Dorje Shugden’s got your back

The ancient Tibetan tradition of creating Ruels – the most powerful of Tibetan protective amulets/talismans – can be traced back some 300 years and it is a practice that has been carefully preserved till this day. The rituals of creating these protective amulets have been performed by generations of high lamas such as Abbots, Rinpoches, Geshes and senior monks and today this tradition continues in Shar Ganden Monastery following the strictest of customs and procedures.

Ruels contain the mandala, prayers and mantras of the Protector Dorje Shugden together with a selection of precious stones, metals and holy relics. A puja is performed to consecrate the amulets and invoke the energy of the Protector to be sealed in the Ruels. The pujas, made with lots of offerings to the Buddhas, can take up to a few days with a series of preparations before and after the ritual. Given the complexity of the process, Ruels are usually made only once every few years. This is why, unlike other amulets, Ruels are regarded as one of the most precious and rare items that one can have for protection and blessings.

When you wear or carry a Ruel, it is with confidence that the Protector Dorje Shugden is watching your back. To ordinary beings, it just looks like a beautiful silk brocade wrap, but the unseen – the spirits – will actually see Dorje Shugden accompanying you everywhere you go. Many high lamas and Rinpoches have confirmed this.

In ancient Tibet, it was customary to have a Ruel buried on the land before building a house on it. In some cases, Ruels may also be embedded within the walls of the house. Tibetans strongly believe that the Ruel will protect them from misfortune, the black arts and to deflect negative energies.

During the Dalai Lama’s escape from Tibet in 1959, it is well known that the Chushi Gangdruk, the bodyguards who travelled with His Holiness, carried such protective amulets. In all likelihood, they were Dorje Shugden Ruels seeing that the Protector not only ensured the Dalai Lama’s safe escape but literally created the Chushi Gandruk for that purpose.

There are many stories of the escape, as told by senior Tibetans and high lamas, that those carrying such protective amulets were not harmed even when bullets were shot directly at their bodies. You may perhaps say that these are all just “legends” but still, it is incredible how a huge group escaping from Tibet’s white-carpeted snow mountains could be missed by Chinese planes flying overhead searching for the Dalai Lama’s party. How else, if not for divine help? (More about how Dorje Shugden helped the Dalai Lama escape)

The same miraculous protection that Dorje Shugden gave the Dalai Lama and Chushi Gangdruk is what you will receive with these highly sacred Ruels. Wear them as amulets for personal protection, or keep at home to safeguard against black magic, robbery, negative energies and the general safety and wellbeing of your family. Bring them with you when you travel, and even hang them in your car to safeguard against unforeseen accidents that could cost you your life.

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  1. Ruels are indeed very powerful items. We are lucky that such items are created and made for us to carry around to keep us protected from black magic or other negative energies. This 300 years old creation should be given more publicity so that many more can benefit from it .

  2. I have one of these from the monastery. Not sure if it’s a DS ruel. I think it might be. I used to not sleep very well back in Melbourne. Spirit disturbance is highly possible. Ever since I invited one home, I’ve been able to sleep well.

    So glad to know it’s available in your online shop as it’s not an easy item to come by.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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