Lobsang Sangay, the current Sikyong (President) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) for the past eight years and the political successor to the Dalai Lama, is finally retiring after May 2021. During his two terms as the Sikyong, Lobsang Sangay brought little progress to the exiled Tibetans’ cause. The relationship with China became more hostile, CTA along with the Dalai Lama are being sidelined by the Indian government, and worst of all, the welfare of the exiled Tibetans has never been worse. Lobsang Sangay’s political career was marred mostly by political infighting and various scandals, most notably the alleged misappropriation of US$1.5 million from the Tibet Fund in 2015, sparking widespread protests among his fellow exiled Tibetans.
Since Lobsang Sangay is retiring, there will be a new Sikyong election in 2021, and one of the candidates is Kaydor Aukatsang. Kaydor Aukatsang is the former Dalai Lama’s representative to North America. It is exactly under his tenure that US$1.5 million disappeared from the Tibet Fund, allegedly used to purchase an unnecessary building. As the candidate backed by Lobsang Sangay, Kaydor Aukatsang stands a higher chance to be elected as the next Sikyong of CTA, and with his already tainted record in the office, the future of the exiled Tibetans is destined to spiral downwards with acceleration.

Kaydor Aukatsang, the former Dalai Lama’s representative to North America. Under his tenure, US$1.5mil disappeared from the Tibet Fund, allegedly used to purchase an unnecessary building.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
Tibetans are protesting their own exile government regime again!
By: Solaray Kusco
Tibetans are once again protesting against their corrupt government. The target of the current protests is Kaydor Aukatsang, the Dalai Lama’s former representative of North America. It was during Mr Aukatsang’s tenure that US$1.5mil was siphoned from the Tibet Fund in 2015.
The money was allegedly used to purchase a building that was deemed unnecessary by some longstanding and prominent supporters of the Tibetan cause. The transfer was also done in a manner that raised a lot of suspicions – from the Tibet Funds accounts, it was recorded as a “loans receivable” but it was never recorded in the accounts of the Tibetan Community Development Fund, who was supposed to have received the funds.
Later, Lobsang Sangay tried to doctor the accounts to change this amount’s status as a loan (which would need to be repaid) into a gift, going against proper accounting practices. This transaction and the attempted changes were uncovered by Aukatsang’s successor, Penpa Tsering, who was summarily dismissed from his post as a result of going public with this information.
Knowing that Aukatsang has been in cahoots with Lobsang Sangay all of this time to swindle US$1.5mil from the Tibetan people has led to a huge amount of anger towards the leadership. Wherever they have gone, they have been dogged by protests from people who were formerly in support of them.
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So while it can be disheartening for some to know that Tibetans protest over US$1.5mil, a comparatively paltry sum when other countries are dealing with amounts of much more, for others it is an encouraging sign to see a sustained campaign of speaking up against their own leadership. In the years gone past, it would have been unthinkable for any Tibetan to protest against the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), who are the Tibetan exiled leadership based in Dharamsala, North India. The CTA have always been known to be heavily suppressive of freedom of speech, and mete out harsh repercussions for those who dare raise issues against them. Now, it goes without saying that the anger of the people is not going away. It seems the Tibetans have been pushed too far, and are sick and tired of being lied to, used and tricked by their leadership; of being kept in an undignified, submissive refugee position to be exploited for contributions from unsuspecting donors; of being forced to exist on grants and donations given out of pity.
The sooner the Tibetan leadership recognizes that they may have gone too far with their people, the sooner they will be able to make amends for the latest mess they have created. As yet, the CTA has shown no interest in this, preferring instead to think of their people as gullible and so blindly devoted to His Holiness the Dalai Lama that they are unable to think for themselves. When you look at any videos of how Tibetan officials speak to their people, the arrogance is palpable.
Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
The entire debacle that has been created over the dismissal of just one government official also reflects poorly on the overall management and operations of the CTA. If they cannot handle something this small without it turning into a fiasco, how will they ever be able to manage anything higher? Meanwhile, the Chinese leadership deal with trillions in trade, keep the peace amongst hundreds of ethnic groups, and send their representatives around the world to present the new and modern face of China.
It has always been said that the CTA’s greatest foible is the fact it is staffed by self-serving individuals but perhaps it is time to consider an alternative scenario – the Tibetan leadership are staffed by people who are just plain incapable. From Losar (Tibetan New Year) gaffes, to making fun of the most powerful leader on earth and thereafter alienating him, perhaps this is not self-gain that we are witnessing but plain incapability to lead their people, or to do anything without turning it into a badly-handled, international embarrassment.
So the protests are an encouraging sign that the Tibetan community are finally waking up to the reality of their existence under an authoritarian regime. This is is a reality that Dorje Shugden practitioners have known only too well; 20 years ago, when an illegal ban was imposed on their practice in 1996, Shugden practitioners have since that time suffered from the CTA’s diktats and violent discrimination against them. But only time will tell if the leadership themselves also wake up to their own reality – that a dictatorship under which only they prospered is long gone – before it is too late.
Images of Tibetans Protesting
Against Their Leadership

Press Release from the protesting groups, detailing their position and specific grievances. Click to enlarge.

Press Release from the protesting groups, detailing their position and specific grievances. Click to enlarge.
L Lhundup
January 12, 2018
The American in the above video
(see: https://youtu.be/RkRHeEKKcBg)
at 11:15 onwards who looks like Geoffrey Menin,
Vice President of the Tibet Fund Board,
is sure being taken as a fool.
Mr. Menin is none other than a founding partner of law firm Levine Plotkin & Menin, and has been practicing media and entertainment law since 1980. I don’t think he is in a good place and will probably have already realized that.
It is time to cut loss.
Mac Taylor
January 12, 2018
Like L Lhundup, I’ve watched the video. Looks like they are rushing into an important meeting of some sorts. Perhaps the IRS and FBI are on their tail?
Thamchod Nyingma
January 13, 2018
China’s economic prowess is not to be underestimated. Leaders from various countries seek economic collaborations with China, who has been contributing to the world’s economic growth, especially in the past decade. The Indian Intelligence Bureau’s (IB) report highlighted the lack of opportunities in India for growth and advancement as the causes for Tibetan youth to willingly betray their host India and work as spies for China. Tibetan youth clearly have difficulties to survive in India as CTA failed to create sufficient jobs for the Tibetans in exile. This is a reality and we will see more and more trend like this and eventually Tibetans seeking improvement in their quality of life and intellectual advancement will leave India and ‘return’ to China.
Dekyi Wangmo
January 13, 2018
Instead of creating employment opportunities, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has nurtured a culture where Tibetans expect handouts and foreign aids to get by. As a result, they created a new generation of Tibetan refugees who are volatile and vulnerable, and always depend on others to help them out of circumstances. Now, Tibetan refugees in India do not even hesitate to compromise the security of their host country, India, who has been so kind to them, in exchange for monetary gain.
Dekyi Wangmo
January 13, 2018
Instead of creating employment opportunities, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has nurtured a culture where Tibetans expect handouts and foreign aids to get by. As a result, they created a new generation of Tibetan refugees who are volatile and vulnerable, and always depend on others to help them out of circumstances. Now, Tibetan refugees in India do not even hesitate to compromise the security of their host country, India, who has been so kind to them, for monetary gain.
Amber Sonam
January 13, 2018
I wonder if Penpa Tsering started this protest. To be honest, I do not think he is innocent in bringing the $1.5 million issue to the scene, it could be just another political trick. Penpa Tsering is not innocent, he was found in human trafficking, money laundering, among many other illegal activities he did.
While this protest shows a different approach where they used to be unable to think Tibetans are now standing up and exercise their rights to fight for justice, it has also shown how reluctant the CTA is in handling such small matter and how unskillful and small minded they are.
The CTA again proved to have failed in their work and their incapabilities in doing anything. This is why they lost their own country and couldn’t do anything in regaining the Chinese’s confidence for further negotiations and for the betterment of millions of Tibetans inside and outside of Tibet.

January 17, 2018
This is such a torture to see what the CTA does to the Tibetans! Not only have the Tibetans lost their country for so long already, being in exile and not knowing where to go after the kind 99 years in India, the Tibetan Government in exile has only created problems for the Tibetans.
Instead of giving them the means to live their life independently and making a living, they kept them small as refugees for 60 years already.
Instead of making a good connection with the Chinese Government, they only insulted them although the conditions have drastically improved since the Chinese took over in Tibet.
Instead of helping their Tibetans, they have supported the self-immolations and burned candles instead of stopping these unnecessary and unhelpful actions!
Instead of focussing to bringing peace to the Tibetans in Tibet and in the Tibetan communities all over the world, they have incited hate against Dorje Shugden practitioners and insulted everyone who had any connection to China!
What is the CTA up to? Why are they fighting the Dorje Shugden people for so long instead of doing their work and improving the life of the Tibetans??
Everyone should be aware of this CTA!! Shame on you!!

Dondrup Shugden
January 18, 2018
The last thing any unresolved problems which people have with their leaders is in the power of protest. In any protest, it is a sign that the repression by their leaders is so unbearable that the people had to behave such that the world will know of the injustice done on them by the leaders who are in power to control them.
It is sad to see Tibetans suffering again and again at the unscrupulous hands of their CTA leader Lobsang Sangay.
Altering accounts is the highest form of embezzlement. Corrupt leaders cheat their people to line their own pockets.
I agree no one in CTA past and present are innocent and JUSTICE must take its course and as soon as possible.
Donors must stop funding these corrupt officials and Tibetans must continue to fight for their rights to transparency of CTA.
Besides which Tibetans must also fight for their religious freedom to propitiate Dorje Shugden and for the illegal ban to be lifted.
Awesome show of courage, Tibetans. Don’t give up, the world will now know.
Yodon chela
January 18, 2018
China has been liberal towards Buddhist practitioners including those who are practicing Shugden deity. In fact, there are 250 million Buddhists in China currently, almost three times more than communist party members. On the other hand, the Tibetan leadership in exile continues to discriminate against Shugden practitioners and politicizes the Shugden controversy to their benefit instead of promoting harmony among Buddhist practitioners. How ironic that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) continuously criticizes China for their human rights issue, and yet the CTA fails to respect even the most basic human rights of other people, freedom of religion.
January 21, 2018
Finally, more and more are wizening up to CTA’s shenanigans and being vocal about it. Considering CTA’s history of incompetence, it is hardly surprising. Take your pick from the many screw-ups by CTA be it the recent mess between Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering to decades of CTA’s failures and having nothing to show for. In fact, it is really long overdue for people to take CTA to task.
ryan tashi
January 22, 2018
More and more scandals in CTA! It’s all about money! Time to go CTA!!
Tenzin Tsomo
January 22, 2018
Lobsang Sangay’s dismissal of Penpa Tsering with various accusations backfired, contrary to Lobsang Sangay’s expectation. Now, Tibetans are protesting and expressing their loss of trust in his leadership. Lobsang Sangay has to clarify a lot of things to the public, including the USD1.5 million loan with Tibet Fund. Tibetans are now beginning to see Lobsang Sangay’s true colours and are speaking up against him now.
January 23, 2018
Greed certainly overtakes Wisdom and Compassion. So many skeletons in the closets are released recently relating to the poor ethical practices of the Central Tibetan Government in exile. The Tibetan people cannot keep mum anymore. They want justice and they want accountability from their leaders.
The CTA should really look seriously into cleaning up their office if they want to remain relevant and in power.
Pema Wangchuk
January 24, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is again, expressing his wish to visit China. This is not the first time His Holiness mentioned about visiting or returning to China. In fact, His Holiness made a strong statement in November 2017 that he “would return to Tibet at once, if China agrees”. Could this be another sign from the Tibetan leadership that rapprochement with China is happening soon?
January 25, 2018
January 28, 2018
Although His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s secretary had previously denied that His Holiness was paid $1 million to speak for Raniere, a trace has been found that His Holiness’s trust has received US$ 2 million in donation ten days after the event. Raniere is the leader of a cult called NXIVM which brands women on their pubic region with his initials and requires them to give him nude photos of themselves and other damaging material in case they reveal the secrets of his cult.
Although the Dalai Lama office continues to deny that the donation was related to the speaking engagement, one can’t help but wonder whether His Holiness would have received such donation if he did not come to Albany to speak in the first place?
Pasang Tashi
January 29, 2018
Dorje Shugden practitioners have been victims of unfounded blame for more than half a decade with news reports initiated by the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala alerting the public that Shugden fundamentalist groups posed huge security threat to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It was alleged that they were covertly backed up by China. The reality is that terrorists are out to harm His Holiness, with two bombs found amid His Holiness’ tight security, thanks to the intensive combing operation by Indian police. The Central Tibetan Administration should stop spreading lies that Shugden practitioners or more absurdly, Shugden practice imperil the life of the Dalai Lama, and pay more attention to real threats such as this.
Brian Little
January 30, 2018
Considering all these allegations, CTA will really need a huge shake up to rebuild it’s dwindling reputation. It is not good for the Tibetans at all and the only people who will be suffering from these fiascos are Tibetans themselves. Makes me wonder how will all of them feel when this purchase of a building costing millions taken out form an account meant for Tibetans who some of them don’t even have a decent place to live in.

January 30, 2018
Good to see that Tibetans are standing up for themselves. Although small group but they are fighting for the truth.Corrupted CTA is always on the hot seat nowadays before long they will be in very deep trouble for swindling money that does not belong to them but the people.India so kind always giving yet CTA misuse funds that is suppose to help the Tibetans in exile.The cabinet is so tiny Tibetans shouldn’t be afraid of them.Rise up and claim what is yours.Dont let CTA treat you people like idiots, record your actions and let someone hurt you or your family and play you around.Cant wait for the day CTA is overthrown and disbanded for the rubbish they are doing.Lets see who is the arrogant one then. Disrespectful and distasteful people in CTA.I still wonder how they got in the cabinet.
January 30, 2018
The CTA have not been transparent all along with whatever funds they received and expensed on and it’s been going on for a long time. Where did the money go to if not to help the Tibetans in Exile? It’s good that more and more Tibetans are speaking up and protesting for it means the people are dissatisfied with the manner the CTA is handling and not handling matters well. The CTA are not just arrogant but they bully Tibetans into submission by not giving them enough education and limiting their freedom of speech and movements.
Tenzin K
January 30, 2018
Instead of dismissing Penpa Tsering, CTA should face their people and clarify over the US $1.5 million fund. This is the way to make their people respect and have confident in them. The dismissal of Penpa Tsering with no valid reason just show CTA really corrupted and mishandled the fund. Shame👎
January 30, 2018
Another dirty laundry from CTA being exposed. CTA has no way to hide. They can keep removing the people that digging the truth but they can’t hide their dirty act. More Tibetan and the people around the world will speak up and see how corrupted CTA is.
January 30, 2018
Instead of uniting the Tibetan, CTA is much interested in looking for their personal interest. Feel so sorry for Tibetan and how can they continue to have confident and support CTA? What will be their future?
January 30, 2018
Many Tibetan are speaking up for their concern now. This is important as CTA claimed they are democracy, CTA should have explain to their people. Transparency is important!
Geraldine Sarie
January 30, 2018
It’s a rejoice news to say as finally the Tibetans do wake up from their awareness of their government act. CTA’s karma is coming back now. This is truly fact that the corruption occurred right in front of the ex government people. If there aren’t, would they ever say negative about them? It’s all due to heavy greet and ignorance of CTA that causes lots of dissatisfaction, hatred on them. The CTA will never do anything for the Tibetans in exile. Oh my, the video proof of their attitude. So sad. 👎
Richard TamLak
January 30, 2018
If a government treats its people good, no matter where its people go, their people will say good things about the government. If a government is corrupted and rubbish like CTA, even until the USA, their people, the Tibetans still want to protest about their government. Can see that Tibetans in India is so scared of their government that until they are not dare to voice out. CTA doesn’t treat their people democratically, they treat their people like slaves! Forcing their people by threatening them, just like how they discriminate and threatening Dorje Shugden practitioners. Indeed, it’s god that Tibetans start protesting about their government, no matter where it is, at least it’s a slap to the CTA face.
Belinda Mae
January 30, 2018
This protest is somehow not so effective because it is in America compared to if it is in Dharamsala. But one thing good is that the protestors protest in the airport when Lobsang Sangay arrived. Hopefully this protest in America will be able to influence those Tibetans-in-exiled to also stand up and protest for their own rights and their corrupted government. With time, I believe the protest will be able to bring down and dismiss the CTA once and for all.
Jing Jing
January 30, 2018
It’s disgusting to see how Tibetan officer did to their people. Treated them like a fool. Ignored their questions and showed arrogant. No respect at all.
It’s heartening to know that all these years, they have been working so hard, saved up and go support CTA so that will take care of their people back home in India yet CTA stole their hard earned money. They even gave up Dorje Shugden, risking their own karma n break their samaya with their Guru. Can see the anger and disappointment of the people. From being faithful to their government in exile, ended up being used and fooled.
CTA will soon to loose their own Tibetan support. I’m glad to see more and more Tibetans waking up and released the truth of what CTA has done to their people. Speaking is the right way to tell the world, “I know what u did, do not hide, u can’t run away”.
Tibetan has lost their country yet now they are being fooled and cheated by their own government in exile. CTA really need to stop this before too late.
Tenzin Choejor
January 30, 2018
In a letter by the Dalai Lama’s translator, Thupten Jinpa, he had said that The Dalai Lama Trust was “slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions”. Here is an excerpt from the letter:
“For someone who have [sic] had the honor and good fortune to serve His Holiness for over three decades, it had been painful to see how His Holiness’ name and legacy was slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions (Albany-based NXIVM) and discordant messages (of rich and celebrity orientation). Especially, for the Trust, which is effectively His Holiness’ principal charitable foundation for the outside world, the last two years’ record has been, to put it mildly, quite embarrassing. The Trust has alienated most of its inter-organizational relationships, almost destroyed its infrastructure of the Tibetan graduate scholarship program with a majority of the independent reviewers resigning, and failed to support those international organizations that were actively inspired by His Holiness’ vision for the world and were undertaking high profile initiatives furthering His Holiness’ vision. Most sadly, the Trust has unfortunately acquired a reputation of being authoritarian, confrontational, petty, and uncaring, characteristics so far removed from His Holiness’ personal ethics. In particular, for those organizations and individuals who had been the recipients of grants from the Trust, frankly, the behavior of the Trust can be best characterized as that of bullying. If ever, some of the email communications from the Trust during this period were to come to light within the public domain, it would be a source of embarrassment for everyone connected with the Trust.”
The Dalai Lama’s office had also called for investigations and the eventual of any wrong doings by the organisation.
January 30, 2018
Sick of corruptions and people who are selfish 👎they just can’t think well that if everyone do their parts well, everyone will be rich and happy. How many people have to be sacrifice just to fulfill one’s greediness. Sick..🕳
January 30, 2018
This protest to CTA has show how unhappy tibetan are at New York. No more hidding for CTA whom has cheated their own tibetan for many year. Tibetan need government can provide them shelther. Not using them to get money. Speak up Tibetan!
January 30, 2018
This is such a deception! So many people have supported the Tibetans and believed that their life can be better but instead the support is not going to those who need it but those who should take care of the Tibetans !
So much corruption! And where is the money now!! It is really just sick! Don’t worry, karma will come back!
I hope that many will become aware of this CTA😠!
Why did they want to be in the CTA?
To help the Tibetans or to be rich!?
Eli Buchen
February 11, 2018
Although 1.5 million is not a big amount viewed from a global perspective and global scandals. For ordinary Tibetans in India, it is a lot that can be done to uplift the livelihood of Tibetans.
CTA’s arrogance is way too much, they should not treat ordinary Tibetans as fools and not able to discern what is wrong or right.
Tenzin Dharpo
February 12, 2018
The Indian police has issued a circular for Tibetan refugees who are Indian voters or Indian citizens to surrender their Tibetan refugees registration certificates (RCs). Dawa Rinchen, Tibetan settlement officer at McLeodganj, said that the matter was to be dealt by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
There are around 1,400 Tibetan voters registered in Kangra district, many of them have exercised their voting rights in the state assembly elections without surrendering their RCs.
The Tibetan and Indian authorities are in a fix over this issue as the Tibetan authorities say that they don’t have any data of such Tibetans while the Indian authorities have passed the responsibility to Tibetan authorities stating that they had not asked anyone to apply for Indian citizenship or voting cards.
The CTA has already asked the Tibetans that they cannot take the benefits of being a refugee if they are holding Indian citizenship. There are also guidelines that such Tibetans have to leave the settlements. However, it remains to be seen if such rules will affect the CTA officials, such as Dhardon Sharling, Dolma Gyari, and Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar who hold Indian passports.
Tashi Dolma
February 13, 2018
Tibet Autonomous Region Public Security Department issued a report on organized crime, that contains information about activities that violate the existing law and regulations. The CPC Central Committee and State Council will act to control these criminal activities to ensure social harmony and stability, and that the people live and work in peace and happiness. CPC called the ‘Middle Way’ as a narrow nationalistic idea and is trying to control any activities related to supporting the Dalai Lama.
February 25, 2018
An article published in 1997 in the Spanish magazine “Mas Alla” stated that Ling Rinpoche practiced Dorje Shugden. The magazine covers spiritual and metaphysical issues around the world, and doesn’t have anything to do with Tibetan Buddhism. So in that way, it has no reason to be biased in and to write articles in support of or against Dorje Shugden.
The magazine was also issued in 1997, before the height of the ban, at a time when no one was compelled to hide the truth. So we can be sure that the reporting on this matter is therefore neutral and unedited and objective.
It’s a fact that both the tutors of the 14th Dalai Lama (Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche) practiced Dorje Shugden, which was confirmed by the research conducted by the reporter JC Deus from Mas Alla. Deus clearly interviewed the right people and since the truth will always prevail, it is not surprising that an independent researcher like him with no links to Tibetan Buddhism so easily discovered and reported that Ling Rinpoche does Dorje Shugden practice. Remember that Deus was just doing his duty as a reporter, and reporting it as a neutral historical fact, not with any agenda in mind.
This is clear proof and it contradicts the false information the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) propagates that Ling Rinpoche does not practise Dorje Shugden. Lies like these will always be found out and exposed. This has been proven with the CTA who continue to make a fool out of themselves, losing trust among the Tibetans and supporters around the world.
This is PART 1, the first part of my 4-part comment. It shows the first three pages (pg 28-29) and the cover of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden.
February 25, 2018
This is PART 2, the second part of my 4-part comment. It shows the next three pages (pg 30-32) of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden.
February 25, 2018
This is PART 3, the third part of my 4-part comment. It shows the next three pages (pg 33-35) of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden. Please take SPECIAL NOTE to see page 33. The part where it mentions Ling Rinpoche practices Dorje Shugden has been highlighted for your reference.
February 25, 2018
This is PART 4, the final part of my 4-part comment. It shows the last two pages (pg 36-37) of the Mas Alla magazine, which published this report about Dorje Shugden.
Golog Jigme
February 27, 2018
Mr. Mila Rangzen says the head of the Tibetan exiled govt is a sexual predator
Since 2011, Lobsang Sangay’s tenure as the President of the Central Tibetan Administration has been mired with various scandals and failures, such as the election scandal and the US$1.5 million loan scandal. The 17% unemployment rate among the Tibetans in exile has also forced some Tibetans to become spies, betraying their host country India. Now, in more shocking news from Mila Rangzen, who has been proven to have access to a lot of insider news, Lobsang Sangay has been revealed to be a sexual predator who does not hesitate to risk the Dalai Lama’s reputation to satisfy his lust. More women and people are speaking up about this. This is really breaking news. These women deserve a platform to express the pain and humiliation and be open to heal.
Mila Rangzen has, on numerous occasions, shared extremely accurate and reliable news for the benefit of the Tibetan community. He has never failed us with the accuracy of the news and they have all proven to be true. Mila seems to not be afraid to tell the truth.
All the victims of the sexual predator Lobsang Sangay should not keep quiet anymore and must expose him once and for all. He should be punished for his actions and asked to step down from his position now! The victims should be empowered by this and speak up and point the finger at Lobsang Sangay if this is true. Do not stay in the dark and hide your shame because Lobsang Sangay is destroying the reputation of the Dalai Lama.
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018
Tibetan govt in exile is corrupt, liars, segregationalists, greedy, bigots and this is what they do when Dalai Lama is alive. After Dalai Lama is no more, the whole Tibetan govt in exile will just collapse overnight.
They lost their country in 1959 because they are too corrupt to keep it. For the last 60 years they cannot get their country back. Tibetan govt is a failure whether in Tibet or in exile.
March 3, 2018
Comic drawn by Tendor, a prominent Free Tibet activist.
Sar Lang
March 5, 2018
Lhatse Lobsang, the President of Utsang Yargay Tsokpa, warns the elected leaders including the Sikyong Lobsang Sangye/Tibetan leaders and members of the parliament of his self-immolation in protest if they don’t resolve the termination issue in the coming March parliamentary sessions. Tibetans in India are so unhappy with their Tibetan government in exile in North India, they wish to self-immolate in protest. This would spell big disaster for the corrupt Tibetan government in exile in India.
March 9, 2018
The Nepalese officials have again turned down permission for Tibetan refugees to commemorate the Tibetan uprising day in order to protect its alliance with the Chinese Communist Party, which has proven to be more beneficial to Nepal as compared to supporting the Tibetan refugees.
The Nepal Chief District Officer issued a written notice in 2005 to the Representative of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Refugees Welfare Office (TRWO) in Kathmandu to suspend both offices, ending a 45 years partnership to care for some 2,500 Tibetan refugees who would transit in Nepal from Tibet. This move was a lesson to the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) for not addressing the tensions between the Tibetans and Nepalese, as well as not contributing back to Nepal for as long as they have been there. The fact that the Tibetan refugees continue to protest on March 10 is a perfect example in which they will jeopardise the relationship between Nepal and China, who is now the top assistance providers to Nepal. The Tibetan refugees are forever taking, and never reciprocating the favour has proven to be an ineffective way of dealing with the Nepalese as they feel they are taken for granted always.
March 9, 2018
Indian and Chinese foreign ministries have both made statements thawing relations between the two Asian giants. Determined to improve ties between the countries, the Indian government is taking steps to ensure nothing jeopardizes their efforts. First, they told their officials to distance themselves from the Tibetans, and then the planned #ThankyouIndia2018 events were moved from New Delhi (India’s political capital) to the out of the way Dharamsala.
Now, even Chinese ministers are hoping for improved relations, bringing stability to the volatile region. The Chinese dragon and the Indian elephant need to dance in order to become stronger said the Chinese Foreign Minister.
Will this be the end of India’s support of the Tibetans? What will they do next?
March 10, 2018
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) should really learn from Nepal. Aligning with Chinese policy is necessary if you wish for growth and economic stability. The Dalai Lama was recently quoted to say, “We want to stay with China. We want more development.”
Nepal has developed so much since collaborating with China, with China now contributing to around 58 percent of foreign direct investment (FDI) commitments received by Nepal. China has promised that areas of mutual cooperation with Nepal would be expanded in the days to come.
Jampel Senge
March 10, 2018
Not only was the thankyouindia2018 forced to move back to McLeodganj, the Tibetans are warned to keep the event low key! BJP leadership, including L K Advani and Shanta Kumar, and former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had been invited for the event in Delhi but none of them replied to the invitation. Apart from the change of venue now, new invitation list has to be prepared. It is clear that the Indian government is distancing itself from the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and they will do what is necessary to mend their ties with China.
March 10, 2018
It is very clear by now that the Indian Government does not want the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA)’s thank you. No matter how the CTA orchestrates the propaganda campaign to please India, it is very clear that the Indian Government had enough of the Tibetans and are making effort to distance itself from the CTA. Although India will continue to support His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his spiritual works, the distinctions between His Holiness and the CTA is made very clear. Looking at the trend, we may be able to speculate that the Indian Government’s plan for the next few years is to end decades of support to the CTA and its people, eventually clearing all Tibetan refugees from India.
Lelkyi Tsho
March 13, 2018
Although both China and India are seen as giants, India has been seen submitting to China more and more. The relocation of “Thank You India” event from Delhi to Dharamsala and Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha’s note to Indian officials to not attend the event because it is a “very sensitive time” for bilateral relations with China both clearly show that India is bending backwards to please China. And they are definitely not going to entertain Lobsang Sangay anymore because the Tibet issue is no longer a trump card for India.
Lobsang Sangay said not long ago that an official usually wants to do something big in their last term of office so that people will remember them. In this case, he will forever be remembered for his incapability and his focus on building closer ties with young women, such as Dhardon Sharling, instead of significant diplomatic ties. He has done a lot of big things in his last term as the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) but none of these shows any leadership characteristics whatsoever. These include:
1) The sacking of Penpa Tsering to evade the Tibet Fund loan scandal of US$1.5 million. He even tried to push the loan on to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to settle on his behalf.
2) Allowing a downsized, low-key #thankyouindia2018 event to celebrate 60 years of exile, something which Dhardon Sharling, the Secretary of Department of Information and International Relations, claimed to have no idea as to why the events were shifted.
3) Allowing fake monk Tenzin Dhonden to use His Holiness’ fame to conduct dubious activities including being involved in a cult and sex scandals.
4) Losing India’s half-century worth of support towards the CTA and its people for his ungrateful attitude. Instead, he focused on filling up his own pockets instead of thinking of the welfare of the Tibetans in exile.
Lobsang Sangay’s intention to take on the role as the President of the CTA is clear and his best ‘achievements’ definitely outshine his predecessors as inept failures.