Back when the Dorje Shugden ban was first enforced in 1996, few thought that they would live to see the day when the ban was lifted. There have however, been many signs in recent years that the ban may soon be coming to an end.
These began as far back as 2016, when His Holiness the Dalai Lama said Dorje Shugden does no harm. It has continued into 2020, with His Holiness saying that it would be permissible to rely on Dorje Shugden as a land deity. As recently as June 2021, His Holiness has said that he was wrong to have banned Dorje Shugden.
For those familiar with the ban, the shift in His Holiness’s stance is undeniably clear.
In the early years of the ban, the persecution of Dorje Shugden practitioners was horrific. Families were split, marriages were broken up, children were bullied in school, people were denied medical treatment and monks were expelled from monasteries, but to name a few examples of discrimination against Shugden worshippers.
And in those early days of the ban, as the persecution of Shugden practitioners began to pick up steam, a few brave people grouped to form the first resistance against the ban. They called themselves the Dorjee Shugden Devotees’ Charitable and Religious Society, otherwise known as the Delhi Society.
Not only did the Delhi Society preserve important works and rituals on Dorje Shugden, but they also launched legal appeals against the ban, and worked hard to raise awareness of its illegality. In doing so, they risked their safety, their personal opportunities and their own welfare to protect the lineage. Their courageous actions proved to people that it was possible to resist and stand up against the public relations behemoth that is the Tibetan leadership, because there is strength and power in standing up for the truth.
And the truth is that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being, that everyone deserves religious freedom and no one should be persecuted on the basis of their faith.
The 25th anniversary of the Delhi Society
2021 marks the 25th anniversary of the Delhi Society. In light of this, various pujas have been advised by the highest lamas of our tradition to celebrate this auspicious occasion, and to dedicate the vast amount of merits that have been accumulated over the years in the struggle to speak up for the truth.
His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche, His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Chocktrul Rinpoche and His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche have each recommended pujas to be done. The four main aims of these pujas are:
- To dedicate everyone’s efforts in bringing our lineage this far, where a light can finally be seen at the end of a 25-year struggle
- To generate and dedicate merits towards the swift return of the lamas and practitioners who we have lost in recent years
- To dedicate merits towards the long lives of our lamas who remain with us, and to create the causes for their works to grow
- To generate and dedicate merits for all practitioners’ wishes to be fulfilled, for their obstacles to be pacified, and for them to find happiness
Pujas from H.H. the 101st Gaden Tripa
- To follow the advice of H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Chocktrul Rinpoche and H.H. Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche
- To carry out a Great Prayer Festival (Monlam Chenmo) for a minimum of one day, in the tradition established by the great master Je Tsongkapa
Pujas from H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Chocktrul Rinpoche
- Sixteen Arhats puja, 1,000 times
- Reciting the Manjushri-nama-samgiti, 10,000 times
- Reciting the sungbum (collected works) of Je Tsongkhapa and his two spiritual sons
- Guru Puja with 1,000 Ganachakra Tsog offerings
- General Dharmapala Puja
- Dharmapala Dorje Shugden puja with 1,000 Ganachakra Tsog offerings
- Smoke offerings
- Hang prayer flags, as many as possible
Pujas from H.H. Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche
- Reciting the sungbum (collected works) of Je Tsongkhapa and his two spiritual sons
- Reciting the 8000-verse Prajnaparamita Sutra, 20 times
- Reciting the Suvarnaprabhasottama Sutra
- Peaceful fire puja of Solitary Hero Yamantaka, 10 times
- Sixteen Arhats puja
- Guru Puja with Ganachakra Tsog offerings
- Gyabshi ritual
- Dharmapala Dorje Shugden puja
Grand Prayer Festival on International Dorje Shugden Day
This grand prayer festival will begin on August 24, 2021 which is the International Dorje Shugden Day that is celebrated annually all over the world. It is expected that it will take a few days for the pujas to be completed, and they will be conducted by our precious sangha who have dedicated their lives to upholding the Dorje Shugden lineage, in spite of the obstacles they have been met with.
These important rituals will be held at major Dorje Shugden monasteries around the world, including:
- Shar Gaden Monastery (India)
- Serpom Monastery (India)
- Phelgyeling Monastery (Nepal)
- Segyu Monastery (Nepal)
- Samten Choeling Monastery (India)
- Kundeling Monastery (India)
Over 40 Dorje Shugden organisations around the world have come together in service of the lineage to contribute towards the fulfilment of our high lamas’ instructions. This means that no matter where you are in the world, you can still contribute and take part in this momentous celebration.
It has been a quarter of a century since the Dorje Shugden ban was first enforced, marking the start of two decades of suffering for Shugden worshippers everywhere. It has been 25 years of fighting, hoping, praying and begging for things to change. Now, as the tide seems to turn, it is finally time for us to rejoice and celebrate.
Official Announcement
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Official Announcements in Other Languages
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July 21, 2021
Ringo Starr
July 22, 2021
Kiki Soso La Ghyal Lo!
T Densapa
July 27, 2021
October 30, 2021
Nice article India Company Registration also look
July 27, 2022
Wonderful news!