On 8th December 2017, the Central Tibetan Administraton’s official website went down for several hours. During the outage, the website’s layout changed multiple times. This stock image was the website’s banner for at least an hour, as part of a stock WordPress template.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Kay Beswick
The troubles just seem to be mounting for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). For several hours on 8th December 2017 (Friday), the official website of the CTA (Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala, North India) went down and all of its pages were rendered totally inaccessible.
Observers noted that in the time since the website first went down, its status was inconsistent. The outage was first noticed at around 2:10pm (GMT) when it was noted that the layout of the website had been altered, in particular the disappearance of the right column. This is the section of the website that advertises standard information that the CTA finds most significant, including information against the practice of Dorje Shugden. During this time, it was also noted that although the front page looked almost standard (with the exception of the missing right column), none of the links on the website worked. Clicking on any of them would lead to a standard announcement about an error.
Less than an hour later after this initial outage, a maintenance notice appeared on the website, trying to dismiss the technical issues as regularly scheduled maintenance. It should be noted that this announcement has rarely, if ever, been reported before.

Over the several hours that the website was down for, the status of the site kept changing from a stock template, to an announcement of regularly scheduled maintenance, before reverting back to the CTA’s website template but containing totally unaccessible links. Click to enlarge.
Approximately three hours later, it was noted that the entire website’s customizations had disappeared and their layout had reverted to the original WordPress template. There was even a link inviting people to log in to the administrative area of the site, as well as dummy text on their homepage (see video below).
Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
Without any website defacement or any hacking group leaving their tag to claim responsibility for this state of affairs, it seems logical to conclude that the CTA’s website going down is the result of incompetence, “performance deficit” and “dereliction of duty” (as per what they accused Penpa Tsering of). This conclusion is also supported by the fact the website’s status keeps changing. It indicates the technical team is aware there is an error but no one can figure out where the error lies, or how to fix it. Each solution they have attempted to implement has not been successful in resolving the problem.
The irony of this situation, and its karmic links has not gone unnoticed. The CTA has an extensive history of using online platforms to cause division and schism in Tibetan society, and to spread misinformation and lies about people who refuse to toe the party line. For example, they are well known to use social media channels like WeChat, Facebook and YouTube as platforms for their propaganda against the Kagyus, the Jonangpas as well as their political opponents such as Lukar Jam and rangzen supporters. They have also previously funded anti-Dorje Shugden websites to direct hatred, harm and discrimination towards Shugden practitioners. They have used social media to publicize lists of Dorje Shugden practitioners to falsely label them as ‘anti-Dalai Lama’ and thus identify them as deserving targets of violence.
For the many communities who have been victimized by the Tibetan leadership for the last six decades, the outage of their website offered slight, if any, respite from the abuse they have suffered for decades. For a few hours, the CTA’s instrument of vitriol and hatred, sadly disguised as ‘democracy‘ and ‘freedom of speech‘, was not functioning to spread lies around the world.
Will the CTA learn any lessons from this, or will they continue to abuse the tenets of free speech to oppress those who do not share their same views? Given their track record, it seems highly unlikely this will be a lesson that sticks. But one can always hope as we see more and more instances of a government that is finally having to face the consequences of exploiting the goodwill of the world. It is all the Tibetan people can do, as they start to uncover all of the lies that have been sold to them by their very own leadership for the last 60 years.

The CTA’s website with a stock WordPress template and banner. Clearly someone was trying to fix the error but was unsuccessful. Click to enlarge.
Kim Hyun Jae
December 29, 2017
From the last I checked, on the right side bar of the CTA’s website or tibet.net there is still the link to Shugden page and the listing of those who protected against HH the Dalai Lama in USA and Europe remains. The CTA’s stand against Dorje Shugden is prevailing still. This is most hurtful even though HH the Dalai Lama is noticeably changing his stand against China and Tibet and sending his own envoy to discuss his return to China to visit Wu Tai Shan on a private visit.😤😠
L Lhundup
December 30, 2017
The registration of “[email protected]” and “antishugden.com” is really damning evidence of how the CTA, which has no legitimacy in meddling with religious affairs, seeks to divide instead of unite the Tibetan diaspora.
Sack them all.

christine victor
December 30, 2017
Well, seem their website is up again and continue to harrass Dorje Shugden practitioners, continue to contaminated the Buddhism lineage and continue to tell lies. : http://tibet.net/
Lesson learned- i dont think so😤
Eli Buchen
December 30, 2017
CTA faces fires everywhere, and it is in real danger of capitulating, there is a new air of change coming from Dalai Lama’s future visit being planned.
Such is the ways of samsara, CTA has run of good karma to serve the Tibetan in exiles, because they served themselves a hell lot more than the people they were supposed to help.
Time to fall CTA, the beginning of the end began with the downgrading of TGIE till the name CTA. Tyranny cannot last in the face of truth and reality. I hope before CTA capitulate they would be kind enough to reverse all their negative policies that got them into this hot soup in the first place, ie the Dorje Shudgen ban.
Ashok Rao
December 30, 2017
Well isn’t this more than embarrassing! I come from an IT background, and this is very sloppy work. Even if done at an hour that many people wouldn’t be on the website, the implementation of the work was badly done to say the least! There was no professionalism about it in any way. Who has been neglecting their duties now. The CTA really know how to hire the WRONG sort of person, but have no qualms with getting rid of the people who CAN do the job or even really want to do the job to make a difference in the lives of others.
And don’t even mention the fact that the website collects so much negative karma for the CTA and its employees. To have a website to condemns another person because of their religious beliefs in this day and age is ridiculous. And on top of that it comes from a government. No sane democratic government would do such a thing. It only goes to highlight that they have a political agenda by doing so. They simply want to keep the spotlight on another group so people get distracted from looking into the CTA’s own shortcomings and failures. What a shame.
December 30, 2017
Of course the CTA is not efficient at all, if they are, they would have gotten their country back. If they are efficient, they will not remain as the ‘poor refugee’ whose status remain as refugee after 60 years. They must be the longest standing refugees in the world!
Sooner or later CTA will not be able to sustain, because they don’t have what it takes to manage a country.
December 30, 2017
Pure discrimination right there! antishugden.com – haha which real democratic government would do that in the 21st century, besides the very known Tibetan Leadership? They go all out to de-stabilise their unity, by using religion to separate and split people apart! This is totally unacceptable.
Their website is now back in action, and they continue to spread lies through their website on Dorje Shugden practice. Why would any leadership blatantly do this, unless they want to use religion as a tool for their own power and gains.
The few hours that the website was down did not offer and hope and peace to DS practitioners, because, it has been 20 years since the discrimination against Shugden practitioners. When will this stop?
I wonder why their website was down though… perhaps, they were trying to do some works, but incompetency obviously does not go un-noticeable.
Ngawang D.
December 30, 2017
This shows what goes around comes around. The negative karma of ostracise certain religious group in the society, not only affecting the Tibetan leaders, it is also bringing harm to Tibet lay people. This is bad.
December 30, 2017
Hahahaha… karma came back biting on CTA’s backside! I rejoice! Finally! I only wished it stayed that way permanently because they are a bunch of crocks. They deserve it for all the anti-shugden campaign they launched and paid to ensure Shugden people are ostracised and discriminated.
When I saw this… it was one of the happiest moments of my life because it means seizing these bunch of crooks from doing more harm to people. To their own people. Really SHAME on CTA. I really cannot wait for a new fresh scene of leadership. Someone who is for the people and not for his own pocket!
December 31, 2017
Karma bites! Seriously, which democratic country uses such low and cheap tactic to go all their way to defend their own belief? “[email protected]” and “antishugden.com” are childish. There are so many real problems that stop them from growing exist in their community, they chose to ignore it and focus on unrelavant problem instead. Stupid to the core.

Amber Sonam
December 31, 2017
Maintenance of a site is planned and visitors will be informed when it will take place at least 1-2 weeks ahead so that they are informed. It is a courtesy and manner to let others know since CTA is fully funded by kind sponsors and they deserve to be treated properly. This incident again shows how incompetent the group in CTA is. How sloppy their job is and how bad their attitude is. There is no hope for Tibetans to return to Tibet and they can just remain as refugees until India kicks them out forever!

Amber Sonam
December 31, 2017
Maintenance of a site is planned and visitors will be informed when it will take place at least 1-2 weeks ahead so that they are informed. It is a courtesy and manner to let others know since CTA is fully funded by kind sponsors and they deserve to be treated properly. This incident again shows how incompetent the group in CTA is. How sloppy their job is and how bad their attitude is. There is no hope for Tibetans to return to Tibet and they can just remain as refugees until India kicks them out forever!

Ngodup Tsering
December 31, 2017
China has been astute in offering economic incentives in exchange for political favor. Recently, Senator Steve Daines of Montana hosted a delegation of Chinese Communist Party officials that oversee Tibet and undercut the simultaneous visit by the President of the Tibetan Government in exile in exchange for a $200 million deal with a leading Chinese retailer to export Montana’s beef to China. The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is no match for China regarding political intelligence. If the CTA is smart, they will start to build rapport and stop condemning China for an event that happened over 60 years ago.
January 1, 2018
Sikyong la Bangalore has many IT people hahaha maybe you want to hire someone new not the stupid inji from Swiss

Dondrup Shugden
January 1, 2018
“CAUSE AND EFFECTS” the tenets of Karma and all Buddhists believe in Karma.
With so much current scandals inflicting CTA and its leaders, this outage of CTA website is a sign of inevitable intervention of karma.
Take heed and not be destroyed by your own action of treason against Tibetans, CTA!!!!
Doreen Park
January 1, 2018
Looks like the CTA will never learn anything from this latest debacle, even when the signs are there for them to see. They are carrying on their antiShugden ‘campaign’, with never a care for the consequences. Why can’t they realise that the time is running out on them? Carrying on their activities of creating division and schism within the Tibetan community, when the writing is on the wall.
By continuing to label Shugden practitioners as paid Chinese spies, by continuing to paint a false picture of the Chinese Government oppressing the Tibetans in Tibet, by continuing to condone the self-immolations of Tibetans,they are running counter to Dalai Lama’s efforts to repair ties with China. Indeed, it looks like they are sabotaging the Dalai Lama’s efforts to move towards peaceful negotiations with China.
Danny Short
January 3, 2018
Karma coming back at the CTA. They deserve it. Hopeless bunch of incompetent morons.
January 3, 2018
If the website is really hack,i would like to applaud the hackers.Serve CTA right for promoting discrimination.What kind of govt tell their ppl what they can practice & what they can’t.Just how ‘smart‘ are they?As buddhist, i am proud that there is such a thing call Karma.Now CTA reap what they sow.In time corrupted & bias CTA ppl will suffer the effect & lose all the so called power. no more cta.haha.that will be good news for many tibetans & also anti cta ppl.
January 3, 2018
Whether this is just one of the incompetencies of the CTA or their website got hacked, serves them right. For they have hurt so many, especially their own people for far too long, it is retribution time for the CTA. It is time now to vote them out of office.
Tenzin K
January 3, 2018
No surprise with how CTA operate. It’s time to question how CTA use the funding and how would people have confident with CTA? Would sponsor still want to give looking at CTA poor management?
Geraldine Sarie
January 3, 2018
In whatever you have done, you have to bare the causes. That is the law of karma. CTA had done so much harm to Tibetans, now they have to face it and LEARN to take care of their RESPONSIBILITIES. Moreover, they ought to listen and follow Dalai Lama’s request on autonomy for the Tibet. 🤔
January 3, 2018
Karma coming back to CTA whose had use their website to create discrimination and harm to the people. Whether it’s due to hacker what obviously we can see here is CTA is going to get back on the negative act that they have done.
Brian little
January 3, 2018
Whether that error was intentional or not is another issue. This fiasco really showed to the people put there the allegations against CTA is real. The agenda behind is clear which is to smear the names of Dorje Shugden and His followers. Karma coming back to you CTA for this error intentional or not.
Jing Jing
January 3, 2018
Well welll well… karma finally took place on the most evil website of CTA. Why claimed as a Buddhist and democratic government yet none stop creating fraction and schism among their own people? After Tibet had parted into pieces, what benefit do CTA get of continue to bad mouth about others? I hope CTA can wake up and realise that the damage they have done for Dorje Shugden people the last 20 years should stop now.
January 3, 2018
It seems the website is up again, but then, there is nothing new for CTA, indecisive on what they want to do or what they are doing, since 60 years ago when they promised the Tibetans that they will bring them back to Tibet, and 60 years has passed, their action is nothing related to what they have promised, they always say 1 thing and act another thing. Last time is like that, now its also like that, in future they will be the same too…
January 3, 2018
When does the CTA become professional? Always wanting to show off but this is the result! Too bad for them!
Anyway, nobody can always put people down, restrict them in every way and then hope that there will be no repercussion! Clear that karma will come back!
I guess this is the beginning…

Tenzin Sangye
January 3, 2018
This is just as another joke happening in CTA, like how they operate their refugee at exile, no efficiency , professional and security to protect tibetan in exile.
I do wish CTA official website is down simply because this website are suppress others for human right and religion freedom and create hate for their tibetan racism.
January 3, 2018
This website has issue of ban religious freedom and indirectly created disharmony between tibetan. Good the website was down. Tibetan need a government to bring more benefits and solve the problem as a refugee status. we are waiting for 60 years already, it is long enough….
January 5, 2018
Creating schism within sangha is a heinous sin. Dividing the monastic order and forcing one side to start from scratch, creating so much suffering for them and continuing to create problems and suffering is so horrendous an act. What negative karma must have been created!
Hopefully, some people in CTA has the conscience and wisdom to realize a bit of that and stop disparaging the monastic order of a different practice even if they do not make attempts to mend the rift.
Belinda Mae
January 7, 2018
Why is taking down their website? Feeling bad for saying the bad things about Dorje Shugden? I guess karma is catching up on them. Whatever sufferings that they impose to others is coming back to them now.
Tsering Ngodup
January 8, 2018
After looking at several contradictory reports regarding the alleged Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit to China, one should wonder why Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche had to deny his four-day visit to China after such visit was confirmed by Dr. Lobsang Sangay and now by a former Indian intelligence officer. If Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche had the best intention to promote the Dalai Lama’s middle way, then why he needs to deny this visit? After all the Sino-Tibetan relationship has been stagnant since 2011, the fact that Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche was able to secure a meeting with Chinese government officials should have been a great success for him, instead of becoming another source of controversy. What is your real intention Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche?
Thamchod Nyingma
January 9, 2018
China’s economic prowess is not to be underestimated. Leaders from various countries seek economic collaborations with China, who has been contributing to the world’s economic growth, especially in the past decade. The Indian Intelligence Bureau’s (IB) report highlighted the lack of opportunities in India for growth and advancement as the causes for Tibetan youth to willingly betray their host India and work as spies for China. Tibetan youth clearly have difficulties to survive in India as CTA failed to create sufficient jobs for the Tibetans in exile. This is a reality and we will see more and more trend like this and eventually Tibetans seeking improvement in their quality of life and intellectual advancement will leave India and ‘return’ to China.
Ngodup Tsering
January 9, 2018
Samdhong Rinpoche’s November visit to China is brought up again in this article because it may have implication to India’s politics. At the moment, it is not clear yet as to what transpired during Samdhong Rinpoche’s 4-day visit to China and how the development may impact the progress of Tibetan cause or India-China relations. The confusion and curiosity related to this visit were increased a notch recently after Samdhong Rinpoche denied that this visit even occurred. It is very likely that the public may speculate further about Samdhong Rinpoche’s real intention behind the visit and why he was hiding it, and the speculation could run wild and impose a new risk to the Tibetan cause and India China relations. Therefore, it is best for Samdhong Rinpoche to clarify this matter once and for all.
Dekyi Wangmo
January 13, 2018
Instead of creating employment opportunities, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has nurtured a culture where Tibetans expect handouts and foreign aids to get by. As a result, they created a new generation of Tibetan refugees who are volatile and vulnerable, and always depend on others to help them out of circumstances. Now, Tibetan refugees in India do not even hesitate to compromise the security of their host country, India, who has been so kind to them, in exchange for monetary gain.
January 17, 2018
This is such a torture to see what the CTA does to the Tibetans! Not only have the Tibetans lost their country for so long already, being in exile and not knowing where to go after the kind 99 years in India, the Tibetan Government in exile has only created problems for the Tibetans.
Instead of giving them the means to live their life independently and making a living, they kept them small as refugees for 60 years already.
Instead of making a good connection with the Chinese Government, they only insulted them although the conditions have drastically improved since the Chinese took over in Tibet.
Instead of helping their Tibetans, they have supported the self-immolations and burned candles instead of stopping these unnecessary and unhelpful actions!
Instead of focussing to bringing peace to the Tibetans in Tibet and in the Tibetan communities all over the world, they have incited hate against Dorje Shugden practitioners and insulted everyone who had any connection to China!
What is the CTA up to? Why are they fighting the Dorje Shugden people for so long instead of doing their work and improving the life of the Tibetans??
Everyone should be aware of this CTA!! Shame on you!!

Yodon chela
January 18, 2018
China has been liberal towards Buddhist practitioners including those who are practicing Shugden deity. In fact, there are 250 million Buddhists in China currently, almost three times more than communist party members. However, on the contrary, the Tibetan leadership in exile continues to discriminate against Shugden practitioners and politicizes the Shugden controversy to their benefit instead of promoting harmony among Buddhist practitioners. How ironic that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) continuously criticizes China for their human rights issue, and yet the CTA fails to respect even the most basic human rights of other people, freedom of religion.
January 19, 2018
CTA website is inaccessible!!! 😲😲😲
Personally, I think this is good for CTA to review and reorganise all the information published in its website. This is the best time for CTA to provide the information that is really beneficial to everyone.
Tenzin Tsomo
January 22, 2018
Lobsang Sangay’s dismissal of Penpa Tsering with various accusations backfired, contrary to Lobsang Sangay’s expectation. Now, Tibetans are protesting and expressing their loss of trust in his leadership. Lobsang Sangay has to clarify a lot of things to the public, including the USD1.5 million loan with Tibet Fund. Tibetans are now beginning to see Lobsang Sangay’s true colours and are speaking up against him now.
Pema Wangchuk
January 24, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is again, expressing his wish to visit China. This is not the first time His Holiness mentioned about visiting or returning to China. In fact, His Holiness made a strong statement in November 2017 that he “would return to Tibet at once, if China agrees”. Could this be another sign from the Tibetan leadership that rapprochement with China is happening soon?
January 24, 2018
Considering CTA’s history of incompetence, it is hardly surprising for such website screw-up to happen. From the recent mess relating to Samdong Rinpoche on an issue so dear and significant to Tibetans (which is not even a complex issue) http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/who-is-lying-samdhong-or-sangay/ to decades of failures and nothing to show for http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/the-controversy/half-a-century-of-wasted-aid-what-the-cta-hides/ ; http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/news/tibetans-are-protesting-their-own-exile-government-regime-again/ ; http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/news/us1-5-million-siphoned-by-tibetan-government/ , it really can be said to be an accomplishment for CTA that it didn’t occur much earlier.
With more and more vocally speaking out against CTA’s atrocities, even within Tibetans themselves, (examples: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/news/brave-mr-dhamchoe-nyima-is-tired-of-tibetan-government-in-dharamsala/ ) and http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/news/tibetans-are-protesting-their-own-exile-government-regime-again/ ) perhaps the website shutdown is prophetic of CTA’s impending end/shutdown.
Pasang Tashi
January 29, 2018
Dorje Shugden practitioners have been victims of unfounded blame for more than half a decade, with news reports initiated by the Tibetan leadership, alerting the public that Shugden fundamentalist groups posed huge security threat to His Holiness the Dalai Lama as they were covertly backed up by China. The reality is that terrorists are out to harm His Holiness, with two bombs found amid His Holiness’ tight security, thanks to the intensive combing operation by Indian police. The Central Tibetan Administration should stop spreading lies that Shugden practitioners or more absurdly, Shugden practice imperil the life of the Dalai Lama, and pay more attention to real threats such as this.
Tenzin Choejor
January 30, 2018
In a letter by the Dalai Lama’s translator, Thupten Jinpa, he had said that The Dalai Lama Trust was “slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions”. Here is an excerpt from the letter:
“For someone who have [sic] had the honor and good fortune to serve His Holiness for over three decades, it had been painful to see how His Holiness’ name and legacy was slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions (Albany-based NXIVM) and discordant messages (of rich and celebrity orientation). Especially, for the Trust, which is effectively His Holiness’ principal charitable foundation for the outside world, the last two years’ record has been, to put it mildly, quite embarrassing. The Trust has alienated most of its inter-organizational relationships, almost destroyed its infrastructure of the Tibetan graduate scholarship program with a majority of the independent reviewers resigning, and failed to support those international organizations that were actively inspired by His Holiness’ vision for the world and were undertaking high profile initiatives furthering His Holiness’ vision. Most sadly, the Trust has unfortunately acquired a reputation of being authoritarian, confrontational, petty, and uncaring, characteristics so far removed from His Holiness’ personal ethics. In particular, for those organizations and individuals who had been the recipients of grants from the Trust, frankly, the behavior of the Trust can be best characterized as that of bullying. If ever, some of the email communications from the Trust during this period were to come to light within the public domain, it would be a source of embarrassment for everyone connected with the Trust.”
The Dalai Lama’s office had also called for investigations and the eventual of any wrong doings by the organisation.
Tenzin Dharpo
February 12, 2018
The Indian police has issued a circular for Tibetan refugees who are Indian voters or Indian citizens to surrender their Tibetan refugees registration certificates (RCs). Dawa Rinchen, Tibetan settlement officer at McLeodganj, said that the matter was to be dealt by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
There are around 1,400 Tibetan voters registered in Kangra district, many of them have exercised their voting rights in the state assembly elections without surrendering their RCs.
The Tibetan and Indian authorities are in a fix over this issue as the Tibetan authorities say that they don’t have any data of such Tibetans while the Indian authorities have passed the responsibility to Tibetan authorities stating that they had not asked anyone to apply for Indian citizenship or voting cards.
The CTA has already asked the Tibetans that they cannot take the benefits of being a refugee if they are holding Indian citizenship. There are also guidelines that such Tibetans have to leave the settlements. However, it remains to be seen if such rules will affect the CTA officials, such as Dhardon Sharling, Dolma Gyari, and Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar who hold Indian passports.
Tashi Dolma
February 13, 2018
Tibet Autonomous Region Public Security Department issued a report on organized crime, that contains information about activities that violate the existing law and regulations. The CPC Central Committee and State Council will act to control these criminal activities to ensure social harmony and stability, and that the people live and work in peace and happiness. CPC called the ‘Middle Way’ as a narrow nationalistic idea and is trying to control any activities related to supporting the Dalai Lama.
February 25, 2018
An article published in 1997 in the Spanish magazine “Mas Alla” stated that Ling Rinpoche practiced Dorje Shugden. The magazine covers spiritual and metaphysical issues around the world, and doesn’t have anything to do with Tibetan Buddhism. So in that way, it has no reason to be biased in and to write articles in support of or against Dorje Shugden.
The magazine was also issued in 1997, before the height of the ban, at a time when no one was compelled to hide the truth. So we can be sure that the reporting on this matter is therefore neutral and unedited and objective.
It’s a fact that both the tutors of the 14th Dalai Lama (Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche) practiced Dorje Shugden, which was confirmed by the research conducted by the reporter JC Deus from Mas Alla. Deus clearly interviewed the right people and since the truth will always prevail, it is not surprising that an independent researcher like him with no links to Tibetan Buddhism so easily discovered and reported that Ling Rinpoche does Dorje Shugden practice. Remember that Deus was just doing his duty as a reporter, and reporting it as a neutral historical fact, not with any agenda in mind.
This is clear proof and it contradicts the false information the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) propagates that Ling Rinpoche does not practise Dorje Shugden. Lies like these will always be found out and exposed. This has been proven with the CTA who continue to make a fool out of themselves, losing trust among the Tibetans and supporters around the world.
This is PART 1, the first part of my 4-part comment. It shows the first three pages (pg 28-29) and the cover of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden.
February 25, 2018
This is PART 2, the second part of my 4-part comment. It shows the next three pages (pg 30-32) of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden.
February 25, 2018
This is PART 3, the third part of my 4-part comment. It shows the next three pages (pg 33-35) of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden. Please take SPECIAL NOTE to see page 33. The part where it mentions Ling Rinpoche practices Dorje Shugden has been highlighted for your reference.
February 25, 2018
This is PART 4, the final part of my 4-part comment. It shows the last two pages (pg 36-37) of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden.
Golog Jigme
February 27, 2018
Mr. Mila Rangzen says the head of the Tibetan exiled govt is a sexual predator
Since 2011, Lobsang Sangay’s tenure as the President of the Central Tibetan Administration has been mired with various scandals and failures, such as the election scandal and the US$1.5 million loan scandal. The 17% unemployment rate among the Tibetans in exile has also forced some Tibetans to become spies, betraying their host country India. Now, in more shocking news from Mila Rangzen, who has been proven to have access to a lot of insider news, Lobsang Sangay has been revealed to be a sexual predator who does not hesitate to risk the Dalai Lama’s reputation to satisfy his lust. More women and people are speaking up about this. This is really breaking news. These women deserve a platform to express the pain and humiliation and be open to heal.
Mila Rangzen has, on numerous occasions, shared extremely accurate and reliable news for the benefit of the Tibetan community. He has never failed us with the accuracy of the news and they have all proven to be true. Mila seems to not be afraid to tell the truth.
All the victims of the sexual predator Lobsang Sangay should not keep quiet anymore and must expose him once and for all. He should be punished for his actions and asked to step down from his position now! The victims should be empowered by this and speak up and point the finger at Lobsang Sangay if this is true. Do not stay in the dark and hide your shame because Lobsang Sangay is destroying the reputation of the Dalai Lama.
February 27, 2018