Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shugden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at DorjeShugden.com have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014.

Since its conception, we have spent millions of dollars and countless hours creating awareness through our varied articles, artwork, videos, comics, pendants, statues and other merchandise. However the lack of cohesive support within the community speaks for itself. The consistent unfounded allegations and attacks from WITHIN the Dorje Shugden community have proved disheartening. Everyone has their limits and it appears we have been pushed to ours.

Due to recent events, the sponsors and committee have expressed their displeasure. They have decided that effective November 9th 2014, the following activities will terminate:

- hosting and updating DorjeShugden.com

- Reporting and investigations of the latest news throughout the Dorje Shugden world

- Managing and posting on Facebook and online social media

- Printing of all mail out articles, brochures and various literature. Thousands of mail-outs are printed each month to create awareness

- Costs incurred from postage on mailouts

- Costs incurred from transportation of mail-out items and staff

- Production of statues and images for sale to support the monasteries

- High resolution images for FREE download

- Sponsorship of various Shugden activities

- Sponsorship to individuals who have personally requested DS admin for sponsorship, e.g. plane tickets to teachings.

All funding and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to the Shugden monasteries will also terminate. Anyone else who wishes to continue this work is welcome to do so, on their own and gather their own information and resources.

We wish everyone good luck in this. We will not be pursuing the ban anymore. If you have any concerns, or wish to give us your opinion, please let us know via our Facebook page or email us at [email protected]



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449 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Good afternoon. I am from China. I love this web a lot. I feel sad that this web will close. I love the info and news here.
    Please no close this web. My mother sick before and she good after do DS mantra. Me and my wife also have son after prey to DS.

    Pease no close this web. Many guy need DS. I speak bad english. Sorry

  2. This website is the one and only source of vital information on the activities of DS practitioners, high lamas, authentic gurus and the promotion of the lineage. We need to stay focus on lifting the Ban which is the whole purpose so DS practitioners can practice in the open. Practicing Buddhism should not instill fear, misunderstanding and promote factions within. There had not been any kind of such Ban issue on DS previously until HHDL enforced it. Please do not discontinue this website. DS practitioners really need the unbiased views shared on this platform.

  3. I was introduce to this website & DS practice by a very close friend earlier this year. Since then, I have been logging to the website regularly to read, learn & leave comment about the articles posted. Personally, I find this website very authentic, informative & truthful about Dorje Shugden practice. Every article, video & picture appear in the website are all real event & experiences of Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. Reading these articles, I have learned a lot about Dorje Shugden & the practices. This has help a lot in my life both financially & spiritually.

    I am very thankful to my friend & especially to the sponsors & team behind DS.com for their effort, time & sponsorship in making this possible to benefit people around the world like myself. In this day of age, what better way is there to learn spirituality in front of the screen then travelling thousands miles away from home to study in the monastery at India!

    For the sake of the Dorje Shugden practitioners in the Tibetan Community at India, PLEASE DO NOT SHUTDOWN DS.com. Despite of the daily discrimination they have to experience within the community & the fear of their lives, they have never given up on their practice & faith in Dorje Shugden. Their determination & devotion are so powerful that it drives me to keep coming back to this website. Until the ban & discrimination against the Dorje Shugden practitioners is ended, these practitioners will continue to suffer. Therefore, as Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being & since the entirety of the website is the Protector himself, the website should continue to serve as a platform, an eye & ear for all of us around the world to continue reading, learning & putting down our comments about the illogical, discrimination & illegal ban on Dorje Shugden Practice.


    With Folded Hands,
    _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

  4. 说实在的,搞d.s.com.真的是吃力不讨好,消费了这么大笔资金来利益所有人但还是会被人抨击或毁谤,真是伤财又伤力。很感恩所有的搞D.S.com 的功德主和支持者,我们听到你们的声音和慈悲心。希望所有的支持者,把慈悲传出去。。。我们与DS.com 同在。其实您不寂寞。

  5. Please !! I beg with folded hands and on my knees.Please don’t discontinue this great and wonderful website which have helped countless DS practitioners all over the world with informations and Teachings in their spiritual path. I am very happy and proud to be a DS practitioner .
    ….everything goes so well and easy in my life after I started practicing and I wish for everybody the same .I want to Thank everybody behind DS.com who have been doing a great job..Dorje Shugden is our Protector pls continue this website to share with us and with faith ,together we will Lift the Ban.

  6. What ?! Close down? Why? This is a very bad news. Please don’t close down. Please. I beg you- admin. Don’t do this to people who have no access or very hard to get online dharma knowledge, especially the authentic one.
    For so many years, I am looking for a website that able to give me protection. I just found this website and learn a lot of dharma knowledge from here, and able to save my family who are influent by negative energy by chanting the Dorje Shugden’s mantra. I share this website to many of my friend. They try it too and say it is a very good website which provide knowledge and protection.

  7. I have read on the 5 factors to bring down the ban recently. One of the factors was through Social media. If Ds.com closed down, the practitioners of Dorje Shugden have no idea on what abusive actions that CTA have been taken to keep the ban. They can do whatever they like; this is no different than the Nazi ruling that has killed Jewish.

    With the help of Ds. Com, at least CTA is fear to be explore on their cruelty. I notice, every time when an abusive action that CTA wanted to do, and, when their actions are expose, CTA will not attack anymore or at least not that abusive. IF Ds. Com close down, the victim have no place to tell their justice. The protecting shield for Dorje Shugden practitioner will be destroy and CTA can do what they want to people who can’t protect them.

    Please dont close down this website.

  8. Dear Admin and Team of http://www.dorjeshugden.com,

    It might be hard to work so hard and at the same time to fight with people from inside apart from outside…

    I have relatives and friends in monasteries who rely on this website as their source of latest news. From time to time they even send me some links of interesting reports including the short clips to promote Shugden..it’s really creative, I can see the effort, time and care put in by your team. My relatives and friends appreciate it so much so as I appreciate your effort.

    I might not belong to your group but I can see your effort and sincerity. Please do not shut down the website. It’s beneficial and informative. Most importantly, when you search on internet, this website is the first to appear and provide with non bias, all-round information.

    I write to give encouragement and support to you all, of course to my buddies as well. My grandmother told me that, whatever you do, especially when you are big and strong enough, people will eventually come to oppose you, to attack you..they are either jealous, or want something out of it..they are people everywhere who want to take advantage and do not want to put in even a little bit of effort.

    Please do not disappointed by people like this, but encouraged by people who hand on and cling their hope on you.

    Best regards,

  9. I don’t’ know what to say when I read on this news. I am telling you, I am very shock. I usually don’t write in but today, I write to admin of this website. I hope my little opinion can change admin mind not to close down on Ds.com

    This page is fighting to leave the ban. I understand that the ban have harm many people. And this ban have no logic.

    If the ban not able to lift, Buddhism will not able to spread wide across. Buddha have preserved the dharma in the Tibet. Only when the time likes now coming, dharma bought out by the lama to the world. Lama Tsongkhapa teaching has spread widely to today’s world.

    Dulzin Dragpa Gyaltsen have rise up to be a protector. As a highly attained Lama, he became a protector to protect on Nagarjuna’s teaching. And Nagarjuna teaching is very important for today’s people who want to be attained. I can’t find online any website that can explain well on dharma and provide news up to date. I feel,
    this page is a vey authentic page, I can feel this page authors and admin practice a pure lineage. Don’t close this page, don’t close the gate way to the pure lineage

  10. Err… I have a strong feeling that Robert Carey is NOT a shugdenpa. Lol. But there is one thing that this obviously biased sycophant is right about and that is this Losang Tenpa. From the looks of it on facebook, this character is dubious to say the least. Perhaps a butterfly can change its colors, but this Losang Tenpa doesn’t seem to be all that kosher. Despite his previous convictions, I’m all for giving him another chance, but the mere fact that there is this evidence against him says something. Even if people are out to get him, there is a reason why they want to get him. Perhaps this is sinister, perhaps it is not. I do not have enough information to judge for myself. But the way it’s being dealt with here is not right.

    What’s more important is this website closing down. Are people really going to sit by and let this happen, call it karma and impermanence in action? This ban is never going to end. They are getting what they want, the breaking up of resources. It’s sad, write in and ask the administrators their reasons and request them to carry on. I know I am. If we don’t do this, down goes this website. Which resource will be next to break apart?

  11. Me and My family are the practitioner of Dorje Shugden. Before the ban, we are happily practice and reliable on Dorje Shugden. We love H.H Trijang Rinpoche and monks in the monastery was living peacefully. That Time, Dalai Lama was also practice on Dorje Shugden too.
    When the ban came, our family spread, my brother and I have to separate because he bow down to CTA and I keep my promised to my Guru and will not bow down to any of this ban. I am very sad, despair and not know what is happening.
    We are always living in fear, we always have people throw things on us and saying we are a betrayer.

    This situation changes, years ago, I know about Ds.com, even it is only a website, this website have the most updated news on what is happening to Dorje Shugden’s practitioner around the world. I felt finally we have people around the world listen to us, finally we felt we are not alone, finally we felt we are lucky to have kept practicing Dorje Shugden. And this support, this motivation, this happy thing came from Ds. Com. I truly hopes that, please don’t close this web. Please don’t close our only hopes. Please .. please keep this page, this website is like a fire in cold winter which kept us alive. I beg … don’t close

  12. You have no idea how this website has changed my life. I was similar to any
    typical Tibetans, we respected the Dalai Lama and to say anything against the Dalai Lama is unthinkable, hence it is not something we would even venture.

    During the course of reading the information on the website, I discovered a lot of information that changed my perception of how things really were. After the ban got more pronounced and things intensified, I wondered who should I listen to?

    After sometime digesting the material I am now of the opinion that Dorje
    Shugden and Dalai lama are working hand in hand, the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig he would not have created such a big issue amongst Tibetans if it was for no
    higher reason. And confirming it with the scripture Music Delighting an Ocean of Protectors, my faith in the Buddha was all but restored.

    Few months back I attended my first protest ever and I saw how split the Tibetans have become under CTA and how the CTA is leading our people to a dead end. And the longer the ban stays on the worst things will be for the
    Tibetan people. Hence it is my fervent hope that the admin and all who are
    behind the scenes for http://www.dorjeshudgen.com, please keep the fire going for
    the website.. do not close down this precious resource.

  13. I think this website needs to close because the people that run it are all liars who want to destroy the reputation of an honest monk Lobsang Tenpa. The fact that the lama responsible for this website seems ashamed of his support for Shugden is another reason. I like the website but I’m afraid the people behind it are not to be trustsed.

  14. Oh please don’t shut down , my whole life relies on the information you give on this website good and proper , I had no money or power and I pray strongly to dorjee shugden the spirit , now I very rich and have lots of people who work under my power , all very good do much business with china man and we hate those pesky Tibetans and there silly religion , so please keep up good work , can I still buy expensive plastic looking pendant , is still possible ? treacherous NKT folk why they not give lots of yen to this site ? oh well goodbye ..

  15. very sad to see this notice , i am here to learn a lot of dharma knowledge and study here and learn methods to help my self and the interests of others , and i am here to learn a lot of knowledge of buddhism , let me have the dharma new cognitive , so i understand a lot about the dharma masters heritage and hitor and its importance

    i deeply appreciate the site staff every pay very sincere , hardworking and efforts to pay

    how may people because of this ban is received attacks , many people are fprced to lose because of this ban basic freedoms, how many people because of the ban and lost their loved ones , friends , lost the original homeland of the own

    however , because of this site , so many disappointed , and again with new hope , however , because this site , educate the next generation of numerous , so that the next generation of young people , who can not be misled , so that young people have the opportunity here learn the right knoledge and advice , but because this site seems to become our second home

    please dont close this site , this site benefit countless beings, I understand that this site paid a lot of effort , but instead received numerous injuries and attacks , but you efforts but let me see your bodhicitta and compassion , and iam really feel touch

    please dun close this site , i will pary for this site long life and the ban can faster remove

  16. Million dollars fund have been use for all the works done, hence the hard works since many years ago toward to lifted the Ban nearly soon. I feel very broken-hearted and depressed for the news.

    Please DS.com Admin and the team, remain and continue. DS.com really make a easy way to let others get closer to Dorje Shugden just by their finger tips. There are many more are awaiting hence when the Ban lifted, zillion of followers may practice DS just through this simple step.

    Your sincerely,



    Exactly what I have been saying on my Facebook profile. All you Shugdenpas attack each other. Yes close down this website because of one person.

    I will be sending a report soon of this “monk” to the Indian and Nepalese police, and the American embassies. Just wait and see.

  18. Hey IAN POVEY, why don’t you ask “Losang Tenpa” what happened to the money from the Gaden Choling fund??? Sangha Jewels collected $5774 (approx 354,523.60 rupees) for the Gaden Choling Legal Fund from the public, but only paid out 270,324.68 rupees to the changtso of Samten Choling. Go and see for yourself http://www.fundrazr.com/campaigns/4o3D2 Losang Tenpa uploaded receipts to make it look like he’s being open and transparent but it STILL doesn’t add up. What happened to the remaining 84,198.92 rupees? Can any Shugdenpa answer?

  19. Dear Admin,

    It saddens me when I login into the internet today to receive the shocking news that http://www.dorjeshugden.com has decided to terminate all its online activities effective from 8th November 2014.

    I am a regular user of http://www.dorjeshugden.com (DS.com) because it is the leading Dorje Shugden website available today.

    DS.com is a very comprehensive and accurate website providing regular and latest updates on events concerning Dorje Shugden. It is also the website with the most comprehensive information about Dorjen Shugden’s nature, history, appearance, benefits, lineage masters, and so on. There are many other useful information provided on DS.com e.g. Dorje Shugden practices, sadhanas, commentaries, protector images, testimonials, videos and etc. The best thing is that all these informations are provided free of charge to the visitors! DS.com has also provided alternative sister websites in other languages in Chinese, Thai and Indonesia!

    DS.com had also tapped into the social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to disseminate the teachings, information and activities on Dorje Shugden. There is even an online shop for the convenience of Dorje Shugen practitioners worldwide to order Dorje Shugden statues, pendants and other religious paraphernalia which are hard to come by. These items are of very good quality too!

    One of the most important features of this website is the availability of forum where users can participate in meaningful Dharma debates and discusions on issues on interest and general Buddhism. I am a regular participant of this forum and have benefitted tremendously from this forum.

    DS.com has evolved into what it is today and is constantly upgrading its services to meet the demands of the users and to keep up with technological changes. What I have described above are the benefits (which are not exhaustive) that a visitor can find in DS.com.

    When we check the above, we can see that a user of the DS.com can get so many benefits. We should realise how very kind and compassionate the sponsors, benefactors, technical team behind the administration of DS.com really are! The time, effort, money spent in the creation and maintenance of DS.com is simply beyond words!

    I have seen many anti-Dorje Shugden personalities attacking DS.com. Similarly there are also those selfish individuals within our very own Dorje Shugden communities attacking DS.com! Anti-Dorje Shugden personalities are attacking our weaknesses such as these internal bickerings and disharmonies! I strongly believe only a minority of these anti-DS.com personalities are causing disharmonies, confusions and creating wrong views amongst the majority of sincere and pure Dorje Shugden practitioners.

    It is without doubt from the above, that DS.com had benefitted many and can benefit many more! The total number of views todate is more than 1.8 million views! This shows the popularity of this website. I myself have benefitted a lot from DS.com. Furthermore ds.com has received recognitions and accolades from the main Dorje Shugden monasteries and high lamas for its work on upholding Dorje Shugden lineage, teachings and etc.

    I sincerely appeal to DS.com to reverse the decision to terminate this website. Please for the sake of spreading the lineage of Dorje Shugden, maintain this website.

    Thank You DS.com for everything that you have accomplished thus far. OM BENZA WIKI BITTANA SOHA.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Padma Dondrup

  20. Dear admin,

    I don’t agree to shut down. I can see many people find the truth and even get benefits in Dorjeshugden.com even myself.

    This is a fantastic website to us to know the truth, please continue your hard work to all sentent beings around the world.

  21. i am shocked! DS.com had been a website that providing information to people around the world about the truth of Dorje Shugden, and how DS practitioner is being punished for a wrong reason. It is disheartening to see with my own eyes that this page is shutting down.

    To the Admin, i beg of you to reconsider your decision, and revert back on this decision and continue to serve for the sake of sentient being, it is through this website i find solace and peace, the Mantra and prayers that you have provided to us, has benefited myself and also my loves one. Because of your website, i am connected to Buddhism and understand more about Buddhism and also Lama Tsongkhapa teaching.

    I believe if Buddha Shakyamuni or even Lama Tsongkhapa still still alive, they will not retreat! They will fight the Mara’s and fought for the sake of Buddhism and also to protect and give a hand to the wrongfully accused.

    I really hope you will change your mind, continue with DS.com to bring truth and continue until succeed in lifting the ban!

  22. @Ian Povey, It is not this website that is not to be trusted, it is Losang Tenpa who does not reveal detailed accounts of all transactions.

    You are silly to suggest closing this website many of us rally around this website for the latest news. This website is the eyes/ears and mouthpiece that CTA cannot shut up. Shar Gaden monastery do not simply issue out letter acknowledgement, unless you wish to say all the Changtso and abbott in Shar Gaden do not know their job and who they are dealing with?

  23. Dear DS.com administration

    Please do not close down this website. I have been following this website for 2 years, and i found that the info in this website are accurate and consistant.

    Before i know DS, i already practice Manjushri for more than 10 years. During the first time i saw DS picture, i immediately get attracted and felt the warm from DS.

    After that i start following this website. And i realize that DS is another emanation of Manjushri, a pure dharma protector.

    Thank you DS.com that help me to find my dharama protector. I wish the good job will be continued and benefit more people like me. I do believe that DS is a dharma protector.

    I sincerely thank DS.com to help promote DS, and eventually lift the ban.

  24. All Shugdenpas need to gather our voice and action here to request DS.com Admin for dun shut down the DS.com!!!

    We need to do it in action but not just by talk only to let DS.com Admin reconsider the Special Announcement.

    Today will be the saddest day for Shugdenpas when hear for the news, but we will keep on our practice to contribute more in action consistently.

    From the first day i enter to DS.com, i strongly feel that this website is our Hope to spread the Pure Lama Tsongkhapa doctrine to others. DS.com is the Biggest DS temple that all Shugdenpas may visit and pay homage wherever we are!!!

  25. This is a shocking news. Why want to terminate all activities after so many years of effort? Millions of dollars had been spent, and it does bring results. Why want to stop while people are more aware of Dorje Shugden issues?

    I remember when I first heard about Shugden controversy, there is hardly anything I could find on the internet other than info provided by HHDL’s website. However there is only one side of the story. Thanks to this website that provided a lot of useful information with facts, evidences and logical debates. Not only it helped to clear my doubts, the hardwork and sincerity put into this website makes me believe that Dorje Shugden practitioners are not cult. They know what exactly is going on within DS community, that’s why they fight. I admire and respect that very much.

    I shall admit, at the very beginning, the main reason I chose to believe at Dorje Shugden is not because of the historical factors or whether this protector is an enlightened protector. It is the people who run this website that had a great influence on me. It is spirit behind it that moves me. The DS practitioners had shown me persistence, determination and commitment of safeguarding the pure lineage. I think this is the real value of Buddhism.

    This announcement really disappoints me. I do hope that the administrator of this website would withdraw their decision.

  26. Dear ds.com, why suddenly this decision?? This is really sad and shocking to me. I have been reading your website and reading on the great news recently on Trijang Rinpoche and all the new monastry and temple newly setup. I was so happy that Trijang Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden practice is growing and spreading.

    Do you know i have benefited alot from your website, i even gave Dorje Shugden mantra to one of my close friend who was in trouble with family and work. Because of the mantra she recited her relationship with her family member had improved and now she are more at peace and accept thinga easily, even her work has become better. Not only that, now she become more compassionate and more compassionate to the people around. I am trully happy for her.

    So dear admin, please do not stop your great work and continue to serve the people as your website has help me and my friends, and importantly it will benefit even more countless people.

    Thank you.

  27. I agree no more that this is the only ONE website that I can find so much more information regarding on the enlightened protector Dorje Shugden. It will be a big wasted to all the hard works being done by the people behind of this Dorje Shugden.com if this website is terminate. There is no more source to tell the world Dorje Shugden is the enlightened one, He is the great protector who always there and ready to helps others. All the innocent people especially for those Dorje Shugden practitioners will be force to live without religious freedom. If this website is terminate, there is no more people care to bring the awareness to the world how the Dorje Shugden practitioners being separated and treated cruelly. They even being beaten and threaten to force them to give up the Dorje Shugden practice.

    It is because of this website, I only knew that there is so many people as like me are practicing Dorje Shugden and I feel that I am not alone.

    I beg to the Dorje Shugden.com Administrators, please do not terminate this website. Please consider the decision again and again. Please think of there still many people are need YOU and YOU are the only hope that we have now!

  28. Robert Carey, this site is about the preservation of Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage and its primary function is to educate everyone about Dorje Shugden so that they have a balanced view to make informed decisions. It is not a complaint site that targets anyone in particular.

    If you have evidence of Losang Tenpa’s alleged fraud, please report to the monasteries, police or relevant authorities directly. Your presence here is for no other reason than mischief.

    Ian Povey, I don’t know who you are but if you are a devoted follower of Dorje Shugden then you should not fight the enemy’s fight for them. This fight with the CTA is a fight of propaganda which means lies and disinformation are integral tools and what the likes of you have done is swallowed their poison wholesale. And here you are actually encouraging for a pro-DS site to be closed on the basis of rumours. If you don’t like this site then please feel free not to enter but why deny so many other people a site many have come to depend on as the source of truth?

    I pray that we all come to our senses and not the he CTA win. How can the closure of this site not affect the credibility of all Dorje Shugden components in general? The suffering of innocent people under an oppressive dictator should be more important than our own petty squabbles.

  29. I can not express my emotions when i know that this site will be closed , as if here is my home , iam here to get the lead and comfort

    how often , when we helpless , and when i came here , reading and charging , make me more courage up

    Here , i can deeply feel that here have very compassion , , because here benefit a lot a lot all and many people , whenever i feel myself from time to dharma , i often come back here , here let me learn what is compassion and learn how to transform my minds

    please dont close this site , i love all you too much , and my heart always here to support you

  30. Its hardly for those serious DS practitioners at some county to get Dorje Shugden image and prayers but yes through DS.com. I become more understand the whole DS lineage through DS.com and my mates also get all the information and prayers through DS.com. If DS.com not exist, we may not able to practice Dorje Shugden.

    I read the comments above, many of them speak out their own experience how the great Dharma protector Dorje Shugden helped them. If they are not enter DS.com before, i think they are unable to pratice DS.

    I beg DS.com Admin to not turn off the DS.com _/\_

  31. 对不起,这是在开玩笑吗?那么多年的努力,难道打算就这样付之一炬吗?最具公信力的雄登网站就这么停止,是不是证明了修雄登是错的?三百多年的修持,难道打算就让它如此消失?还是只限于某些特定寺院才能修?不公开了?这是哪门子的慈悲啊?

  32. 咦?? 我记得中文网站有说过这个网站是让禁令解除的重要因素, 怎么现在要关了??
    无论怎样的难关都好, 我们都要坚持。 如果我们雄登修持者都不要继续奋斗下去, 那么我们要指望谁来为我们说话??

    请别关闭网站, 这个网站会利益很多众生,也可以让禁令解除, 如果关了只会让藏人行政中心更得逞, 继续伤害雄登支持者。



  33. I come cross to http://www.dorjeshugden.com few years ago, i realize that the controversy between HH Dalai Lama and Shugden followers is much clear and easier to understand through DS.com.

    Hence i get to know more in details of all the Great Lamas that practice Dorje Shugden and realize the truth behind.

    All my faith and continuous to practice Dorje Shugden is come from DS.com. I think many of others also feel the same.

    May DS.com Admin reconsider well so that all Shugdenpas and all the coming Shugdenpas may built up their strong faith to Dorje Shugden through DS.com.

  34. @Ian Povey – It is because of the reputation of Losang Tenpa that you would want this website that has clearly benefitted so many practitioners with its news coverage, info and support for the lifting of the ban. Just because of Losang Tenpa? Just because of Losang Tenpa’s reputation, we have to suffer?

  35. Since it began, and that is what you want to end it?

    Since paid so much, we should be more insist constantly, continue

    I deeply felt that a disappointment and helplessness, especially when we pay a lot but did not get the return, and also constantly under attack

    However, this site had attracted me is here with a deep sense of commitment and determination of the heart, with love

    Is not that the Dharma it? Here, let us understand how we are committed to a stick for the Dharma, and many of the senior monks, in order to Dorje Shugden behind the scenes to pay more, I can feel this website is how to protect this heritage and to guard

    Here’s a collection of countless Dharma knowledge and advice is correct and inheritance, so that one can continue to continue the tradition

    Pray you are all well, pray you are able to do to close this site, you are often the prayer of blessing and guardian of treasures, and pray Dorje Shugden ban can be lifted as soon as possible, pray more people through through this site to learn Buddhism, pray more people because of this site and get help, pray that more people have access to this site, pledge more people who can support you

  36. 请求不要DS.com关闭,经过这平台带来很多DS的正面咨询证据是可靠的。牠为我们这班修行多杰雄登很多受惠。

  37. CTA make many tricks to influence not only Tibetan but also Western country. DS.com always provide the immediate information with strong attachments for us to not fall into their tricks. Even now many of new age Tibetans start to question back CTA regarding the Ban, this is the results of the DS.com hard works.

    With DS.com, CTA hidden tricks will be discover more and more party will take part to investigate. This will let CTA consider not to play more sneaky tricks anymore.

    We need DS.com to beat CTA hence to let the Ban lifted soon!!!

  38. To everyone in DS.com, please do not give up now. This site is the only place I find peace & solace in time like this since the illegal ban on Dorje Shugden practice. Imagine the amount of stress & pain inside not being able to speak up or show anyone what your spiritual practice is fearing that your life will be endanger when actually your practice is something genuine, truth & authentic, the practice that some of the great masters & Lama of the Gelug school like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche follows.

    This site has been the most popular platform for the DS community to come forth to learn & speak up about their concerned about the ban. This is a perfect place & the fastest to bring forth to the world the latest updates, news & happening about Dorje Shugden.

    As Dorje Shugden practitioner, I believe in the truth & peaceful manner of protesting to bring down the ban. Please do not end the hope to lift the ban, the hope that I & the practitioner of the Tibetan community has never given up. With perseverance, the truth will prevail.

  39. I very appreciate and grateful to DS.com and the team to make this fabulous yet extra outstanding works to let Dorje Shugden practice flourish widely. I sincerely urge DS.com Admin and the team for not shutting down DS.com so we able to continue our practice to collect more Merits hence to contribute more back to DS.com to spread the authentic Dorje Shugden practice and Lama Tsongkhapa teaching to ten directions.

  40. What was going on now? I swift on my laptop this morning then find out DS.com will be close sooner? I feel so shocked and emotion. WHY? So I decided write this comments of this post! Hope DS.com administrators can listen my voice!
    My friend introduced me about this website recently, according to him all those information provided by this website good enough for me to learn and upgrade myself. Now the website wants to close……

    My friend who stayed at India shared with me, the Dorje shugden practitioner are faced a lot of difficulties in their daily life and also their practice. CTA always suppressed them by different way. My friend told me the sangha members in monastery be abused on psychical and also mentally oftenly…some of them even life threaten by CTA. As a Singaporean who never been India I feel helpless until my friend introduced me this website. I don’t know even one of this website administrators but I really appreciated what they had does!! They not only spending a lot of time for this website content, they also work very hard to get sponsorship for the monastery!

    Now, the administrator suddenly want to close down the website must be faced some difficulties which they didn’t revealed.

    I think as Dorje Shugden practitioner, we must give whatever support to this website. Don’t let them feel alone. So may I argued all the Shugden community in the whole world to support DS.com and let them can continue do a great job until the ban lift.

    Even though I am quite new as a Dorje Shugden practitioner, I too get benefit after practice it.

    Support them by your speech, speak out the truth! Support them by action!
    On other hands, I also request all DS.com administrators reconsider continue active the DS.com, it will benefit more people. If DS.com closes down, I believed that many people will get lost in their spiritual direction.

    Please show your support before we loss this beautiful and useful website!

  41. Frankly and honestly speaking. It is best to stop all protest and campaigns against Dalai Lama as this is getting dirty and nasty. Now the Tibetan people are taking matters in their hands. If this happens what can few hundreds DS followers do agianst 6 million of them and their supporters. They have powerful Indian politician backing and other Governments. The loss will be DS followers. If Dalai lama wants he can ask the Indian Govt to take back the land from Shar Ganden and Ser-pom and others. Now we have DS monastery free from CTA and DL. Is it not better to quitely do the practce there rather create a ruckusok . Maybe with time it will heal. Protesting and defaming Dalai Lama and CTA will only hurt DS followers, Buddhist Dharma indirectly. It is already causing so much harm and its getting murky. No one is beneffiting. So best to close this site.

  42. I sincerely requested admin not to shut down DS.COM. I am feeling sad and hopeless when I read this news.

    Through DS.COM I study So many people suffer because of Dorja Shugden ban and many family member dispersed, childrens not able to go to school, Dorje Shugden practitioners do not get benefits at all. They only get oppressed, discrimination even In life-threatening situations.

    That’s not fair to them. They have the right to live in peace and have their own religion to practice their believe.

    Dorje Shugden and DS.COM supporter PLEASE VOICE UP HERE TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!!!

  43. So much injustice left unserved, so much hate and malice after so much information gathered and disemminated. how can u like the contents of this website and then throw it over and say u don’t trust the people behind it????

  44. Please do not shut down the web site this web site is one of cause that can lift the ban how can it be shut down there be a lot people especially the Tibetan will release a lot if their suffering. Please do not shut down

  45. @Marissa Thildt – don’t you worry your pretty lil head about that. I WILL report it because everything contained within is the truth. If you Shugdenpas won’t do something about your people, I will go to the authorities.

    You guys are dumb beyond belief. If you had just dealt with it within your own community instead of trying to shove it under the carpet, you won’t see the police knocking on his door in a couple of months (probably after he’s run off to Segyud to swindle the public there too) waiting to arrest and deport him.

  46. 为什么要关ds com???
    这个网站利益许多人,尤其是一些对人生失去方向的失意人。以我为例子,我还没修习雄登法门之前,家庭与生意是一团糟! 自朋友介绍这个网站与修习雄登法门后,生意也渐渐的改善,生活也越来越和谐。这个网站每天利益着各个阶层的众生,游览ds com已经是我每天都必做的事 。我相信成千上万的人必然和我一样!请千万别放弃我们,我们需要ds com!!! 请为了所有众生和雄登修行者,继续开放ds com !!!

  47. Monk like Losang Tenpa no shame, real disgrace to all Buddhists. Shar Gaden support bad monk. You practice Dorje Shugdn brings bad things, no peace. Bad Shugden monk like Losang Tenpa gives all Buddhists bad reputation. Better stop Dorje Shugden practice and transform.

  48. To close down this website will be a great lost to everyone. There has been so many information about Dorje Shugden and many true facts about DS practitioners too. I have been following this site for a couple of years and have been doing the prayers. It has benefitted me a lot as I have been blessed with good health.
    Please do not close this site and I am sure most of us will help with the lifting of the ban.

  49. It came as a shock to know that this website will be closing down soon. Please do not close this site. Through this site lots of information have been gathered to inform us of how the DS practitioners are been discriminated and treated.
    It’s not fair to them as we will hope and fight for religious freedom. With this site more people will know about the truth and let’s fight for the ban to be lifted.

  50. DS.com is a very important website for many people. Whether it is for learning about the protector, about the BAN, the latest update from around the world about protest against Dalai Lama on the ban and other related information. If this website is to be closed, many DS supporters will be in the dark, they will not get the latest update. Please do not close the website. A lot of efforts and time have been spent to have such a complete website.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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