FPMT – for breaking away from their Guru and Lineage, this is the Result…

Extracted from the Spanish Magazine “BABYLON” issue May/June 2009 (link to full magazine http://www.magazinebabylon.com/BabylonMagazine5.pdf)

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  1. so nice artical and good work

  2. Great insightful article that shows how we should not follow blindly the prognostications of any lama (INCLUDING The Dalai Lama who himself says about his own appointment as Chenrezig Dalai Lama continuum “maybe they made some mistake!” Ultimately , we have only our inner guide to verify if our outer guide is genuine. Learn to follow your heart and find your dharma – your way .
    I dont see that the Osel result is a bad one, I actually think it is a good result. He has broken free of the expectations and demands of FPMT , and the tibetan buddhist heirarchy. Well done Osel.

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  4. just another conditionated human

  5. How about present Trichang Rinpoche – who run away and now teaching, Dharma is the best way to earn money and get respected from others

  6. Only true achieved masters can reveal the “returned ones” correctly because they have marks both spiritually and physically. Those without achievements can only see the outside and easily make mistakes.

    Sometimes, I wonder such living methods traditions is still suitable. There are others who can achieved no less without it.

    Cannot find himself? I find mine in my lineage, my root guru and his siddhi, even from distance.

    I doubt the ability of the current Dalai Lama, I even doubt whether he is the returned previous Dalai Lama.

  7. Girls and guys shanti peace. I feel he is genuine what u want he should dress as a monk? I feel Lama Zopa is very loving this is the harder part, he will still be Lama Yeshes reincarnation.

    I feel strong and beautiful person thank you. Do not fight now DS reincarnated be one family as we used to be.
    Personally I follow HH Dalai lamas advise to do it from ‘our own cultures’I do not want to dress up robes. Fanaticism no good. In Tibtn government Nyigmapa strong so big deal look bigger picture than nitpicking. Ecology is the main thing. Climate Change. So we tricked the chinese into following buddhism dharma. What has Lama Zopa done to you he is nepalese his country is destroyed he is a yogi in America. His teachings about animals very strong and even the entire monastery wants out of Nepal and so on this is not a reason for us westerners who do not understand the topig of OBEDIENCE or 2 well. All paths are valid. I am surprised to see animosity it is not attractive. You are NOT helping your gurus by being nasty each other. If they do it that is their ignorance.

  8. For breaking their vows with their Guru by disparaging his Protector practice, students at FPMT have lost their connection with Lama Yeshe’s reincarnate , Osel. How sad!

  9. This is a good lesson to be learnt and a heavy price to be paid when the reincarnation of such a great lama cannot manifest as a great dharma teacher again in this life due to the result of his students’ broken samaya who created the cause and accumulated heavy karma for abandoning the main practice of his lama’s heart protector, Dorje Shudgen. What would be the cost?

  10. The real point is that we DO NOT KNOW isn’t it?

    Maybe we were angry because they slander our teacher it did or did not affect him, karma…

    Or maybe the real teaching is cutting ego and we got so many blessing from our opponents…I feel more buddhist to be persecuted than worldly power. But I do not know anything rely upon teachers rely upon my own innner guidance. What is the fuss anyway it is a secret practice. To demonize anyone does not work, the chinese tried to demonize His Holiness he became bigger, the buddhists tried to demonize some tulkus nothing happened either. Usual blabla.

    If they are so afraid of going against mainstream we should also be able to understand them. They ( the teachers) created CONFUSION that is good.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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