Bringing Shugden to New York City

May this mural be the cause for many more and much larger images of Dorje Shugden to appear in the world. Click to enlarge. is proud to announce that our first mural has been completed in New York!

As the artist was about to begin his work however, the weather turned against us and New York was hit with several severe winter storms that lasted for a month. As a result, after the artist whitewashed the wall to prepare it for the mural, the wall froze over. He was unable to continue until recently when we were updated with the finished work! The work is magnificent!

This mural was conceptualized to reach a younger generation who would see it as a photo opportunity and spread it around on social media, and therefore multiply the number of people blessed by Dorje Shugden just by looking at him. It was also our intention that the mural would generate intrigue for passersby, and interest them in exploring the background and practice of Dorje Shugden.

We describe here the process of creating this mural, and the benefits of making Dorje Shugden’s image available to all, so that our readers and Dorje Shugden practitioners everywhere can rejoice in the planting of Dharma seeds in countless beings’ mindstreams. May this create the cause for many more and much larger Dorje Shugden murals to spring up around the world, so that people everywhere can be blessed by this sacred image of our Protector.


Check out our other murals:



The location of the mural in Brooklyn, New York

The mural is located between White Street and Bogart Street, which is close to a busy train station (the ‘L’ train stop on Morgan Avenue) and a popular restaurant Roberta’s where Bill and Hillary Clinton dined in 2012. The street is also an active one, across from a large apartment building, and the wall is one of Brooklyn’s most popular. Graffiti artists from around the world come to paint here when they visit New York, so it attracts a great deal of photographers and people looking to see what is new so they can take photos and upload it to social media…great exposure to blessings!



  1. Negotiations are initiated with the building owner to rent the wall for the mural, and written permission is received
  2. Meanwhile, an initial sketch is designed on the computer. It is sent to for further amendments and later, approval

The initial sketch. Click to enlarge.

  1. Measurements are taken for the size of the Dorje Shugden image on the wall
  2. The wall is whitewashed as an undercoat

Due to severe winter weather, the whitewashed wall with the outline remained for a month before the colours and details were filled in. Click to enlarge.

  1. The Dorje Shugden image designed earlier is sketched on the wall, and sent to for approval
  2. Colour is added to the Dorje Shugden image

The finished mural! Click to enlarge.

  1. Details are finalized with the artist and corrections, if any, are made



Unlike regular paint work or decoration, murals can give artists a better opportunity to express their creative and artistic interpretations of an image. Some of the benefits of a nicely-done mural include:

  1. Brightening the local environment. Murals are often colourful and make use of dead space that is otherwise plain and underutilised
  2. Education and a provider of inspiration. Murals can be used to promote positive messages or, in our case, positive images
  3. Promoting creativity. Murals can help to generate further exciting artistic expressions of a person’s thoughts, beliefs and opinions
  4. Create lasting impressions on visitors. Because of their size and contemporary style, a mural with a catchy message can be effective advertising that sticks with the viewer
  5. Effective message boards. Murals can be painted with text large enough for people to read from a distance. Their size captures your attention, whether or not you are interested in the subject
  6. Murals like ours with a large Buddha image on the ground level can attract and bless people when they walk by. Due to their size, passersby cannot help but look at murals and when it is an image of the Buddha, it plants seeds of enlightenment in their minds



The image that inspired our mural

Buddhists do not worship statues and religious artefacts. In the Buddhist tradition, a sacred image of the Buddha is used as an inspiration for creating and spreading positive human qualities, for example compassion and peace.

Dorje Shugden is an emanation of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri so for those who recognise his form, our mural is a visual aid that helps them to recall the great qualities of the enlightened mind, so that we might emulate them ourselves.

For those who do not know who Dorje Shugden is, it creates imprints in their minds to receive the wisdom of Dharma and the Lam rim in the future, since most people find images easier to remember as compared to text. The addition of the website URL also provides interested individuals with a way of finding more information.

In creating as much images of our Protector as possible, we also bring the benefits of Dorje Shugden to many. Who knows, perhaps someone who is in need of spiritual guidance one day happens to walk by our mural and sees the words “For divine help…” and begins the Protector practice from there.

Our mural is located in an area that is very popular for graffiti artists to exhibit their work and creative talents. Because of this, many companies run tours specialising in street photography and they bring thousands of people to our wall to take photographs of the graffiti. Thus our mural being in this area means thousands of people will see it.

Our ultimate motivation is that Dorje Shugden’s practice reaches all sentient beings, to give them the clarity of mind and ability to discern the wisdom which will help them to alleviate their own suffering. This is because Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri, and any practice of Manjushri is very effective for helping us to clear our delusions and ignorance, and to develop penetrative insight and wisdom. Buddha images such as Dorje Shugden ultimately implants the seeds of Buddha awakening within the perceiver. Even if a person sees a Buddha image in anger without faith, by the power of the enlightened qualities of a Buddha, imprints are planted karmically that  they will see a Buddha or meet the teachings in the future.

We plan on more murals throughout large cities. Anyone interested in this project in their cities, do let us know. We are looking for more artists! Or you can do the same in your communities. Arrange a Dorje Shugden painted so all may be blessed.  A blessing can go a long way!

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Your contribution goes towards supporting
our work to spread Dorje Shugden across the world.
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61 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. What a brilliant idea! I hope that this mural will bring awareness about this website that provides objective information about Dorje Shugden so that readers can educate themselves and not behave the same or treat Dorje Shugden practitioners as the blind faith followers of the Dalai Lama did. What the illiterate elders and CTA did was against all that Buddhism stood for and may the younger generation be free to adopt any enlightened protector they feel a deep connection to.

    May all who even have a glimpse of HIM be planted with the seeds of enlightenment .

  2. Wow another fantastic idea from!.

    This mural is located around the busy area in New York and those who pass by will be blessed by Dorje Shugden. For those who go into the website they will be able to learn and understand more about Dorje Shugden and will not be as ignorant as the CTA who until now deny the truth about Dorje Shugden.

    I thank the team behind for always coming up with new ways to reach out to the mass so that more people will be able to benefit from this Sacred Protector.

    May this mural be the cause for more murals to come and bring benefit to more people.

  3. What a awesome idea.
    I believe the stretch of street will be very blessed and may DS work and tradition spread in the US.
    Keep it up ppl…

  4. You guys never cease to amaze me with your brilliant ideas to market and promote our sacred enlightened Dorje Shugden! I love this latest effort, I find this modern and arty and it catches well with artistic people, it’s not too expensive compared to billboards, it’s at almost ground level and attracts pedestrians and motorists. Fantastic work!

  5. Thank you for having such a brilliant idea of mural. Thank you so much for your effort. The mural will bring tremandous benefits to whoever passes by here. The planted the imprint of Dorjeh Dhugden in their mind. How meritorious. NYC is very fortunate to have Dorjeh Shugden guarding and protecting them. I am so happy to receive the news. In this way, many young people will be attracted to it and started to go online and learn about Dorjeh Shugden, the most powerful guardian in the degenerate time. May we all be blessed by Him always. you are great!

  6. Amazing! I totally love it! Wish there are more DS murals all over the world! Thank you for the wonderful explanation on how to create the murals and also the benefits of creating one. I’m sure many more people across the world are now planning to have one (or more!) done in their country as well!

  7. Wow, truly a modern and beautiful thangka. It is a great blessing to whoever cast their eyes on it. By its power, it also blesses the area. May many more of these thangkas cover the space on earth.

  8. To paint up walls that are unused or barren is excellent, making use of dead space. To have the wall with Dorje Shudgen is truly fantastic. You get manifold benefits with one space that would have been dead anyways. The big apple is truly blessed to have Dorje Shugden, wait till the CTA see this.

  9. Thanks for sharing this wonderful Dorje Shugden’s mural. It is so colorful and have brighten up the environment. Plus, as a blessing for the everyday people who see this mural.
    Excellent idea!

  10. I personally like street arts a lot, probably it gives a sense of freedom to express. Incidentally, Dorje Shugden practices has been banned by CTA, and this mural of Dorje Shugden gives a sense of freedom to me as well.. and it is the freedom to practice.

    I am sure you need to pay the artist, and I would like to know if there is a way I can contribute to this? Do you have an email I can send to, or paypal account?

  11. I love street art and normally will visit places with it when I travel around. It is such a creative ideas to have Dorje Shugden mural! It is not just creative, beautiful but also blessing all the people and even animals that pass by the mural!

    Thank you so much for also taking time to share the process of creating this mural, the benefit so that we can duplicate in other places or our neighborhood.

    Please let us know if there is any way we can also support for sponsoring the painting or renting the place for mural! May there murals of Dorje Shugden in each corner of the world to bless all!

  12. Very cool and well drawn mural of Dorje Shugden. Is there a spirit there? I don’t see it and neither do any normal people would. This is an image of a person riding on a creature. Something must be really wrong for some people who kept insisting that this is a spirit. Look for yourself!

  13. Comparing before and after the wall painted with Dorje Shugden’s image, I can see the huge different – with the later shining through, brighten up the corner and bring attention to passer by with the colorful and cheerful mural. I like it!

    May every wall at every corner of of the wall painted with murals of Dorje Shugden and may all be blessed with the Buddha of Wisdom.

  14. 好棒的壁画!一个街头艺术作品,一定能吸引路过的人多看几眼,想对护法多了解。通过这个方法,真的可以制造更多善因,路过的人多会获得护法的加持,真的是可喜的事。

  15. 壁画或是涂鸦艺术是传达讯息的一种方式。在美国是非常普遍的。许多的年轻一代都喜欢以这种方式将内心的不满,或是内在的讯息传达出来,可以是积极正面的,也可以是消极负面,但我相信作画的人所能领悟的生活智慧也应该有限(不排除当中有一些极有深度的修行者,但相信较少)。


  16. This is so cool! This is the first of its kind that I have seen before and I am loving it! Brilliant idea from the ever present people in it is creative and I believe this will be a hit among the youngsters!

  17. Awesome murals of Dorje Shugden, thanks for the creative idea to bring strong imprints to all sentient beings in such skillful way. Salute and appreciate team efforts.

    1. Unlike regular paint work or decoration, murals can give artists a better opportunity to express their creative and artistic interpretations of an image. Some of the benefits of a nicely-done mural include:

    2. Brightening the local environment. Murals are often colourful and make use of dead space that is otherwise plain and underutilised

    3. Education and a provider of inspiration. Murals can be used to promote positive messages or, in our case, positive images

    4. Promoting creativity. Murals can help to generate further exciting artistic expressions of a person’s thoughts, beliefs and opinions

    5. Create lasting impressions on visitors. Because of their size and contemporary style, a mural with a catchy message can be effective advertising that sticks with the viewer

    6. Effective message boards. Murals can be painted with text large enough for people to read from a distance. Their size captures your attention, whether or not you are interested in the subject

    7. Murals like ours with a large Buddha image on the ground level can attract and bless people when they walk by. Due to their size, passersby cannot help but look at murals and when it is an image of the Buddha, it plants seeds of enlightenment in their minds

    Its truly bless when combine a scared and holy Dorje Shugden image in murals, rejoice to NY citizens that can be blessed even take a glance from far…

    May DS murals will be paint in others state so more and more sentient beings will be benefited _/|\_

  18. This is a very nice piece of art! It fits New York very much. By placing this mural at the busy street of Brooklyn, many people will be exposed to this Buddha of Wisdom and to this helpful website. I’m sure that the CTA will enjoy this piece of art & the exposure it has to bring people’s attention to the practice of Dorje Shugden, and the CTA’s dirty jobs behind!

  19. Dear Kris,

    I’ve found this link for donation to be made to this website.

  20. What a cool idea! Using Street art to appeal to the masses is definitely a unique idea to bless everyone who walks by. Another totally out-of-the-box concept by Well done! I like it that the benefits and process are clearly spelled out in this article.

    Hopefully this will inspire DS practitioners in other cities worldwide to follow suit. Please do post other murals up here when they come up! I look forward to it!

  21. 无法想象到如此神圣的多杰雄登竟然会以涂鸦的方式呈现。



  22. I rejoice that such a beautiful piece of art is painted in such a popular location for many to be blessed by merely gazing and walking past this powerful protector Buddha. I thank this website for all this work they do all over the world.

    I remember when I was living in Hong Kong I had picked up a little brochure on dorjeshugden and was guided to this website. I also received another one in Macau. I have also since ordered by statue from here. This website and the knowledge and the practices has allowed me to strengthen my faith and connection to this Protector.

    Here is another simple article for the benefits of Buddha Images.

  23. This dorje shugden mural absolutely is a landmark for that area to draw attention!
    This mural could act like a 2D modern temple cum artistic advertisement. With the URL at the bottom, it directs the curious people to a virtual library of dorje shugden. It’s like movie The Chronicle of Narnia, a door that leads you to a brand new world. In this case, curiosity doesn’t kill a cat, it benefits the cat. hehehe

    Let’s do this like how Banksy does his street art that spreads all over the world. What about a cross over ? :P

  24. This dorje shugden mural absolutely is a landmark for that area to draw attention!
    This mural could act like a 2D modern temple cum artistic advertisement. With the URL at the bottom, it directs the curious people to a virtual library of dorje shugden. It’s like movie The Chronicle of Narnia, a door that leads you to a brand new world. In this case, curiosity doesn’t kill a cat, it benefits the cat. hehehe

    Let’s do this like how Banksy does his street art that spreads all over the world. What about a cross over Dorje Shugden x Bansky ? :P

  25. You guys never fail to amaze and wow me with your unwavering devotion, effort and CREATIVITY! You truly represent qualities all Buddhist practitioners should have and have acted in accordance to Buddha’s teachings benefit others. This is an inspiring method to plant imprints to the mass using murals at high traffic area. Is this commercialise marketing? Perhaps. But isn’t all visual communication used to promote, create awareness and tell a story? When there’s something as beneficial such as Dorje Shugden’s practice, it’s worth sharing and promoting in others. Otherwise it’s plain selfishness to keep what we know for ourselves only. Good job!

  26. Wow! Fantastic idea! Now more and more people will find out about of Dharma Protector and the injustice ban that hides itself behind the mask of a compassionate Buddhist nation.

    I wish and hope to see more of this all over the world :)

    This is incredibly creative to plant seeds of Dharma to many passer-bys without them even knowing! Should get more artist to do lots more of this :)

  27. Rejoice… this is an amazing art work. It is modern, colourful and attractive. It will surely appeal to the social media savvy generation who finds such depiction of a Buddha appealing. We gotta be skillful in delivering our messages to the world. Many people are still equating superstition to spirituality. When a person is directed to a website like they will be exposed to knowledge and wisdom that is crucial to one’s spiritual path. There is always a need for a faith but not blind faith.

    I am very happy that at, you guys are working hard to spread the Dharma through all possibly ways.

    Thank you for your hard work.

  28. OMB! This is so super cool. Personally I love graffiti or I prefer to call it street art. I grew up with them on the back streets of Melbourne. This mural is one of a kind. Well done whoever you are, you guys got this really well thought out and executed. May many be blessed by the image of this intriguing mural.

  29. Wow, this wall painting is really beautiful, it brings so much colour to the area, it lights up the whole environment. As an art piece, it is beautifully done, as a spiritual practice object, the surroundings and sentient beings will receive so much blessings. Bravo!

  30. It’s really beautiful…I always love paintings that are very colorful..& this is Dorje Shugden and it’s in the center of town.Everyday people will be passing by and catch a glimpse of the beauty of this mural.
    This is gonna be something very unique in Brooklyn
    This is the kind of thing that makes you smile when you stumble upon it and remind you that sometimes you don’t have to go too far from home to find something unexpected that makes your heart happy.May all be blessed by DS.

  31. I think this mural is very beautiful. We should have more of these in prominent cities around the world.

  32. Wonderful idea!!!

    The mural image is a combination of ancient powerful practice and modern powerful visual tool; the idea is a combination of compassion and skillful means, so my Lord Dorje Shugden can expose to more people.

    Now this might not in a traditional appearance as an outdoor statue, but the mural serves the same purpose to bless and to plant Buddha’s seed.

    May more people from different countries executive it in their places and make more mural like this!

  33. Dorje Shugden looks very happy in that mural, and he just looks like he is in the right place. This is a modern way of painting the Tangkha, instead of restricting the painting inside a monastery, the thangka comes to life and has walk into the neighborhood! May all the people who walk pass Dorje Shugden is bless by him and creating a strong imprint in everyone’s mind.

  34. Fantastic! A great thanks to for not only sharing fresh and informative messages online, also creating such a beautiful Dorje Shugden mural in New York street. To have a Buddha image in the middle of Samsara to bless everyone regardless of their faith, race or background is such a brilliant idea. Many will be benefited from it. Rejoice!

  35. 好生动的一幅壁画,好美,愿所有路过的人都可以得到护法的加持。

  36. 好开心。。第一幅壁画终于完工了。我相信将来会有更多的壁画出现。禁令很快就会解除。那时厚就可以光明正大修持雄登法门了。随喜随喜

  37. 隨喜!隨喜!好美的一幅雄登壁画,愿世界的每个角落都可以有雄登护法的壁画,让更多的人都可以得到加持。

  38. Thank you for your innovative idea of sharing Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden to the New Yorkers via this mural. has always bring inspiring stories and news, I am happy that this inspiring news is initiated by

    Please continue your work and may your effort promote Dorje Shugden to many around the world.

  39. 美国纽约是一个崇尚宗教自由的国家,所以在这自由的国度以塗雅的方式來突出雄登法门的弘扬,真可谓十分有創新,也可以吸引很多路人的注意,不论男女老少都可以从中种下一个善因。連周遭的猫狗,昆虫,老鼠等等衆生皆可得到护法的庇佑。

  40. 祈愿每人看到多杰雄登的佛相画能得到加恃1

  41. I always like to see murals on streets, first time seeing DS mural appears in New York street, it is very beautiful and attractive, sure will appeal to youngsters.
    May many more murals will be created and to bless city folks, to plant the seeds for them to receive dharma.
    Thank you to come out such a brilliant and creative idea .

  42. May the image of Dorje Shugden benefits many in New York city. By sharing of the article in, may more of the murals be made in the cities around the world to create a lasting impressions to visitors!

  43. This is so cool!!! I am going to have a competition with my friends, the first person to find this mural and taking a photo with it and share it on social media will be the winner!!!

  44. 在纽约一个时尚艺术地区,能够出現一幅殊勝美丽的雄登壁画,真的非常欢喜。有心人非常聪明和善巧用这方法去画了这幅雄登壁画给予加持还带給这地区增添艺术气息。看了后真大快人心,希望以后会在世界各地都会出现许多雄登壁画。法喜

  45. 好漂亮的壁画,太赞了!!!做画的人真是心灵手巧…这 一幅殊勝美丽的多杰雄登护法壁画既能增添艺术气息,更重要的是可以加持到访者,也可以為沒看到的人種下成佛的因 ! 愿多杰雄登禁令早点解除,能够利益更多的众生 !

  46. I rejoice for the first Dorje Shudgen mural in New York city whereby initiate by This is the first one and I believe such beautiful art of Dorje Shudgen should have more to come. We should appreciate the hard work of those people in They really have done a lot of ground work to make it happened. More people get to see the holy image and creates the imprint in their mind. The mural can trigger them to get to know more about Dorje Shudgen. This is just so wonderful.

    I urge more people to appreciate the hard work of We need to give full support to in whatsoever way if we expect such beautiful mural more to come all around the corner of the whole world.

  47. Ohhhh my…. I’m a graffiti freak! This Grafitti Dorje Shugden is amazingly stunning. It’s a brilliant idea to have a DS mural on the street to let more people to connect with this powerful protector. Love the idea and work so much. Especially the words FOR DEVINE HELP! More people will be benefitted by practicing DS when they see this. You guys are brilliant :)
    I really hope to have more DS murals on the street. Especially to all over the world hehe…. I will absolutely visit this place when I’m in New York!!! May more artist get involve in this “project” and help the ban lifted quickly ;)
    Keep up the good work and good cause! You guys ROCK!

  48. 在那里居住的居民真的得意不浅,天天都能看到颜色鲜明的多杰雄登护法涂鸦!谢谢涂鸦这幅画的艺术家!选择了护法,让看到这涂鸦的人,都能得到庇佑和保护。给你赞一个!: )

  49. 好美的一幅壁画,好有创意的艺术把护法画到好生动,希望这些壁画让走过的人都可以种一个善因,路过的人看到这壁画,都可以得到护法的加持。

  50. 太感谢DS.COM的同胞们那么努力的宣扬多杰雄登护法的肖像,这一次还是那么的有创意把护法通过壁画方式来达到和更多的人结缘。在这纽约的城市出现这样摩登的护法壁画还是头一遭。很好的一个点子,容易引人注目,只要望一眼任何的众生都得以加持,护法并不会因为把它变成壁画而减短了加持力。


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Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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