Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shugden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at DorjeShugden.com have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014.

Since its conception, we have spent millions of dollars and countless hours creating awareness through our varied articles, artwork, videos, comics, pendants, statues and other merchandise. However the lack of cohesive support within the community speaks for itself. The consistent unfounded allegations and attacks from WITHIN the Dorje Shugden community have proved disheartening. Everyone has their limits and it appears we have been pushed to ours.

Due to recent events, the sponsors and committee have expressed their displeasure. They have decided that effective November 9th 2014, the following activities will terminate:

- hosting and updating DorjeShugden.com

- Reporting and investigations of the latest news throughout the Dorje Shugden world

- Managing and posting on Facebook and online social media

- Printing of all mail out articles, brochures and various literature. Thousands of mail-outs are printed each month to create awareness

- Costs incurred from postage on mailouts

- Costs incurred from transportation of mail-out items and staff

- Production of statues and images for sale to support the monasteries

- High resolution images for FREE download

- Sponsorship of various Shugden activities

- Sponsorship to individuals who have personally requested DS admin for sponsorship, e.g. plane tickets to teachings.

All funding and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations to the Shugden monasteries will also terminate. Anyone else who wishes to continue this work is welcome to do so, on their own and gather their own information and resources.

We wish everyone good luck in this. We will not be pursuing the ban anymore. If you have any concerns, or wish to give us your opinion, please let us know via our Facebook page or email us at [email protected]



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  1. Dear DS team,

    You should be proud of yourselves that through this website a lot of people have benefitted and also being protected through this site.
    Just because of certain people that is saying bad or untrue stuffs Debbiedoesn’t mean that this site have to be shut down. All good things will have obstacles and let’s work to strive and counter those who doesn’t believe.
    Keep up the good work. Help us to lift the ban too!

  2. So much work and effort has been put it for this website; So many people have been benefited through this website; So many people are learning through this website; More people will be benefited through this website in the future. Please do not terminate it. Thank you.

  3. DS.com is a very beneficial web site especially for practitioners to assess information to get latest up date if this web site shut down then we practitioners will be very difficult to get teaching and also give us a hope to lift the ban please do consider not shutting down this website.

  4. The False Dalai Lama’s speech power is fading.

    At the interfaith event at the Alabama Theatre in Birmingham, yesterday, he was once again beset by communication obstacles caused by the failing sound system: members of the audience were calling out for the speakers to be turned up – even his co-panellists couldn’t hear him.

    In the afternoon, the Regions Field event was also plagued by sound system problems. In the open-air stadium, the FDL was inaudible in the expensive, shaded seats – he could only be heard in the unshaded seats, where everyone was uncomfortable and sweating.

    Outside the stadium, there was a long line of Tibetan people lining up for pizza while their so-called spiritual leader was talking, completely ignoring his speech and his image on the huge and clearly visible screen!

    The media are no longer blindly accepting his version of the issue, asking – and publishing – the views and evidence presented by the ISC. In the past, the coverage of the FDL’s events have always been mainly about him, and the ISC’s protests have been given only a paragraph, as a footnote. This time, the news coverage of the events has been all about the protests!

    Social media discussion of the FDL has been completely devoted to this issue. A journalist from one of the biggest TV news channels in the U.S. said that she checked #dalailama on Twitter just before the FDL’s press conference, as is common practice among journalists now, and it was all about the protests and nothing but.

    We are increasingly seeing people leave his “teachings” early, deeply unimpressed, telling us they couldn’t understand him – or if they could, that his words lacked clarity, profundity or “spirituality”. More than once, we’ve seen people demand refunds for their tickets!

    The power of his speech is fading, while ours is growing stronger and stronger. Despite the obstacles we have faced, the disbelief and anger at our shocking message, the logistical difficulties involved in getting to the demos, the heat, the cold, the issues caused by unscheduled, disorganised and poorly-behaved counter-protests – despite all this our voice is getting louder! The False Dalai Lama is wasting his merit and spiritual power through his selfish actions of maintaining his deception, while we are increasing our merit and our spiritual power through our bodhisattva actions of defending the truth. His merit is running out, whilst ours is increasing.

    There is a saying that lies have short legs; another one says the truth will out. In the end, non-virtue can never win for as long as there are sincere Buddhist practitioners prepared to put others’ needs ahead of their own and stand up for and defend the truth – the holy Dharma.

  5. This website is the most informative site compared to others. This site has the most information on everything including the controversy aspect of Dorje Shugden – the fact and the truth.
    The people behind this site has done a great job so far and it will be a shame to shut down after all the years of effort put into this website.
    Please reconsider and continue with the good work.

  6. Hi DS.com team do not shut down the website because is one of hope to lift the ban without this website there be even more difficult to lift the ban we cannot give up this practice is so beneficial and the more people practice this protector there will be more being be able to released their suffering. In this degenerative era the only way to help sentient beings is Dharma the true lineage the enlighten protector, please do not shut down the website.

  7. Dear all supporters of http://www.dorjeshugden.com,

    This is very clear that until now we are relying too much on dorjeshugden.com to do all the works for spreading news of Protector Dorje Shugden for us. From their special announcement we learnt that millions of dollar and countless hours they had spent on our behalf. I believe this is a very difficult and heart braking decision for them to decide to end this website. As we know for sure Dorje Shugden practitioners never got any financial support from China as what is claimed by the CTA. They must have struggled a lot to their limit that made them announce this. We should show them tangible support from our side as well.

    There is a section here which we can make donation towards their effort to help the sangha : http://shop.dorjeshugden.com/support-sangha.html

    Please do not ever think that anyone of us is too insignificance to make any donation compare to millions of dollar they have spent. I think if everyone of us make some donation according to our own capability, they will see our sincerity and this will encourage them to continue with this great and wonderful website. Please do not take them for granted.

    Thank you,
    Alexi Cedric

  8. I respect and fully agree for the admin to be anonymous. The reason is simple, for security reason. To prevent violent act from CTA which we all know how the Tibetan government act towards people against them. Another factor is being anonymous to me in this case is neutral and unbiased.

    But just like the people had mentioned before what is the matter of knowing who is behind this website? As far as everyone that have following this website and benefitted from this website you all know better how it helps you! So what we need to look high and low for the person behind this website where we ourself can figure it out why they are anonymous.

    In fact for them to work behind the curtain show so much humility. The admin never ask for any direct credit for the individual but just tirelessly work behind and produce the best for the people through the website. What that shocking me is that there are not just working for producing information but also practically raise fund for the monastery and individual who needed.
    To me that is noble and that is compassion. That is dharma.

    Losang Tenpa matters should bring to the law of justice. If he said that he is innocent let the law manage him. The monastery should pursue the right and show the world that everything is being manage legally and fairly. It’s important to show transparency and responsibilities.

    DorjeShugden.com is a dharma cyber that doing dharma in a cyber form to reach the world and supporting and fighting the ban from the Tibetan government which still dreaming for their country freedom where they don’t even understand the real meaning of FREEDOM. How can they achieve it when they promote and practice separatist.

    With this DS.com have to continue to keep providing the truth, the fact, the knowledge and the hope for all the Dorje Shugden practitioners.

  9. Dear Admin and owner of DS.com,

    I plea to you please reconsider your decision on shutting down this informative website and all its related activities. It would be a great waste of past effort if we would just throw in the tower now as we could all feel that the ban would come to an end soon.

    The article posted on your website are of the best in it presentation contents if I may say so. It truly represent the true teachings of Lord Buddha of non-confrontational and only benefit its readers to deepen their understandings of the complex nature of the issue pertaining the ban on Protector Dorje Shugden practice.

    Rather than reasoning based on the instructions solely by spiritual leader, rumours or hearsay and taking their instructions blindly and act out heedlessly, readers are presented with real facts and proofs to refute allegations and physical abuse by some quarters who had taken the whole issue of the ban into their own biased judgement.

    For the preserving Je Tsongkhapa during this degenerating age, your team of hardworking crew who works tirelessly behind DS.com are representation of the true gems of Dharma jewels and Sangha Jewels. Your presence in the internet world gave confident to DS practitioners all over the world that we are not alone and are practicing true Dharma in this era full of confusion and distractions/

    Please continue to spread Dharma through your enlightening activities for the benefits of samsaric being in confusion and those who are protectorless. Thanks.

  10. I agree with Alexi we should not take this website for granted. We need to support.

  11. I am a University student doing Oriental Study, because of my thesis writing, I stumbled across this website. Here, I have obtained quite some information for my thesis. In the process of going through the materials here, I have also learned a lot about Buddhism. I used to think Buddhism is idol worshipping, but I am now convinced Buddhism is a very logical ‘religion’, it is a religion that teach us how to work with the Universal Law to cease our sufferings. I will not say I am a Buddhist, not yet, but I do like its teachings.

    This website is not only for Dorje Shugden followers, it gives good and reliable material for academic purpose too. Please continue with your good work. You have done a good job in educating ignorant people like me what Buddhism is all about.

  12. I think the administrators of DorjeShugden.com have done a fantastic job with this website in providing an outstanding resource. I think it will be a great shame if the website closes. I sincerely hope the administrators will reconsider. I also believe Losang Tenpa has done a great job with Sangha Jewels and it is unfortunate that Sangha Jewels has now closed down. Although some accusations have been made about him people should remember that these are only accusations and just because an accusation is made doesn’t make it true! Remember – innocent until proven guilty – one of the foundations of democracy! I sincerely hope attacks on people’s characters will cease. I also sincerely hope this website continues. It will be a great loss if it closes down.

  13. Dear admin of DS.com

    I am so shocked when i knew that this website is closing down!!!
    Please reconsider as this website benefits us so much. The info in this website are so accurate and fast.
    The DS practice introduced here help myself and my friend a lot. Through website, i knew the linage of DS practice as well as the bad things done by CTA to hurt the DS practitioner.

    Please continue to speak for DS practitioner, we need the freedom of practicing DS.
    Please continue to do the good job to help the ban lifting.

  14. 致雄登网站管理人,

    游覧了许多关于佛法的网站,可是就是感受不到固中的实在感觉 !很多都很深奥难解,虚无漂渺,一天无意中看到了雄登网站,其实有相当多关于雄登网站的资讯,可是更多的是无中生有,偏激,偏袒的说雄登护法是魔鬼 !而且这些抹黑雄登护法的网站都是素质很爛,完全没有深度,只是一味攻击雄登人,我看了深感痛心 !怎么佛教界里会出了这些毫无慈悲心,不辩是非真理,只是一味流氓式的毁谤,真是太离谱了 !!这种人算是佛教徒吗 ??
    但是在这些网站中,我总算看到了你们这些真正依循格鲁宗格巴大師的教法所设立的雄登网站,仔细阅读了之后,欲拔不能,此网站的资讯实在是太丰富了 !!而且立场非常中立 !踓然你们都是雄登人,可是並没有攻击发布禁令的有关当局,只是根据事实而刊登真真实在的最新讯息,尤其关于被有关当局所迫害的雄登人。
    除了以上这些新闻,您们的网站看得出来背后一定有一批專业人才在默默營运,也肯定投入了很多资源设立此网站,让很多想在网络上学习佛法的人得到了满足。利益很多很多现代的忙碌人 。
    雖然我不䁱得发生了什么事情?也不明白为什么好端端的要关闭这个这么好的网站 ?我敢说在网络上根本就找不到这么有素质,可以学习到纯正佛法的网站 !!
    在此我由衷的恳请您们不可关闭此网站,既然它可以造福很多很多人,就让它继续的帮助更多的人,不是很好吗 ?不关是最明智的决定,关闭可是錯误的决定 !请求管理人三思再三思。。。

  15. It is great to know that you’d took good decision to shut down the website and terminate all your wrong-doings. I really appreciate for your decision.
    Perhaps some of your followers might feel disappointed, but it is better to explain them the truth and accept all the guilt that you have done in the past.
    At last not the least, please never create any problems on His Holiness the Dalai Lama, CTA and Tibetan Buddhism. You can continue your own daily practice with Shugdhen even it is wrong path.

    Tashi delek.


  16. Dear Admin
    I am saddened to hear that this site will be closing down. Please think over your decision. This site has been very informative not just for me but also for all the younger generation of the DS community who will have to carry on with the legacy. Similarly for the non DS community who are willing to have an open mind and see reason as to why we want the ban to be lifted. Please continue with the good work that you have been doing, providing resourceful information to the masses. We appreciate your support and you have our gratitude. We humbly request you to kindly maintain this site. Chatring Pao Jamyang n Family 🙏🙏🙏


    Duke aka Losang Tenpa aka Darrick Okkelberg aka Tenzin Sungrab aka Sangha Jewels aka Dharma Bridge Foundation has unfortunately been found out to be misappropriating money from Sangha Jewels by the monastery. That is why the Monastery has disbanded Sangha Jewel with their official letter. If nothing was found out, why did the monastery disband them? Are all 800 monks, geshes, teachers all stupid to kill their own cash cow? No they are not! Of course now Shar Gaden wants to hush up the incident and hopefully it blows away. It’s embarrassing and can prove tricky with the Indian authorities. Losang Tenpa took money from the public and he is accountable to the public-FULL STOP. You want to fundraise from the public, then you better be transparent.

    1. He and his partner Abby Citron of Sangha Jewels has over 29 arrests between them for many types of offences (Go to Robert Carey’s fb page and see all the evidence presented- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008191187849&fref=ts) including peddling narcotics concerning minors. That shows lack of morals. Their arrest records are for public viewing. Would you want to do business with this jewel of a business couple?

    2. Losang Tenpa and Abby Citron has over four paypal accounts to receive various funds including selling thangkas online. They have not and will not submit their paypal accounts, statements and passwords to the monastery. The monastery has no records. They take advantage of the fact that most of the monks are not proficient with English and internet fundraising as well as scams. Losang Tenpa found a perfect loophole in this. If the monastery has checked the accounts and it turned out kosher, then Shar Gaden Monastery will not disband Sangha Jewels. Logical?

    3. Just because Losang Tenpa is friendly with you online and is charming does not mean he is not doing something wrong. If he was neutral towards you and you hear of his criminal record, would you not be alert and careful with this person. Don’t protect conmen just because they are your friends. You owe them nothing but you owe the monastery the truth as well as the public. Answer to a higher authority-karma. His style is to charm you out of your money. Don’t be tricked by his smooth talk and ‘monkly’ appearance because most criminals act in such a conduct. The most famous serial killers in history were smooth, suave, very charming and appear as the nice wholesome neighbor next door. There is a reason Losang Tenpa was arrested and convicted SEVENTEEN TIMES. Losang Tenpa claims he has never kept his criminal past hidden, but how could he keep it hidden when it is on the internet for all to see with a little investigation.

    4. Losang Tenpa up till three months ago was on a dating site. Telling the potential dates he is bisexual and seeking true love. What is a monk doing on a dating site? Why is he talking of his sexual orientation? As a monk you should never be on a dating site! What is he trolling for? Would you trust your daughter or son with this person. Now there are new allegations of him perhaps having misappropriate behavior with the young monks. He has hundreds of photos of very young and younger monks and he himself in many poses with them. How convenient as he claims to be raising money for them so of course he needs their pictures. Sound like a racket. Is he selling these photos? On his facebook page (which has been reported and recorded) he has many questionable ways of expressing to one young monk in particular how much he ‘loves’ and ‘misses’ him. Pulling at your heart strings for money or expressing something unnatural or both? Good manipulation by a master conman of 17 arrests. Taking expressions of love to this young monk here out of context, it sounds benign, but when placed next to scores of pictures of this young monk, it looks suspicious and when Losang Tenpa laments about this repeatedly it has raised the eyebrows of many on the net of what his lovelorn heart is missing. His interactions with these young monks does not sound parental. He can erase all evidence on his fb, but it has been saved. Many dare not speak up due to staining Shar Gaden’s reputation of harboring this 17 time convicted ex-convict. Pictures, writings and all information will be submitted to the US, Indian, Nepalese authorities as well as CTA. This is ridiculous. Worshipping Dhogyal is one issue, but harboring such a criminal with a rap sheet that hits the floor is another. People CAN make mistakes but NOT SEVENTEEN TIMES! Wake up. Losang Tenpa is claiming his accusers are ruining his life and friends please support him. Well how many lives did he ruin. Why did he get arrested seventeen times? Would you trust your daughter or son with this person? Do you want to take any chances? Losang Tenpa is not above the law just because he put on robes and suddenly becomes a monk and ‘reformed’. Every religious and non religious organization have their scandals and scandal makers. Losang Tenpa is one of them.

    5. Losang Tenpa should have quietly raised funds through Sangha Jewel and embezzle as he likes. No one would pay attention. But he is nasty on line, accusational and with his accusations puts people’s lives at risk. He makes unfounded statements and threats of others and then turns around and apologizes putting people’s lives in danger. This will not do. Many have spoken up quietly in both the Tibetan and non-Tibetan scenes. Losang, you should have just shut up and just quietly enjoy the money and no one would know the better! Losang Tenpa writes hundreds of private messages to people gaining their favor and making friend with them with the hope they will further advertise/market his Sangha Jewels. More profits. Did anyone ask for statements, proof and accounts of Sangha Jewels? Of course not. Losang Tenpa is a monk and he cannot cheat. Well monks, sorry to say do lie, watch porn, cheat, go on dating sites, disrobe and run away with women and men. They are just humans too. That is not to blame unblemished monks either. There are pure monks needless to say I would assume. When you are raising for an organization, you have to be transparent and share with the public what was raised and what was achieved. What’s wrong with that? You use the public, then you are liable to the public. He has antagonized many people and many people are angry and will take action legally. I am sure the authorities in the state of Iowa will enjoy reading all of this very soon.

    Losang Tenpa has been nasty, accuses people, creates schism among the various online communities and perfect fodder for stuff we read about in Tabloids.This is not meant to hurt Shar Gaden, but nevertheless, Shar Gaden will be implicated. You should have kept quiet and just raise your funds and no one would would know what you are doing. You should not make enemies online or offline! Now the table will be turned on you fully. Losang Tenpa in his online direct and behind the scenes attacks have really upset many people who do not need to go online and express anything, but they will pursue this to the full extent of the law. No one will rest. Losang Tenpa should have kept quiet and misappropriated funds. Let see if all your online friends who supported you and send you their love will feel now. All your friends online and their messages to you are recorded. Perhaps some of them are in on it and need to support you?

    6. When Losang Tenpa first arrived in Shar Gaden many monks complained and it was hushed up that he drank himself to a stupor daily. He would buy beer and alcohol back to the monastery and hide in his room and drink. Urinate in his bed and not even clean up. One senior monk has a talk with him to say this has got to stop. He would be behind locked doors constantly and just drink. You may say that was the past and he is a monk now. But did you stop and think that no alcohol is allowed in the monastery for consumption in the first place? His usual flagrant disrespect of rules and authority. Even prior to his ‘ordination’ he was disrespectful to the rules and regulations of the monastery not long ago. Do you want to go to Shar Gaden and see a lay person holed up in his rooms for weeks drinking away and drunk? Well this had to be hushed up too. But let’s make it simple, the monastery has 800 monks and there are plenty of witnesses and monks talk. Many monks talk and Sangha Jewels money misappropriations are spreading like wildfire throughout the Tibetan world, authorities and it could stain NKT due to Abby Citron’s involvement.

    (Side note: Geshe Kelsang prudently disassociated himself from Losang Tenpa/Sangha Jewels and has told him via his representatives firmly NKT are not involved with Losang Tenpa or Sangha Jewels. Geshe Kelsang is a different story altogether, but let’s not go there. Losang Tenpa has approached NKT to donate and help and they were willing till the scandal hit. But he was firmly told to not use Geshe Kelsang or NKT in anything to do with Sangha Jewels. Interesting to note that Abby Citron is a part of NKT in Florida. What will NKT advise this 9 time convicted dharma jewel? NKT better be swift)

    7. On the Sangha Jewels website (now taken down and defunct) he places the pictures of the abbot, senior monks and monks ‘testimonials’ of how much good Sangha Jewels is doing for the monastery. He does not have the permission of the abbot and all to do this. He simply posts it up and puts up their ‘testimonials’. Another marketing ploy to convince you of how genuine they are using the monks. Hogwash!

    Losang Tenpa aka Duke has full control of Sangha Jewels. None of the monks are legal entities on Sangha Jewels nor the paypals. There are Shar Gaden monks with foreign passports in Europe and America he can ask to join for transparency. But he did not. All monies collected from all four paypal accounts are not handled by the monastery nor transmitted to the monastic bank accounts. Losang Tenpa is the sole person doing all this.

    To add insult to injury, Losang Tenpa was controlling the Shar Gaden facebook page and websites. Feigning to be the monastic officials/administration he would use Shar Gaden facebook page to connect with Sangha Jewels and thank donors using Shar Gaden Facebook page. It really looks legit! When you donate to Sangha Jewels, then Losang Tenpa would acknowledge sometimes using Shar Gaden’s facebook account. Of course you didn’t know this is Losang Tenpa giving you the appearance the monastery approves. He had no permission to do so. The abbot is highly displeased and the rumour have spread throughout the Tibetan world embarrassing the abbot. Losang Tenpa in the attempt to mitigate this scandal is messaging lamas and monks and even relatives of high lamas on weechat in an attempt to convince them of his innocence. Just show all your accounts publicly and then let’s decide. He has left pages and pages of weechat voice messages to various Tibetans to clear his name. What Losang Tenpa does not know is his misappropriation of funds using Sangha Jewels has spread through the Tibetan world. Some of the Tibetans will appear friendly with him and ask him questions or listen to him, but in the process more information is being obtained. Who are your friends Mr. Losang Tenpa?

    Losang Tenpa’s has been dramatically telling people he is leaving Shar Gaden. He has been saying he is going to Nepal for retreat. He will most probably focus on the two Nepalese Tibetan Monasteries (Segyud Monastery and Phelgye Ling Monastery) to continue fundraising as he thinks he has good relations with them and their trust. But let’s make one thing clear, the authorities will be informed thoroughly in Nepal and this will bring investigations to the Monasteries. The monasteries in Nepal do not need this hassle and Losang Tenpa will bring this problem to them if he decides to hide out there or pretending to ‘retreat’. If Losang Tenpa is truly a reformed person and became a monk with good intentions, go and do deep retreats. You don’t need to be on the internet trolling for money. Go and purify your karma of 17 convictions. Keep quiet. Don’t be nasty online to people who oppose your views or who don’t want to involve in your scams and then say you are being bullied or the monastery is being bullied. How to bully 800 monks? Losang Tenpa says nothing, does nothing and helps in no way for the ban of Shugden to be released. Non-existent ban in fact! He instead hides in his room in Shar Gaden drinking beer, arguing with the other guests in the monastery, misappropriating funds via Sangha Jewels, going on dating sites, expressing love to young monks and letting us all know he is bisexual searching for true love.

    None of his online ‘friends’ should be supporting Duke aka Losang Tenpa, and all your other aliases et al just because you are friend with him online, but look at the facts. Protect the sangha from ex convicts. CTA will have a field day with this. Thanks Duke aka Sangha Jewel. For your greed, you stain the reputation of a whole monastery! The honorable thing to do now is to confess up and clear the monastery’s name. Dpn’t take everyone down with you. The only place you found acceptance in your lonely criminal filled life is among the Tibetans and monks and this is what you did. The previous abbot gave you a chance when the monks wanted to kick you out for drinking, don’t you remember? This is how you embarrass him?. Sometimes evidence can be circumstantial but Losang Tenpa created the circumstances. Losang Tenpa aka Darrick R. Okkelberg, for once in your life confess and be truthful. For once in your life after 17 convictions think of someone else and not just yourself. You misappropriated the funds and when found out you try to direct the attention away. Your online friends will not stick by you forever, but one thing for sure, many will keep reporting you to the various authorities.


  18. This is one of the key method to lift the Ban. This is one of the key method to stop Dorje Shugden practitioners being discriminated. This is one of they key method to bring freedom and harmony to Tibetan. There’s no reason to close down this website!

  19. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has prudently removed himself from any association with Duke aka Darrick R Okkelberg aka Losang Tenpa aka Sangha Jewels aka Dharma Bridge Foundation via his representatives. Losang Tenpa has approached Geshe Kelsang to support Shar Gaden but Geshe Kelsang has warned the monks not to do any ‘business’ with Sangha Jewels. I guess Geshe Kelsang has enough of his own scandals to contend with the CTA.

  20. Please, don’t let dorjeshugden.com close down.
    We all need to join together and make the ban come down.
    We need dorjeshugden.com to bring the ban down.

    So many people are supported and helped by your efforts.
    Please don’t give ds.com up.

    Thank you!

  21. Losang Tenpa cannot be called a monk or a sangha. He has mislead everyone online via Facebook and Shar Ganden Monastery. He has 17 felonies and is now claiming innocence. How can anyone trust a person like that?

    DS.com and the Admin team behind this website had been doing great work in the last few years. It would be a waste to let go of such an informative website that everyone in the world looks up to for source of unbiased information.

    Please do not let this website go. We will lend our support to you to lift the ban, more importantly.

  22. I don’t want DS.com to be closed down just because of an ex-monk critising about the Admin team. They have worked hard on this website and it shouldn’t go to waste.

    Continue to spread the dharma teachings of Manjushri and may the Ban be lifted soon. Please Don’t Give Up!

  23. ངས་གོ་ཐོས་ལྟར་ན།དོལ་ཚོགས་ཀྱི་གཙོ་བོ་བློ་བཟང་བསྟན་པ་ཟེར་པ་རྒྱ་གཞུང་གི་སྒོར་མང་པོ་ཞིག་ལྐོག་ཟ་བྱས་བ་དང།དེ་མིན་གཟན་ཤམ་གོན་ནས་སྨད་འཚོང་མ་བཙལ་བ་དང།བྱིས་བ་འགའ་ཤས་ལ་བཙན་གཡེམ་བྱས་རྗེས།དོལ་ཚོགས་ཀྱི་ཚོགས་མི་གཞན་གྱིས་ཤེས་བ་དང།སྒོར་མོ་ཕྱིར་སྟེར་དགོས་བའི་རེ་བ་རྒྱབ་ཕྱིར།བློ་བཟང་བསྟན་པས་དོལ་ཚོགས་ཀྱི་སྒོར་མོའི་ཁུངས་གང་ནས་ཡོང་བ་ཁྱབ་བསྒྲགས་བྱེད་རྒྱུ་ཡིན་ཞེས་བཤད་པས།དྲ་རྒྱ་འདིའི་གཙོ་བྱས་བའི་ངོ་དེབ་སོགས་སྒོ་རྒྱག་དགོས་བ་བྱུང་བ་རེད།ད་ནི་FBIཡིས་ཀྱང་ཞིབ་འཇུག་བྱེད་ཀིན་ཡོད་ཚུལ་གོ་གིན་འདུག།ད་རྒྱ་འདྲེ་འདིའི་རྟགས་མངོན་སུམ་བསྟན་ཀིན་མི་འདུག་གམ།

  24. Not easy I found the website that I can learn dharma. Can say that this the best website with a lot of information. This benefit a lot of people. Please don’t shut down

  25. 这则通告让我心痛非常! 我在英文面子书上了解到这次网站关闭是基于一个洋人僧人洛桑干巴对于此网站的抨击与在网上传达不真实的舆论。这是非常不道德的。这种毁谤与疏离的行为不应该发生在佛法修持者身上。更不应该由一位僧人发起,这是违反戒律的。这种行为应该马上被制止,萨甘丹寺更应该基于这件事情进行严谨的调查,对那位洋人僧人进行适当的处分。萨甘丹寺也应该与此人划清界限以避免名誉受损,保护寺院800位僧人为上策。上百年格鲁派传承不应该被一位破坏者轻易地动摇。太离谱了。


  26. I am not a regular follower of this website. I am surprise to saw the message that this website is closing down?! Why? lack of support? Many people reading your website everyday. I consider that as their support because that’s the reason you started this website i suppose. The forum was active i must say. I didn’t write nor comment much but I love reading it. Does that mean I do not support?

    I am not a Buddhist. I found this website when i was reading some articles about human right. I am discomfort to know about discrimination among people especially among your own races. Tibet is a country that rich of Buddhism culture which to me is a country that the people practice right conducts. So I was very curious how this protector has such a great power to threaten the DLMM to the extend that the bad is commanded.

    No doubt that this website set up so that the voices of Dorje Shugden followers will be heard. Everyone here is fighting for freedom. i do not care it is religion freedom or hence you cannot give up especially at this time when the result started to show. Things may turned better very soon. Don’t you want to see the result.

    Well, it is not about you nor whoever attack this website any more, but for the spiritual and all the support that you have done so far, many followers out there who are suffering and hurt, I am sure they will be very disappointed and lost which I don’t think this is what you want to see.

  27. However difficult it is, DS.com has working so hard to host and updating the latest information about DS. We can download the picture here for free, learn the dharma, and etc. We should protect this website, no closing down. If not, we don’t know where to get the information. PLEASE..PLEASE STAY ON

  28. 成功的秘诀就是坚持,成功的道路一定会有很多的阻碍,重重难关及陷阱,只要咬紧牙关,坚持到底。

  29. http://www.dorjeshugden.com/support-this-website/
    “This website is a support group…… and has no agenda except to spread knowledge on Dorje Shugden”

    As mentioned above, the objective of this website is to spread the knowledge of Dorje Shugden and to close it down will be a waste. I have been promoting this website on various social media platforms and have many friends who read and visit this page.
    They were very surprised that it has so many well written posts and so informative.

    Because of your handwork, I managed to get more people to understand and at the same time, for me to learn as well.

    For many of us who wish to be anonymous, please contribute in other ways for this amazing website http://shop.dorjeshugden.com

    May this website continue to bring the truth to many!

  30. Thanks Robert for the info about Losang Tenpa. This person indeed has committed many criminal events with his partner too.

    The monastery should bring this matter up to the legal authority and let them decide his wrong doing. If he is innocent then he has no worry but even the monastery has taken action to disassociate with him which tells us something here. Every eye will be on the monastery now especially the sponsor. If the monastery doesn’t want to take any action this will not do good to them as how they want to gain trust from the sponsors after this incident where matters kind a close without proper explanation.

    It’s up to the monastery to choose what the best for them.
    Ds.com should not be affected with whatever that pulls them with regards to Losang Tenpa issues. Ds.com has bigger and higher purpose in your work.

    Please continue the website to bring the ban down and spread Dorje Shugden practice to the world.

  31. 亲爱的DS.COM管理员,

  32. ད་དགོད་རྒྱུ་ཡོང་གིན་མི་འདུག་གམ།རྒྱ་འདྲེ་འདི་ལ་དོ་སྣང་བྱེད་མཁན་རྒྱ་མི་སོ་བ་འགའ་དང།ཕྱི་རྒྱལ་རྩ་མི་ཚང་བ་འགའ་ཤས་ལས་སུ་གཅིག་ཀྱང་མི་འདུག།

  33. Dear Admin

    I have been watching this issue very closely since Sunday through the comments of this website, FB page of Losang Tenpa, Abby D. Citron and Sangha Jewels FB page and website (that has been taken down). I watched nervously when people in the name of “friendship” defended Losang Tenpa and Abby without looking at the fact and posted nasty comments in this website. I am happy to read the supportive comments of this post. If you do care and do not want this DS.com to shut down, let’s not make this another lip service of praise and appeal.

    DS.com need a lot of help and support and the last thing it needs is Shugdenpas arguing with each other and pointing fingers at DS.com. This website was born out of compassion to bring the truth and awareness. Something that the hypocrites and CTAs are not capable of doing.

    Let’s be harmonious with each other and support DS.com!!! if you really want DS.com to survive, then you have to implement this in action and not only in words.


  34. 试着回想,为什么?会有这个护法的网站?当初是为了什么而设立了这个网站?原因应该是想把护法知识分享给大家,让禁令撤除 ,让世界个地的人都能得到庇佑。



  35. Thank you Robert for your thorough and detailed exposure of Lobsang Tenpa aka Duke.

    Dear Lobsang Tenpa, if you have a care for the sufferings of the millions of Shugden practitioners , who look with hope at DS.Com to help get the ban lifted, don’t you think you should own up to all you have done? Do something positive and significant to help get this website back on track again!

    If this website closes down, the lifting of the ban will become a very distant hope.This website cannot close down. Its closure will stop the only voice that speaks with conviction and with reason for the lifitng of the ban. it believes in the peaceful way, and rightly so, as the only way to pursue, to get the ban lifted.

  36. What I want to say, many have already said here. I just want to tell you this, you guys have done a great job for DS community, please reconsider your decision. We need you!

  37. for while, like the most of Tibetans, I did not care about this shugden and other deities, I thought it was the issues of high lamas and geshes, not concerns to ordinary people. Then, this issue came out and i was curious but still did not care about it. since last year, this thing become clear and clear to me and it confirms my belief that this shugden is a chinese devil who pretends to be dharma protector.
    why this website needs to be closed down? let’s me guess it, according to some people here,
    Lobsang tempa is a crook, fraudulent and pedophile an ex-monk, and he spent the most shugden money, which of course came from chinese spy agencies, on his pedophile adventures and then some people were not happy about it and want to expose it. then lobsang tenpa want to expose the source of money and the chinese government’s connections. in order to cover up whole criminal activities, everything needs to be shut down, right? kind of funny, then chinese spies are panicked and flock here to continue this criminal activities. FBI is watching!

  38. The special announcement to terminate all the online activities of this website has shocked those that know the website. Whose fault is it that the website will be shut down? Is our own fault. We have not been giving full support to the website. If we really love the website and would like the website to stay “alive”, we need to give our full support. Read all articles shared, post comments, do sharing on social media and actively participate on forum discussion.

    DS.com, please do not shut down. DS community need you.

  39. Many of DS practitioners have been learning a lot since the launch of DS.com page. we got many information on how the ban harming lots of innocent people, we got the truths on how CTA are planning all the attacks, we also got many inspiration on many high lama who is continuing this practices despite the obstacles.

    In summary, DS.Com gives us faith and courage to continue this sacred practice, and have a place to let our voice heard. I SINCERELY APPEAL to DS.COM administrator please dont closed down this site.

    People like Losang Tenpa is a big disgrace to this practice. After reading the post from Robert and check out the links provided on how Losang Tenpa cheating money from the public, he should be send to jail!!! Calling himself a monk and a shugdenpa, his action is totally contrary, committing the heinous crime.

    Losang Tenpa, you must CONFESS all the bad things you have done to the sangha community, and for those who is associated with him in committing the crimes, Please CONFESS all together without delay. ALL you bad behaviour is EXPOSED, all of us know what you have done!

  40. I was sad to hear of such a disturbing news. I have relied on this wonderful website for all my information. It was so well informed and unbiased!! We have so much more to learn… It is our humble request not to give up at such a crucial time. We are grateful for all of your hard work and efforts. Pls. continue to spread the truth. We need your support and you have our full support till the end. Peace!
    -On behalf of my 37 tibetans brothers and sisters frm all over world frm our wechat group.

  41. 340 comments and pleas for dorjeshugden.com to remain open. This is quite remarkable for a spiritual website and clearly reflects on the impact that dorjeshugden.com has made on the lives of its readers and followers.

    From all the sharing, it seems that the work of the website team is a beacon of light in times of darkness. Controversy is something that most people automatically shy away from because it is just too troublesome. The DS,com team evidently persevered over the years and consistently provided detailed information about the Dorje Shugden ban and all related controversies. The vast number of articles, videos, images, tributes etc. on the website have given clarity that is much needed. DS.com team has also set an example to others about the power to confront issues for the benefit of others. If this is not practicing Dharma, I don’t know what is.

    In browsing through the website content, DS.com does not only provide information on the ban and related matters. There is a lot of information about general Buddhism that is helpful and explains in detail the significance of rituals and practices that many Buddhist may engage with limited understanding. For example, there is an article on the power of mantra. Other interesting write ups are about making offering like food and incense.

    This is my first time on this site due to the recent hype I heard from my friend who asked me to check it out and decide on my own if I would like to contribute to keeping it open.

    Well, PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE DOWN THIS SITE as I would love to return often and learn more about Buddhism and also the practice of this interesting enlightened Buddha called Dorje Shugden.

  42. When we realise what we may lose then we realise how we have taken for granted our good fortunes. The news of Ds.com closing had awakened many and it is my sincere hope that we, benefactors of this awesome informative website will wake up and support the administrators with whatever resources that we have.

    It is shocking to read the news from Robert on the conman-disguised monk Lobsang Tenpa aka Duke and it is appalling that an innocent Shar Gaden is put to questioned.

    Information like this is so important to be shared so that no other conman will use the name of innocent monastries to cheat the public and cause chaos in serene places of worship and with the monastic order.

  43. @Gyatso
    Seriously, what are you going on about?

    Perhaps if you read prior comments you could express your thoughts more effectively even to those who may not agree with you. For instance read what Ramon wrote about the event at Alabama Theatre in Birmingham. Looks like HH Dalai Lama has more going against him now than merely this website. And for the record, this website presents deeper information than what you imagine you can comprehend. So please, make more sense in your next post should you want to. People here welcome all comments but be prepared that most of us here want to preserve this website for learning. So even with negative comments we can still learn. But be more effective. Thank you.

    Your comment on Losang Tenpa aka Duke and whatever not he is, is thorough and has shed complete clarity on the issues which I was not so clear about. This fraud must be arrested for his 18th conviction! He cannot be left in robes, it is contamination. The thought of what he is doing to the innocent young monks is despicable. I cannot imagine leaving any child in his “care”. Sick. When convicted he will probably hit his new record of 20 comvictions. But most of all indeed he will have to face the verdict of karma. Cheating monks! That’s sin beyond belief.

  44. If this website close, the most happy person are the people who scare on their truth will be reveal to the world. Especially those have done the injustice to human rights. Please do not close this website for the sake of human rights.

  45. Would like to sincerely request please DO NOT shut down ds.com. This site was my only hope and big courage the ban will be lifted with so many dorje shugden supporter all over the world working together towards same vision. This site is so important shugdenpa get update of activity and see what to contribute within own capacity. Pls help to ask as many as your friends to show support here. Honestly, this site not just dorje shugden site, i have learnt many dharma knowledge from this site. Gratitude for admin and those who sponsor for maintaining!!! Admin pls private message me if ds.com need help, i will try my best to contribute. Pls consider to stay active. Thank you.

  46. Thank you for closing down the website. No more false information.

  47. Thank you dorjehugden.com for your hard work all these years. You have done so much for the Tibetan for the sake of preserving the pure dharma. Hence do not give up so easily. Many people out there need you. I am a Tibetan but i was born in LA. By reading your website I got to know more about what happening to my people and country. I was once feeling very sad being a Tibetan but because of reading your website giving hope and understanding about my people again. Please hang on because I believe there are many people like me out there.

  48. Dear Admin,
    I think that there is a serious wealth of information on this site, years of work making it, and I don’t know another comprehensive site like this. I really love this site. I think you know, whatever happened that Sangha Jewels closed down, it is a very different scenario— they were an organization that I couldn’t tell that much about. I only looked at their page a few times, but your page I look at several times a day, hoping one day to see the words, “the Dalai Lama announced the Shugden ban is over. He said everyone can go back to being friends.” Your site furthers this cause; you are a very well-thought out and legitimate website; I think Sangha Jewels seems pretty new and vague, and I don’t think they hold a candle to you. Please don’t let their mistakes stop your helping all living beings by spreading good and useful information that brings down this ban.
    Furthermore, I think it’s odd this Robert guy is using this site as a forum to talk about how terrible this monk was— Robert thinks Shugden is bad, if the monk is/was a criminal, well, anyone can join a monestary and trick people— happens in Christainity a lot with pastors on TV or something….
    Anyway, I really hope you will keep the world informed of all the helpful information you provide on DorjeShugden.com. Please keep the site going. Thank you.

  49. For those pro Dalai Lama and pro CTA people,

    How can I never see anyone of you commenting on the following post at all?


  50. 请不要关闭DS.com,这平台让许多修持者吸取了很多关于佛法知识和多杰雄登的修持法。禁令还没解除,所以我们不能这么快就放弃,你们的团队为所有修持者所付出的努力不能让他白白浪费,所以恳请你们不要关闭网站,感激不尽。

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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