Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shugden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at DorjeShugden.com have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014.

Since its conception, we have spent millions of dollars and countless hours creating awareness through our varied articles, artwork, videos, comics, pendants, statues and other merchandise. However the lack of cohesive support within the community speaks for itself. The consistent unfounded allegations and attacks from WITHIN the Dorje Shugden community have proved disheartening. Everyone has their limits and it appears we have been pushed to ours.

Due to recent events, the sponsors and committee have expressed their displeasure. They have decided that effective November 9th 2014, the following activities will terminate:

- hosting and updating DorjeShugden.com

- Reporting and investigations of the latest news throughout the Dorje Shugden world

- Managing and posting on Facebook and online social media

- Printing of all mail out articles, brochures and various literature. Thousands of mail-outs are printed each month to create awareness

- Costs incurred from postage on mailouts

- Costs incurred from transportation of mail-out items and staff

- Production of statues and images for sale to support the monasteries

- High resolution images for FREE download

- Sponsorship of various Shugden activities

- Sponsorship to individuals who have personally requested DS admin for sponsorship, e.g. plane tickets to teachings.

All funding and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to the Shugden monasteries will also terminate. Anyone else who wishes to continue this work is welcome to do so, on their own and gather their own information and resources.

We wish everyone good luck in this. We will not be pursuing the ban anymore. If you have any concerns, or wish to give us your opinion, please let us know via our Facebook page or email us at [email protected]



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Your contribution goes towards supporting
our work to spread Dorje Shugden across the world.
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449 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Who is this Losang Tenpa?
    What has he done to cause this?
    Please do let those of us who care for this website and its works know.

    Do you Losang Tenpa realise what you are doing? You will be depriving millions of people from Tsongkhapa’s pure lineage. Do you want to have that on your conscious and karma?

    I am amazed you are a monk from Shar Gaden?! Really?

    What are you doing in Shar Gaden? Please clarify.

    I am puzzled, shock, sad, confused.

    This website cannot be close down or its activities because of this one funny monk… and all those who support him, shame. This website has helped me and my family a lot, it has providing so much help to so many Shugden practitioners in dark times when we had no one. Those of you who criticise down realise, very sad, very bad. If you cannot help millions, you should not harm, should not criticise and cut other people’s chance of getting help.

  2. We appeal to the Owner & Administrators of the site do not shutdown the site and your various activities. Please do not let CTA get away with banning the dorje Shugden practice. Look at what happened at the Arab Spring and Indonesia and now in Hong Kong, they have used the internet and social media to great EFFECTIVENESS.

    Without the the website, the Dorje Shudgen movement will lose it eyes, ears listening to the good news of this or that Gelug Lama, or zoning into the various acts of CTA that undermine Dorje Shugden and becoming that mouthpiece that CTA and the Dalai Lama cannot ignore… and it is that very mouthpiece that is laying suppressive pressure on CTA and all who want to keep the ban going perpetually.

    The less pressure is exacted on CTA, the slower the ban gets lift, then people like that Amala who had to leave her home and abandoned by her family, would have to keep going through more and more suffering. The content on the Dorje Shugden website can go into people’s minds and many places that physically dorje shugden people cannot go to, or is dangerous to be at. It is an asset for Dorje Shudgen practitiioners and institution that CTA cannot touch and they also fear.

  3. What a shame! Do reconsider please. I am one of your customers on your Online Shop and you do have so many exquisite and beautiful items for shoppers like to me to order from. Also, I read the wonderful various articles that are so informative. Please reconsider not to close it down.

  4. This cannot be.Please don’t shut down the website ! All the year i haved learn so much and receive lots of important info from Dorjeshugden.com . This is a great online monastery where all people around the world learn and do Shundgen practice.
    We must together bring the ban down!

  5. What is going on? Everybody is preparing for the protests in Boston and then this happens? What happened? Seriously, anyone know?

  6. Hey guys, i think this web page is very informative, why shut down? Is sad to know that soon to be closed down. You guys have been helping a lot by updating worldwide about what happening to Shugden practitioners. Is very well done. I like what you guys doing now. Be good and be kind.

    Problem comes and goes, hope you guys will continue the web page and don’t let the obstacle win over

  7. This is bad bad news for me and many more!

    From this website I learn about Dorje Shugden, and get the help from Him to change my life to be better..and I get to know about the BAN and the discrimination caused all from this website – http://www.dorjeshugden.com. Most importantly, I get the support and courage to continue this practice from here as well – I do not feel I am alone, even my Protector and pratisioners are attacked physically and non-physically on social media and etc.

    I believe, not only me, other DS practisioners gain so much support, information and knowledge from this website. It is something core to have to lift the ban and so to continue our practice.

    I and others have the RIGHT to choose my religion, my belief. And I believe and respect others have their choice and right to choose not to believe in Dorje Shugden, but you should not stop or threaten others to make their choice.

    With so much effort and resources putting in this website and with a group of people in the community to sabotage the effort, I could feel the disappointment. Why would people hamper another group of people’s effort if they can do more and benefit more? We as a community benefit from there as well…Please stop the sabotage, if you are part of the community, and please show more support by introduce this website to more, leave your constructive comments and opinion – to tell the website committee, we NEED this website to go on and as one of the factor to lift the BAN.

    Please don’t be shy to show your support, leave your constructive comment. Thank you.

    If we cannot help, at least do not do harm.

  8. Is this for real? I can’t believe this is happening. Please don’t shut down the website, it is the only website that gives so much information about DS… And so much work must have gone into it. Please Dont give up. I know it may be difficult sometimes but we must stay strong together until the ban ends. I hope the admin will reconsider their decision.

  9. What a shame! I’ve been following and relying on this website to the insider stories. I appreciate it a lot and even more now knowing how much cost and resources involved in maintaining and hosting this website! This is no one man’s work, we need a team of knowledgeable and dedicated people to do this and it is a lot of work that I request the administration consider to keep the website going for everyone’s sake. Thank you!

  10. 请求千万不可以关闭ds.com !!此网站正是可以最快速使禁令被撤销的最有力的方法 !!请求网站管理人不要因为这些吃饱没事干,不尊重别人信仰的无聊閒人的无理攻击而关闭此网站 !
    我在此护法网站阅读大约一年半,之前我是一个对人生已经快要喪失信心的人,就是因为无意中发现了此网站,慢慢了解了雄登护法,明白佛法,也把自己一切的难题交给护法帮我解决,我承认自己很世俗,修护法无非是想得到世俗的东西,可是我所求的只是想祈求雄登护法帮助我还清债务而已,让我有更多的时间去学习佛法,进一步去帮助更多人。因为此网站让我可以修护法法门,让我现在的情况开始有了好转 。
    我相信还有很多人像我一样,或是比我更糟糕的人需要护法的帮助 !
    所以在此我诚恳请求管理人千万千万不可关闭此网站 !那些无聊閒人的攻击无非就是想要看到这样的结果 !这些人可能是中央行政中心的槍手,他们一丁点都不配做佛教徒 !!

  11. I really enjoy coming to this website to learn, the forum is fantastic, covering not just Shugden related information but Buddhism in general. It is not easy to obtain Shugden material for practice, I have tried to find Shugden statue everywhere but can only find it here. It the website is closed, it will be a great loss to all DS practitioners. Admin and Committee member, please reconsider your decision.

  12. The team at ds.com have definitely done a great job running the website for many years as I have observed.

    This reminds me how it is like without the support of others, my spiritual progress would be meager or totally non-existence. I started focusing on Dharma practice after learning about Dorje Shugden. Therefore it is beneficial, and not harmful as others claim to be. The information presented on this website is very well written and some of the articles are even translated from Tibetan to English for us practitioners here to peruse.

    I appreciate ds.com work very much and I also speak behalf of many others.

  13. It will be a big big lost for countless people who wanted to learn and practice Dorje Shugden. This is the only resources I have to learn everyday and every thing about this holy protector. This is also the only resources I trust without doubt because they are providing latest, good and true information to the public without bias, on top of that with proof. All the articles and news that they posted are real. This is also the only resources I share with my friends for those who are interested to know more and practice. Where we started to learn not only protector practice but lots of dharma knowledge as well. We not only learned about Dharma, we even have a chance to debate and share what we have learned with people all over the world using this platform.

    DS.COM cannot be shut down! Countless people will be suffered. Shutting down DS.COM means shutting down the only HOPE we have. The ban have to be lifted. DS.COM is the source and pillar for ban to be lifted. Please do not shut it down. Other people using unrealistic way to threaten DS.COM, this is the time we DS.COM supporters must all come together. we cannot give up now.. we have come a long way. We must continue because it has benefited many many people and it will continue to help and benefit countless people to come.

  14. Please do not close down DorjeShugden.com! I came to this practice through my Buddhist friend when I was having the most difficult of my time. I cal feel very strongly the protector is helping me and guiding me through my disturbed mind and released me from my inner demon. I am very lucky to be reside in US where religion freedom is protected and we have no problem sharing with others. But from the information from DorjeShugden.com, I had learnt that this kind of luxury do not apply on the Dorje Shugden monks and monasteries in the Tibetan community. They have to fight against a lot of hardship just to practice their religion. They are unheard to the world if not for DorjeShugden.com.
    For all of you who do not believe in Dorje Shugden, please kindly practice your religion your way. Do not laugh at unfortunate people. It is like when you see others losing their job or losing their house, you are laughing at them. This is not only childish but evil. DorjeShugden.com do not discriminate anyone here but just requesting the Ban to come down. Seriously, what did Dorje Shugden practitioners did wrong to deserve this? Beside the peaceful protest to bring down the ban, I never hear or seen any news of them creating problem. Every democratic countries have their people protesting peacefully to express their voice. And most of the time we support these people. But why not CTA? I just do not see any logical explaination to this ban.

    DorjeShugden.com, please please do not close down. Those of you who got help from here, please please leave a comment here to let the admin know how important is this website. Please show your support here.

    Thank you very very much.

  15. I sincerely appeal to Dorjeshugden.com to revoke your decision to shut down this website, forum and facebook.

    This website and facebook has been my main source of information, news and updates on Dorje Shugden protector prayers, teachings, communities, monasteries, happenings around the world, high lamas, etc. Dorjeshugden.com is informative, unbiased, authentic, reliable and most updated with all the news and updates. I could not find any other online source that is as effective and trustworthy as Dorjeshudgen.com.

    Dorjeshugden.com has been fighting for justice and the lifting of the ban all these while despite all the obstacles that it has been facing. It has been reporting about the discriminations and sufferings that monks, monasteries and practitioners have been facing all these while. It is also sending information to the world to create awareness on this besides supporting and funding the monasteries. What it is fighting for is not to against HH Dalai Lama but to request for the rights of religious freedom and no more discrimination, no more violence on the practitioners, no more abused of human rights and to have the freedom to continue the teachings that has been passed down by our lineage Gurus. It dares to speak up for the cause to lift the ban so that there will be no sufferings to the Dorje Shugden practitioners and at the same time able to spread the teaching of protector that will help a lot more people.

    Without this website, I am sure it would be very difficult to lift the ban and I really do not bear to see the sufferings that the DorjeShugden practitioners and monks have to gone though. Just like mentioned in an article, DorjeShugden.com is one of the five causes that will help to lift the ban (http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/features/the-five-causes-that-will-bring-down-the-ban/)

    Please…. For all the dorjeshugden practitioners, let’s all united and work together towards lifting the ban. Please give support to Dorjeshugden.com in terms of moral support such as comments, spreading the news posted on the website/fb, as well as funding to help support them.

    Personally, Dorje Shugden is the one who brings me and my family close to my Guru and Dharma. Protector has also helped my friends and family a lot on our worldly obstacles and spiritually to get us close to Dharma. I sincerely appeal Dorjeshugden.com to continue to spread the Dharma and teachings of Dorje Shugden so that more people and beings will be benefited and free from sufferings.

    With folded hand…

  16. 请不要关dorijeshugden.com网站!这个网站利益很多人,全世界有关dorijeshugden的消息都可以在这里找到,而且还是很多其他网站,找不到的消息和第一时间的消息,也可以在dorijeshugden.com网站找得到。如果关了,对修dorijeshugden的修行者是天太的坏消息!大家等了这么久,忍了这么久,对dorijeshugden修行者是不公平的。我们一定要努力坚持的走下去,直到禁令解除为止!只有解除禁令,dorijeshugden修行者才不会被欺压和受到不公平的对待。祈愿禁令早日解除,让大家可以公开修dorijeshugden,广受利益!谢谢

  17. Please please………… Don’t close this , it’s very important to all over the people who want knows about ds and Dala if it’s going to close then that means we don’t have chance to show the people.

  18. You see all this time and energy we spent debating within could have been directed to lifting the ban… writing to CTA and other Govts about the human rights abuse caused by the Tibetan Govt. Very foolish to be causing havoc in your own house.

    We Shugden practitioners cannot allow this to happen and let one of the biggest, main platform that give voice to Dorje Shugden people to be closed down. This is the biggest and only Shugden website that gives news, teachings, discussions on so many levels.

    As best they can I noticed they have not been biased and is always well rounded in their topics. Many of my friends come here to learn the Dharma and on Dorje Shugden as well, not everyone come here for the political issues. So that is why this site is so complete to me.

    Their online presence has been one that frequently posts very logical writings that makes people think, instead of putting others down all the time. So far this site has been the only voice that gives a lot more logical reasons why I should believe Dorje Shugden is not evil compared to the others because of how they present the news. It give me a chance to think and decide on my own. The others like to always use vulgarities and harsh speech/name calling before they explain… which I find can be intimidating at times especially if you are new. And definitely not very skilful/persuasive if you wish those in the Dalai Lama’s favour to listen. But that is all just my opinion, and anyone can accept of not, it’s an opinion but I do not go around pushing my opinion on to others. Everyone has different opinions.

    No one has the right to stop another’s good works and we as Buddhist, as Shugden practitioners should reflect the teachings we are preaching, no? Why slander your own brothers and sisters who are working for the very same goal as you? Makes no sense… makes no peace… no one wins… and then what?

  19. This is the website I studied DS prayer, and I still have the downloaded image from this website, which I have printed out and say millions of prayers in front of it.

    This is also the website to trigger my interest to study on Lama Tsongkhapa and Gelugpa, which also introduce me to the great masters such as His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche, His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche and many.

    For the website administrators, please please continue hosting this website that speak the truth.

    Dorje Shugden is definitely an enlighten protector and he needs a voice to roar, drojeshugden.com is a powerful voice to lift the sufferings.

  20. I am a Dorje Shugden practitioner. I started because I receive a pendant from ds.com in my home town. I was attracted to Shugden’s ability to provide guidance for improving my financial status. I was happy that it did and continue to do my prayers and made donations to charities. I have been to this website a few time to get information on how to pray and also bought a few more statutes for praying. And I also asked my friends to take a statue to their business place.

    Why want to close down this website? It is very good. The attackers are not civilized to do this to a Buddha like Dorje Shugden. He has helped me and I am a proof that he works and is not evil like what the attackers say.

    Please don’t close the website and stop your work. Your work have helped me so I pray others also get your help.

  21. I was directed to http://www.dorjeshugden.com by a friend that practicing Dorje Shugden and I have hell lot of questions about the controversial that going on that I have read. This website gave me everything I need to know and much to look for. The news update is what amaze me the most as it’s just like a life cast portal of all sort of latest event of Dorje Shugden will be posted here.

    I believe a lot of people also gain so much like me from this website. I don’t understand why there are people not supporting this website especially for those that have directly benefited. Why attack the people who have brought so much to you and also to the world? Yes, I believe this website has been a worldwide reference for all Dorje Shugden matters. This website has been educational as well as latest news updates that provided not only for the students but also to the teacher as their platform.

    To the admin of http://www.dorjeshugden.com pls don’t close it down and please continue your great work here as you are like a torch that lead the people who are in the dark to truth and unbiased path.

  22. Please consider the decision of closing down dorjeshugden.com. This is one of the key method to bring down the Ban, to bring freedom and harmony for Tibetan and also DS practitioners who are suffering from the effects of the Ban. There are many people relying on this website as a source of receiving up-to-date information and helpful news and also as a hope to remove the Ban.

  23. Hu.. What?! How can this be?

    Ds.com why should you allow a few silly haters bring you down?
    You have brought a lot of attention to our plight worldwide. If you shut down now a huge voice will be void. Millions come to this website and see your online news. YOU have done so much in supporting the Monasteries and High Lamas like Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche, Dome Geshe Rinpoche, etc.
    Who will support them if you shut down? Will the haters and those who criticise support them? United we stand, together we fall.

    Every single Dorje Shugden website, FB, Twitter, Blogsite, online presence, and materials should be encouraged, supported and grow more, not less! We need this website. Don’t let CTA win, don’t let INJUSTICE win, don’t allow those who have no voice be unheard, abandoned!

  24. There are so many information provided on this site. I especially like the protest column where you get live updates on where the protest will take place and the details. Sadly, I seldom see any appreciation comments or thank you note from the NKT or ISC. This is really disheartening because they take things for granted.

    As we can see from the website there is no space sold for advertisements. All space are used to provide and to highlight important news. I think NKT and ISC should even support this website by contributing in monetary form for this special space dedicated to them on top of showing their gratification!

    If the Dorje Shugden do not join together and be harmony with each other, the ban will not be lifted and whatever effort we have put into creating awareness, teaching, practising will go into the drain.

    I beg everyone in the Shugden community please step up and offer your help to this website and give the administration a hope to continue!

  25. I saw a on FB that Ds.com is going to be shut down. I thought it was a hoax or something, turn out it is real!

    I have always thought only the anti-DS people will try to bring this website down, didn’t know there is also conflict among DS people that is causing the website to shut down.

    What will be the benefit if this website is down? What will be the benefit if the ban is enforced even further because no one like DS.com is bringing the truth to the people out there? Why are Shugden followers fighting with each other? Is it because of different agenda? If all share the same objective to bring the ban down, why is there a conflict? I am so disappointed.

  26. This link will tell you who Lobsang Tenpa is with all his other names.

    In short he is a cheat who has taken the robes not for holy reasons but a costume to cover up who he is and his real intentions. He obviously has his own demented understanding of karma!


  27. I don’t understand why some of the buddhist practitioners who do not practice Lord Dorje Shugden against DS practitioners. We have freedom to choose our religions according to our faith, interest, affinity etc.. Since you are not have fate towards this practice, then study n follow your own practice, do not attack others who not in the same line with you just for your own satification. So please stop your hate speech which reflect you accordingly.

    DS.com is the platform which always give facts, update news, knowledge, informations for DS practituoners who have less hope, facing some difficult sutiation, less support ect due to the areas they are stay. These are results of the hard work of the admin team which had lighten up many lives, could you please continue these good deeds as you had been until the ban lifted.

  28. I read the above, the announcement of close down because of internal allegations and attacks. Very sad to know that as we should work together to bring the ban down and not otherwise. I think the personal issue or opinion should be set aside.

    We became frequent visitors to this web page because mainly we are one of the practitioners. We want the ban to be lifted. We want more people to know the unfair treatment. We want religious freedom. DS.com is such a good platform to help us in such a way. What a sad news for today. I believe a lot of people have rhe same feelings like me.

  29. I know a lot of Shugden practitioners in exile rely heavily on this website for information on the lineage, the ban and the current situation of the Shugden practitioners. It is the only hope they have that has keep them going with the oppressions and unfairness they have to deal with on a daily basis.

    Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Amala agreed to send Him back to Shar Gaden Monastery for enthronement and education is one of the best representation of the importance of this website. Without this website, we’ll not have Domo Geshe Rinpoche. Here’s a good article on Him http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/news/domo-geshe-chocktrul-rinpoches-11th-birthday/.

    I request sincerely that the administrators of the meritorious dorjeshugden.com website to remain to dispel the darkness of all beings!

  30. Is it true? Is the website really shutting down?

  31. please no close this website. this is a good website trijang Rinpoche say this is good. please all people work together. thank you so much.

  32. I would like to humbly request don’t close down “DS.com”, I really appreciated the effort of the DS.com to bring us truth and valuable informations. We can follow the proper practice to connect with DS, DS help me in my life when I facing difficulties, there are still many people are in suffering and yet cannot connect with DS, I sincerely hope that the DS.com still can continue so that more and more people can connect with DS.Thank you.

  33. The closing down of this website will be a tremendous setback to the lifting of the ban. Try which way I think, the only solution to the misery and suffering of Shugden followers and practitioners everywhere is the lifting of the ban.

    As long as the ban is not lifted, it will be a blight in the landscape of Buddhism. Lord Buddha spoke of peace and compassion as the cornerstone of Buddhism.

    How can this image of Buddhism be upheld when one large group of Buddhist practitioners are being condemned and ostracized for practicing an Enlightened Protector, a Buddha, whose vital role of preserving Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings, especially His Wisdom teachings, cannot be denied?.

    However, the way to lift this ban has to be via peaceful means, in accord with Buddha’s teachings. Ds.Com is the website and vehicle that has consistently engaged in peaceful means to pursue the lifting of the ban. Using itself as a platform to disseminate information about the background and history to Shugden and the issues revolving around the Shugden controversy, it has created awareness and educated people about Shugden. Its methods are research and investigation, use of logic and sound reasoning .It is open minded and does not allow for extremism or derogatory comments of any high Lama of any lineage.

    In this age of degeneration, Wisdom is the only counter and method. Hence the methods of reason, logic and investigation are the methods here. One can see that in the contents of this webpage, including its articles.

    I will put my unwavering faith and trust in this website to steer us all out of the ban.soon. Please, DS.COM team and sponsors, don’t close the website.

  34. What’s a shocking announcement! I cannot believe my own eyes when I saw the announcement. I am so shock, I am so sad and I am so angry.
    I am so sad because such a powerful website which has been helps so many people people has to be shutdown due to lack of support and cooperation within Dorje Shugden community. I am so angry at the point is there is no harmony and no cooperation within Dorje Shugden community.
    Without this website, the Dorje Shugden practitioners will live in the dark forever. We will not receive any update news, teaching, sponsorship and other support related to Dorje Shugden anymore. That will be the end of our lineage. :(
    I have been following this website since last year and it is really gave me a lot of supports. I am now become much better person after I follow the protector practice.

    I want to appeal to the Owner & Administrators of this website, please DO NOT shutdown the site and your valuable activities. You are the light to all the Dorje Shugden Practitioners who are now living under the dark!

    Please do consider the appeal! I believe there are so many people as like me DO NOT want to see this website to be terminated.

  35. 看到这个消息让我非常震撼,DS.com已经让全世界修持雄登的人们受惠,让大家可以第一时间得到最新消息,如果网站关闭了,那我们该何去何从,这也让那些没有修持的人得程呀!现在我们应该团结一至的把禁令给解除。堅持下去,总有一天禁令会解除的,而且这一天应该很快就会到。让多杰雄登护法可以利益到更多的众生至世界的每一个角落。

  36. May I humbly ask what conspired? Truly will be sad times ahead

  37. I am a PROUD practitioner of Lord Dorje Shugden and I will never leave it.
    This is because of the plentiful and up-to-date posts that are informative and with logic. You, DS.com have changed many of our lives through your consistence and perseverance. There will always be many out there who will bring GOOD things down because they can’t fight the truth as it will prevail!

    I am sure this website have been picking up a lot of attention because of all the true insight stories and the anti DS people will find many ways to bring this website and DS practitioners down. And I know there have been infighting going on BUT how do we know those are not them (anti DS people) who are doing it?

    If all of us keep pointing fingers, there will never be an end.
    If there are people among us, DS group, who have been causing disharmony, STOP.
    Take a step back and think! Is this what your Guru taught you?
    Aren’t we all fighting for the same reason? UNLESS you have other motives.

    And ALL you anti DS people, please go away and stop creating schism. Go promote your goodwill somewhere else! Did HHDL taught any of you to be rude and create schism everywhere? We don’t need your goodwill nor thoughts! We can practice WHOEVER BUDDHA we want.

    DS.com, please, I beg you to have compassion for all of us who are practicing Lord DS, do NOT close down this website!
    Without the information, many will be lost and not know what is going on elsewhere, for e.g. how DS practitioners are murdered, beaten, ostracized, etc.

    I saw this, under ‘CONTEMPLATE THIS’ below and now I ask you, DS.com to reconsider revoking the removal base on the contemplation that YOU have put up for us to contemplate.

    “Instead of turning away people who practice DS, we should be kind to them.
    Those practicing DS should forbear with EXTREME patience, fortitude and keep your commitments”

  38. If I was accused of a crime which I did not commit I would face the accuser(s) and clear any misunderstanding. But I would not write hate letters, emails or post on social media of what I was accused of. Why seek sympathy from others who do not know of the charge? After all if I was innocent I have nothing to hide. But if I was guilty and thought I had ‘gotten’ away, well then there is karma, unless I don’t believe in it. Then why am I a monk? What’s my motivation?

  39. Dear Admins and team of dorjeshugden.com,

    Please continue dorjeshugden.com. This is a very informative and open platform for all Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. I am very shame that I have receive a lot of helps and information from you guys and took it for granted but never once think of supporting this website in any resourceful way.

    Now that I come to think of it, such a great website with so much of updated informations, it cannot be just a work from a handful of people. You must have a lot of very dedicated people who are tirelessly sourcing for information, creating videos, even translation from Tibetan language to English which allow us to understand fully. All of these operations must have needed a lot of resources and time.

    My friends and I are very shameful for keep taking free informations from here and never think of supporting back.

    Please do not close this website. We are having a discussion have of how to support you guys. Please hang on. We need you.

    Thank you,
    Fredda Margrit

  40. Dear Admin,

    Dorjeshugden.com has been an important website that a lot of people learning from and getting the latest updated news from. I was referred to this website when I’m looking for peace and miracle for my my problem. I managed to get some answer and greatest miracle happened. It’s not that I’m becoming millionaire but I found the answer to calm my mind and the miracle is seeing my mind clam I’am able see my problem clearer and able to find ways to go about it. I received a Dorje Shugden statue from a friend which she got from the website and I have been practicing it since then by getting form knowledge and guidance from the website and also my friend. I truly appreciate the effort from the admin team for giving such rich information and hope to many people to realize that there is chance for them to turn around the problem the face.

    I read from the articles and understand a lot of the issue of the ban from the Dalai Lama and their government, CTA which have banned the practice with baseless reason. Without the website I cannot understand so much of the unfairness and violent towards the devoted and faithful Dorje Shugden practitioners.

    There is so much work that you all have done and so much money that you all have spent to keep the people in a known and to fight the ban in a peaceful manner. I truly respect you all and from the bottom of my heart dorjeshugden.com has been doing a lot of things to really benefit so many people. I cannot see any false on you all as your work is more just like what a monastery is doing but you are a cyber monastery that provides everything for one to liberate themselves in a modern way.

    Please continue this website to let more people have hopes especially the practitioners that have been discriminated by the Dalai Lama and CTA. They have no one to look for and the website in the only way to go mass and letting more people know about their suffering.

    I beg you to please continue this website and more people should support this website as it’s not about dorjeshugden.com but it’s a platform that many people who are suffered find hope and for people who willing and able to give their hand to help those people.

  41. The worst thing to happen to lifting the ban is when the so called groups that are supposed to work towards materialising it do it with their own separate agendas.

    It is worst when they give schismatics comments about this website and spread rumours around causing people lost faith in the accurate and true information provided on this site.

    People who do this, most recently I heard is a monk from Shar Gaden Monastery – Losang Tenpa, destroying the monastery main supporter – dorjeshugden.com. Why would someone bites the hand that feeds them? This sound very strange to me!

    What do Losang Tenpa and all who create false allegations about this website get from their unacceptable behaviour? People who attack are normally those who are insecure, has big ego and are jealous of others, perhaps even get paid good money for doing so!

    These actions will further stopped them from knowing and understanding the real dharma. It makes sense now why they did what they did to this website – they have no idea how precious the dharma being shared on this website!

    I appeal to the administrators of this website to not stopped your operations for the few ignorant ones! Many more needed this website as compared to them!

  42. 每个时代每个人都需要英雄,但是英雄出名时,英雄强大时,你却又要打倒他。www.dorjeshugden.com是这个时代的英雄,是雄登修行人的代言人,是雄登修行人获取可靠知识和资源的宝库,是雄登修行人继续下去的勇气来源和后盾。









  43. please do not shutdown the site . dont close this website many people learning and practic. This website benefit many pleople. i love dorjeshugden very much he protec me many time many defernce way. i belive him 100% .i know many dorje shugden practitioners going to very sad if this website close . ple ple i ruquest you admin dont thing to close this useful website.

  44. 我感到很痛心,恐慌和失望,这么好的一个网站,既然要关掉,这是非常可惜的事。我不敢相信更不希望这是真的。这些年来我利用我在这里所学到的不管是大护法的故事,经文,和其他佛法帮助了很多人。从为他们祈请多杰雄登大护法的加持和帮助,大护法从没让我失望过。这网站几乎能够提供一切我所需要的,还有很多我还没意义阅读呢!非常抱歉。



  45. The website has been serving the Dorje Shugden community for years, and I hope that it will continue to do so. I know for a fact that all of my Dharma brothers and sisters all over the world have been using the website as a source of information and learning materials. May the sponsors and admin of this website choose to believe in the good it has brought to many, and decide otherwise.

  46. This cannot be so!! Closing down the website is like taking my life away! This is the only website that fuels so much truth to what is happening around the world. From posts of great Lamas to attacks to practice to the TRUTH!!!

    Closing down of this website will only show those immature anti DS supporters that they have ‘won’ a battle that is NOT real!!
    Show them that all DS practitioners are real and we are here to defend everything and anything that is related to DS!

    Do NOT let them win! We MUST SHOW the anti DS people that Dorje Shugden is the ALMIGHTY BUDDHA and HE will help us clear this obstacle. Do NOT let them think otherwise!

  47. I beg you plese no close down. My family and peoples has no one to help fight ban. We hard time in india.cannot go there cannot buy food there.cannot find work here. I want work help you. Plese tell me but no close down.Dorjeshugden is good Plese.sorry my english no good. Beg

  48. DS.com is a very important web for DS practitioner because it give us information to know others DS practitioner activities as and give us hope to lift the ban please do not shut down the web site

  49. ???? ?? ??

  50. And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34

    Don’t shut down the website just because a few of us cannot get along. In samsara, there will always be people who cannot get along. Shutting down the website is falling into their trap. It is giving them power they do not deserve.

    Geshela always teaches us to be compassionate towards others. Those people already have so much karma to deal with. If you allow them to become the cause for this website to shut down, how much negative karma will they accumulate?

    Just below this text box, there’s a passage titled Contemplate This. In it you write “Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments”. On behalf of all Shugdenpas, though my attainments are none but my faith is great thanks to Geshela’s compassion towards me, I am requesting you to keep this site open.

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Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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