Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shugden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at DorjeShugden.com have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014.

Since its conception, we have spent millions of dollars and countless hours creating awareness through our varied articles, artwork, videos, comics, pendants, statues and other merchandise. However the lack of cohesive support within the community speaks for itself. The consistent unfounded allegations and attacks from WITHIN the Dorje Shugden community have proved disheartening. Everyone has their limits and it appears we have been pushed to ours.

Due to recent events, the sponsors and committee have expressed their displeasure. They have decided that effective November 9th 2014, the following activities will terminate:

- hosting and updating DorjeShugden.com

- Reporting and investigations of the latest news throughout the Dorje Shugden world

- Managing and posting on Facebook and online social media

- Printing of all mail out articles, brochures and various literature. Thousands of mail-outs are printed each month to create awareness

- Costs incurred from postage on mailouts

- Costs incurred from transportation of mail-out items and staff

- Production of statues and images for sale to support the monasteries

- High resolution images for FREE download

- Sponsorship of various Shugden activities

- Sponsorship to individuals who have personally requested DS admin for sponsorship, e.g. plane tickets to teachings.

All funding and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to the Shugden monasteries will also terminate. Anyone else who wishes to continue this work is welcome to do so, on their own and gather their own information and resources.

We wish everyone good luck in this. We will not be pursuing the ban anymore. If you have any concerns, or wish to give us your opinion, please let us know via our Facebook page or email us at [email protected]



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449 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Dear DS.COM administrator,

    You all save many life with all funding and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to the monasteries and all the hard work your all promote / created awareness to the world is not a waste.

    Without DS.COM many peoples still suffer with their pain of losing family member, friends and even their beloved GURU.

    By all the hard work DS.COM done is really usefull, it show me direction and guide me all the way. Because of DS.COM online, I manage to invite a statue back home to continue my practice. Before that its hard for me to find Dorja Shugden statue. So blessed to have statue in my house. After invited back statue, my family, business all going smooth,well and successful.

    Please consider not to shut down DS.COM website as i like this website and i always recommend my friends to get holy thing in online shopping.

  2. Dear Dorjeshugden.com,
    Your website is very precious. I request you from the depth of my heart do not abandon this because of disharmony among practitioners. There can be many groups who have many different ideas, but I subscribe to your philosophy and mission statement best. I have not found any other website like yours.

    I came across Tibetan Buddhism via Dalai Lama’s “The Art of Happiness” , and I gradually discover more about Tibetan Buddhism. I cannot believe that Dalai Lama wants to destroy Buddhism and he is a mere politician wishing to gain power. He has given up being the political head of Tibet, I think that meant something.

    In my most desperate time, I pray to Dorje Shugden and found much hope and relief. Many more can definitely benefit through your growth.

    Cám ơn em rất nhiều (thank you very much) from Hanoi

  3. For dorjeshugden.com respected,

    I’m a regular visitor over the years and I have seen how this website grow and become better in giving fast news, articles for meditation, and I think this is the best online resource for Dorje Shugden.

    I’m afraid that if you take down this web site, there will not be the same message to the world of peaceful Dorje Shugden followers. Please stay on.

  4. SERIOUSLY Ian Povey!? Come on… have some respect for the people here. You come in post something offensive, get told off, cannot defend yourself and your solution is that you were impersonated? You are demented. No wait….. it is just a pervasive trait in you, you are just a liar.

    Ian Povey (the real one) wrote:
    Someone has posted a comment here pretending to be me. I did not write the comment and I do not agree with any of the comment at all. At no time have I ever wished for this website to be taken down.

    The false comment is:
    “I think this website needs to close because the people that run it are all liars who want to destroy the reputation of an honest monk Lobsang Tenpa. The fact that the lama responsible for this website seems ashamed of his support for Shugden is another reason. I like the website but I’m afraid the people behind it are not to be trustsed.”

    Please publish the IP address of the person who made this comment and I personally will prosecute them.

    Thank you.

  5. Losang Tenpa, I hear about this name quite a lot lately, About him cheating the Monastery’s money and go for holiday. This is really hilarious and the most stupid things to do especially as a monk. As a monk, you know how bad it is to take money raised for the monastery? how heavy our karma is when we stole money from the monastery? And because of one Losang Tenpa, the whole Shugdenpa is evil? Then how do we explain about this incident?http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/news/attack-on-dorje-shugden-followers/ This is just one of the many cases that happened. so does it mean non DS practitioner is evil too that creating harm on others, or worse still, trying to kill people as what written in this article.

    Stop being denial and stop attacking DS practitioner. Accepting each other and live in harmony. DS.com is important to lift the ban. We all must support this site for it to keep going.

  6. From some Tibetan friends I heard of the challenges you are facing. This is not something simple that can be solved because it involves many parties and include sponsors/lamas around the world. I beg for your patience for some of us, your friends to find some ways to help. My prayers to chokyong for obstacles to be cleared.

  7. Oh my god. I just saw that someone was faking Ian Povey’s name to post irresponsible comments here. Do you know that one of the 5 deadly sins that will caused you to born directly to hell is to create disharmony among sangha? Please admins of dorjeshugden.com please look properly. There are anti-shugden people here faking their identity to create troubles here. Please maintain this great website and do not let these people be successful in doing bad deeds. Please in the name of Buddha stop increasing their sins.

  8. The effort and good work from the DorjeShugden.com is unmeasurable and it has been so informative. Beside it also directly benefited so many people through the monastery and individual in term of funding and so much money have contributed for all the effort to support and unite the Shugdenpas.

    All the works are noticeable and it acknowledged. The great work even give results and more and more people realize the truth of the suffering that the Shugdenpas gone through.

    This Losang Tenpa which have convicted with so many crimes and with evident shown, with what his words can be trusted and carry weight? For him to make any accusation does not bring any credit at all. How can anyone blindly belief his words and look at how much DorjeShuden.com has done with the website which is not just providing beneficial info but also physically help the monastery and people with fund. These are no words but compassionate action to help and benefit the Shugdenpas directly.

    To all the Shugdenpas pls give your support to this website, and pls protect this website as if it has benefitted you so much and you should share it to your family and friends.

  9. I really hope that DS.com will not close because of the work of an imposter. There is the saying that goes something like “wolf in sheep’s skin”, Losang Tenpa is bringing this proverb to the next level with “thief in monk’s robes”.

    The negative karma hat arise from taking from the sangha is very heavy. Doing so while wearing monk’s robes would be a double whammy!! I really hope that Losang Tenpa would practice the Dharma he studied and use this exposure to correct himself. Mistakes can be made, we all made them before. What is very wrong is the unwillingness to learn from mistakes or, denying the mistake.

    If the website shuts down because of Losang Tenpa, the karma he collects will be further multiplied. Imagine the number of people from all over the world who not be able to access the Dharma. Also consider those who have learned so much through DS.com, they are now left out in the cold!

    In summary, only bad can come out of this whole thing. So, everyone should ensure that DS.com does not close because it would wash out all the merits, if any, we have accumulated through effort. Even on the secular level, it does not make sense.

    It is time to put aside differences and focus on the commonality in goal, which is to spread the Dharma and benefit sentient beings.

  10. …may I humbly suggest that you rather shut down the Facebook page? ..there, no way to control the posts and sometimes it’s really too much. But here on the website, you could check the posts before allowing them.
    ..this, not to introduce some kind of “censorship”: but simply because , why should you still let these people take advantage of your incredible effort, time, hardship and money in order to destroy you and the practice of our Protector?
    if someone has constructive critics, welcome..otherwise , bye bye!
    those who are against, surely can have their own websites to do that; and probably have already huge financial resources to spread their “ideas”..don’t let them use yours!!!! Finally, I humbly request you to continue your precious job.

  11. What on earth is the well-known loud and abusive anti-Shugden poster “Proud Bhodpa” doing defending Shugden here? Surely his name is being used by someone else? Can we have clarification please?

  12. Darrick R Okkelberg, a.k.a Duke, a.k.a Losang Tenpa a.k.a Tenzin Sungrab a.k.a. Sangha Jewels a.k.a. Dharma Bridge Foundation did not think about how many people he would affect with his selfish attitude of not backing down when confronted with his actions.

    If you want to embezzle and cheat, you should be nice and make friends with everyone so as to not draw attention to yourself. If Duke had done this, he would not have created any enemies and no one would have anything bad to say about him. The Shugden community would have left him alone to cheat as it’s none of our business but if a person keeps pointing fingers against DS.com and cause such disharmony, all of us will stand united and retaliate.

    But Duke cheated and embezzled while pointing fingers at others, at DS.com. Why does Duke always want to fight and say negative things about DS.com? When anyone does this, they create even more enemies. All Duke needed to do was to stop fighting, confess what he had done and then all of this would be over. Duke would have been only embarrassed but no one else, including him, would have been hurt.

    But Duke kept fighting back and saying negative things. He knew he was wrong but he fought back to protect himself. Now he has publicly alleged and associated Tsem Rinpoche with DS.com. Even though Duke has taken down his posts, his friends are spreading this all over the Internet. Tsem Rinpoche is not behind DS.com but because of Duke’s accusation, he has put a lama’s life in danger. If anything happens to Tsem Rinpoche, he will be responsible. Now Tsem Rinpoche’s life is in danger and Duke’s actions damaged not only Tsem Rinpoche but thousands of other people who rely on DS.com through the website. Once the website is shut down, that is the damage Duke has caused.

    Duke should have backed down a long time ago but he has now dragged down the whole Dorje Shugden movement through his refusal to accept that he has been exposed and his insistence on fighting with DS.com.

    Since Duke did not back down and keep quiet, DS.com took action against him because his actions put people’s lives at risk. Millions of practitioners will lose the resource of DS.com but everyone should know who Duke really is. We all should share the proof of his past and current criminal behaviour with many people, whom he might try to trick in the future.

  13. At this very moment life of those young monks in the monastery is more important then this DS website. If Shugden followers are really buddhist. They should be concerned about this devil Losang Tempa peadophile.

    Imagine young monks being abused by Losang Tenpa and his business partner Abby Citron who has 9 arrest records, related to narcotics and peddling drugs using minors.

    On top of that only 3 months ago, Losang Tenpa has posted on a dating service, see the pictures that state he is bisexual and seeking true love. Why would a monk post that?

  14. As a Tibetan shugden practitioner I beg you to please continue your great work. Any kind of public work will always have some criticism whether good or bad. People are judgemental by nature. Myself and my friends have always appreciated your kind work towards protecting the dharma. I pray and beg you to please continue this site. It will be a great loss for us.


  15. It is really sad and shocking to hear that this website is shutting down :( I find this website very informative with really good and reliable source of news; and authors like Mar Nee give a lot of good logic debate points about the whole controversy.

    Furthermore, the webmaster/admin of the website go the distance to post up the news on the demonstrations against the ban and events related to Shugdenpa.

    Of course, not forgetting that we Shugdenpa are to practice Dharma and benefit others, and this website has the prayers and dharma readings to keep us grounded.

    From a global point of view, I feel that we Shugdenpa should really put our difference and personal agendas aside, and join hand together to lift the ban. This ban must be lifted very soon because the sufferings of the Shugdenpa in monasteries are really suffering.

    I pledge the owner of this website to re-think and re-consider to keep the website up and running. Is there anything we can do so you can re-think and re-consider?

  16. There’s no need for ds.com to commit suicide.

    There has just been a bit of unnecessary skullduggery which needs to stop and has nothing to do with the content of the website, which is excellent stuff.

    The ds.com bosses need to calm down and think – “What is it that people don’t like? Is it the website? No, it’s the skulduggery. Now, which should we pull the plug on?”

    Any sane person would make the right choice. Over to you, The Mysterious Leaders of ds.com.

  17. Your website is incredible great and bank of information about the truth. It reveals true stories of Tibetans while others hide and neglect. Therefore we need this kind of website to keep a “voice of truth” and honest. Thank you very much for your great work and we ask you not to ban it.
    Other’s criticize to your work means your message has reached!!!!!!
    Thank you and Tashi Dleks
    Dechen (pen name)

  18. This website has not done anything other that provide accurate, prompt and the latest news about Dorje Shugden to the world. They are doing a good job until today when I saw the announcement. I have heard from my friends that the main reason for this announcement is that the website has not been getting the support needed from the monastery and the DS community. They have done so much to promote to the world about the truth on DS.

    And it is because of this monk Losang Tenpa who has been collecting donation on behalf of the monastery but does not give the full amount to the monks. What kind of monk is he? The monastery also does not want to take action. This really gives the monastery a bad name.

  19. @Steve Rogers – although politely written, I find your comments offensive. Tenpa has not been questioned or sanctioned by ANYONE for his recent behavior. He is rude, sneaky, a deceptive liar and cheat. On being exposed, he has instead threatened the website and put people’s lives in danger. YOU know VERY WELL what happens when lamas are associated with Dorje Shugden, whether accurately or inaccurately. Did you ever think that there’s a reason why the leaders of this site had to remain anonymous? No, it’s all about your projections for what is the right way to do things.

    Since you’re so concerned about the right way to do things, focus on Losang Tenpa’s behavior which has never been right. Why are you blaming the administrators for being sick and tired of being backstabbed and accused all the time? They have done much more for the DS movement whilst being anonymous than Losang Tenpa ever has. If you were on the receiving end of death threats, let’s see how YOU would respond to it.

    Ask HIM to calm down and stop being such a sneaky, manipulative person. Did you not read his apology carefully? He would rather people message him privately so he can continue to stab people in the back, rather than address issues openly.

    You think about it. Any sane person would make the right choice.

  20. Please, I have asked on the facebook page, and also on the forums, but I was not aware of any issues, because all the way over here in America I didn’t know there was any accusations, but at any rate, I think we need to look at the positive of Dorje Shugden.com, which is really quite extensive. For me, I don’t know how else I would find out the most recent information about Dorje Shugden, the ban, the Buddhist world generally, because no one else keeps up with it as well as you all do.
    It is a nexus of information, and I have, as I said both on facebook and on the forum, been able to connect more deeply to my practice, and learn more about Dorje Shugden lamas generally, such as Trijang, Kundeling, and Gangchen Rinpoches. I also have been able to watch clips from teachings from these lamas, and see how people debate on the forums.
    It is really very helpful to all living beings, Dorje Shugden.com. Please don’t let the mistake of some monk stop you, or anything stop you, from keeping the information flowing on your site. What I like about your site is that you allow for different voices; with only one voice, there can be no harmony:). Thank you, and please re-consider your position.

  21. DS.com has done so much for practitioners of Dorje Shugden including high lamas. This was evident in their supports for this precious website that providing proofs of abusive actions from the CTA camp.

    Despite doing so much to help ease the sufferings of the ostracized DS community, there is selfish people like this Losang Tenpa throwing all kind of accusations to DS.com.

    Why the DS community would rather believe Losang Tenpa who has so many criminal records than the DS.com? Integrity is very important, and yet it is not being considered by those who support Losang Tenpa to embezzle money from the public using monasteries’ names.

    Losang Tenpa, you can escape from worldly punishments but remember, taking money from the Sangha and causing disharmony from Sangha are serious criminal actions. Karma will come back to catch you and don’t forget you also can’t escape from death… by then, there is only one place for you!

    DS.com should continue. Please do not close this informative and truthful website supporting the real DS practitioners like me!

  22. Dear DS admin and team,

    Please do not stop your activities. This is such an important way to help all ds practitioners all over the world. But especially it helps the monasteries who need our support.

    Dear everyone please support with a donation to the sangha: http://shop.dorjeshugden.com/support-sangha.html

  23. Dear DS.com admin,

    Please reconsider your decision to shutdown.

    Your website is the source of strengths to many of us. Please continue to operate to expose the abuses by CTA and Dalai Lama’s camp. Please continue the efforts to bring down the ban.

    Before coming on to this website I have no idea that the ban is causing harms, emotionally and physically to DS followers. Your article and posts had revealed so much of the wrong doings of the CTA people. This decision to shutdown will delight them and this is like we are surrendering to them!

    DS.com must not shutdown because our fight is still go on. Let’s fight together to bring down the ban. Please reconsider.

    Thank you.

  24. I really love this site. All the treasured information. I love the articles, pictures, online shop, the downloads, information from all over the world. So much care and love is put into everything.
    Please do not stop your activities.
    Please stay strong so that the ban will be lifted quickly.
    We need you!

  25. 勇敢不是壮烈牺牲,而是忍辱负重。





  26. DS.com please do not bow to all accusations, offensive remarks and threats!! Through years of hard works of all in the team , the crooked path has been straighten and rough road has been almost smoothen, why are you surrendering at this juncture ? DS.com site has definitely provided to all DS practitioners or non DS practitioners the most informative , reliable sources, current news and the truth of Dorje Shugden. Therefore, to all DS.com supporters , be united and continue your support to this marvelous site. DS.com, please reconsider your decision in terminating this site which has benefited many and turned darkness into light . I pray for the continuation of DS input information to all , till the ban is lifted.

  27. How many faces, dazed drift

    Thanksgiving you their efforts, so we are here to learn and know how to stick with a commitment to guard our promise, let us back in, even among their own lives, will not easily forget our promise, let us learn to adhere to the importance of our commitment

    Thanksgiving you their efforts, so we are here to learn to share the Dharma, let us have the opportunity to learn the Dharma, let us have the opportunity to share knowledge and enhance their Dharma and Dharma knowledge to use in our daily lives, help themselves, also help others

    Thanksgiving you who try to make us the opportunity to accumulate merit, let us even among busy life, still have a platform, we have the opportunity to lead and lead accumulation of merit, let us have the opportunity to accumulate merit so that we have more opportunities to reach Dharma, let us have enough merit to support our practice the dharma

    Thanksgiving you their efforts, so that we have the opportunity to learn patience, even if no matter how much it hurts being, we all understand it was more than we paid, insults and more, we have the damage is so insignificant, let us in life and know how to shame

    Thanksgiving you have to pay, let us know what is Dharma’s great love, and bodhicitta, let us know in daily life, no matter what happens, we still have to learn compassion, mercy treat each and every sentient beings

    Thanksgiving efforts of you, let us have a chance to protect a pure Dharma heritage and continual, the true continuation to it, especially the young generation, so we have a platform to store our knowledge and pure Dharma heritage , so we understand the importance of this heritage and practice the law, and how the Dharma into our daily lives

    Thanksgiving efforts of you, let us have a sense of belonging again, let us get back to his home, so we are no longer helpless, let us unite, let us have the opportunity to help each other, protect and support each other, let us You can put the Buddha’s teachings of peace and harmony to protect and support our brothers and sisters in every Dharma

    Thanksgiving efforts of you, wish you were all well

    Humble me, I hope this website will not stop running

  28. Don’t waste time ask don’t close website. You go against Dalai Lama, you fail, you lose. This is what happen. Don’t waste time fight Dalai Lama, don’t waste time fight among Buddhists. Very good ds.com close. This is the end of fight. Everywhere got good monks and bad monks. If practice not good, have many bad monks. Stop have bad monks like Losang Tenpa. Protect Buddhists. Stop practice Dorje Shugden.

  29. No matter what happened, DS.com cannot be sacrifice! We must support this website not to close down. Over millions people is go in and out from here daily. Many people looking for it new post every day. On other hands it’s facebook fanpage also over millions people is viewing, that is the simple reason why I request cannot close it. Because if the administrator close down this website seems like they didn’t thinking about the million people needs. I didn’t blame DS.com administrators made this decision; however I hope the administrator think twice before close up the website.

    It is very important to remain this website because this website is one of the influential online recourses for Dorje Shugden.

    DS.com is powerful website among all other website. Everyone don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any agenda about other Shugden website. My appealing for this website don’t shut down because I appreciate what they had contributed for all Shugden community. May be I not qualify enough to appeal remain this website, but I believed many also have same feeling like me. DS.com administrators, please consider my appeal to all of you, thank you!

  30. What a pity. This site is the definitive website with plenty of information providing practitioners and non practitioners of Dorje Shugden to understand better the controversies surrounding this dharma protector. Other websites do provide information but not as detailed and updated compared to this one. I hope the people behind dorjeshugden.dom will reconsider not closing this site down. You guys have been doing a fantastic job. Thank you.

  31. Oh gosh..I just read this ” …why don’t you ask “Losang Tenpa” what happened to the money from the Gaden Choling fund??? Sangha Jewels collected $5774 (approx 354,523.60 rupees) for the Gaden Choling Legal Fund from the public, but only paid out 270,324.68 rupees to the changtso of Samten Choling. Go and see for yourself http://www.fundrazr.com/campaigns/4o3D2 Losang Tenpa uploaded receipts to make it look like he’s being open and transparent but it STILL doesn’t add up. What happened to the remaining 84,198.92 rupees? Can any Shugdenpa answer?…”

    This is terrible and horrible. Can Losang Tenpa comes out and clarifies? Is this true? This shouldn’t be happened. There is enough suffer, pain and damages done by CTA and his supporters to the Shugden practisioners. To use monastery’s name, to use poor situation of your monastery, your fellow sangha to get money for yourself is totally sinful and wrong. The negative karma is heavy and bad. If you or your friends are doing this, please stop it immediately.

    Apologize, stop the wrong act sincerely, and do not revenge…Taking revenge only make your situation worse. In front of karma, no one ever escape from whatever they have done. Bad will return, good will return as well. Even we hide ourself in somewhere people cannot see and keep doing what is negative, there’s one person who knows the truth – we ourself. We will be punished not by Buddha, or our friends/family/enemies, but our karma.

  32. I agree with Lobsang Dekyong!
    To me if the owner of DS.com want to hide the identity it’s ok…why?
    This website has been giving so much benefits to a lot of people, protecting and spread the doctrine of Lama Tsongkhapa and providing latest update of Dorje Shugden news. This website generally is doing good for people so why we want to know who is behind it since we know exposing these great people that showing the truth of the baseless ban of Dorje Shugden practice will bring great harm to them!

    This is not something new and it has been a hot matters even that also been posted in the website. The only party that eagerly to expose the great people is the CTA with the great violent intension towards them. So since we know these why we still moving towards it?

    The important thing here is the owner and the team that created and maintaining the website have done a good job and contributed so much for the people around the world with the content.

    Just because of a monk that have so many criminal records that trying to pull the website down…..i don’t feel is worth it. He has nothing beneficial to exchange with the website. The monastery should continue to pursue this issue and get Losang Tenpa responsible in the legal justice. Should set an example that no one even the sangha should not violate the laws and this is even worst, it is the kind donation for the monastery which is so much heavy bad karma for him.

    We all who have benefitted or if we think this website is a great jewels for our practice we should support and protect DorjeShugden.com.

  33. This website has benefited millions of people even when Dorje Shugden practise is being banned and suppressed by CTA. Imagine when the ban has been lifted, when people can choose to practise at their own freedom without fear, how many more people can get benefits from this website? Please do not shut down this website. We need you to lift the ban, we need you more after the ban has been removed. Please convinced your sponsors and committee to remain this website. This is not as simple as just a website. This is about the life of millions!

  34. Remaining anonymous is and has always been the smart way of maintaining this treasure trove. I would love to see this place continue its good work in providing up-to-date and good information pertaining to Dorje Shugden. There must be a way to do this I’m sure. I hope that this platform continues serving the way it has because it has educated, informed, and helped many I’m sure.

    May the practice of Dorje Shugden spread in the ten directions!

  35. @SteveRogers,

    Steve, whilst I appreciate your support for dorjeshugden.com to remain in operations, I also realise that your mind may have been influenced by rumours you have heard. Only you would know what that source is and how reliable it is, or not.

    If the Administrators of DorjeShugden.com chose to remain anonymous it would be to preserve the conditions that have allowed them to bring accurate news and tap into leads which will not otherwise be available. There is nothing untoward in that decision. However, your choice of words, ‘skullduggery’ for instance immediately betrays your underlying thought i.e. that by remaining anonymous
    dorjeshugden.com is being deceptive and using trickery for negative purposes.

    You see, that is your unspoken conclusion of the Adminisrators, which you may not even have realised. And that thought is there NOT because you personally have any knowledge and experiences of such such things (nor anyone else for that matter) but because you have heard baseless accusations from sources you assumed to be reliable. On the contrary you yourself have said many times that dorjeshugden.com is a good site. How can a good site that produces results that are positive towards all Shugdenpas’ goals, be harmful to the same people at the same time?

    I have asked over and over again for details of any wrong doing or skullduggery on dorjeshugden.com’s part and I have not received any, probably because there are none. And as you and I both know, the rumour mills have been spinning until perhaps only recently.

    This site has received a number of letters of thanks from quite a few high masters and when one accuses ds.com of being involved in deception and harmful activities, one is in fact saying, either these masters have no wisdom, clairvoyance and omniscience at all or that they may be in collusion with this site.

    The only way to clear all doubts is for all such dubious information to be tabled and the reliability of the source investigated and tested. I am writing because I know you to be a person of reason and one who succumbs ultimately to truth, logic and reason and not gossip.

  36. I can’t believe this. Why must DS.com be sacrificed for the sake of someone who has no integrity at all?

    Losang Tenpa could not clarify where have the money he collected i.e. 84,198.92 gone to?

    Stealing from Sangha is really really serious negative karma. And yet why do we care what he said about who was behind DS.com?

    His words cannot be trusted. Not at all. He is telling lies about the donations he received from using monasteries’ names.

    Why DS followers should trust someone who already had 17 criminal records instead of DS.com that have benefited millions of sincere DS practitioners?

    Why should the DS.com reveal its leaders and staff?
    That is NOT important to us.

    Their works are important. Their contributions are important. Their efforts are much much superior than the selfish agenda of one named Losang Tenpa.

    Just because he was exposed than Losanf Tenpa retaliated by throwing all kind of accusations and attempted to smear good names and reputation of DS.com along with other highly established organisations.

  37. Dear ds.com Admin

    You guys have been doing a great job, bring accurate information to the practitioners worldwide. And helping to spread this beautiful practice worldwide with all the good works you have been doing with your mailouts and other items.

    Taking down this site will be a loss to so many, many practitioners and non-practitioners alike.

    Please re-consider your decision. Much thanks.

  38. Under the veil of anonymity? Why bother who is behind this site? What matters is does this site bring accurate and up-to-date information to all who are interested? I believe they are a group of talented and dedicated people who are committed to bringing this practice to loads of folks out there.

    Keep up the good work ds.com.

  39. I agreed 100% with you Daniel Bear. You have said the most logical points with regards to this issue in your reply to Steve Rogers.

    Yes there must be good reasons why the people behind DS.com remains anonymous.

    I would say the reason would be similar to the reason adopted by animals right group PETA. It is to facilitate their works to obtain accurate information and proof of abuses arised from the ban imposed onto DS followers. PETA investigators need to hide their identity and sneaked in to animals farms, slaughterhouses to video tapped the abuses.

    So it would be exactly why DS.com people cannot expose themselves. Otherwise, they won’t be able to get the much needed information. And with the violence being inflicted on DS followers, by revealing their identities, DS.com people will put their own lives on top of the hit list provided by CTA.

    DS.com please continue until the ban is brought down. Please do not shut down. We need your presence and supports to stay on with us.

    Please reconsider your decision. Thank you.

  40. I have been reading the information from this site for the last 3 years and my friends has always spoken highly of this website. For us this is the site to be for Dorje Shugden, especially for news and updates on what is happening around the world with regards to Dorje Shugden the Protector.
    Also, the prayers and the sharing on the Teachings of the Buddha is great for us as well.
    Hence, I really think that to close this site, whatever the reasons is counter to the original. While, i respect the administrators for the decision, I really would like to appeal to them to reconsider.
    I am sure this crisis will lead to something greater if we are steadfast in supporting the activities.

    I have asked my friends to do their part to help in whatever way the administrator advise.

    Will continue to support you guys.
    Thank you.

  41. @Daniel Bear and DS Star

    I am in complete agreement with the points you have raised in support of the administrators of this website remaining anonymous. Personally for me what matters is the content on the website which matters ultimately.

    This website gives information which makes people contemplate. It is through contemplation that we choose our stand on the matter. Therefore, it does not matter who provides the information but the substance of the information. And effectively we decide where we stand. Those who find this site beneficial continue to come, and those who don’t just move on in pursuit of what they want. I do not think it is mature or appropriate to attack this website unless of course the contents stand true and the truth hurts, then people attack with allegations. This then raises the issue whether it is the website or the delusions of others?

    This issue of Losang Tenpa on the other hand is most disturbing. Sex preferences openly disclosed while wearing robes?? Non-disclosure of transparency? Criminal records? This person, whom I refuse to address as a monk due to his conduct, should be brought to justice. People like him should not be associated to any fund raising for any religious cause! People have to see this amidst all the sweet pleas and talks.

    This website should continue running for the benefit of many Shugden practitioners. Those who find this site offensive then please go somewhere else, this site is not for you.

  42. Namaste,

    I appeal to the site not to close as we rely on this site for all our information on the Protector.
    Please do not, do not close it for it will be big vacuum for us in the Himalaya regions as the Dalai Lama is strong here.

  43. 這些年來,我都是DS.com的常期讀者,對我來說,它就像是我常期訂的雜誌般,生活沒能缺少它的陪伴。當我昨天遊覽DS.com時,發現這則布告時,心有種種被撕裂的感覺。一整天,我都魂不守舍般,接來的日子不知何去何從,內心很苦悶。






  44. 亲爱的管理员,获知你们关闭的消息,我整个心情跌入谷底! 了解到你们其中的难处和压力,并不是我们一般人想象得到的。你们团队为大家的努力和付出,尤其是雄登修持者,是佛法修持上,以行动来把佛法知识和慈悲,通过可靠的资讯和文章,把正确佛法教育传达給全世界,利益无数人。你们真的太棒了! 面对有心人的攻击,我们应该站在一起,团结起来,面对他们,这将是最大的力量和后盾! 我们不能就这样放弃,一起维护殊胜的雄登护法! 请你们别把ds.com关闭,谢谢。

  45. What Losang Tenpa did, stealing from the monastery is totally wrong. And to divert the attention to DS.com by falsely accusing a high lama and thus endangering his life is downright evil and not befitting of a sangha member. My question remains, why is the monastery still protecting him? I read an apology note posted by Losang Tenpa that he appears to have been written on his Facebook page. Is this sufficient when the life of a highly respected lama is in danger after defaming him through the devious acts of conspiracy with his friends? The point is that if he is innocent as he allegedly had said, then why must he go all the way out to destroy a website that provides for his Protector and monastery? And to drag his friends along. Something is not right here.

    To DS.com, I don’t see a reason why you should close down this website because of someone like Losang Tenpa. Your efforts are not worth throwing away over someone so insignificant. Please, think again. We need you.

    Thank you.

  46. @Steve Rogers and friends here,

    1) A misconduct person like Losang Tenpa embezzle money in the name of helping the sangha, but refuse to stop after being exposed, instead attacking a beneficial website is a crime?


    2) A website team benefited and continue to benefiting many remain anonymous for protecting their life is crime?

    I think you and many others out here are able to differentiate and have your answer.
    Don’t be fooled by few sweet talks and our big ego to attack the true one who is truly benefiting and have the sangha’s welfare in mind.

  47. Dear Admin – Teachers, students, and volunteers,

    In Lama Chopa, Dorje Shugden says:

    “I seek your blessings to complete the perfection of patience, so that even if every being in the three realms, out of anger were to abuse me, criticize me, threaten me, or even take my life, undisturbed I would repay their harm by helping them”.

    He also says:

    “I seek your blessings to complete the perfection of giving, through the instructions on improving the mind of giving without attachment…”


    “In short whether favorable or unfavorable conditions arise, I seek your blessings to transform them into the path of improving the two bodhichittas…”

    Though you’re free to do what you feel, and since you’ve already received all sorts of thank you messages, forgive me for being straightforward but stop whining while you work for the benefit of all sentient beings! Stop expecting perfection in samsara! Be realistic using the mirror of Dharma – this is a wonderful opportunity for you (even if you quit, do it in retrospect) to free your activities from pollution by the 8 worldly concerns. Give up on this life, not on virtuous actions that benefit you and all living beings!

    If for important practical reasons (such as not enough staff or $) you have to quit, we understand, but in your own practice (which is really the whole reason we are all here anyways) you need to stop blaming others for the hardships you are failing to transform into the path. Blame your grasping at this life, blame your samsaric rebirth, blame your self-cherishing and self-grasping, blame your ordinary appearances and conceptions. Now is the time to show your versatile strength, especially within your own minds, for that is the only reason we’re really here!

    The meaning of life is realization. Everything is fuel for realization.

    With much love and support,

  48. I have been reading this website since it started and it will be very disappointing if this site is to shut down. I’ve had so much knowledge gathered through this and I felt the ban is going to be lifted soon.
    Please do not shut down at this moment. Let’s fight for the ban to be lifted.

  49. How can this site be shut down? Pease don’t close it. I’m sure there are a lot of practitioners and supporters out there who also do not want to see this happen. It’s so wonderful to have all the latest news and updates of Dorje Shugden.
    So much work has been done for this site and it will be a shame if it has to be shut down.
    Let’s all work towards the lifting of the ban instead of shutting it down. Please do not close this website.

  50. I can understand why this website remain anonymous.
    Look at what CTA and their influences can do when they get to know the people who are supporters/practitioners of Dorje Shugden

    And these are only some of the issues we see here. What about those that we don’t know of? Who is going to help them? Is it ok for us to just ignore the problems and ban at hand? Or we do something to join the cause?

    Of course we continue to bring information to the world! Show all those who do not know, what is going on!

    Please continue to help those who cannot speak for themselves through continuing this glorious work!

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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