Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shugden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at DorjeShugden.com have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014.

Since its conception, we have spent millions of dollars and countless hours creating awareness through our varied articles, artwork, videos, comics, pendants, statues and other merchandise. However the lack of cohesive support within the community speaks for itself. The consistent unfounded allegations and attacks from WITHIN the Dorje Shugden community have proved disheartening. Everyone has their limits and it appears we have been pushed to ours.

Due to recent events, the sponsors and committee have expressed their displeasure. They have decided that effective November 9th 2014, the following activities will terminate:

- hosting and updating DorjeShugden.com

- Reporting and investigations of the latest news throughout the Dorje Shugden world

- Managing and posting on Facebook and online social media

- Printing of all mail out articles, brochures and various literature. Thousands of mail-outs are printed each month to create awareness

- Costs incurred from postage on mailouts

- Costs incurred from transportation of mail-out items and staff

- Production of statues and images for sale to support the monasteries

- High resolution images for FREE download

- Sponsorship of various Shugden activities

- Sponsorship to individuals who have personally requested DS admin for sponsorship, e.g. plane tickets to teachings.

All funding and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to the Shugden monasteries will also terminate. Anyone else who wishes to continue this work is welcome to do so, on their own and gather their own information and resources.

We wish everyone good luck in this. We will not be pursuing the ban anymore. If you have any concerns, or wish to give us your opinion, please let us know via our Facebook page or email us at [email protected]



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449 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. NOOOOO!!! I STRONGLY disagree to the closing of this website!

    Out of compassion for us, DO NOT close this website down because of people who are causing disharmony.
    We are just humans, we do make mistakes, we do say the wrong things, we do sometimes cause disharmony due to our own negative karma but this should not be the reason to close down!


    PLEASE continue to bring the TRUTH to all of us, deluded beings, who need it so much!

    I SUPPORT ALL DS WORK!! For we are against only ONE thing in common,

  2. Dear DS.com admin, i humbly request please remain DS.com, DS fan page and all the works through out to lifted the Ban. I think i m one of the zillions Dorje Shugden practitioner that get the benefit from DS practice.

    1. Few years ago, i and my family met a serious financial difficulty. After i do DS practice for a few months, my family financial status become more stable and getting improve until now. I really cannot imaging if i m not connect to DS at the moment until now.

    2. I met an accident 2 years ago, Dorje Shugden save my life eventually without any injures. My car damage but not others peoples hurt in the accident.

    I think most of us are able to get more lastest info, teaching and news from DS.com team. And all the info, teaching and news are very well prepared and easy to understand. It really can let peoples all around the world to connect DS easily hence to get the protection to them and their family ect.

    I truly request DS.com Admin please dun shut down DS.com and DS fan page with folded hands from my bottom of my heart. DS.com team is awesome and always done the Best work to help lifted the illogical Ban.

  3. Close this site? But why? It is so informative with much up-to-date articles that practitioners be kept abreast of. No other site caters to this with so many details. I am sure many practitioners have turned to this site for information and other materials. Closing this site down would mean depriving so many of the necessary information that we so much need. Please keep this site alive. Thank you.

  4. 谢谢DS.com一路以来的默默耕耘,每时每刻的更新,让我们可以第一时间得到最新消息,谢谢DS.com的一班管理员和所有工作人员。你们都辛苦了。

  5. Hello DS.com Admin, can you not close the website down? I have downloaded the Italian version comic not too long ago. It has made it so easy for me to share the practice with my friends here in Italy. The most amazing thing is, all materials here are free. I know how expensive it is to get a translators, thank you for all your effort in getting the fund to support Shugden practitioners. _/\_

  6. I hope you don’t take my request with offence. Yes, these people have so much negative karma to deal with. That is why they do what they do and “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Are they aware of their actions? Yes but are they aware of the consequences? Probably not. Therefore please don’t allow them to take on the negative karma of denying the world this Wisdom Buddha.

  7. I feel saddened that it has come to this. My life for the past 5-6 years have revolved around ds.com and its cause. I have realized how many practitioners are there out there and I regret not reaching out more to various people to overwhelm negative talk amongst the practitioners themselves and without. I still feel its not too late and people who run the website, please do not close the website down. It is vital for the Shugden cause and for other fellow practitioners, please appeal and garner support. Don’t just leave empty statements, do something and get people to realize how important this site is. For my side, I will continue to see what I can do and how much awareness I can raise online regarding this closure.

  8. Please do not terminate this website. This website provides useful information, teachings and prayers for people to begin their spiritual connection with Dorje Shugden. It provides news and information which benefited people all around the world. Please continue DS.com so that we can work together to bring down the ban and to benefit more people in the future.

  9. Knowing that Dorjeshugden ,com website will shutting down soon, i felt sad that because less people can protect the Shugden practitioner before the ban . They will continue suffer attack by CTA and anti Shugden group.

    Therefore i urge the admin please reconsidering not the shutting dorjeshugden.com. Through this website, what i see your have no intention to hurt anyone but defend for those attack by CTA and anti-shugden group. the most important giving correct information without bias, benefited many shugden practitioner in this world and gather shugden lineage lama support.Without this website will less hope for many like us practise shudgen with fear daily.

  10. I guess we all kindda knew this day would come. I just thought that it would have closed much earlier with the Dalai Lama stepping up with his public talks and China getting more power globally. I wonder what really happened to push it over the edge though.

  11. If you shut down D.S.com! Every D.s. Update News will gone, every D.S disciples and all of sentient being will lost the direction. This website is most benefit and powerful to all sentient being on this era. Come on, all the supporter D.S com please have the positive action and teamwork to support our D.S.com together.

  12. Dear Admin and team,

    This is indeed shocking when i turned on my computer a while ago. My logic mind cannot understand why this is happening and I am sure you have your valid reasons for the decision made. I personally have benefited from ds.com. I shall not go into the details as many have written their comments of the benefits. I would like to urge all DS practitioners to come together to participate by making your comments. I hope in doing so we would prove others wrong for ds causing disharmony among practitioners. May the protector remove all obstacles for ds.com to continue its operation!

  13. Hi Dorje Shugden (dot) com Admin, i am a new Dorje Shugden follower.

    I do many research before i start the DS practice, eventually most of the information after Googling is from http://www.dorjeshugden.com

    I really appreciate the hard works of the team that make their efforts, time, fund ect just with one motive “Lifted The Ban” since many years ago until now to let everyone to invoke with Dorje Shugden practice.

    I feel that http://www.dorjeshugden.com is the BEST and reliable source for DS news!!!

  14. Did the NKT group run out of money to run this website?

  15. People when caught doing bad things try diverting attention away from themselves by creating other commotions at the expense of others. The need to protect the “I” is more important than others. Truth will prevail.

  16. You’re all insane. Give up this demon worship before it’s too late. The website people are doing you a favour and ending this bullSt.

  17. 请求万万不能关掉ds.com!因为它是我获得佛法知识和心灵修持的重要宝库。正确又中立的资讯,让全世界的佛友获益良多。无数高僧大德的教诲,通过网站的努力和整理,可以轻易的获得第一手资讯,把佛法传到有需要的每个角落,利益众生。雄登护法是我通过贵网站的质料才真正修持。依照你们的真确的指导,每天诵经文和义愧,在生活上很多不如意的事,都有很大的改善。我相信这都是得到护法的加持,我才能够清除本身的业障和障碍。我更相信,世界各地更多人需要通过ds.com来得到护法的加持和帮助,寻求正道的方法来消除生活中的障碍。DS.com这个无疆界的佛法宝库,怎么可以就这样消失呢?

  18. Because of my faith in my Guru and the 3 Jewels, I have continued my practice. But due to the limited resources of information last time, there was only so much I could understand.
    But YOU, DS.com, have made this website amazingly superb with SO MUCH INFORMATION!

    How can we give up because of those people who belittle Dorje Shugden?

    What is the ULTIMATE motive for you to even have this website?
    To show ALL people the prove and logic with your information so that the ULTIMATE goal of bringing the BAN DOWN can be realized hence we can practice with religious freedom and on our way to the path of Enlightenment!

    I humbly BEG DS.com NOT to close this website but continue to bring the information to all of us who need it.

  19. This site must never close regardless of what difficulties it faces because it has been a faithful watchdog over the Tibetan government’s illegal activities and Dalai religious persecutions. They fear this site because time and time again dorjeshugden.com has called them out on their lies and deception and they cannot shut it down because of its secrecy. This site has been an important weapon and drawn many people into supporting the fight.

    There is hardly any Shugden person with access to the internet who is not aware of dorjeshugde.com and even those who do use such technology have received hardcopy news. It is because of this that this site is very much hated by the Tibetab government.

    When I see this Announcement after weeks of rumours being spread about it I know that the Shugden community has been infiltrated by the Dalai people. It is only logical. First, gossips and speculations were being spun out in anti Shugden sites and then I see the same poison making its way into the Shugden community itself.

    The recent squabbling and fights on a Shugden monastery’s Facebook is a total disgrace but what is more shocking is how many Shugden people seemed to be cheering on the internal strife and lured into spreading news about Shugden disunity? It is the the Dalai people’s biggest dream. To me it says the inner Shugden community has been breached. How can fighting each other be more important than protecting the practice of Manjushri Dorje Shugden?

    If Shugden people cannot even get over this problem then we cannot beat the ban. It is so hard to see the Dalai people’s hands at work here? They have been unable to close this site down and so they used the oldest trick in the book which is to divide and conquer. Look at what the Tibetan government operates always from the time Tibet was still independent.

    All true Shugden believers must not let this site close and the managers of this site must not let the Dalai people win. It may not be easy to see who is using a real name or fake name but it is very easy to see who is for the preservation of Dorje Shugden’s lineage and who is encouraging its destruction.

    We all have the ability to think so we must now think. Who benefits from the closing of this site and who are the people wanting to see it close? Dorjeshugden.com will always be supported by me. I have heard that it sells merchandise etc but I also realise that it must be very hard for it to receive funding with its code of secrecy over the years. The Shugden fight is not going to be better off without this excellent website and fortress of truthful information against Dalai lies.

  20. If you are a Dorje Shudgen’s practitioner, you should support this website –DorjeShudgen.com. You cannot find any Dorje shudgen website which will provide you so much information and up to date information. The information is prove to be true. I had been to most of the places and found out is true. You cannot denied that DorjeShudgen.com has accompany you for the practise and you are not alone. You also has to admit that DorjeShudgen.com is protecting us so that we will not harm by the people who against the practise by telling the world what’s happening and the true.

    If you are not the practitioner, support us also, support religion freedom. We did not do any bad, you can find out this. We are just protecting a religion which brings good and happiness to people.

    Support us , we need DorjeShudgen.com to continue ……..

  21. With closure of ds.com, it will be very bleak for the Tibetan shugden practitioners. As long as ds.com was around there was hope for them, there was information, there was truth. The extremes that the CTA and the Dalai Lama has gone to impose the ban raises the question of the absence of compassion and walking the middle way.
    Without ds.com, there will no longer be any check and balance. So, what is Buddhism from hereon? Where is the compassion, where is the middle way as taught by Lord Buddha himself? Where is the religious freedom, where is the basic human right? Is the truth not to be told, will the protectorless be abandoned?

    The road is rough, the journey tough, but is that not the way compassion is taught? Please, Admin and sponsors, reconsider you decision.

  22. I don’t agree with the close down of this website as I am one of the little sponsors. No doubt i can’t afford to donate a lot but off and on i did sponsor some monies to support the on going activities.

    I think now is not the right time to have internal problem whatsoever as the ban is not been lifted. I am sure now the pro Dalai Lama are laughing at us. We still have so much works to do in order the ban been lifted. My request is to ask the admin of DS.com to change the mind not to close down this useful platform whereby can reach to many. DS.com used to have first hand news or update. DS.com represent us to tell the world our request to lift the ban.
    DS.com make people understand the lineage. This is important as modern world can know more about the lineage through DS.com. And this is also serve as the platform for the Shugden practitioners to voice out their sufferings since the ban.

    My final request is please continue with the website

  23. I admire the strong devotion that dorjeshugden.com has for our protector. I am very grateful for your hard work, efforts, and all the financial support towards the activities and monasteries in order to let this pure lineage carry on until the end of time.. Since you have started this, and you have voiced out for many of us who I consider as the more silent group, why at this junction of mist, you decided to withdraw, don’t you think all your efforts gone wasted?

  24. Please reconsider to shut down this website, this website is one of my main source to get update for Dorje Shugden news.
    Please don’t defeated by the anti force!

  25. Tenzin Yangzie — you should pay more attention to your words. Such negativity will do no good in the world.

  26. I wonder what has really transpired to triggers such a drastic if not dramatic actions from what I know to be the biggest and most successful DorjeShugden website. I think it is pointless to beg DS.com to reconsider. What I would beg and pray for is for the Dorje Shugden communities to be more united and supportive of the one true cause that everyone has in common which is to bring down the ban. People of various diffrent backgrounds have been know to unite to fight common enemies. That’s how history is made and countries achived independence. If Dorje Shugden practitioners really wants religious freedom, going to protests every now and then and shout at HHTDL is not going to cut it. Please please I beg you all to put differences aside and support each other to bring the ban down. DS.com already has such a wide reach, capitalize on that. Support DS.com so we can bring down the ban faster. The end goal is the same, why fight over petty methods and different opinions. Support each other, support DS.com.

  27. Please do not close down this informative website, mix feelings arose when received this news. This website benefited me for many years and I receive very reliable and authentic informations from this website for many years too. May the hardworking admin team of DS.COM reconsidering not to shut down this precious website.

  28. It is unfortunate that the administration has to come to this decision to close down this website. This is a treasure throve which has helped thousands of people to get back on their feet when in despair and given hope many who have lost direction. You guys have been doing a good job in obtaining the latest information and updating the world with the latest happenings. You are the voice for many who are in trouble and no where to turn to. Please reconsider your decision to close down and many will suffer. to those who have benefitted form this site, please speak up to show your support. We cannot let this happen.

  29. DS practitioners from all over the world and non-practitioners,

    Look! This is the place where all come to debate, talk, discuss. Like it or not, everyone is coming. This website has so much fun, so much information provided for people to check, again, u like it or not, the website is still here…

    We are living in.modern world, no one should stop, threaten anyone to stop expressing no matter u like or dont like. This is mutual respect to each other and somemore whoever is here, mostly are BUDDHIST! For this, can we at least stop attacking each other here with rude words, hatred and all these? It is very tiring…practice some Dharma pls…

    And dear admin, pls continue the good work, I love it here.

  30. Please don’t close the website. I feel deep regret that I have not give much attention to this website in the form of support… But it certainly is the one place I visit when I wish to read any new news about the ds world. Please kindly reconsider. Thank you

  31. OH NO! I just reading the latest article and knowing that DS. COM have decided to terminate all online activities effective November 8th, 2014. This is a bad new to me. PLEASE DON’T SHUT DOWN!

    DorjeShugden.com do a very good work and it is doing a important role for us to search many information regarding protector Dorje Shugden and the practice, lineage, great master, teaching etc.

    I truly get benefit from this website and learn protector practice through DS.COM. I gone through a hardship last 6 years in my life. My husband had spirit disturbances and almost loose his life. It is because I learn this sacred mantra of Dorje Shugden and teach him and his critical conditions become better and better.

    I love Dorje Shugden and DS.COM because it provide me the golden chance to safe my husband life. And protector Dorje Shugden practice become part of my life. I believe many more out there have their own experience of getting benefit from Dorje Shudgen.

    I believe billions and billions of people out there need DS.COM like me to change their life. Thank you and appreciated DS.COM hard work and speak on behalf of many others

  32. Is truly a sad new that Dorje Shugden . com want to shutdown all the services they prodive.

    I humbly apply for DorjeShugden.com Admin continue to be the pioneer reliable and express Dorje Shugden source for us.

    I feel shamed that i not show my best to Admin i am fully utilize the service provided, but i do really get closer to Dorje Shugden through http://www.DorjeShugden.com and DS Fan page.

  33. Hi Dorje Shugden (dot) com Admin, i am a new Dorje Shugden follower…

    I do many research before i start the DS practice, eventually most of the information after Googling is from http://www.dorjeshugden.com

    I really appreciate the hard works of the team that make their efforts, time, fund ect just with one motive “Lifted The Ban” since many years ago until now to let everyone to invoke with Dorje Shugden practice.

    I feel that http://www.dorjeshugden.com is the BEST and reliable source for DS news!!!

  34. Ani Drolkar stated that Losang Tenpa ” …. will be depriving millions of people from Tsongkhapa pure lineage.” And asked him: Do you want to have that on your conscious and karma?”

    Obviously, he is not bothered about depriving people of pure lineage, neither is he bothered about conscience and karma.

    And that coming from a so-called monk who was supposed to have taken vows?

    Why let 1 or 2 waywards sway us away from our practice, when we know FOR SURE that we are not wrong?

    Admin / owners of DS.com — please do not shut this site down.

  35. I am not a Shugden practisioner, but I have friends who are. I learn about the ban by HH Dalai Lama and the discrimination and hurts inflicted to Shugden practisioners from this website. My friends show me what happen to the other part of the world.

    However, I do not wish this website to close down but to continue and operate in a bigger scale. I read through quite some of the articles, reports and sadhana as well.

    I did comparison to news and reports by CTA or other non Shugden sources, I can see the difference. This is a website done their research, report with proof and not making some sensational news out no proof.

    I would say I support this website for it is a platform for the fight for religious freedom – one of the core values of a civilized and advanced society. I respect people’s religion, I might not the followers or even I do not agree to them, however religion is your dialogue with your God or deities, it is some relationship we outsiders do not understand, but NEED to RESPECT.

    And, dorjeshugden.com is the spokeperson for the Shugden practisioners like my friends. Sometimes my friends are so depressed with all the discrimination, deprivation and etc, but he find the courage to go on by realizing they are many more in all over the world who hold strong to their practise. And they are not ALONE.

    I hope so much the committee to continue to operate this website, please do not see/focus on those disagree/do negative things on their on brothers and sisters; instead look at those who are looking on you to provide news, resources and most importantly source of courage to go on.

    I might not know much about your protector or God, but I support you, and I support my friends.

    Thank you.

  36. Huh…i see a lot of people request to continue with the website. A lot of people are trying to voice out and tell how they been benefited through this website. Some even share with us their own experience how the protector can help us in our daily life or spiritual path. This is just so touching.

    DS.com should consider majority’s request instead of look at the minority allegations or attacks. Why bother the minority and give up the great mission of spreading dharma to help many?

  37. This website has the support and endorsement from Shar Gaden and Serpom Monasteries. For Shugdenpas who are still against this website, it shows that you are also against Shar Gaden and Serpom. Then what is the point of you being a Shugdenpa???

    Stop the bickering and spread the word to lift the ban! We MUST persevere for the sake of those denied religious freedom!

  38. I can’t help but wonder why you guys here feel like there is a lack of support from the Dorje Shugden community? The support seems to be growing as time goes on…

  39. if all Shugden communities can unite and work together, the ban can be lifted very soon. There are many Shugden support groups, but I hardly see any collaboration among them. The ban has created so much sufferings, for the sake of others, let’s work together. With collective effort, we can will be able to bring the ban down.

    Besides, DS.com has always been focusing on bringing the truth to people and lifting the ban, why would they spend their precious time trying to bring ONE monk down? Unless this is going to help them in lifting the ban. If there is one monk who they want to confront with, I think that will be Dalai Lama. Not this Lobsang Tenpa guy.

  40. Admin of DS.com

    Please don’t shut down the websites, this websites is benefiting a lot of my friends, most of them are from Japan and Taiwan. When I shared the articles and images from DS.com. Peoples from other country are concerned. This website is extremely beneficial.

    I am begging to Admin of DS.com
    Please don’t shut down the websites.

    Humbly and sincerely
    Mel Chong
    Taiwan ( Taipei )

  41. Please dun shutdown DS.com, i notice that DS.com always be the Neutral while providing the us the correct information regarding the Ban matter. I like it very much, and also the articles are included supportive attachments such as letter, youtube ect.

    Hence others than that, DS.com team always so generous to support the DS monasteries, mail out, sponsorship for various Shugden activities ect to let the illogical Ban lifted soon.

    I strongly appeal DS.com Admin and the team to continue the works!!!

  42. Dear DS.com team and admin,

    This is not possible. Please do not close this precious page. Dorje Shugden practice has helped me in many ways and to read here about all the high masters, the practices, the struggles of DS practitioners, news from all over the world inspires me and helps me so much.
    And it helps and inspires so many people all over the world.
    We must persevere and work together so that the ban will be lifted soon.

    Please do not stop this precious tool. So much has been achieved from this webpage. Please continue and make the ban come down.

    Continue to give us hope in these difficult times.

  43. I know i can not represent everybody in Shugden community but i have friends are shangha in monastery. I know how difficult their life since the ban been imposed. I know they are grateful to have such platform to tell their hardship as being Shugden practitioners.

    Ds.com bring hope to the Shugden community..Please don’t let them down. Please continue with the website.

  44. AS a Dorje Shudgen Protector practitioner, I feel so lonely and scare when the ban being announced because people out there who are against us may harm us. But I knew many high lama previously was a practitioner and they have been reincarnated back and this life they are still practicing, therefore is obviously this is nothing wrong with this practise.

    With the DS.com, I am now knew that lots of people out there are practising and I knew that whatever the DS.com doing right now is to release our suffering. Please do not close down, you help lots of us out of suffering and we will together lift the ban.

  45. 恳请管理员重新慎重考虑不要停止DS.com的付出及努力!!!


  46. It is evident there is a campaign online to divide and conquer the DS community, to test the strength and weaknesses. There is always 2 side to a coin – a pro or con, for or against. Those who are watching DS practitioners would wish this website to go down. Well! Tough luck. DS practitioners are here to stay and will remain united no matter what anyone else says.

  47. Dorje Shugden.com promotes DS through educational & promotional materials in a creative ways. I love this professional and non biased website, please do not shut down this reliable website and continue to benefit many more people.

  48. How sad to read this post which DS.com want to shut down because lack of support from own Shugden community! I have been following DS.com few years ago when I just started my practice. I get so many information of Dorje Shugden and a lot of useful updates from this website. I really appreciated DS.com so much. How sad that I hear this website want to shut down because not get support from the community!

    What happen to the community?

    However I still want to appeal DS.com administrator consider not close this website because this website can benefit many people, for example people like me who really like this protector and want to know more about Dorje Shugden. Of course I can get a lot of information from different resources; however I noticed DS.com always provided completed, detail and neutral post for us to read. Some time, when I read the post I will contemplate the content which is full of deeper meaning and really can help me in my spiritual journey. I feel not alone in my spiritual journey because I have DS.com accompanied me. I am not familiar with all the politic matters and conflict about Dorje Shigden, but I thanked DS.com offer me the opportunity to learn and practice.

    As a Dorje Shugden practitioner, I humbly requested that DS.com administrator don’t shut down the website. This website like the soul of all Dorje Shugden practitioner and supporter, without DS.com many of us will lose and feel hopeless.

    Please consider again and again your decision!!!I am wish I can receive a good news from you, my dearest administrators!

  49. I has been practicing Dorje Shugden for more than 3 years and my spiritual practices, living life and work are getting smoother and smoother. Where am I learned it from? I learned about Dorje Shugden practice thru this website. And especially the forum, it’s benefited me a lot.

    I wish admin don’t shut down this website.

  50. I told my peoples about this website close. Everyone sad because this website shows the world my people suffer from His Holiness’ ban for Dorje Shugden. My friends send pics here to show how CTA is lying and creating suffering in our community. My people have suffered a lot from this ban.

    Please continue with the website. WE NEED YOU!

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Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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