Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas

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By: Karma Yeshe

Recently, a short video clip of the current 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche Pema Tönyö Nyinje surfaced within WeChat groups, causing quite a commotion. The minute-long footage features Tai Situ Rinpoche who is one of the four Regents of the Karma Kagyu lineage, fanning the fears surrounding Dorje Shugden, a Dharma Protector of the Gelug tradition.

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It is extremely disappointing that Tai Situ Rinpoche, believed to be an emanation of the future Buddha Maitreya, would lobby opinions that bring no benefit to the unity of the Tibetan people. Someone who is labelled an emanation of the Buddha Maitreya should actually be filled with love, compassion and great tolerance, and should not fear any so-called ‘spirits’. Any emanation of Maitreya should not incite fear in the people who have trust in him, as well as his followers because in the end, if the so-called Maitreya is afraid of a spirit, then it must be your intention to create schism. On the contrary, Tai Situ Rinpoche’s speech contains not-too-subtle connotations that sow seeds of doubt and discord. Tibetan society does not need more ‘high’ lamas who criticize other lineages’ practices, deities and protectors. What they need are representatives of Buddhism who will create harmony, love, acceptance and tolerance; if someone like Tai Situ wants to start criticizing another lineage, practice, religion or spiritual path, then there will be many other paths which are not Karma Kagyu which will be considered wrong by him. Where do you draw the line? Maybe he should remain silent and respect all religious paths, would that not be better? It is not his place to judge another person’s spiritual path but to practice tolerance and perhaps remain silent.

Translation of the WeChat video of the 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche, Pema Tönyö Nyinje commenting on Dorje Shugden.


Who is really causing schism?

One cannot help but question Tai Situ Rinpoche’s intentions for playing on and amplifying such unfounded fears. Why is Tai Situ Rinpoche taking sides in the Dorje Shugden rift? After all, it is unnecessary for him to be involved in such a sensitive and charged issue, especially when it does not directly concern his lineage. Tai Situ Rinpoche should set a good example and not interfere in the philosophies, practices, deities and spiritual path of another sect of Buddhism. His opinion will not hold water nor will it be respected but will be the cause of much more schism and dissension amongst various sects.

Until the implementation of the undemocratic ban in 1996, Dorje Shugden was widely practiced by great masters of both the Sakya and Gelug traditions. In fact, Dorje Shugden was first practiced, enshrined and written about in the Sakya tradition – a few great Sakya throne holders composed lengthy prayers and liturgies to Dorje Shugden for meditations and pujas, and within the Sakya tradition, Dorje Shugden is known as ‘Dorje Shugden tanag’ (Dorje Shugden depicted riding on a black horse). His was a highly recommended practice by some of the Sakya throne holders and in the main temple of Sakya in Tibet, there are shrines dedicated to him. Historically, it was the 30th Sakya throne holder Sonam Rinchen who first enthroned Dorje Shugden as an enlightened protector who, together with Dorje Setrap and Tsiu Marpo, formed as one of the groups of protectors of the Sakya lineage known as The Three Kings (Gyalpo Sum). It was from the Sakyas that great Gelugpa high-ranking masters, luminaries, yogis and scholars received this practice and up until today, many Gelugpa meditational practices were actually imported from the Sakya lineage. Hence, having originated amongst the Sakyas, Dorje Shugden became a mainstream practice in almost all Gelug monasteries in and out of Tibet for the past 400 years.

The Sakya Gyalpo Sum trio of protectors include Setrap, Dorje Shugden and Tsiu Marpo.

Therefore, when historical evidence shows the extensive, multi-tradition and interminable practice of this enlightened Dharma Protector prior to the 1996 Dorje Shugden ban, Tai Situ Rinpoche saying that Dorje Shugden “creates a lot of disharmony” and “within the Sangha there will be a lot of schism” is not only completely untrue but ironically is itself the cause of disharmony, distrust, animosity and schism. Tai Situ Rinpoche himself has created so much controversy, schism, division and fighting within his own lineage, and that he cannot blame on Dorje Shugden since he is so frightfully fearful of even mentioning his name. It is ironic he says Dorje Shugden creates division and schism, when he is doing a fine job of doing so all on his own.

His statements also demean all the great masters of the Gelug tradition (and the Sakya masters preceding them) who had tremendous faith in Dorje Shugden and engaged in his practice. Is Tai Situ Rinpoche implying that all the great Sakya and Gelug masters were wrong? That they lied to and misled their followers by encouraging them to rely on Dorje Shugden? That they were bad practitioners with no wisdom and foresight? That Tai Situ himself is higher and has better insight than all of them? How can Tai Situ Rinpoche judge lamas who are much more superior than himself? As sad as it seems, many within Tibetan Buddhism (both Tibetans and foreigners) find Tai Situ Rinpoche’s actions and speech more akin to a politician’s for self-gain than that of a so-called high lama. His immediate senior, His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche, is considered much more spiritual, direct and honest, and it would not come as a shock to know that Tai Situ has created great schism, talk and divisiveness against Shamar Rinpoche. For that, Tai Situpa was in fact banned by the Indian government from entering India for five years. That itself should say a lot. Shouldn’t a lama of Tai Situ Rinpoche’s standing be promoting religious tolerance, unity and peace instead?

Perhaps this is because Tai Situ Rinpoche is no stranger to divisiveness – he is a central figure in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa candidate. He has also instigated and promoted violence within the Karma Kagyu sect by encouraging his supporters to ransack Rumtek Monastery. Tai Situ Rinpoche’s encouragement was fueled by jealousy and unhappiness with His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche enthroning his Karmapa candidate Thaye Dorje in Rumtek Monastery itself. Within this video that was captured, you can see the extreme violence and vandalism by Tai Situpa’s supporters in Rumtek Monastery while Shamarpa and his Karmapa candidate were inside. Take note that Rumtek Monastery is the headquarters of the Karmapa in India, where Tai Situpa and Shamarpa had both grown up. Tai Situ Rinpoche overstepped his boundaries when he recognized Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the 17th Karmapa, a responsibility traditionally reserved for Shamar Rinpoche, the second highest ranking Karma Kagyu lama.

The Tibetan government-in-exile, known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has been implicated in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. Shamarpa Rinpoche should be the traditional lama to recognize and enthrone the 17th Karmapa. Due to the CTA’s interference, Shamarpa’s candidate received many threats and problems during the recognition. This picture shows His Eminence Shamar Rinpoche (right) with the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje (left).

The Tibetan government-in-exile, known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has been implicated in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. This picture shows Tai Situ Rinpoche (right) with the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje (left). With much violence, in-fighting and split among the Karma Kagyus, this very political Tai Situ Rinpoche did his Karmapa candidate’s enthronement. Many within Karma Kagyu sect do not accept his choice of candidate. The Dalai Lama was asked to withdraw his support for this candidate but said he could not do so because he has already signed his name to it, which means that he was endorsing this candidate for perhaps political reasons. The reason why Tai Situ broke with tradition and went to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to recognize his candidate is because he wanted his candidate to win so that he, Tai Situpa, could have access and control of the Karmapa’s estate accumulated over 16 generations. He therefore went to the Dalai Lama to gain an endorsement for his candidate Ogyen Trinley, thereby riding on the Dalai Lama’s fame to override Shamarpa who is the traditional person who is supposed to recognize the Karmapa.

The Tibetan government-in-exile, known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has been implicated in the controversy surrounding the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. This picture shows His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche (right) with his candidate of the 17th Karmapa Dawa Sangpo Dorje (left). So within the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism, due to the politics and greed, there are three candidates to Karmapa. It is a very sad situation indeed, with so much in-fighting and schism within the Karma Kagyus. Tai Situ Rinpoche would like to say Dorje Shugden creates divisions and schisms, but it seems without Dorje Shugden, Tai Situ is creating a lot of divisions on his own.

Tai Situ Rinpoche also broke tradition when, in a bid to force his candidate onto the Karma Kagyu throne, he involved His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala, North India) in the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. Everyone knows the reason why Tai Situ broke with tradition and went to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to recognize his candidate – he wanted his candidate to win so that he, Tai Situpa, could have access and control of the Karmapa’s estate accumulated over 16 generations. He therefore went to the Dalai Lama to gain an endorsement for his candidate Ogyen Trinley, thereby riding on the Dalai Lama’s fame to override Shamarpa who is the traditional person who is supposed to recognize the Karmapa.

To further inflame the issue, Tai Situ Rinpoche refused to submit for verification the evidence he claimed substantiated his choice of candidate. In fact, the line of Karmapa incarnations are known for finding their own next incarnations – before they pass away, they leave a written letter stating the location their next incarnation, as well as the name of their parents. This letter is sealed until the appropriate time when the four Regents open it together and embark on finding the Karmapa incarnation. The four regents are Shamar Rinpoche, Tai Situ Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche.

Tai Situ claimed he had this important recognition letter from the 16thKarmapa giving the whereabouts of the 17thKarmapa but he would not show it to anyone nor share it with the other regents. Shamarpa also claimed to have the letter and said that the letter held by Tai Situ is a forgery. The division continues from thereon without end; until today, the Karma Kagyu school is split into two, fighting, lambasting, criticizing, finger-pointing and badmouthing each other to such a point whereby one of the Karmapa candidates, Ogyen Trinley, spoke up about it. For someone who is as colorful as Tai Situ Rinpoche, who has created so much division, fighting and anger within his own lineage with his alleged deceptions, do you think he has the right to criticize another sect’s choice of protectors? Maybe he should solve his own problems before he sticks his nose into other issues that he knows nothing about. With his refusal to show his letter allegedly in the handwriting of the 16th Karmapa, his actions have since caused a deep split within the Karma Kagyu school which shows no sign of healing.


Inflammatory and untrue statements

This is the head of the Gelugpa order, His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal. During his tenure, which was extremely successful, he was the supreme throne holder of the Gelugpa school. Currently 92 years old, His Holiness resides in France where he remains a very strong practitioner of Dorje Shugden, always encouraging people to rely on the enlightened Protector. When the highest-ranking lama within the Gelug school of Buddhism tells you Dorje Shugden is beneficial and Manjushri in nature, maybe a much lower-ranking lama such as Tai Situpa should take heed of his senior. The 92-year-old Gaden Tripa is one of the greatest scholars of Buddhism on this planet and the head of the spiritual tradition of Gelugpa. He has lived a stainless, faultless life, remains very healthy and strong, and continues to advocate the practice of Dorje Shugden which he has received from his own root guru. Compare this to the politically-inclined Tai Situ Rinpoche who sends his followers to storm his own monastery, and throw rocks and bottles, and break its windows to disturb an important ceremony. You think which one you should listen to.

The divided opinion on the divinity of Dorje Shugden, which has gone on for decades, is still a highly charged topic today. Regardless of one’s opinion, what is crystal clear is that Dorje Shugden has not been conclusively proven to be a malevolent spirit. Contrary to this and in fact, there is vast evidence of Dorje Shugden’s enlightened nature.

In the video, Tai Situ Rinpoche clearly says that,

If you practice Shugden, it will bring obstacles to your life.

This alludes to the wrong views held by the anti-Shugden camp that a person’s life is shortened if he propitiates Dorje Shugden. Yet, it has been established that many lamas who are or were steadfast Dorje Shugden practitioners have long lifespans with some living well into their eighties and nineties. These include:

His Eminence Sogpu Rinpoche is considered to be an emanation of Gyenze, the “increasing” form of Dorje Shugden. He was born in 1908 in Hanchen Hosguu of Ordos in Inner Mongolia, and was enthroned on the Hutugtu throne at a young age. He entered clear light and left his earthly body in 2009 at the age of 101 years old.


Is a malevolent spirit more powerful than the Buddhas?

Early Karma Kagyu Refuge Tree showing the Buddhas, enlightened protectors and lineage masters. Click to enlarge.

As one of the oldest tulku lineages of the Karma Kagyu tradition, Tai Situ Rinpoche should possess the knowledge to understand that there is no basis to fear any spirit, malevolent or otherwise, if one has taken the Refuge Vows and even more so if one has taken the Sangha Vows. The Buddhist teachings are clear that no ghost or spirit can harm a monk or nun unless they themselves have broken their vows.

By encouraging fear of malevolent spirits, Tai Situ Rinpoche makes the supposition that the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) do not have the power to bring people under their protection. To make matters worse, when most lay people would turn to their lama or guru for spiritual assistance, including for protection against spirits and black magic, Tai Situ Rinpoche’s seeming lack of faith in the power of vows and refuge is akin to him saying that he is powerless to assist or protect his followers from malevolent spirits. This is illogical — can you imagine going to the Dalai Lama only to have His Holiness tell you that not only is he powerless to help, but he fears the spirit? Can you imagine His Holiness encouraging you to be afraid of a malevolent spirit and advising you to refrain from saying its name just in case you attract its attention?

In fact, high Tibetan lamas are renowned for their ability to subdue malevolent spirits. Given his repute, it should not be beyond Tai Situ Rinpoche’s ability to do so as well. As such, instead of playing up people’s paranoia with continuous talk, if Dorje Shugden were really that harmful, why not be practical and apply the proven solution i.e. subjugation?

Nechung was once an evil worldly spirit that did his best to destroy the advent of Buddhism in Tibet until he was subdued by Guru Rinpoche or Padmasambhava. In fact, Nechung is said to have originally come from Persia. So here you have a perfidious Persian spirit subdued by an Indian saint, turned into a Protector force within Tibet. Who is the real spirit? Today, he is the State Oracle of Tibet. In this picture, the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay and representatives of the CTA attend the invocation of the Nechung Oracle at Nechung Monastery on 18th July 2016. They are all waiting for the Nechung spirit to enter his human oracle and give predictions of the future, many of which have been proven wrong.

Spirits and ghosts are beings who are experiencing great pain and suffering. So, instead of encouraging his followers to fear Dorje Shugden who is supposedly a malevolent spirit, would it not behoove Tai Situ Rinpoche to subdue Dorje Shugden and send his consciousness to a pure land? Or alternatively, to subdue Dorje Shugden to serve as a Dharma Protector as in the case of Nechung, the State Oracle of Tibet? Lamas like Tai Situ Rinpoche are supposed to help people overcome spirit problems, as well as help spirits be released from their suffering. So how does Tai Situ Rinpoche subdue ghosts or spirits if he is afraid of them?

No demon or evil spirit can be more powerful than a Buddha but by Tai Situ Rinpoche labelling Dorje Shugden a spirit and then encouraging his followers to fear Dorje Shugden, he is implying that Dorje Shugden is stronger than Buddha Shakyamuni, Yamantaka, Manjushri or Palden Lhamo. What kind of message is he spreading to his students and followers? Why is he spreading information that is contradictory to the basic tenets of Buddhism?

There is only one possible explanation as to why Dorje Shugden cannot be subdued, which is that Dorje Shugden is himself a Buddha, an enlightened being emanating as a worldly protector. The only beings that cannot be subdued by Buddhas, are Buddhas themselves.


What is Tai Situ Rinpoche really saying?

It is a shame that Tai Situ Rinpoche is abusing his position as one of the leaders of the Karma Kagyu school to spread misleading, unsubstantiated fears and distorted information to the tens of thousands of adherents of his lineage, and to worsen an already-wide rift amongst Tibetan society. In fact, Tai Situ is very well-known to follow politics of the majority in order to have access to financial gain. By him sticking his nose and interfering with Gelugpa and Sakya business, and criticizing a Protector that has nothing to do with them, he is trying to nuzzle up to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile, and to be seen to be on the ‘right’ side. When he is seen to be on the ‘right’ side and he is supported by the Dalai Lama, it will mean more fame for him which will of course translate into more donations. This could be his only motive for speaking up on a subject that he knows nothing about. By speaking against Dorje Shugden, he is automatically criticizing the great Sakya and Gelug lamas who are much more senior than him, and much greater in knowledge than himself.

Instead of accepting Tai Situ Rinpoche’s words wholesale, discerning viewers should analyze the contents of his speech, examine them logically against the Buddha’s teachings, and then speak up to correct the wrong views that this video may have created. Tai Situ Rinpoche should really be held accountable for the pain, suffering and discrimination that he is encouraging through this short one-minute video – what is his motive for making these comments and what is he trying to achieve, personal, political or spiritual gain?



Zasep Tulku Rinpoche’s autobiography ‘A Tulku’s Journey from Tibet to Canada’, published in 2016, provides historical evidence and irrefutable proof that the Central Tibetan Administration is falsifying the facts when it comes to the practice of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

The autobiography of Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, a high lama of the Gelug lineage, provides accurate historical accounts of the Dorje Shugden practice. Click to enlarge.

The back cover of the book, click to enlarge.



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Historical accounts show that prior to the politicization of the Dorje Shugden practice by the Central Tibetan Administration, this popular deity was relied upon by Dharma practitioners to help in their spiritual practice. Contrary to detractors’ claims about Dorje Shugden being ‘anti-Dharma’, this Dharma Protector practice was traditionally deemed to be suitable to be practiced alongside the Highest Yoga Tantras.



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Zasep Rinpoche and his family were able to escape to safety prior to the events of 1959 through the clairvoyance and prophetic advice of Dorje Shugden through one of his oracles, Lama Gelong Chojor Gyamtso.



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Oracles of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden were known for the accuracy of their prophecies due to Dorje Shugden being a fully enlightened deity with perfect clairvoyance. As stated clearly by Zasep Rinpoche in his autobiography ‘A Tulku’s Journey from Tibet to Canada’, Dorje Shugden warned the Tibetans of the impending loss of their homeland but his advice was mostly ignored by the Tibetan government.

The Tibetan government chose to consult the worldly state protector Nechung, and Nechung advised that the Dalai Lama should remain in Tibet where he would be safe. This was mistaken advice, as historical events would later show. Fortunately for Tibetan Buddhists all around the world, Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang had great faith in Dorje Shugden and consulted the protector for advice on the Dalai Lama’s safety. Dorje Shugden via the Panglung Oracle urgently adviced the Dalai Lama to leave for India immediately and gave the exact escape route. In saving the Dalai Lama from certain harm, Dorje Shugden prevented the destruction of Tibetan Buddhism and preserved the future of the Tibetan culture and people.

Zasep Rinpoche’s account of events concur with monastic records that it was indeed Dorje Shugden who saved the Dalai Lama instead of Nechung, contrary to the claims of the Tibetan leadership.



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Dorje Shugden’s practice was first established within the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya Throneholders regarded this Dharma Protector as an enlightened being and Dorje Shugden, together with Dorje Setrab and Tsiu Marpo formed the triune of Sakya Protectors known as Gyalpo Sum. Today, Sakya practitioners claim that Dorje Shugden was never widely practiced by their lineage but history proves otherwise. The undeniable fact is that before the CTA’s religious ban, Dorje Shugden was practiced first by the Sakyas and was later transmitted to the Gelug school where it was practiced by the majority of the Gelugpas.



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Contrary to the CTA’s claims that Dorje Shugden’s practice is sectarian, Zasep Rinpoche’s autobiography shows how practitioners of all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism lived and practiced together in harmony, especially during the early years of exile in India. It was only when the CTA launched a virulent smear campaign against Dorje Shugden that the general public began to label Dorje Shugden a sectarian practice. In truth, Dorje Shugden’s practice is no more sectarian than the practices of other Dharma Protectors such as Mahakala Bernagchen, Achi Chokyi Drolma or Dorje Legpa, who protect the Karma Kagyu, Drikung Kagyu and Nyingma schools respectively.



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By the 1980s, the Tibetan government had failed to fulfil multiple promises to return the Tibetan people to their homeland. A scapegoat was needed and they made one out of an ancient Buddhist practice, pinning the loss of Tibet and the failure of the Tibetan cause on Dorje Shugden. In his autobiography, Zasep Rinpoche is of the same opinion, stating that “…the [Dorje Shugden] controversy was orchestrated by the Tibetan Central Administration…”

The Tibetan leadership effectively sanctioned witch-hunts on Dorje Shugden practitioners and persecuted them using government instruments, declaring that simply by being a Shugden worshipper, one was effectively an enemy of the Tibetan nation.

As a result of the hatred against Dorje Shugden practitioners instigated by the Tibetan leadership, virtually all Shugden Buddhists had to fear for their lives, or at least for their safety.



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Dorje Shugden’s beneficial practice has continued to thrive due to the courage and commitment of high lamas such as Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.



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For centuries, Dorje Shugden has been practiced alongside the highest practices of the Gelug and Sakya lineages. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche’s list of transmission is an indication that the highest scholars viewed the Protector as an enlightened being compatible with their yidam practices.

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95 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. We karma Kagyu people do not trust on Tai Situ Lama. We know he like money. He build a big temple in Nort India and want everyone to join him for monlam prayer. But many will not join. He has big tmpel because he very rich and like moeny. Many Kagyu people angry at Tai Situ Lama because he bring much shame and bad name to our leneage of Kamra Kaygu. He is not a good lama.

  2. Karma Kagyu lineage is much better without Tai Situpa who is NOT an emanation of Maitreya. I’ve met him several times and if you are wealthy, he shows you much preference. He has built his huge temple and large golden statues inside. But he himself does not do much to bring Buddhism to others. He was banned from entering India for five years due to the trouble he caused in India in invading and vandalizing Rumtek Monastery during the enthronement of Karmapa Thaye Dorje. Shameful. He endorsed his followers to attack Rumtek monasteries and they threw rocks, bricks and other objects breaking the monastery’s windows during the enthronement. Police had to be called and many of his followers arrested.

    Tai Situ is shameful and harmful.


  3. BIG MOUTH TAI SITU LAMA SHOULD SHUT UP! He should mind his own business. He created so much trouble within his own karma kagyu sect by fighting with Sharmapa Lama due to greed and lust for power and now he wants to give his opinions on a Gelugpa Protector. He knows nothing on the Gelug school and he should mind his own business. He should shut up!

  4. Gelugpas should write a letter to Tai Situ Rinpoche and tell him to mind his own business.

  5. Dorje Shugden will win as Tibetan govt in exile is going down. India is starting to shift their direction to China and ignore the Tibetans in India. The Tibetan leadership is being snubbed left and right by Indian govt. Now the Tibetans in exile will not be able to make much noise and problems and issues within the communities. Tibetans create so much problems like the illegal Dorje Shugden ban hurting thousands of people. ‘Supporters’ like Tai Situ Rinpoche who chases and hobnobs with Tibetan leadership for financial gains will realize he was on the wrong side. Too bad. Too late.

  6. Tai Situ Rinpoche he surely is not, he should rename himself to Tai Schism Rinpoche! This Tai Situpa has a track record of creating only schisms.

    First, creating a schism among his own Kagyu sect with his meddling in the selection of the Karmapa which he had no authority to because he’s only second in line to the Sharmapa. That until today, is yet properly resolved.

    Second, his power hunger is a disgrace to the entire Tibetan Buddhist community. Tai Situpa should have been disrobed from the get go when they found the millions stashed during the raid at Gyuto Tantric University. Imagine that, such a prestigious insitution getting raided for money laundering! What a disgrace, this Tai Schism has brought on to the name of the Karmapa and all of Tibetan Buddhism!!!

    Secondly, it is as clear as daylight that his only reason for meddling in the Karmapa selection is purely political and with a selfish agenda to control the millions of funds that the Karmapa holds and manipulate a succession agenda to controlling the seat of the Dalai Lama. Poor Karmapa Orgyen Trinley to be caught in the centre of all this. No wonder he was so distraught in his video address at this year’s Monlam Chenmo!


    Third and finally, this Tai Schismpa wants to meddle in the affairs of the Dorje Shugden practitioners! Can anyone disgrace Tibetan Buddhists more than this. How dare he?!! FOR FIVE CENTURIES, THERE HAS BEEN NO BIG PROBLEM, but of course all the problems with Tibet losing their country has nothing to do with poor governance; nothing to do with power hungry greedy individuals who care nothing about Tibet or Tibetans but interested only in how much money they can get from the US and European governments; nothing to do with all those millions obtained from the international community to help Tibetans that have gone to I wonder where – maybe to fueling anti-Dorje Shugden propaganda to cover their failures, maybe?

    Seriously. It’s no wonder the Tibetans will prefer being under China than under these crooks! At least, the Chinese government is making steps to develop the country.

    After nearly 60 years and billions of US dollars, these clowns have done and achieved nothing, except blame Dorje Shugden. Even if Dorje Shugden was a spirit, which he isn’t by the way, it is really dumb to say that Tibet will never be free because of a spirit! How about I slap Tai Schism and say, “Oh, it’s because of Nechung I slapped you.” I would sound dumb right? Yeah, I would. So, that makes everything Tai Schism and his CTA goons are saying sound dumb too.

    Please note, that in the last 60 years, there have been countless countries obtain their independence, and with less funds than the CTA have had. You want to know why? Because those countries that have gotten independence learned how TO UNITE THE PEOPLE. NONE OF THEM DID IT BY DIVIDING PEOPLE AND BLAMING IT ON A SPOOK!

    Tai Schism, please retire, please go to the Virgin Islands and enjoy your millions of off-shore funds and leave us Dorje Shugden practitioners alone. If you won’t unite Tibetans and people in the world, then leave us and let us do it. With the guidance of Dorje Shugden, we know we can, with you around it may be troublesome, but we’ll still do it. So, better you disrobe and retire.

    Tai Schism Rinpoche, no thank you very much for your unkind words.

    • Hahaha… I like that new name for this Rinpoche – Tai Schism Rinpoche. Sure fits the bill!

  7. Orgyen Trinley Dorje is a nice guy and I like him but I think Trinley Thaye Dorje will probably make a better Karmapa.

  8. For someone of his stature, it really is disappointing that Tai Situpa is still causing rifts within adherents to Tibetan Buddhism, within and beyond his lineage. Instead of doing justice to his highly revered position, he wastes it all for lesser samsaric benefits with his self-serving actions which are so destructive and harmful to Buddhists. Then again if he can betray his own lineage for self-gains, what more when it comes to other traditions?

    There is really no logical reason for Tai Situ Rinpoche saying the things he said in the video other than to attempt to degrade Dorje Shugden and to further his own self-interests. And if anyone seeks to attempt to chalk Tai Situ Rinpoche’s destructive actions up as a manifestation of crazy wisdom, it is NOT.

    “Crazy wisdom” fundamentally entails controversial methods customised by the Guru for his students based the Guru’s intimate observation and careful assessment of the students’ state of mind/conditions. It is clearly not the case with Tai Situpa’s reckless statements which are disseminated beyond such relationships or boundaries. One do not need to be clairvoyant to be able to see that the words of Tai Situpa, one of the oldest lineages of tulkus in the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, second only to the Sharmapa will have far reaching impact. Further, the damage he inflicts with his comment is even rapidly multiplied and intensified given how immediate messages can be electronically disseminated nowadays.

    Seriously, what kind of Buddhist monk becomes associated more with severely destructive and harmful activities instead of constructive and compassionate activities? To say that Tai Situpa is a disgrace to the Sangha and even entire Tibetan Buddhism is definitely a gross understatement.

  9. Where is the spirit of respect and harmony?

    Tai Situpa’s comment of putting down the wisdom of Sakya and Gelug lineage masters brings more harm than good.

    Anyone who is new to Buddhism will take what he said as true if one doesn’t check the facts.

  10. I don’t know if Tai Situ lama is really an emanation of Buddha Maitreya, but because Tai SItu lama has high rank, he should talk to promote peace and unity of people.

    Tai Situ lama is not from Geluk also not from Sakya, why do you say bad things on other people religion? Did you hear HH Dalai Lama say bad things about Christian or Islam? Why not tell people to be friend with each other? I think that is what Buddha teach all of us correct?

    Tibetan in India is not a big community, but why so many problems? why so many hate? why so many politics? I thought Tibetans practice Buddhism and are kind to everyone?

  11. Since Dorje Shugden is not within the Karma Kagyu tradition, how can Tai Situ Rinpoche talk about the subject?

    After going to the Dalai Lama to support him in creating schism in choosing Ogyen Trinley as the 17th Karmapa, maybe it is time to pay back to CTA to talk like he did.

    Or was it for money from CTA?

    It is obvious that this video has a hidden agenda to creating disharmony and schism with total disrespect to the grace of Buddhism to create peace and harmony.

    What is formidable is that CTA has chosen the right person for this purpose, after all Tai Situ Rinpoche has split the Karma Kagyu tradition into chaos.

    Let us not be fooled by all this abominable display by Tai Situ Rinpoche.

  12. Very shocking from Tai Situ Rinpoche, instead of making more harmony amongst the people from his tradition he goes and talks about the protector from another tradition.

    The way Tai Situ says it, to me it feels like in not so many words, a spirit is much more powerful than Buddhas.

    I think thinking like this or saying such statements, gives no credit to reincarnation lineage of Tai Situ Rinpoche. It is almost saying that Fire Pujas and Buddhist prayers have no power against mere spirits. If a Rinpoche cannot overcome a mere spirit, then we all should be worried.

  13. It’s shocking to see Tai Situpa, someone who has a high standing in Karma Kagyu tradition
    1) stick his nose into another tradition’s business
    2) spread false information and views
    3) negate the powers of The Three Jewels to lower than a spirit
    4) create schism with his comments
    5) make all the high lamas look dumb and powerless against a spirit

    As a high lama, shouldn’t he be promoting unity and harmony?

    His own lineage is divided. Shouldn’t he be spending his time and energy uniting Karma Kagyu?

  14. This is extremely disappointing to see. :-[ This ban on Dorje Shugden has really caused so much disharmony and suffering on so many levels. It has created broken samayas of great teachers and students. It has created families to split and betray one another. The Dorje Shugden ban has caused friends to become enemies. How can a spiritual leader say something that would cause further disunity and further suffering to so many? This is clearly political and it is such a shame that someone of Tai Situ Rinpoche’s calibre and status, supposedly an emanation of Maitreya to join in the bandwagon in condemning Dorje Shugden. :-\\ A person of his status should actually do the opposite and try to mend the broken, segregated Tibetan community and bring people together out of compassion. That is a true spiritual leader. Well, he lost the chance to show the world he is a Bodhisattva, instead, he just showed the world he is one of those with an agenda. Nothing special. I lost respect to yet another great Lama – not so great after all.

    Forum Discussion: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=6100.0

    • 😥

  15. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been openly saying he wants to return to Tibet. He has dreams he is in his potala palace with many butterlamps lit and meeting Tibetan people meeting him. Lobsang Sangye says Tibetans should make the Dalai Lama’s dream come true. Members of the Indian govt also says they hope he can go back.The interesting thing is if Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet, he will not be able to speak against Dorje Shugden anymore. Speaking against Dorje Shugden forces people to take sides and segregate. So much disharmony and pain created. The Tibetan leadership have divided their exiled Tibetan communities into two factions due to their illegal ban against Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden people are not allowed into Tibetan hospitals, clinics and events since the ban started in 1996. Their children are asked to leave Tibetan schools which was damaging. Dorje Shugden people have suffered tremendous discrimination due to the ban from the Tibetan leadership.

    China does not want social disharmony especially in Tibet for whatever reasons. So China does not ban Dorje Shugden but ironically gives religious freedom. Therefore the ban against Dorje Shugden by the Tibetan leadership in exile will not be allowed if Dalai Lama returns to Tibet. In fact, if Dalai Lama and his people want to get on the good side of China to even be considered to visit or return to Tibet, they better stop speaking about Dorje Shugden negatively. The tables have turned. The oppression against Dorje Shugden people have to end now.

    Video of His Holiness Dalai Lama expelling monks from monasteries solely because they practice Dorje Shugden. Remember, Dorje Shugden has been practiced in major monasteries for the last 400 years. Dalai Lama in the video says he is happy they are kicked out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTgYWidYw3U&t=1s

  16. USA doesn’t accept Tibetan refugees any more
    Since Trump took office, the Tibetan yellow book has not been accepted by the American embassy in Delhi. No matter how strong a Tibetan’s accompanying documents are, the second they present their yellow book to the visa officer, their application is rejected. A friend of mine went to the American embassy himself to confirm this.
    He said it’s because the US government knows what the Tibetans have been doing i.e. go to the US and throw away their passports, and apply for asylum / young Tibetan girls overstay and get married to American men / young Tibetan guys overstay and work in restaurants, etc.
    As a result, more Tibetans are aiming for Europe which is easier to get into compared to America, but it is not as easy as before. Nowadays, to get to Europe, it costs Rs24 lakh (approximately USD36,255.51). On top of that, they can’t fly directly into Europe anymore and have to go a long, roundabout way.
    First, Tibetans get a fake Indian passport and travel to Bangkok. They remain there for 15 days, where they throw away their Indian passport and another agent gets them a Thai passport. They use this to travel to Turkey where they remain for another few days, before traveling to Greece. After spending a few days in Greece, they travel to Spain. Once they’re in Western Europe, it’s easy for them to go anywhere else. Many of them end up in France.
    The entire journey takes about one month (whereas in the past they could have flown from India directly to France). Some Tibetans who don’t have enough money to complete the journey, find themselves stuck in Turkey or Greece until they can raise the funds.
    Many Tibetans, especially the older ones, are selling their homes in the settlements to fund this journey. If they have enough money, the whole family goes. If they don’t have enough money, they send just their kids. Basically, they have lost hope and confidence in the CTA, and are worried about what will happen when His Holiness the Dalai Lama passes. They feel that Indian government might kick them out, force them to become Indian citizens, etc.
    If they can’t get to Europe, then they try Canada, Australia, etc. They will keep trying anywhere until they find a place that will accept them. In the worst case scenario, they go to Nepal because Nepal has more freedom. This is not because the Nepali government gives them more freedom; the Tibetans feel that Nepal has more freedom because it is out of the control of the CTA. Worse comes to worst, if all else fails, then they will apply for Indian citizenship.

    USA Flag

  17. It sure looks like both China and India are determined to achieve successful reconciliation, something that will mark a new milestone in the history of India-China relations. This will continue to impede the Tibetan leadership’s attempts to spew anti-China rhetoric and propaganda. India already began its clampdown on the Tibetans in March, when they banned key Tibetan events, including cancelling celebrations marking the Tibetans’ 60 years in exile, which were going to be held in Delhi.

    India changed her strategy after recognising that a hard-line approach with China did not work. Rather, there is much more to gain if Asia’s two giants come together for the common goal of mutual benefit. If all goes well, India may even be the one cutting a deal with China to allow the Dalai Lama’s return to Tibet. After all, the Tibetan leadership in-exile have failed miserably in making progress in this regard. Nonetheless, we know for sure that India will no longer tolerate nonsense from Tibetans in-exile that would jeopardize their relations with China any further.

    India’s Modi to visit China this week as rapprochement gathers pace
    Ben Blanchard
    BEIJING (Reuters) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit China this week for an informal meeting with President Xi Jinping, as efforts at rapprochement gather pace following a testing year in ties between the two giant neighbors.
    The Chinese government’s top diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi, said the two would meet on Friday and Saturday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.
    “Our common interests far outweigh our differences. The two countries have no choice other than pursuing everlasting friendship, mutually beneficial cooperation and common development,” Wang told reporters after meeting Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj in Beijing.
    “The summit will go a long way towards deepening the mutual trust between the two great neighbors,” he added. “We will make sure that the informal summit will be a complete success and a new milestone in the history of China-India relations.”
    Modi has sought to re-set ties after disputes over issues including their disputed border with Tibet and other issues.
    The discussion with Wang was to prepare for the informal summit, Swaraj said.
    “It will be an important occasion for them (Modi and Xi) to exchange views on bilateral and international matters, from an overarching and long-term perspective with the objective of enhancing mutual communication,” Swaraj said.
    The Asian giants were locked in a 73-day military stand-off in a remote, high-altitude stretch of that boundary last year. At one point, soldiers from the two sides threw stones and punches.
    The confrontation between the nuclear-armed powers in the Himalayas underscored Indian alarm at China’s expanding security and economic links in South Asia.
    China’s ambitious Belt and Road initiative of transport and energy links bypasses India, apart from a corner of the disputed Kashmir region, also claimed by Pakistan, but involves India’s neighbors Sri Lanka, Nepal and the Maldives.Modi’s previously unannounced Wuhan trip is even more unusual in that he will visit China again in June for a summit in Qingdao of the China and Russia-led security grouping, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, which India joined last year.
    It is almost unheard of for foreign leaders to visit China twice in such close succession. Xi is also extending Modi the rare honor of a meeting outside of Beijing, which almost never happens unless there is a multilateral summit taking place.
    Modi’s nationalist government has reversed course on its relationship with Beijing apparently after realizing its hard line on China was not working.
    Exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who lives in India and who China considers a dangerous separatist, is also facing the cold shoulder.
    In March, India issued an unprecedented ban on Tibetans holding a rally with the Dalai Lama in New Delhi to mark the 60th anniversary of the start of the failed uprising against Chinese rule.
    Other areas of disagreement remain however between Beijing and New Delhi.
    China has blocked India’s membership of a nuclear cartel and it has also been blocking U.N. sanctions against a Pakistan-based militant leader blamed for attacks on India.

    India's Modi to visit China this week

  18. Tai situ shdnt meddle in Gelug lineage just to look good in front of DL.Why is it ok to talk about other ppl prob when they have their own prob to take care of.Coz of him their lineage have two Karmapa.How can something like that happen.He is one of the cause of the many probs happening in KK.One thing which I find illogical is there are so many high Lamas that practiced Dorje Shugden all of them are wrong?Many practiced without probs & came back in new incarnation & recognised so how can they be wrong.Just do fire puja & try & see if Dorje Shugden can be subdued.🤔😂

  19. It’s truly sad such preserved lineage were diminish by him. Why create schism among all sact and lineages? What will Tai Situ Rinpoche gain or benefited? Other than FAME and STATUS, he will be disparage by his own sacts, lamas and students. His actions is an embarrassment and insulting on his own lineage. Sad to say, Karma Kagyu will never be united. ☹️

  20. Tai Situ Rinpoche really put down the 3 Jewels and the sangha vows. As a monk and believed to be an emanation of Maitreya Buddha creating fear in people’s mind just by saying Dorje Shugden’s name is ridiculous. Why Tai Situ Rinpoche which believed to be an emanation of a Buddha didn’t subdue Dorje Shugden if he really think it’s a spirit that will bring obstacle and disharmony to many people?

  21. Tibetan Buddhism is well-known to subdue spirits, but why can’t they perform any powerful puja to subdue the so called evil spirit Dorje Shugden. If the puja is not working for Dorje Shugden, but other powerful spirits, doesn’t it means that something is unusual? At the same time, there are many highly attained lamas, monks, nuns and lay people are practicing Dorje Shugden, but there is obviously no sign of bad omen or negative effect on any of the practitioner..

  22. Why Tai Situ Rinpoche is condemning others lineages practices where as a monk he should not? Further more by saying Dorje Shugden is a spirit, is there any prove? Dorje Shugden has been practiced for the past 400 years and many Shugden lamas had taken rebirth back and continue to benefit many people. If Dorje Shugden is a spirit how could this be possible?

    Tai Situ Rinpoche had created a division by recognizing another Karmapa that break the tradition and unable to show the recognition letter from the 16th Karmapa to prove his candidate this is what I call as the real schism and obstacle that created for his own lineage.

  23. Tai Situ is really Tai Situ? I mean what is he speaking about !?
    Why does he speak about Gelug lineage – he should mind his own business, isn’t it!?

    It is just funny that this monk is scared of a so-called spirit… I think no monk who holds his vows should be afraid of a spirit…. and why has no fire puja had the result to subdue Dorje Shugden?? Right, because he is enlightened !

  24. Tibetan Buddhism has gotten worse with more politics than dharma being taught. The ‘high’ lamas of all sects should just stick to teaching dharma, stop talking and shut up on political issues that would lead to breaking up and dividing Tibetans, and bringing about the deterioration of the Buddha’s dharma. If each household can manage its own affairs, then manage it more and bring your household to another level. Stop looking inside your neighbour’s house, stop judging and condemning your neighbour’s garden. Just clean up your household mess and weed your own backyard.

  25. I just cannot imagine a monk like Tai Situ Rinpoche can say and do such things like creating schisms. A monk should be harmony and united with one another and not breaking one another by all the negative speech. Monks should concentrate in learning and spreading the Dharma and should not be involve in worldly affair like politics.

  26. My humble conclusive opinion.

    This saga will roll on and on and has no benefit for CTA especially. The last thing they want is their reputation is being further tarnished. Of course they need to have a good image to gain more cash donations and one way of doing that is blame it on Dorje Shugden. Make people blame Dorje Shugden in order to stir further problems and CTA to look like the victim. Victims are those who were discriminated and harmed due to the unfounded ban, not CTA. Wake up fellow Tibetans, CTA is as corrupted as they can be and people need to know that.

  27. Why a highly attain monk ( Tai Situ ) causing schism? Doesn’t make any sense for me. And until today there’s still got people talk bad about Dorje Shugden practice? Don’t your guys feel boring to causing schism?

    In Canada, what we practice is ours own freedom.


  28. If you believe in what Tai Situ Rinpoche said,then the past Throne holders of sakya and those incarnated high lama who is still practicing Dorje Shugden in gelung lineage have make a mistake. So Dalai lama also practice dorje shugden for the past was making mistake too. Then Dalai Lama’s teaching can be wrong also since his received teaching form his teacher who also practicing Dorje Shugden, So what the point going to get teaching form him and listen to what he say.

  29. A lama should concentrate in their own practice, and stop criticizing and talk bad about other lineage, especially it is about other deities or protector that the other lineages are practicing. Unless he doesn’t believe in karma. Criticizing other lineages like this doesn’t make it look good on Tibetan Buddhism. Whether this Tai Situ Rinpoche is Dalai Lama supporter or he’s being paid by CTA or not, he himself as a Tibetan should know it clearly. Spread Dharma, spread Tibetan Buddhism, be a good person, be a good example, instead, he doing all the opposite now. It looks bad…. it really looks bad.

  30. Tibetan buddhism has involve some many political issue, it bring down the hold image of buddhism. What Tai Situ Rinpoche has said has create more fear and segegation other lineage practice. Is Karma Kagyu so perfect without any schism and problem. Two Karmapa issue already separated follower of Karma Kagyu. Stop critizing others what they have belieave. Especially dorje shugden practise.

  31. For the past few years, i have been hearing many politics in Tibetan Buddhism, with the inteference with CTA, the politics already very bad, what I dont understand is why did the sangha members also want to involve and create more complicating politics. A sangha member should be focus only in their spiritual practice, not intefering with other sect or tradition’s practice, because every tradition has their own method and practice, we should not involve and confuse others by our own opinion. To me, what Tai Situ Rinpoche did is very not right, he should stay away from creating more schism towards the sangha members.

  32. This is another scary scene I witnessed about how high ranking Tibetan lamas happily create schism and put down other lamas not only among his own lineage but other lineage by saying things that not a lamas should say without thinking much. Create schism is one of the rescue vows that all Buddhists seriously hold in our daily life. But Tai Situ Rinpoche, leading his people not only harming to his own dharma brothers, now he dare to point finger at Gelug lineage and intended to further split the gelugpas.

    If these so called high lamas do not respect, do not hold their vows nor remember what the Buddha had taught, why do others care about what they teach any more? He even failed himself and his lineage by showing their students, there’s no dharma, no integrity and need not talk about holding one vows.

  33. This is another scary scene I witnessed about how high ranking Tibetan lamas happily create schism and put down other lamas not only among his own lineage but other lineage by saying things that not a lamas should say without thinking much for their own selfish benefits and political purposes.

    Create schism is against one of the refuge vows that all Buddhists seriously hold in our daily life. But Tai Situ Rinpoche, leading his people not only harming to his own dharma brothers, now he dare to point finger at Dorje Shugden issues and intended to further split and adding more sufferings to the gelugpas.

    If these so called high lamas do not respect, do not hold their vows nor remember what the Buddha had taught, they show no wisdom and no compassion, then why do others care about what they teach any more? He even failed himself and his lineage by showing their students, there’s no dharma, no integrity and need not talk about holding one vows.

  34. The beginning of the end for Tibetan leadership in India.

    The Dalai Lama and Tibetan govt in-exile better be on the alert now. For years they have met politicians, organizations and private individuals while talking negatively about China and painted an ugly picture of China wherever they went to get sympathetic votes and more free aid in dollars. It didn’t work, as the whole world wants to be China’s friend now, even the Indians. Tibet was no Shangrila and the reason they even lost their country back in 1959 was due to their own ineffective and corrupt leadership. It’s their own fault. For the last 60 years living Tax free in India they have still not secured their country back. It shows their lack of abilities and ineptness. Now Prime Minister Modi has landed in China to meet the powerful President Xi. One of the agendas to be discussed is the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in India. Definitely China will work something out with Modi against the freeloading Tibetan refugees. High time too. Many Indians on social media have called for the Dalai Lama and Tibetans to return home as they have overstayed their welcome in India. Why should India stick their necks out any further for the useless Tibetans? That is how the Indians have rightly complained.

    Now with Modi getting closer to China and President Xi, this spells doomsday for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans. For years the Tibetans have been meddling in Indian politics and insulting China and now the day of reckoning is near. The Tibetan govt in-exile are corrupt, useless, self-serving, schismatic and hateful. For years they have spoken against Dorje Shugden practitioners, segregating them and inciting violence against them in India. Now their karma has returned. The Tibetan govt in-exile likes to call Dorje Shugden pracitioners ‘Chinese spies’ and the funny thing is now the Dalai Lama is nearly begging China to return to Tibet/China. Who is the Chinese spy now?

    Now the Dalai Lama and his exiled govt better keep quiet about China and be humble. They better remain silent on the unjust treatment of Dorje Shugden people and ‘allow’ religious freedom. They are losing power and losing support fast. Now the time has come they will have to swallow their own bitter pills they so happily doled out to others previously. Tibetan govt leaders better keep quiet and be humble now. The Tibetan govt in-exile should not have segregated Dorje Shugden people. Now Dorje Shugden people should go and become friends with China and return to Tibet to live also. The Dalai Lama wants to return to Tibet so bad but China does not want him. Too bad. India does not want him either. Too bad. Should have been friends with Dorje Shugden people in order to have more support in the hundreds of thousands. They should not have made trouble. Too bad the Tibetan leadership is so corrupt. So narrow minded, they trampled on their own people’s religious rights. Now we will see who wins. The Tibetan leadership or Dorje Shugden. I have a feeling Dorje Shugden will win.

    PM Narendra Modi arrives in China, his goal clear: Bridge the trust deficit
    The Chinese President has not hosted any leader in an “informal summit”, which is how the Xi-Modi meeting has been described. In fact, Xi is travelling out of Beijing to central China to spend over two days with the Indian PM, the first time he is extending such a gesture to a visiting foreign leader.
    Written by Shubhajit Roy | Wuhan (china) | Updated: April 27, 2018 8:07:29 am
    Past midnight Thursday, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in this picturesque city of lakes, parks and gardens along the Yangtze river, the big question that followed him was this: Can he bridge the trust deficit with China, and its powerful President Xi Jinping?
    The answer, The Indian Express has learnt, could possibly lie in a new “modus vivendi”, an arrangement for two conflicting sides to co-exist in peace, that the two leaders will work on over the next two days.
    “The modus vivendi, which was reaffirmed and arrived at during (then PM) Rajiv Gandhi’s 1988 visit, has frayed considerably. It has been felt on both sides that it needs to be reframed,” sources told The Indian Express.
    Officials feel the 1988 framework to develop bilateral relations in all spheres, while carrying out border negotiations without any use of force, has outlived its utility.
    “China has now emerged as a hegemonic power and has been stepping on our toes repeatedly. We are competing with each other everywhere, from South Asia to Africa, from Southeast Asia to Indo-Pacific. There is a realisation that both sides have reached a tipping point,” sources said.
    The Chinese President has not hosted any leader in an “informal summit”, which is how the Xi-Modi meeting has been described. In fact, Xi is travelling out of Beijing to central China to spend over two days with the Indian PM, the first time he is extending such a gesture to a visiting foreign leader.
    The two leaders have met at least 10 times over the last four years, but this will be their first meeting since Xi has been re-elected, with the Constitutional limit for a presidential term done away with.
    “There has been a lack of strategic trust between the two countries, and this summit will be looking at repairing that damage and how to move forward,” sources said.
    “Wuhan was recently named China’s happiest city…we hope to give some happy news about the summit,” a Chinese official told The Indian Express.
    Modi will meet Xi at about 3 pm Friday at the Hubei provincial museum. The two leaders will head for a one-on-one meeting at the premises and also tour the museum together.
    Later, a structured meeting between Modi and Xi, with six officials on each side, will be held at the museum premises. The two sides will then move to the State Guest House, a palatial complex in the heart of the city along the East lake, where the leaders will meet once again accompanied by the officials. Modi and Xi will again meet for dinner at the guest house Friday evening.
    This structured delegation-level talks is the first indication that the “informal summit” is being crafted in a calibrated and choreographed manner.
    Some of Friday’s meetings will be attended by senior officials, including National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale. But Saturday will see the two leaders meeting mostly in a one-on-one format, including a “lakeside walk” and a “boat-ride”. The leaders will also travel on a ferry, where they will “discuss issues over a cup of tea”.
    Ahead of his departure for Wuhan, Modi said, “President Xi and I will exchange views on a range of issues of bilateral and global importance. We will discuss our respective visions and priorities for national development, particularly in the context of the current and future international situation. We will also review developments in India-China relations from a strategic and long-term perspective.”
    Sources said the talks will not be on “specific issues” but “the future direction of the relationship”, including concerns and sensitivities such as the China-Pakistan-Economic Corridor, Belt and Road Initiative, listing of Masood Azhar and India’s membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group. From the Chinese perspective, the Tibetan issue and how India handles the refugees are key questions.
    Preparatory work on the new arrangement has been taking place since last September, when the two leaders met in Xiamen on the sidelines of the BRICS summit and wanted to talk “in detail”, but could not due to paucity of time.
    In Wuhan, Modi was received by Chinese Vice Foreign minister Kong Xuanyou at the airport.
    Indicating the mood within the Chinese leadership, a commentary published in China Daily, a media outlet run by the ruling Communist Party of China, carried the headline: “Summit may herald Century of Asia”.
    In the piece, Fu Xiaoqiang, research fellow at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, wrote: “Of course, Xi and Modi will also address each other’s concerns, but they are not likely to indulge in strategic distrust and geopolitical competition by ignoring the necessity of strengthening win-win cooperation.”
    Incidentally, a part of the Wuhan State Guest House complex houses Mao Zedong’s summer villa by the lake side, which is now open to visitors. Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, has also hosted Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore during his tour of China 94 years ago to engage with writers, poets and intellectuals.

    PM Narendra Modi arrives in China

  35. Did His Holiness the Dalai Lama recognize the wrong Karmapa?

    The Karmapas and Sharmapas are spiritually inseparable. Both are fellow holders of the 900-year-old Karma Kagyu lineage, a spiritual tradition that predates the lineage of the Dalai Lamas by over 200 years. They are also responsible for the recognition of each other’s reincarnations. However, in 1992, Tai Situ recognized a Karmapa candidate different from the candidate chosen by the Sharmapa. He effectively overrode centuries of tradition amongst the four Karma Kagyu regents. Tai Situ went ahead and enthroned his own candidate without the Sharmapa’s approval, and received the Dalai Lama’s approval. Therefore, the Dalai Lama may have endorsed the wrong Karmapa.

    Due to the Dalai Lama’s endorsement, the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala acknowledged Tai Situ’s candidate, Ogyen Trinley, as the 17th Karmapa, hosting him at the Gelug lineage’s Gyuto Tantric monastery. They even side-lined the Sharmapa’s candidate, Thaye Dorje. The world’s media were also misled to believe that “the Dalai Lama’s Karmapa” is the sole and legitimate candidate for the position. Until today, thanks to the Tibetan leadership, there is no end in sight to the rift that the Karmapa issue caused within the Karma Kagyu tradition. This long-standing feud occurred because of the Tibetan leadership’s political interference in spiritual matters.


  36. Tai Situ doesn’t need Dorje Shugden to create schisms, he’s very well capable of doing it himself. Instead of banning Dorje Shugden, I wonder why the CTA didn’t ban this Tai Situ… could it be that a few people got a fat kickback from the wealthy Karmapa funds for endorsing his Karmapa candidate?


  37. 没想到 Tai Situ只是一个虚有其名的仁波切。 他发表的谈话只是让人混乱的邪见。

    身为一位被“称为弥勒佛” 的仁波切, 你竟然会怕你所谓的”邪灵”???

    如果你是一位皈依三宝的出家人, 你就会得到三宝的保护。 就算是邪灵也不会伤害到你。 你发表这样的谈话很难让人不联想到你只是要得到金钱的利益。

    你为了自己的利益不惜反传统请达赖喇嘛为你的的大宝法王认证, 把你自己的传承分裂成两位阵营, 那么造成分裂的到底是你还是多杰雄登??

    人心可怕, 愚痴更是让人无法分辨是非。 我为你的支持者感到伤心。 很多忠诚对你的弟子因为你发表的邪见而误入歧途。

  38. His Holiness on Why a Woman Should Be Very Attractive to Be a Candidate for the 15th Dalai Lama

    How come a spiritual leader is commenting on the value of women based on their looks? This is not funny, not intelligent and not politically correct. It is wrong. It is debasing and makes people lose respect for a monk such as Dalai Lama for talking about human beings in this manner.


    • ​Tai Situ Rinpoche has done enough damage in his own lineage of Karma Kagyu when he broke the traditions by override Sharmapa selecting his own candidate onto the Karma Kagyu throne. He involved H.H the 14th Dalai Lama and the CTA in the recognition of the 17th Karmapa which only worsen the situation, where now the Karma Kagyu school split into two.

      And now he is spreading non sense and baseless statement that Dorje Shugden brings obstacles to our life, creates disharmony and schism and accusing that people are actually afraid of Dorje Shugden. Seriously, why Tai Situ Rinpoche fanning Dorje Shugden ban that has nothing to do with his Karma Kagyu lineage? Perhaps by showing his “loyalty” to CTA, he can get what he wants to fulfill his selfish personal agenda?

      Being one of the oldest lineages of tulkus in the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, Tai Situ Rinpoche is responsible to spread Buddha’s teachings, bring peace and compassion to people and not the other way round. The schism and disharmony from Tai Situ Rinpoche’s actions is a total shame to Buddhism and Tibetan people.

  39. Breaking news!

    Well, all the people who was saying China-backed Panchen Lama is fake sure look ridiculous now. They attacked all the Tibetans and supporters who respected the China-backed Panchen Lama calling them all types of dirty and foul names in person and on social media. Calling them China stooges and China paid vulgar names for believing in the China-backed Panchen Lama. Now who looks so ridiculous? Now the Dalai Lama says the China-backed Panchen Lama is good and has a good teacher. If he has a good teacher it means he is turning into a good teacher himself. So he is qualified to teach. The end.

    Dalai Lama says the China-backed Panchen Lama is an emanation of the previous Panchen Lama because high lamas can incarnate back as several lamas at the same time. So the Panchen Lama recognized by the Dalai Lama and the China-backed Panchen Lama are both good and both are incarnations of the previous Panchen Lama. How the tables have turned. Now all the people who criticized China-backed Panchen Lama can keep quiet and remember how ridiculous they look now. Listen to what the Dalai Lama says now as of April 2018 about the China-backed Panchen Rinpoche http://video.dorjeshugden.com/videos/11PanchenLamaIsAlive.mp4

    The Panchen Lama recognized by Dalai Lama is alive and well also according to Dalai Lama himself.

  40. Is it time to save the sinking ship that is the Tibetan cause? But wait a minute, the ship has already been sunk for the likes of Mr Ugyen Gyalpo.

    Gone are the days when Tibet’s independence was possible, yet Tibetans like Mr Gyalpo are still living in a fantasy, asking the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) to go against the Dalai Lama’s goal of meaningful autonomy for Tibet, and advocate full independence instead. On top of that, he wants India to help Tibet gain its independence, disregarding how these actions would jeopardize India’s relationship with China.

    This is the same kind of illogical, self-centred, wishful thinking that caused the Tibetans to lose their country to China by signing the 17-Point Agreement in 1951. Why ask someone to fight for a lost cause? Perhaps Mr Gyalpo was on holiday and did not catch the latest media flurry about the Dalai Lama stating that he is happy for Tibet to be in China. The CTA President Lobsang Sangay even urged Tibetans to make the Dalai Lama’s dream of returning to Tibet come true.

    It is time for My Gyalpo and other pro-independence activists to seriously wake up from their self-imposed slumber and plan what they can actually do if and when the Dalai Lama gets the green light to go back to Tibet. Do they want to support the Dalai Lama, their spiritual leader? Or will they betray and abandon him?
    Time to save the sinking ship of the Tibetan cause
    By Ugyen Gyalpo
    NEW YORK, US, 28 April 2018
    Gone are the days when Tibetan solidarity was demonstrated through inter-organisational unity, and transparency and teamwork were not conundrums. The architects of endemic ideologies, the clash of mighty egos, and our flawed democracy, a system without multiple parties to represent different voices, has our community deeply divided and entrenched on regional grounds.
    A short-circuit motherboard, like that which existed on an imaginary level before His Holiness’ devolution of his political role, that managed different flows of energy and controlled frequencies of differential arrays with a single switch, is surely missing in these rather difficult days of our newly-minted, hard-to-understand, infant democracy.
    Every organisation or group has different agendas to put forth, even though the supposedly ultimate goal of solving Tibet’s issue for that matter is unequivocally shared by our same moral obligations. Every organisation in itself has become a marshy pond, where viruses of egocentrism are birthed and thrive. Every organisation and everyone leading them has somehow made islands of isolationist groups of like-minded people.
    There is a silent battle of ‘creditworthiness’ brewing within our bureaucracy, and a hunger to ‘monetize’ by the many Tibet Support Groups of the cult-like brand Tibet, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s name has become detrimental to our cause and to the unity that we critically need.
    Furthermore, the millions in American aid has intoxicated our movement and has us habituated to seeking monetary help, while losing sight of our goal. And the supposed leader of the free world in the United States, having lost completely the needle of its moral compass, shoves our greater issues silently under the political rug, while we rejoice in their perennial candy aid. Whilst our elected leader impatiently awaits for applause on the issues of such aid, has only added mileage to the charade that exists. It is ever too clear how wolfishly the world led by the US have sidelined the Tibet issue with the changing dynamic and symbiosis and the dominant political clout of China in its newly-found realm.
    Just like Africa remains poor because of the surplus Western food that is dumped as ‘humanitarian aid’ into the market, which in turn debilitates and destroys the local farming there and makes them lazy and cyclically dependent, the Tibetan diaspora’s dependence on Western aid is no different. it has trapped them into the eternal hypocrisy of the West and made them complacent and numbingly patient.
    The dynamics of what the West could have done some twenty years ago when China was easy to contain, and the empty promises and hypocrisy that exist now through reaffirmation of their help by way of lobbying and institutionalisation of the Tibetan cause, has got us nowhere but to a cycle of regimental renewal of oaths and vacant promises, and deepening of the pockets of those who exploit our cause.
    The long-wished-for occasion of China one day crumbling under the weight of their capitalistic boom, which would hopefully propel uts people to yearn for greater rights and freedom guaranteed on democratic grounds that comes along with flowering seeds of prosperity, seems to be dead on arrival ever since President Xi, who seems to be Mao’s incarnate, rewrote the constitution in his own terms and vowed to rule the country indefinitely as a dictator. The likelihood of the collapse of communist China like the former USSR is far from reality now. And so are the chances of any possibility of coming to an agreement on the call for autonomy that Tibetans have been pushing for decades now.
    I am not a political analyst nor an expert pundit on geopolitical changes, but my gut instinct tells me that our struggle for freedom should be waged from India of all other places. As of now realizing through this sad awakening, the Tibetan issue has become a case of the leper that no one wants to touch but only sympathise with. We have had enough of world sympathy, and of countries that once supported Tibet kowtowing to China. We should take matters into our own hands now. What we need more than anything is only our own self-help.
    Having said that, the era of dependency on Western help and lobbying is a farce. We need to gather support from our natural and genuine automatic half-brother in India. Through the era of leadership of Modi’s courage, we will be able to stand up against the Chinese might in unison. Tibetans are scattered like broken rosary beads all over the world, but since the thread that brings us together is based in India, it’s but natural to wage our campaigns from there.
    These last two decades have transformed not just China but India too. Having grown far from their third-world stigma, and now a leader in an emerging economy, India has become a dominant player in world politics as well. Any or all help from our half-brothers, who have given us refuge along with our religion and our script, is what we should look forward to now. India ranks among the world’s top five armed forces. No matter what, China can’t bully India lest they risk an all-out war that neither would want in the real world.
    Tibet has evidently been a thorny issue in China-India bilateral relations ever since His Holiness was given refuge. As of late, the diplomatic fall-out from the slippery tongue of CTA’s President that flashed out covert secretive mission by an emissary to China, inadvertently keeping India out of the loop has caused some mistrust within the Indian politburo. India has much to lose if Tibet is ever given genuine autonomy and if China reclaims all of Tibet based on the McMahon line. As of late, India’s snubbing of Tibet and the Dalai Lama’s related programmes and events is evidence of their intentional withdrawal. The only way we Tibetans can earn back India’s hitherto undeniable moral support and trust is if we vehemently change our political course and steer this sinking ship on chartered waves of reclaiming total independence that will reshape the paradigm of where we stand as refugees in the eyes of the Indian government, and where our ultimate goal lies.
    It is time that the CTA should reverse its ideology and go back to its original and genuine aim of reclaiming everything we have lost, to follow the shadow of truth of Tibet being once an independent country and nothing more. The only strong answer to China is the reaffirmation of our calls for complete independence. We must send them a strong message that we are not one of their ethnic minorities, but proud Tibetans who once ruled over their subservience.

    Time to save the sinking ship of the Tibetan cause

  41. In March 2018, Tibetan protestors gathered near the Tibetan parliament, seeking to impeach Lobsang Sangay because his actions are unjust and akin to those of a dictator. Protestors also questioned his sudden termination of Penpa Tsering, the former Representative of the Office of Tibet in Washington, DC, who was his arch-rival during the 2016 Tibetan election.

    But this is not all, Lobsang Sangay’s CV includes a long list of deceitful actions, such as hiding the loan trail of $1.5-million taken by his office from Tibet Fund to purchase a building to house the Office of Tibet in DC. He even ordered the Auditor General to remove any mention of the loan in various financial reports. Lobsang Sangay is also alleged to have sexually assaulted an intern of the International Campaign for Tibet advocacy group. Even before he became the Sikyong (the president of the Central Tibetan Administration), scandals surrounding his actions were rampant. Four years after buying a house near Boston, his US$227,000 mortgage disappeared overnight, one week before he became the president of the CTA. It is no wonder that Tibetans like Pelgyamo express their dissatisfaction by posting sarcastic comments on Lobsang Sangay’s Instagram page.


  42. It’s a shame to say you don’t even dare to spell Dorje Shugden’s name. How possible a sangha who hold his vows be harmed by a “spirit”? This may be able to bluff those without Buddhism knowledge but not may with basic knowledge. Please don’t bring more bad name to your lineage by creating split and disharmony by having another Karmapa. The damage done is big enough. Please stop criticising Gelug or another lineage. This is really bad.

  43. The Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) in Dharamsala refusing to accept Tibetan RCs (Registration Certificates) is yet another example of interference by the Central Tibetan Administration. Tibetans need this document to apply for an Indian passport. The CTA does not want to lose its grip on Tibetan refugees, as fewer refugees under their control means less foreign aid. That translates to less money that they can line their own pockets with.

    This is not the first time that the CTA has created problems for Tibetans who wish to apply for Indian citizenship. Last July, the CTA ordered all its departments to stop issuing NOC (No Objection Certificates) to Tibetans applying for Indian passports, effectively sabotaging India’s goodwill of offering citizenship to eligible Tibetans. Perhaps that is a reason why many Tibetans are leaving their settlements in India, some of them even returning to Tibet! The CTA’s days as a ‘government’ are numbered, as more and more Tibetans apply for Indian citizenship or leave the CTA’s influence in India altogether.
    No obstruction surrendering RC in Dehra Dun: Police
    Tibet Sun Newsroom
    McLEOD GANJ, India, 27 April 2018
    Tibetans living in Dehra Dun can surrender their Registration Certificates (RC) to apply for their passport, according to a communication from the Office of the Superintendent of Police Dehra Dun.
    Tibet Sun had learned about Tibetan complaints that the authorities were refusing to accept requests by Tibetans to surrender their RCs, required in order to apply for a passport. Seeking information about the matter, Tibet Sun filed a Right to Information (RTI) application, to which Dehra Dun Superintendent of Police Sarita Dobhal replied refuting the complaints.
    The SP said in her reply that they have not refused RC surrender by those Tibetans seeking Indian passport, and they have accepted RCs from seven Tibetans so far.
    Tibetans who spoke to Tibet Sun said that the authorities who actually handle the RC surrender at the Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) within the SP Office had told them to bring court orders to be able to surrender their RC.
    Following a High Court of Delhi judgment asking the Government of India to issue passport to Tibetans, the Ministry of External Affairs in March 2017 has ordered all passport-issuing authorities to issue passport to those Tibetans who fulfil the requirements as in the Citizenship Act of India.
    The RC surrender process has been suspended at the FRO Dharamshala. An official confirmed the same, saying the halt has been in place since two weeks, but didn’t give details as to why they have stopped the process.
    He said that it is a temporary matter and that the surrender process will resume soon.

    No obstruction surrendering RC in Dehra Dun

  44. The Dalai Lama Fears that He Might be Expelled from India!

    The situation in India is not getting better for the Tibetan government in-exile or the Dalai Lama. Since India is getting closer to China, this trend will not slow down. Whether it is the current Prime Minister Modi, or the next Prime Minister of India making efforts to get close to China, it does not matter because the momentum has started. It benefits both India and China tremendously to be friendly and on good terms with each other. The parasite-like Tibetans leeching off India brings no benefit whatsoever to India and India realizes this sad fact finally. The Dalai Lama and his team in the Tibetan government in-exile have created so many problems externally for India and internally within the Tibetan communities, enough is enough. Tibetans like to use India to irk China. They have done that for decades and now it’s over. The Tibetans have been put in their place. The Indian government has been snubbing the Dalai Lama this year. The Dalai Lama and his cohorts have created tremendous problems, segregation, hatred, and violence towards thousands of Dorje Shugden practitioners, now that karma is coming back. Too bad. The Tibetan leadership is losing support from India, in fact, Modi purposely humiliated the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama and cohorts have less power to create so much schism and trouble now. If you read this article carefully, the Dalai Lama himself has expressed concerns he might be kicked out of India. It has reached this level that the Dalai Lama is unsure of his footing in India now. Too bad.

    Aditya Sinha: Paying For Our Bull In A China Shop
    May 14, 2018, 07:40 IST | Aditya Sinha
    The Dalai Lama’s humiliation, our encircling neighbours and, most crucially, the lack of Modi’s signature bear hug, signify altered relations
    In the two days of staged photographs, there is not one photo of Modi hugging Xi, his trademark personalised diplomacy of forcibly embracing other leaders.
    One of the better things during the Karnataka Assembly election, no matter who emerges the single largest party tomorrow, was Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s press conference in Bangalore. You may not have seen it on TV. It is on YouTube, however. Rahul again comes across in a light different to the whispers about him during the past two decades, proving how it was all the doing of a well-oiled BJP machine. My favourite part was Rahul’s take on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Wuhan in central China for an “informal” summit with President Xi Jinping.
    Here’s what he said:
    “I expected the PM to go to China as the leader of our country [and] speak to them about Doklam… He didn’t say a word. [He] had a conversation with the Chinese President with no agenda. Are you telling me there’s no agenda? There is an agenda, it’s called Doklam; there is an agenda, it’s called the Maldives; there is an agenda, it’s called Nepal… The agenda is that we’re surrounded on all sides; it’s pretty clear. But you guys don’t like to raise that, I don’t know why.
    “Our foreign policy has been completely decimated. And it’s because the PM views foreign policy as an individual exercise. He’s of the impression that he can go have a conversation with the president of China, or he can go have a conversation with the president of Nepal, and everything will magically happen.
    “The PM needs to carry his own people with him. Are there any conversations going on with the finance minister, with the defence minister about this type of strategy? No. It’s a one-man show.”
    Briefly: China tried to seize the Doklam plateau in Bhutan last year but after a 73-day standoff against our troops, it backed down. It has reportedly since built an infrastructure leading to Doklam. In the Maldives, China is displacing India: President Abdulla Gameen last year welcomed three Chinese warships, and last month hosted the Pakistan army chief. In Nepal, despite Modi’s visit this weekend to promote Janakpur, Sita’s birthplace, as a religious tourism spot, the Nepalese have drifted from us after India’s five-month blockade in 2015 – we were pushing for greater political inclusion of the Madhesis. Modi is a villain for the Nepalese, as evident on social media.
    China has seized advantage of India’s pathetic neighbourhood behaviour, and, as Rahul said, has India surrounded. No wonder many think Modi went to beg Xi to keep relations calm in the run-up to the 2019 parliamentary election. That Modi’s governance is election-oriented is no secret. Will the Chinese will play ball? When the two-day “informal” summit ended, the Indian side issued a statement and reportedly urged the Chinese to issue their own. Compare the two and you see a difference: while India mentioned a strategic direction to our respective armies to avoid tension on the Line of Actual Control, China only said the armies would follow past protocols. Joint statements are never easy, but individual statements are a piece of cake.
    Modi had to supplicate himself because he cannot afford to go into the 2019 election after a showdown with China. Even a short skirmish will humiliate India. Unlike tension on the Line of Control with Pakistan, which benefits Modi since it can be dovetailed into communal rhetoric, tension with China gives Modi no benefit. Modi cannot help but humour China.
    The Chinese were amenable to being humoured since they have now what they wanted in Doklam. China nowadays also wants to be seen as a responsible global power: hence it has nudged North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un into meeting his South Korean counterpart and, next month, with Donald Trump. China has also reached out to Japan, with whom relations are more complicated than with India.
    Mainly, it was because Modi agreed to humiliate the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader who has lived in India since 1959. India prohibited its ministers from attending a Dalai Lama function (ironically, to thank India) and asked him to shift it from Delhi to his base in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. It was an insult; worse, he privately expressed the fear that he might be expelled.
    The Chinese gave us time but they did not give Modi a hug. In the two days of staged photographs, there is not one photo of Modi hugging Xi, his trademark personalised diplomacy of forcibly embracing other leaders. Rahul Gandhi is right: Modi has decimated India’s foreign policy. It’s too bad that this and other aspects of his press conference were ignored by the TV media. But then, after Gujarat, Karnataka has been good practice for him. Modi’s obsession with the 2019 election means that governance will suffer, so Rahul will get more occasions to show the public his mettle.

    Aditya Sinha Paying For Our Bull In A China Shop

  45. More and more Tibetans are expressing their dissatisfaction with the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). This even extends to accusing them of ruling without legal precedence. This is a serious matter as their management of funds, administrative procedures, and even their governing constitution are all flawed. From the simple of choice of words used for the translation of a title, the CTA have exposed the way in which they run their “nationless government” in an egotistical and self-serving manner. The CTA simply do things based on their personal agendas and needs, using the title of democracy as a cover.

    Clearly, there is no system of governance for what the CTA do and how they spend the money they gain from people sympathetic to the Tibetan plight, aid from their host and donors from around the world. Since law is at the core of any administration, their underhanded tactic of finding loopholes and bending the rules to suit their individual needs has failed the Tibetan people. As an ex-Senior Fellow of Harvard Law School and a self-proclaimed expert in international human rights law, Sangay deters people’s faith in the integrity of a leader and the legal system, instead of upholding the cause of justice. After the public apology during his swearing in ceremony in 2016 and his firm pledge not to repeat his misconduct, it looks like Sangay is at it again.

    The title “President” for Sikyong is not legal
    By Sharchok Khukta
    McLEOD GANJ, India, 14 May 2018
    Since there have been many who have put forth questions regarding the usage of the title “President” in English for “Sikyong”, I will answer in one presentation for all.
    It would become a long talk to give answer as regards this. Nonetheless, because, to keep the public in the dark is objected to in a democratic system, I will try to present insight that is complete and not mistaken.
    Initially, the exile Tibetan Parliament had established through general consensus that the title “Sikyong” is to be used instead of “Kalon Tripa”. In connection with that a resolution was passed by the members of the 15th Tibetan Parliament-in-exile during the fourth sitting of the second session on 21 September 2012, that “Sikyong” solely is to be used in writing, as phonetically, without the need for using the translation “Political Leader”.
    The first stage of this process took place with the publication in 2015 of a compilation of rules and regulations of the exile Tibetan administration by the office of the Parliamentary Secretary of the Tibetan people’s deputies, where it appears on page 181 in Appendix 8 [Zur-hzar nya], of sub-section 3 of article 66 of the electoral rules of the exile Tibetans.
    Then, on 26 April 2016, the exile Tibetan administration made the announcement on its official website tibet.net that “when the term ‘sikyong’ is to be translated into English it should be written as “president”, and that has been used up to the present day.
    It is the honourable Kashag which says that “it was established [formally decided] that ‘president’ is to be the term to be used,” and the honourable Kashag claim that they had decided thus on the advice of His Holiness Dalai Lama. The Kashag had cited many other reasons, but I will not refer to them at this time. Everyone knows that at that time there was much expression of displeasure regarding this from the public.
    In the second stage, as regards the usage “President” there was guidance by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the reception ceremony accorded to the high-level Representatives’ Committee of the United States, at Tsuklagkhang Temple on 10 May 2017.
    The third stage is that the Kashag have, both orally and in writing, said insistently that such guidance by His Holiness the Dalai Lama was as per the provision of Article 1 of the Charter of the Tibetans in exile. I am not able to know whether His Holiness the Dalai Lama has advised thus as the intent of Article 1 of the Charter. I do not consider that to be case, because if there had been the guidance advising “President” to be appropriate for the title of Sikyong, as per Article 1, then even after 25 famous amendments to the Charter such a guidance would have a procedure of discussion in the Parliament, as in the past, a procedure that has been clearly laid out.
    It has been laid out in the sub-section 1 and 2 of Article 17 of clause 6 of the rules for procedure of meeting and carrying out of works by the the deputies of the Tibetan Parliament. For example, to cite the sub-section 1: “As per the sub-section 2 of Article 1 of the charter, the Speaker, in discussion with Sikyong, is to set aside time for discussion on the suggestion of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.” But, without going through any recommendation from the Parliament or legal process, the Kashag said that the title in English as “President” has been decided on and designated as such, and they continue to use this title. As such that title has not became legal title. That is stage three.
    Then, the fourth stage is that it may be assumed that the Sikyong and the Kashag continue to do so as it is known clearly only by most government service personnel, former and present, and People’s Deputies, former and present. Yet since the public do not know the details, when we put forth questions on the this issue in the Parliament it may be conjectured that it is an electoral grudge. Besides, when the honourable Sikyong also talks of it to the public by attaching it to electoral grudge, we are not able to have at the matter a valid rule by law. Instead everything is stirred here and there into dirty politics, so that eventually when there is too much dwelling on personal name and prestige, the common administration incurs losses.
    If things go on like this there is the danger of the collapse of rule by law. From that point of view, for this issue to be clearly sorted out, the Secretaries of Gadhen Phodang must make it clear whether or not that guidance — as per Article 1 of the Charter — was given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. If it was, since it would be related with the rules, the messages, advice, notice and so on be bestowed to the Parliament, and then whatever is to be established (passed as resolution) by the Parliament when implemented by all the central and regional branches of the administration, it would become concordant with the law.
    So that is the issue if explained clearly.
    In the end, nowadays at Gangchen Kyishong the administration relies upon one person and makes changes to the Rules; while there are able staff members in all sorts of appointments, through equal qualifications and pledges, and so on; such instances are taking place many times, not just once. In such a situation it appears that there is not sufficient supervision and watching, by the public and writers, of whether or not this Administration — set up with such effort by His Holiness the Dalai Lama — is being administered by rule of law.
    I request all to put more effort and power as regarding this issue.

    The title President for Sikyong is not legal

  46. India tightening its grip on the Dalai Lama and Tibetans

    The Indian Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has directed Himachal police to tighten its grip on Tibetans meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Those Tibetans without paperwork showing individual identity and establishing legal credentials of their arrival in India will be turned away from seeing the religious leader. Undocumented Tibetans have been arriving in India, usually from Nepal, where they are aided by the Tibetan communities there. India seems to clamping down of Tibetan activity, from cancelling Thank You India events in Delhi and now restricting Tibetans from seeing the Dalai Lama. What else with the Indian government do next?

    Norms tightened to meet Dalai Lama

    DHARAMSHALA: Following directions from the ministry of home affairs (MHA) in recent past, the Himachal Police government has tightened the norms to meet the Dalai Lama, even for Tibetans coming from Tibet. The move was aimed to ensure the security of the spiritual leader at McLeodganj near here.

    Well-placed sources said that there were many Tibetans, including monks, who enter India through the porous border of Nepal to meet the Dalai Lama. The MHA has directed Himachal Police that no one could meet him without having his individual identity established from his documents.

    When contacted about this development, Kangra SP Santosh Patial confirmed that a letter had been received in this regard. But he refused to divulge the details of the same. “Police has received a letter and this is for the security of the Tibetan spiritual leader only, which says that we can only allow a person to meet after his individual identity and legal credentials of his arrival to India are established,” he said.

    Inquires revealed that the Tibetans generally arrive in Nepal from Tibet. They were received by the refugee centres there and further assistance was provided to them by Indian and Tibetan authorities for their visit to India.”


    Norms tightened to meet Dalai Lama

  47. Things are going to be very different for Tibetans in India from now on as Sino-Indian relations get warmer by the day. India has vowed to firmly adhere to the one-China policy and ensure Tibet-related issues are handled ‘properly’. This means India will tighten her grip on all Tibetan-related activities. So, the trouble-making Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) better watch themselves and not create further problems that may antagonise China. This is something India will no longer tolerate.

    China, India Vow To Strengthen Ties
    China and India have extensive common interests and they have far more consensus than differences, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.
    All India | Indo-Asian News Service | Updated: June 06, 2018 17:05 IST
    PRETORIA: China and India working together will accelerate their common development and contribute to the progress of human civilization, Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.
    Mr Wang made the remarks on Monday in South Africa’s capital Pretoria during a meeting with Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on the sidelines of the formal meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday.
    China and India have extensive common interests and they have far more consensus than differences, Mr Wang said.
    The two sides should take bilateral relations and people’s fundamental interests as a starting point at all times, properly handle problems and differences and prevent the interests of one party from affecting the overall interest, Mr Wang said.
    The two sides should earnestly safeguard peace and tranquillity in the border areas in accordance with the consensus reached by their leaders and avoid taking actions that might complicate and aggravate the situation, Mr Wang said.
    China and India should strengthen coordination and play a constructive role in promoting the development of BRICS cooperation, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and other multilateral mechanisms, he said.
    Sushma Swaraj said the informal Wuhan meeting between the leaders of India and China enhanced mutual trust between the two countries, strengthened cooperation, made the parties more comfortable with each other and achieved unprecedented success.
    She said India will firmly adhere to the one-China policy and properly handle issues involving the core interests of China such asTaiwan and Tibet-related issues.
    India and China, as the two largest emerging markets and developing countries, share a common position in safeguarding the international political and economic order and promoting the improvement of global governance, the Indian Minister said.


  48. Ex-Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche caught sleeping in a meeting

    The representative of the Dalai Lama and former prime minister of the Tibetan government in-exile Samdhong Rinpoche during an important meeting having a nice sleep. The Tibetan government in-exile are run by people like this who have no control over their body and manners. They only stay awake in the meeting if there is FREE aid money coming their way to line their pockets. Shameful how Samdong Rinpoche is sleeping in the middle of a meeting and he represents the Tibetan government in-exile. This is why after 60 years Tibetan leaders have failed to get Tibet back but blame others for their failures. Shame!


  49. The Dalai Lama has emerged as the biggest talking point during informal Sino-Indian bilateral talks during 2018, such as the Wuhan Summit. This is all due to concerns related to the Dalai Lama’s health. China wants the Dalai Lama to travel to Tibet, knowing that it would most probably be a one-way ticket. India on the other hand initiated the talks, shunning the Dalai Lama and kowtowed to China’s rising power. Their aim was to strike a deal to resolve border issues.

    Why the Dalai Lama is becoming the biggest bone of contention between India and China
    The real reason why Modi met Xi Jinping in Wuhan is now out.
    Politics | 5-minute read | 26-06-2018
    Forget the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Chinese president Xi Jinping’s dream infrastructure project to link China not only with neighbourhood but also such faraway lands as Europe and Africa.
    Forget the Pakistan-based India-centric terror fountainheads such as Masood Azhar and others, a topic that has long been a bone of contention between India and China.
    Forget the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), an international body where China has steadfastly opposed India’s entry.
    Also forget the stapled visa issue wherein China has been short-changing India for years by denying proper visas to Indians domiciled in Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh and giving them only stapled visas while China has been giving regular visas to residents of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK), a glaring example of China taking sides in the India-Pakistan dispute at the cost of India.
    Yes, these have been the biggest red rags in India-China parleys, official as well as the backchannel ones. But none of these issues have engaged the two Asian giants as much as some other issues. Any guesses? Well, the answer is the fourteenth Dalai Lama, the supreme Tibetan spiritual leader whom China has riled for decades as a “separatist”. Informatively, China has used many more disparaging words and expletives to describe the 82-year-old Dalai Lama who fled Tibet and crossed over to India 59 years ago.
    The Dalai Lama has emerged as the biggest talking point in the India-China bilateral affairs through the back channels and informal parleys in 2018. The Dalai Lama was the central issue discussed between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping at their first-ever Wuhan Summit (April 27-28). In fact, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that when President Xi travelled to Wuhan to meet PM Modi for his second informal summit ever with any foreign leader outside Beijing — and both times only for PM Modi — his main talking point this time was l’affaire Dalai Lama.
    Never before the issue of the Dalai Lama had come centre stage like this between India and China. Never before the Dragon and the Elephant had discussed the Dalai Lama issue at highest levels with a laser beam focus as Xi and Modi did at Wuhan for eight hours in six separate outings together.
    But that’s what the Wuhan informal summit was by and large about, though, of course, all other contentious bilateral issues were discussed. The reason for such a deep focus of informal talks between Xi and Modi was because of the health concerns about the Dalai Lama.
    No Indian prime minister ever discussed the Dalai Lama issue with top Chinese leadership so intensely as PM Modi has done. This is not without a pragmatic rationale.
    When on February 22, 2018, foreign secretary Vijay Gokhale sent a note to cabinet secretary PK Sinha asking “senior leaders” and “government functionaries” of the Centre and states to stay away from events planned for March-end and early April by the “Tibetan leadership in India” to mark the start of 60 years in exile of the Dalai Lama, the real reason for this unprecedented move was a mystery.
    But the real cause was intelligence information that the Dalai Lama is suffering from terminal-stage prostate cancer. First only New Delhi got to know of this but later on Beijing too got wind of it. That’s how the two sides came to discuss the Dalai Lama-centric issues at Wuhan.
    The Modi government, which became aware of this development over a year ago, turned attention to this only in the beginning of this year as it started checking its diplomatic toolbox vis-à-vis China. A policy decision was taken at the highest levels by the Modi government in February as the fear of Doklam II started haunting it. At that time the Modi government was nearing completion of four years or 80 per cent of its tenure.
    More importantly, disturbing news had started pouring from Doklam, the site of a 73-day-long standoff between Indian and Chinese militaries. On March 5, 2018, defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman informed the Lok Sabha that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has undertaken “construction of some infrastructure, including sentry posts, trenches and helipads” near the face-off site between Indian and Chinese troops at Doklam in the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction area.
    Sitharaman’s reply to a question in the Lok Sabha had come after media reports that the PLA had constructed military infrastructure and helipads and deployed around 1,600 troops in north Doklam throughout the winter for the first time.
    From Modi government’s perspective, time was running out to send a conciliatory message to China and prevent a Doklam II which would have been politically disastrous for it, months ahead of the general elections. It was time for some out of the box thinking. It was time for the Modi government to extend a CBM (Confidence Building Measure) which would appeal the most to China.
    This was the time when the Modi government turned its attention to intelligence reports about the Dalai Lama’s health. All these inputs were enough to lead the Modi government on to an unusual diplomatic expedition vis-à-vis China and try to please the Chinese by disassociating government functionaries from the Dalai Lama’s programmes, at least for some time.
    However, there is a downside for the Modi government in this episode. As the Chinese government is fully updated about the Dalai Lama’s health, it obviously means that they can see through the tactics of the Modi government!
    It’s here that the wheels-within-wheels kind of diplomacy kicks in. Apparently, China wants the Dalai Lama to travel to Tibet. But will India allow it, knowing full well that it may be a one-way ticket for the Dalai Lama?
    Can India take such a decision vis-à-vis the supreme Tibetan spiritual leader who has been India’s guest for last 59 years and is a major pivotal figure and a rallying point against China for the US-led Western world?
    There are no answers to these questions as of now. But the drift I get is that India won’t be obliging China in this regard. Not now, not ever.

    Why the Dalai Lama is beoming the biggest bone of contention

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