religion, like Islam as mentioned in this article. Yet he goes around preaching loving compassion. The Dalai Lama should stay in his own courtyard and clean up the mess created by the CTA, and address the Dorje Shugden ban which he started it and enforced by the CTA.
CTA will lose
August 9, 2018
Karma coming back to Dalai Lama for speaking against Dorje Shugden. Now whatever he says, the media is turning against him. The people are turning against him. India is turning against him and his government in exile. Dalai Lama’s relevance in the world is getting less and no leaders want to meet him.
Dalai Lama should have never condemned Dorje Shugden followers and hurt so many people sentiments. Now his karma is coming back. After calling Dorje Shugden people Chinese spies and agents of the Chinese, Dalai Lama himself is begging to go back to China. Shame. Shame. Dalai Lama is now begging to return to China. ☹️
Tsering Drolhma
August 9, 2018
These messages tell how people are feeling about the Dalai Lama
Tsering Drolhma
August 9, 2018
Dalai Lama made a big mistake to criticize Nehru. Too bad. Dalai Lama’s popularity is going down. His karma coming back. Look what people are saying about Dalai Lama.
Dev Jagdeep
August 10, 2018
Indian leaders rebutted Dalai Lama’s inaccurate statement
Doreen Park
August 10, 2018
It is unbelievable that the Dalai Lama would say this about the Indian Leader who so kindly took him and his fellow Tibetans in and gave them a place to stay after they fled Tibet when China invaded it. It looks as though the Dalai Lama is knowingly and deliberately courting the anger of the Indian people over his uncalled for negative remarks on Nehru, their beloved Leader.Now more so than ever the people of his host country will clamour for him and the Tibetans-In-Exile to return to China.
Is it because the Tibetan leadership is making no move to befriend China and negotiate a peaceful return of the Tibetans to Tibet?
Veer Chaudhari
August 10, 2018
Wow, for someone who claims to be averse to politics and hence his retirement from politics, he sure can’t stop from getting involved in politics. Why is it necessary to make such statements which doesn’t serve any purpose at this juncture? Especially since Nehru allowed them to come to India as refugees when they were not getting much help anywhere else? Seriously, for someone who goes around preaching spirituality and the importance of gratitude, it sure is a pretty odd way to be walking the talk.
Carolle McQuirrel
August 10, 2018
This is a very clear video of what the Dalai Lama said in Goa, India to make millions of Indians very angry at him. Big mistake to interfere. Dalai Lama is overconfident in himself due to years of people grovelling at his feet. People calling him some kind of a god. http://video.dorjeshugden.com/comment-videos/comment-1533917266.mp4
Tibetans go home to Tibet
August 10, 2018
Indians are very unhappy on social media regarding the Dalai Lama’s latest blunder. More and more Dalai Lama is making mistakes. 😆
Tibetans go home to Tibet
August 10, 2018
Why is the Dalai Lama butting his nose in other people’s business. It must be his karma coming back from oppressing his people. All dictators time must end. 😜
CTA will lose
August 10, 2018
Indians have every right to be angry at Dalai Lama who has been living free and luxuriously in India for nearly 6 decades but does nothing for India. Dalai Lama does not help the poor of India. He does not feed the poor, open hospitals, schools, welfare, cancer clinics in India at all. He just builds golden temples for himself and entertains his Hollywood guests in his palace in Dharamsala at the cost of mother India.
Dalai Lama go back to China!
Lhakpa Dhendup
August 10, 2018
What will the all the people around the world and in Tibet do now? Dalai Lama says he is happy that Tibet is a part of China and should remain a part of China. So many Tibetans self-immolated for Tibet to be independent and now Dalai Lama did a 360 degree turn and says he wants to go back to Tibet and China and Tibet should be a part of China. So unbelievable. So many are angry and disappointed.
August 10, 2018
What I do not like about the Tibetian government is that over time their opinions and statements have become acquirable for the correct price. A capricious and fickle leadership will not lead to successes for the Tibetians because it hints at an unreliable alliance for anyone who dares make a deal with them. It is obvious to everyone why Dalai is now making such positive statements towards China. Their blatant disrespect of our Indian laws through Shugden ban has shown to China that if Tibetians are allowed to return, they will not respect China laws. That is the only logical conclusion.

August 10, 2018
Thanks for sharing your thoughts didi. You could not be more correct. Tibetians have disrespected our country for 60 years and all our previous PMs have been putting up with this because of Nehru ji’s deal with the Dalai. If only he knew of Dalai’s character before he made the deal. However I think under Modi ji enough is enough and soon he will be sending Dalai back to China. It is time to go!

Dalai Lama should set things right
August 11, 2018
Dear Dalai Lama,
Since you started the cruel ban against the 350 year Dorje Shugden practice, how has it benefit your Tibetan society and Buddhism in the world? Things have become worse and most educated Tibetans can see this. They don’t speak out not because they don’t see your ban as wrong, but you instill fear in them and not respect. It is like fear of a dictator. I am sorry to say so. Everyone is divided. There is no harmony. Before your ban there was more harmony and unity.
By enacting the ban, you split the monasteries, split so many families, split regions in Tibet apart, split your disciples from you, split your own gurus from you, split Tibetan Buddhism apart. You have created so much disharmony.
It is not democratic what you have done to ban a religion within your community. You always talk of tolerance and acceptance and democracy and yet you do not accept and tolerate something different from your beliefs. When people practice Dorje Shugden you ostracize them, ban them from seeing you, ban them from using Tibetan facilities. You know you have done that. There are videos that capture your speech and prove this point. You even had people expelled from monasteries just because they practice Dorje Shugden. Some of the monks you expelled have been in the monastery for over 40 years. Many older monks shed tears because of this.
Many young educated Tibetans lost confidence in you as they saw the damage the Dorje Shugden ban created and they lose hope. Many have become free thinkers. They reject what you have done. So many people in the west left Buddhism because of the confusion you created with this ban against Dorje Shugden which is immoral.
You could of had millions of people who practice Dorje Shugden to support, love and follow you, but you scared them away. They are hurt and very disappointed. They loved you and respected you deeply before the ban. It has been 60 years and you have failed to get Tibet back. Your biggest failure is not getting Tibet back after 57 years in exile. Now you are begging China to allow you to return to Tibet to the disappointment of thousands of people who fought for a free Tibet believing in you. So many self-immolated for a free Tibet and now you want Tibet to be a part of China with no referendum from Tibetans. Just like a dictator, you decide on your own. It was your government and you that lost Tibet in the first place. Your policies and style of doing things do not benefit Tibet and Buddhism. You have been the sole ruler of Tibet your whole life and you still have not gotten our country of Tibet back for us. Our families and us are separated. Yet you create more pain by creating a ban to further divide people. Please have compassion.
No other Buddhist leader has banned or condemned any religion except for you. It looks very bad. You are a Nobel laureate and this is not fitting of a laureate. You should unite people and not separate them by religious differences.
You said Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi did not do right to the Rohingya people in Myanmar due to religious differences, but you are doing the same thing to the Shugden Buddhists within your own society. There is a parallel in this. You separate the Shugden Buddhists from the others in Tibetan society.
You have lost so many people who would have loved and supported you. You have lost so much support around the world. The Shugden Buddhists who love you number in the millions. When you are fast losing support from governments and private people, it will not do you well to lose more.
After you are passed away in the future, the rift you created between the Dorje Shugden and non-Dorje Shugden people will remain for a while and that will be your legacy. Disharmony. You will be remembered for this. Not as a hero but a disharmony creator.
Dorje Shugden will spread and further grow, but you will be no more as you are a human. No one wishes you bad and in fact we hope you have a long and healthy life, but we have lost so much hope and have so much despair because of you. All the hundreds of Dorje Shugden lamas, tulkus and geshes are maturing and there are hundreds of Dorje Shugden monasteries in Tibet who will not give up Dorje Shugden. You have made a mistake. These hundreds of teachers and teachers to be will spread Dorje Shugden further in the future.
The gurus that gave us Dorje Shugden as a spiritual practice and you have called these holy gurus wrong and they are mistaken in giving us Dorje Shugden. How can you insult our gurus whom we respect so much? If they can be wrong, then you can be wrong. Then all gurus can be wrong. So no one needs to listen to any guru? You have created this trend. It is not healthy. Your own gurus practiced Dorje Shugden their whole lives. Your own gurus were exemplary and highly learned.
Dalai Lama you have created so much pain with this ban against so many people due to religion. You are ageing fast. Are you going to do anything about it or stay stubborn, hard and un-moving. You show a smile and preach peace and harmony wherever you go. But will you do the same to your own people? Please rectify the wrong you have done. Please before it is too late. You can create harmony again or you can pass away in the future with this legacy of peace. May you live long and think carefully and admit what was a mistake in having this unethical ban against Dorje Shugden religion.
Thomas Cliff
August 11, 2018
Very good message to the Dalai Lama. Let’s hope the Dalai Lama will soften and be kind to the Dorje Shugden people as they are sentient beings too.
Lekshey Tsomo
August 11, 2018
Powerful request to Dalai Lama. Excellent. 👍
Amber Sonam
September 7, 2018
The Dalai Lama is showing so many signs of a fickled minded politician, especially in the past 25 years. He has shown how he contradicts himself with many wrong decisions and statements he had made. He is wrong about Dorje Shugden, for sure; he is wrong about many lamas like Sogyal and Mipham for their sexual abuse; he is wrong about Professor Samdhong Rinpoche who sleeps in important meetings, and etc.
He goes around poking his nose in India’s politics and creates disharmony just like how he allows the Tibetan refugees to use Indian government and exploit their kindness towards them. Instead of being the icon of peace, he goes around showing people what a hypocrite he is.
September 11, 2018
Great letter with facts and written very respectfully to the Dalai Lama. It is really illogical that the Dalai Lama discriminate and segregates millions of Dorje Shugden practitioners who loved and respect His Holiness, especially when they are in the position to help if the real intention is to return to China. CTA is certainly not in the position to help at all and definitely not motivated to. Should the Dalai Lama and exiles return to China, what would there be for CTA? If I were China, I would tell them to stay out. Too much of a burden to constantly watch them for trouble. Irregardless of CTA, the Dalai Lama should keep his promise to bring his people back home. And age is not getting any younger as well as health being a problem. I do wish the Dalai Lama well to live long and please restore the unity of your people with lifting of the ban on Dorje Shugden practice which had been endorsed by the Great 5th Dalai Lama and many highly attained Lamas.
August 11, 2018
The cracks in Tibetan society are starting to show, and it is now coming to the attention of local Indians who have all but identified the Tibetan leadership as the source of the divisions. According to this author, disunity amongst the Tibetans is now creating problems for Indian law enforcement agencies, and this disunity may culminate in young Tibetans holding silent grudges against their host country. It is incredible that after six decades of generosity from India, Indians are now facing the very real possibility Tibetans can be ungrateful towards India. The Tibetan leadership totally failed to impart positive values upon their exiled community, like gratitude for those kindest to them and the need to repay these kindnesses with real, tangible results. It’s also very unlikely that the Tibetan leadership will now start to do this, after six decades of failing to do so. Indians need to realise this, and see that there is no benefit for their nation to align themselves with the Tibetan leadership, and there never will be.
August 12, 2018
Why doesn’t the United States and its allies end Refugee Status for the useless Tibetans? They have been refugees for 60 years now and don’t tell me they still cannot get their lives back in order?
Tibetans really know how to put on a good show and use people, take their money and do nothing in return.

August 12, 2018
Supreme Court of India JUSTICE Mr. MARKANDEY KATJU (RETD) writes that Tibet is much better under the Chinese than it was under the lamas who only wanted to make the populace slaves. It was feudal and it will never return to the backwardness again.
August 12, 2018
I post this to Facebook but I also want to say here. Dalai Lama said this then he withdraw and said sorry. How many times can like that?? And how come he can change his mind about this but he can’t change his mind about Karmapa?
You all got see the Sharmapa video or not? Sharmapa said he went to Dalai Lama to ask him to withdraw his endorsement for Ogyen Trinley. Dalai Lama hint that actually he make mistake to endorse but said he cannot withdraw his endorsement. How come when Dalai Lama make the Indians angry he can say sorry but then when he make the Karma Kagyus not happy and then some more make problem inside their lineage he cannot withdraw his endorsement? 🤓
August 13, 2018
Although the Dalai Lama has offered an apology, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) still expressed their disappointment over his controversial comment on Nehru, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC). Dalai Lama called Nehru self-centred.
The Congress said Dalai Lama being a foreigner should shun and refrain from interfering in the internal as well as external affairs of India.
India and China will be friends
August 14, 2018
Many people in India lost respect for Dalai Lama to criticize Nehru and call Nehru self-centred. Dalai Lama has no right to criticize leaders of India.
Dalai Lama says he wants to promote Indian culture to others, but it is only talk. He never donates money, builds any institutions of culture, language and so on India. He only puts money into building his golden temples. He builds nothing for India.
Zee News India
August 15, 2018
It is all over the Indian media how the Dalai Lama insulted Prime Minister Pandit Nehru. How dare the Dalai Lama insult the very person who allowed him and his people to come to India in 1959 and grow fat and build their golden temples TAX FREE. http://video.dorjeshugden.com/comment-videos/comment-1534332258.mp4
August 15, 2018
Sigh.Cant keep ur own country yet wanna talk about other ppl country.Very disgraceful talk to your host country who done nothing but kind to you & Tibetans in exile.Why any govt wanna jeopardize relationship with China for Tibet.Even after country is gone there is so much disagreement & disunity.Why want to get back country when can’t even live in harmony now.I wonder how Tibetans will be united.Seem far from possible.Spiritual person shd not dabble in politics no matter who or whr.What is point of holding vows then do something to break it.It is very sensitive issue to talk about things that you don’t know much about.Or maybe hhdl do this for other reasons?We will never know yet for now.🤔
Tenzin K
August 15, 2018
It’s another big shock from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Why being a spiritual person is involve in the politic and what make the situation worst is being ungrateful to the host country that has been generous to allow the Tibetan to preserve their culture and tradition during the Chinese invasion.
Why His Holiness the Dalai Lama blame others for the split of their country but His Holiness himself create the religious ban over his own Tibetan. How would His Holiness words carry water and able to convince the world for what he said or preach?
Pls lift Dorje Shugden ban first before telling the world what is world peace and freedom.
Geraldine Sarie
August 15, 2018
Why the Dalai Lama said such things to anger India that had been extreme kind to his people for so many years. Is HH had forgotten of appreciation towards his host country? Triggering thing is what his motives behind. Could it be related with his chances of going back China? Or could be HHDL wanted to end his government in exile that had causes so much despair and disappointment? 🤔🤔
August 15, 2018
H.H. Dalai Lama has been digging a hole for himself, it is getting deeper & deeper. I don’t understand why he need to do such destructive actions which create disharmony. Where is the peace & love? 😓
August 15, 2018
I wish HH Dalai Lama not to talk about politic but focus issue on religion and spirituality as a spiritual leader. When he was speaking on the partition of India Pakistan was actually causing the peoples of this country getting trapped in Divisive,Hate and segregation among these 2 groups of different belief. That was what happening to the Tibetan on Dorje Shugden issue which has caused divisive, hate and segregation between this 2 groups or the Tibetan. Dear the HH Dalai Lama, I respect you even I am a Dorje Shugden practitioner and I hope you can lift the ban and reduce the discrimination, the segregation that Shugden practitioners all over the world face.
August 15, 2018
The world now need a leader to make peace with each others. Supporting each others create world peace.The mistake statement has make by Dalai Lama( Noble price winner )should not be simply intersect other country politic specially spiritual leader. which offense religion practise freedom and human right. Dalai Lama should not make the same mistake again create disharmony in the public.
Jing Jing
August 15, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been reacted very strangely. This su deofunatelu not a leader should said. He has been making lots of mistakes in his leadership. His reactions and comments have been created lots of disappointments, pain and anger not only among his own Tibetan people such as Dorje Shugden ban but now the same thing he did to his beloved generous host India. This has to be stopped.
Sharling Dhardonite
August 15, 2018
Dalai Lama is a dictator and whatever he says within the Tibetans must be accepted without challenge. He is use to not having opposition within the Tibetans against whatever he says. This he mistakenly thought will be the same for the Indians. Whatever he says, the Indians will blindly accept. He miscalculated and was caught off guard when he was told his insensitive statements against Nehru is not accepted and it offended. The Indians were very offended and very angry. The dictator Dalai Lama who lived in a big palace with 1,300 rooms in the Potala Palace in Tibet had to humble down and apologize. Good lesson.
(Photo: Potala Palace in Tibet with 1,300 rooms)
August 15, 2018
Can someone explain to me what the Dalai Lama is doing? I mean ok his CTA is really not fun to work with but this is really like saying, we, the Tibetans and CTA, we all had enough of India now and we want to go to Tibet again. 😆😜!!
August 16, 2018
There is wise saying that “you will not see the fault in others if you are not a huge owner of the same fault”. Therefore with the unbecoming comments from the Dalai Lama on Indian politics is a reflection of the political mess the Tibetans face in being lead by Dalai Lama and CTA.
Beside not having to be political, as a spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism it is also well noted that in this criticism and negative comments on blaming late Nehru for the division of India/Pakistan, it is my opinion that the Dalai Lama is committing contradiction to the Buddhism vow of no divisive and frivolous talk.
With the ban on Dorje Shugden and the suffering induced on DS followers, the Dalai Lama is also contradicting his teaching on love and compassion.
May someone explain to me what is going on that the Dalai Lama is being his own best persecutor of his already waning reputation.
August 16, 2018
Pot calling kettle black! What did HHDL did to the Tibetan community by suddenly banning Dorje Shugden?
August 19, 2018
While the government of Nepal has framed a policy to tighten the noose around non-governmental organisations, they have welcomed 30 Chinese NGOs to enter the country. These NGOs will penetrate the country’s social sector at the grassroots level. This is the first time such a large number of Chinese NGOs have entered Nepal at one time. Nepal is increasingly open to Chinese influence, a sign that ties between both countries are strengthening, while India’s influence is being reduced. The time has passed for India’s monopoly to remain uninterrupted in Nepal as opportunities to engage with China are being welcomed.
August 20, 2018
The cracks in Tibetan society are starting to show, and it is now coming to the attention of local Indians who have all but identified the Tibetan leadership as the source of the divisions. According to this author, disunity amongst the Tibetans is now creating problems for Indian law enforcement agencies, and this disunity may culminate in young Tibetans holding silent grudges against their host country. It is incredible that after six decades of generosity from India, Indians are now facing the very real possibility Tibetans can be ungrateful towards India. The Tibetan leadership totally failed to impart positive values upon their exiled community, like gratitude for those kindest to them and the need to repay these kindnesses with real, tangible results. It’s also very unlikely that the Tibetan leadership will now start to do this, after six decades of failing to do so. Indians need to realise this, and see that there is no benefit for their nation to align themselves with the Tibetan leadership, and there never will be.

August 22, 2018
It is shocking for His Holiness the Dalai Lama being a seasoned politician will say such things on such a sensitive issue in India. It is very obvious that His Holiness Dalai Lama wants to go back to China now.
He is trying to make India angry at him and he will have a reason to go back to China. Even though His Holiness is at a ripe old age, he is very wise and alert and he definitely won’t make such silly mistakes. This action is made deliberately with an intention in mind.
His Holiness has been talking about going back to China for quite some time now in different tones and different events. I think this is just one of His Holiness’s tricks.
August 24, 2018
Although the Dalai Lama has offered an apology, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) still expressed their disappointment over his controversial comment on Nehru, the Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC). Dalai Lama called Nehru self-centred.
The Congress said Dalai Lama being a foreigner should shun and refrain from interfering in the internal as well as external affairs of India.
August 28, 2018
It is shocking to see Dalai Lama made an insensitive comment on such a sensitive issue for him. Even though His Holiness apologized the very next day, the damage has been done and Indian citizens have already given their opinion on social media and it was a total backlash on the comment that Dalai Lama made.
Pandit Nehru was the Prime Minister of India during the time of Dalai Lama’s arrival in India. He was the one who against all odds received His Holiness with open arms. He even went to the extent of giving the approval for Dalai Lama’s government to set up in India in their own place. This is totally unheard of. Where in the world a government will allow another government to set up under their noses in their own country. This shows the kindness that Nehru had shown to the Tibetans.
This kindness lasted for 60years. Tibetans are still living in India as refugees with their traveling documents from Indian Government. Tibetans have their own settlement and their own Tibetan schools. Where in the world any country will give so much privilege to refugees. But yet, the Tibetans still have the audacity to look down on the Indians when they are the only one that showed them kindness 60years ago.
Tibetans will be forced to go back to Tibet soon when the Indians had enough of the Tibetans. I guess that is what His Holiness is doing, to push the return of Tibetans to Tibet.
September 1, 2018
September 2, 2018
I cannot believe the Dalai Lama accused Nehru of the split between Pakistan and India. This is a very sensitive issue he shouldn’t have talked about it at all. Nehru was the one who welcomed the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans, and now he is backstabbing Nehru.
Nehru was very kind to give the Tibetans lands for them to set up their homes, their monasteries, hospitals, schools, shops, etc. Otherwise, where could these Tibetans go at that time? Even if he really has some comments or opinions on this issue, he should just keep quiet and only talk about spiritual practice. Many Indians already don’t like the Dalai Lama, why did he have to make things worse?
And in his speech, he called for peace between Muslim sects, did he forget about the many conflicts in the Tibetan community? The Dorje Shugden ban, the Karmapa, the Rangzen and the Middle Way approach, to name a few. While the Dalai Lama is acting like a peacemaker, he should be addressing the problems in his own community. The Dorje Shugden ban was imposed 20 years ago and many have suffered, the ban has to be lifted soon.
Indian Sad
September 8, 2018
This is very ungrateful for His Holiness so say such a thing. I thought Buddhism is a religion of kindness, compassion and being grateful? Is this how His Holiness repay Pandit Nehru’s kindness? This is just mind-blowing for a man who taught others on how to be kind, grateful to criticise someone who had opened his heart unconditionally for him and all Tibetans.
Tibetans are never to be shown kindness because they will be able to understand how to repay the kindness. India should not have wasted 60years of time, land, energy, resources and protection on them. India should make them leave now.

September 10, 2018
Now that Nehru is not around anymore and the Dalai Lama made such a statement on him. It seems rather ungrateful, I thought they were very good friends? If Nehru was still around, he would be so regretful that he welcomed the Dalai Lama and his people with open arms.
When the Dalai Lama and many Tibetans left Tibet, India was very kind to accept them. They were given lands in different parts of India to build their community. They were even allowed to have their ‘government’. Apart from not having a passport to travel around the world, the Tibetans in India can move around freely, unlike the refugees in other countries, their movements are very restricted.
Maybe the Tibetans are just too comfortable and forgot about how India has helped them. They have not shown much gratitude to India and the Indians, all they have done is organising some cheap thank you events. The least the Tibetans can do is to stop condemning China so they can help to strengthen the relationship between China and India.
September 11, 2018
It is very clear that the Dalai Lama forgets about gratefulness and turns against those who had helped him when it furthers his plans (whatever that may be). Almost 60 years ago, fleeing Tibet in desperation, Nehru in his kindness had given them a home, a new kingdom I would say with so much land and what more, allowed the Tibetans in Exile their own governance. Can you imagine another country giving the refugees these privileges? Such generosity from Nehru and the Dalai Lama accused him of being selfish? Thats gratefulness for you…
Another example would be that the Dalai Lama reached India in safety was due to the help from Dorje Shugden whom advices were given through the Oracle. Dorje Shugden gave very clear instruction for the Dalai Lama to leave Tibet, the precise route to take, the method, details of what to do on the way…everything. As such, the Dalai Lama is alive today and Tibetan Buddhism spreads throughout the world. I might add that Tibet would not have been lost if the Dalai Lama and government had taken action on Dorje Shugden’s advise given twice to avert the impending attacks. And now the “Slap in the Face”….declaring enlightened Dorje Shugden to be an evil spirit. Really??? Why would an evil spirit save the Dalai Lama with such precision? He could have just said stay in Tibet and most probably the Dalai Lama will be tortured or be killed by the invaders. Totally ungrateful don’t you think?
The Dalai Lama really needs to rethink his strategy that leaves such devastation. It was mentioned that this is to spur his return to China but did he not think of the Indian’s sentiment? The anger will definitely “burn the bridges” and harm the many Tibetan refugees who do not qualify to return to Tibet and have no where else to go but remain in India, whether Dorje Shugden practitioner or not. With resentment of the Dalai Lama’s remark which supposedly represents his people’s views, does one expect the people to India to remain docile and kind to ungrateful immigrants to whom they had been more than generous? Wake up please. Stop giving more harm.
By the way, Nechung, the Protector that the Dalai Lama consults. said for the Dalai Lama to stay and to not worry. Hmmm…..
Lobsang Dhondup
September 16, 2018
It is bewildering that His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentioned that he had known of sexual abuse by Buddhist teachers since the 1990s, yet nothing was done to reprimand these Buddhist teachers. After all, such abuses inflict substantial damage to the reputation of Tibetan Buddhism as a whole as compared to smaller issues like Dorje Shugden.
The Central Tibetan Administration was fervent in executing the Dorje Shugden ban, launching a documentary film, books, expelling monks, splitting monasteries and denying access to hospitals, clinics, schools, retail shops and so forth down to even publishing a hit list of Shugden activists in order to encourage violence and lynch mob. Yet, the damage done to Tibetan Buddhism by these lamas seems to be ignored and hushed. Why is the Central Tibetan Administration not doing more to warn the public about these sex offenders like posting a warning list on their website?
Tashi Wangchuk
September 16, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the Tibetan spiritual leader revered by millions of Buddhists around the world should ensure that the Tibetan spiritual leaders do more to denounce sexual misconduct and abuse of Buddhist teachers as there are far-reaching repercussions and negative impact on Tibetan Buddhism.
While His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been consistent in reminding practitioners about not practising Dorje Shugden in lieu of the social and religious problems associated with it, despite the unsubstantiated claims or justifications, the indolence of the Central Tibetan Administration in taking action to pacify the public disgust against the misconduct of these Buddhist teachers is severely lacking and appalling. The bias in dealing with these issues related to religious matter has again proven the political nature and conspiracy behind the ban on Dorje Shugden.