Official Opening of Shar Gaden Monastery, October 2009

As everyone may know, over 500 monks was forced to leave their beloved home GADEN SHARTSE MONASTERY in South India. HH Dalai Lama and Tibetan govt in exile forced all the Monasteries to swear an oath to abandon all practices of Dorje Shugden. If they do not, they must leave the monastery for good. So these 500 monks decided to remain true to their spiritual convictions and left Gaden Shartse Monastery in Mundgod South India. Nearby, they re-established Shar Gaden Monastery as a place to have freedom of worship. Help, support, donations and care has been pouring in from all parts of the world. They have a grand prayer hall, monk quarters, pujas, active Geshe Study program. Many monks and Tulkus from other Monasteries who refuse to abandon Dorje Shugden has also joined Shar Gaden Monastery. Shar Gaden have been working very hard in preparing huge lineage lama statues for their prayer hall, cleaning, painting, extending buildings, etc. This coming 28th OCTOBER 2009 WILL BE THEIR OFFICIAL FOUR DAY GRAND OPENING CEREMONY!! This is when they officially open. They expect a huge turnout. Many people from around the world will fly in to pray, show support and let the Tibetan govt know in a peaceful way, THAT THEY WILL CONTINUE THEIR DORJE SHUGDEN PRACTICES AND THEY WILL NOT BE STAMPED DOWN. Dorje Shugden practitioners who have ‘suffered’ in the dark and have no grounding or monastery to associate with, should book airplane tickets and join in the celebrations. Give these brave hero monks support, love, and open recognition. They have braved so much obstacles and challenges to hold up the lineage for us. FOR CLEARER INFORMATION, ONE MAY CALL GEN JAMPA (ZEMEY LADRANG) AT SHAR GADEN AND HIS MOBILE IS: +91 9972170118

The Official Opening of Shar Gaden Monastery

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The Official Opening of Shar Gaden Monastery

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The Official Opening of Shar Gaden Monastery

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The Oracle taking trance of King Dorje Shugden

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The Oracle Taking Trance of Wrathful Dorje Shugden

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The Oracle Taking Trance of Wrathful Dorje Shugden

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The Oracle Taking Trance of King Dorje Shugden

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  1. Hola a todos soi un alumno de un discipulo de kiabje zong rimpoche.saludos

  2. This is very wondeful news! I rejoice in the all of the support shown to these ordained in establishing this monastery so that they can practice their lineage purely.

  3. 跟我联系好吗?

  4. Dear Webmaster,

    Thank you for you hard work, dedication and constant effort into making such a beautiful website to educate the planet re our Dorje Shugden.

    It is indeed wonderful.

  5. It’s a great cause for rejoicing!

    We have to agree that this is a potent witness to show us that anything we do is so small in the light of what they have fearlessly went through in order to protect the doctrine, its upholders and practitioners without political disturbance from now.

    Hence, we, all the more so need to provide our support and contributions to them. Its absolutely necessary!

  6. A historical event. I wish Shar Gaden success in all its endeavours. I will follow its activities and projects closely.

  7. I rejoice in Shar Gaden’s stainless tradition. I will support it with prayers and gifts for as long as my mental continuum remains in samsara…and after! I will always rely on Dorje Shugden as my Dharma Protector!!!

  8. Hi!
    I hope all is well. I have a question…what, exactly is Dorje Shugden? How come the Dali Lama is all in a twist over this? Is this one of those Catholic/Protestant kind of things? It seems a bit extreme to throw 500 monks out of Buddhism unless this practice is beyond the pale (which I doubt). So, if someone would be so kind as to enlighten me as to what all the fuss is about, I’l be very grateful.

    Blessings and joy to you,
    Deborah Fraser

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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