Shashi Kei द्वारा लिखित
बुद्धधर्मिहरुका लागि दर्शन गर्नै पर्ने यहाँ चार तिर्थस्थल हरु छन् । त्यो मध्धे एउटा बुद्धको जन्मस्थान लुम्बिनी पर्दछ रा लुम्बिनी अहिले नेपाल भित्र पर्छ। सन् २४५ बि.सी. मा सम्राट अशोकाले त्यहाँ खम्बा उठाउँनका साथै शिलालेख गरि त्यो स्थललाई बुद्ध को जन्मस्थान पुष्ठी गरिको थियो। आज यो स्मारक योउनिस्को को विश्व बिरासत लाई अशोका को खम्बा भनि प्रसिद्ध रूपमा चिनिन्छ।
बुद्ध को जन्मस्थान लुम्बिनी हो भनि हरेक नेपाली ले गर्व गर्ने कुरा हो। नेपालीहरुले बुद्ध जयन्ति २१ मै मा मनायिने गर्दछ र यो एक पवित्र परम्परा हो जुन हिमालिय राष्टले मनाईन्छ। संसार भरका हजारौ मानिस हरु यो पवित्र उत्सव मनाउन लुम्बिनी आउने गर्दा छ।
तर 14 औं दलाई लामा को अनुसार यह सबै बकवास हो । राजधानी टीवी मा हालै जारी भको फुटेज, जसमा तिब्बती आध्यात्मिक नेता ले यस ऐतिहासिक तथ्य यसरि खारिज गरिदियो कि जसले नेपाललाई धेरै निराश र विचलित पारेको छ। यो झुठा विवरणले नेपाललाई साह्रै चिढाएको छ जहा नेपालले दयालु भई 60 बर्ष भन्दा बढि सम्म तिब्बती शरणार्थी समुदायलाई अाफ्नो देशमा स्थान दिएको छ।
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यहा दलाई लामाले होस नपुर्याई बोलेको होकि अथवा केहि ध्यान नपुर्याई दिएको उनको बयान, धेरै कारणले अपमानजनक र हानिकारक छ।
- नेपालले आफ्नै संघर्ष भएता पनि ३० हजार देखि ४० हजार सम्म तिब्बतीहरुलाई शरणार्थी को रुप मा उद्दार गरिएको छ। यो संङ्ख्या तिब्बतेनहरु को तेस्रो समूह हो र नेपाल भरि करिब १२ ओटा तिब्बतेन शरणार्थीको क्याम्प हरु छन् । सन् १९८९ अघि नेपाल छिरेका तिब्बतेनहरु लाई देशको आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक एकीकरण बाट धेरै लाभ प्राप्त भएको छ। धेरै तिब्बतेनहरुले कारोबार गरे र कसैले पसल तथा रेस्टुरेन्ट खोले र प्रत्येक वर्ष आउने पर्यटक हरुको त्यहा भिड देख्न पाईन्छ। नेपालमा उनीहरुले आफ्नो तिब्बतेन गुम्बा हरु पुन: स्थापना गर्न सक्षम थिए र त्यसैले तिब्बतेन को पहिचान र परम्परा को अस्तित्व रहनु मा नेपाल को ठुलो योगदान रहेको छ भन्दा गलत नहोला । तर अझै, तिब्बती नेतृत्वले नेपालको आमुल्य गौरवको श्रोत लाई बरखास्त गर्दै गुण तिरी रहेको छ।

सन् 1959 मा चीन-नेपाल सिमानाको माध्यमबाट पहिलो पटक निर्वासित प्रवेश गरेदेखि नेपालका तिब्बती शरणार्थीहरूले आफ्नैलागि धेरै राम्रो काम गरेका छन्। नेपालका गरिब स्थानहरूमा पनि उनिहरूका घर तथा गुम्बाहरू सुनका छानाले सजिएको र बाहिर जति राम्रा हुन्थे, भित्रपनि उत्तिकै सजिएको हुन्थो। नेपालमा 2015 मा गएको भूकम्प पछि, तिब्बती मन्दिरहरू प्राय: पहिले पुनर्निर्माण गरियो र विश्वभरबाट प्राप्त भएका दानहरूको लागि धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद दिन चाहान्छै। यसबाहेक नेपाली जनताहरूले बढी स्थायी आश्रय प्राप्त गर्नुअघि केहि महिना सम्म त बाहिर सडकमा संघर्षका साथ जिवन जिउनु पर्यो। त्यो बेला दलाई लामाको केहि संमुहले भूकम्प पीडितहरुको नाममा दान रकम संकलनक गरे तर ति पैसा सबै उनिहरु अाफै राखे।
- दलाई लामा का बयान नेपाली अर्थव्यवस्था को लागि धेरै हानिकारक हो। आध्यात्मिक पर्यटन नेपाल मा सबैभन्दा ठूलो उद्योगों हो। र यो विदेशी मुद्रा र राजस्वको एक महत्वपूर्ण स्रोत अनि लुम्बिनि जस्तै पवित्र स्थलहरु मा कुनै संदेह छैन। तिब्बती शरणार्थिहरु आफैले पनि नेपाली पर्यटक उद्योग मा निर्भर र भरोसा राख्नुको साथै ग्राहकहरुलाई विभिन्न व्यवसायमा आकर्षित गर्न सकिन्छ। त्यसकारण जब दलाई लामा ले यस प्रकारका आधारहीन बयान दिएपछी, यसले नेपालको आध्यात्मिक पर्यटनको विश्वसनीयतालाई कमजोर बनाउँछ। संसारमा धेरै व्यक्तिले दलाई लामा लाई बौद्ध धर्म र बौद्ध धर्मका सबै अधिकारहरूको प्रमुख मानिन्छ, त्यसैले उहाँ यस बारेमा सही हुनुपर्छ। अन्ततः यदि दलाई लामा ले भनेको अनुसार हो भने नेपालले बुद्ध नेपालमा जन्मेको हो भनि दाबी एक धोखाधडी बयान हुन्छ र नेपाल लाई ठुलो नोकसान पुग्नेछ।
- वास्तवमा, दलाई लामा र उनको सरकार, केन्द्रीय तिब्बत प्रशासन (सीटीए जो धर्मशालामा आधारित छ) नेपाल को भलाइ मा कम रुचि देखाइएको छ। नेपालमा हालै गएको भूकम्पको क्रममा सीटीएले दुख व्यक्त गरेको एउटा सरल बयान जारी गर्नका साथ उद्धार र राहत का लागि नेपाललाई 20 लाख रुपैयाँ (कम्तीमा 32,000 अमेरिकी डलर बराबरको) प्रस्ताव गरे र नेपाललाई प्रार्थना गर्ने प्रतिज्ञा गरे। यो अनगिन्ती लाखौंको तुलनामा एक बिन्दु हो । सीटीएले वार्षिक रूपमा सरकारी अनुदान, सार्वजनिक सहायता र दान प्राप्त गर्दछ। वास्तवमा, सीटीए यो दान को प्रस्ताव गरिरहेको बेला, दलाई लामाका सहयोगीहरु को केही पीडितहरूले भूकम्पको लागि उठाउन नेपाल भूकम्पको प्रयोग गरे, तर पैसा भुक्तानी गर्न असफल भए। तिनीहरूका बैंक खाता अस्थायी रूपमा रोकेको थियो। तिब्बत सरकारले आफ्नो साथीहरूबाट के प्राप्त गर्न चाहान्छ भनि यो स्पष्ट रूपमा देखाउँछ र अन्य राष्ट्रका मानिसहरूलाई कसरी योगदान गर्नु पर्छ भन्ने कुरामा अधिक चासो गर्दैन।

केही तिब्बती पसलहरू विश्व प्रसिद्ध बौद्धनाथ को वरपर छन्। हजारौं पर्यटकहरू हरेक दिन यो युनेस्को विश्व विरासत स्थल भ्रमणमा आउने गर्दछन र त्यहाँ धेरै धनी तिब्बती व्यवसायहरू बाट खरीदारी गर्दै उनिहरूलाई सहायता गर्छन। तिब्बती शरणार्थि हरुको विरुद्धमा हाल साल तनाव बढेको छ, जसले सबै भन्दा राम्रो व्यापारका स्थलहरु लिएर स्थानीय नेपालीहरूको गरिखाने ठाउ कब्जा गरिएको र अरू नेपालीले बेच्ने दाम भन्दा कम मुल्यमा बेचेको आरोप लागेको थियो।
- दलाई लामाको बयानले बुद्धको जन्म देशको दावीमा भारत र नेपाल बीचको लामो समयसम्मको वादबिवाद लाई शासन गर्दछ। दलाई लामाको लागि यो मुद्दा उठाउन र पुरानो चोटहरू पुन: खोल्नको लागि यो पूर्णतया अनावश्यक थियो। विशेषगरि जब आध्यात्मिक नेता दुवै भारत र नेपाल दुवैको कृतज्ञताको उहालाई ऋण छ। यो विशेषगरी एउटा कूटनीतिकता को साह्रै कमजोर क्रिया हो भनि जनाऊछ । जब चीनले खुल्लमखुल्ला नेपाल संग व्यापार र महत्वपूर्ण बुनियादी ढांचे को निर्माण गरिरहेको छ। यस तरिकाले नेपाललाई रिस उठाएमा अझ नेपाल चीन सँग नजिकीन पुग्नेछ, जसबाट नेपालले व्यापार सम्बन्धी सम्बन्धहरू खोलेर धेरै लाभ उठाउन सक्नेछन्। अन्ततः नेपालका आधा शताब्दीको योगदान र सहयोग पछि पनि तिब्बतका मानिसहरू अविश्वसनीय र अपमानजनक छन् भने स्पष्ट रूपमा देखाउँछ।
नेपाली राष्ट्र उदास हुनु एकदम जायज छ। दलाई लामा एक प्रमुख राजनेता र बुद्धि र दया संघको एक वरिष्ठ धार्मिक व्यक्ति भएको हुनाले आफ्नो शब्दहरु को शक्ति देखि सजग हुनु पर्ने हो । उहाँ संसारको सबैभन्दा आकर्षक व्यक्तिहरू मध्ये एक हुनुहुन्छ र, सहि वा गलत रूपमा, एक विश्वसनीय व्यक्ति हो। सबैले देखेका छन् कि दलाई लामाले सदीयो पुरानो परम्परा दोर्जे शुग्देनको अभ्यासलाई नष्ट गर्न कुनै प्रमाण वा व्याख्या प्रस्तुत नगरी राक्षस उपासनाको घोषणा गरियो । र अब, उस्तै उपेक्षा नेपालीहरूलाई पनि देखाउदै छन्।
किन तिब्बती नेतृत्वले नेपाल राष्ट्रलाई यो पीडा दिएको भनि केहि औचित्य छैन । दलाई लामाको बिरोधमा नेपाली जनताको क्रोध उचित छ। नेपालीहरू तिब्बती शरणार्थीहरूका लागि धेरै उदार र सहनशील भए। कम से कम कि तिब्बत नेतृत्वले नेपालको इतिहास र संस्कृति को सम्मान गर्नु पर्ने थियो।

हरेक वर्ष नेपालमा तिब्बती शरणार्थीहरूले चिनियाँ सरकारको विरुद्ध विरोध प्रदर्शन गर्छन र नेपाल प्रहरीको अाफ्नै काम छोडि उनिहरूलाई पहरा दिन बाध्य पार्छन। यी विरोधले चीनसँग नेपाल को सम्बन्धमा नकारात्मक असर पारेको छ। के अब तिब्बती शरणार्थि हरुले अाफ्नो नेपाली समुदाय माथी यसरी अाभार व्यक्त गर्ने ? छिमेकी देश को अर्थव्यवस्था र अन्य राष्ट्रहरूसँग को सम्बन्धलाई प्रभावित गरेर? या अाफ्नो स्थानीय जनताले प्राप्त गर्नु पर्ने सहायतालाई नष्ट गरी?
नेपालीहरू पहिले नै धेरै उदास भएका हुनाले तिब्बत नेतृत्वले भविष्यमा नेपाललाई अझ बढी संवेदनशीलता सँग व्यवहार गर्नु पर्दछ। तिब्बत नेतृत्वले अन्य अरू समूहहरूको विपरीत अपमानजनक गरेको छ भने नेपाल सरकारले यस विषयमा पुनर्वितरणमा गर्न सक्दछ। उदाहरणका लागि, सीटीए अथवा तिब्बत नेतृत्वले अब हिमालय क्षेत्रमा आफ्नो अर्को बलियो सहयोगी गुमाउन सक्छ। चीनले पहिले नै नेपाललाई मित्रताको हात लम्ब्याई रहेको छ र अब दलाई लामाको यो बयानको कारणले नेपाली र नेपाल सरकारलाई तिब्बती सँगको सम्बन्ध राख्नाले केहि फाइदा छैन भन्ने देखाउ छ। केवल नतिजा अधिक दु: ख, अपमान र हिंसा हुनेछ।
यसको विपरीत, चिनसँगको सम्बन्धले राष्ट्रको लागि वित्तीय र व्यापारिक फाइदाहरू, साथै पूर्वाधार सुधार र आर्थिक विकासको परिणाम पाउँछ। सीटीए पनि तिब्बती शरणार्थियों को उपस्थिति सम्झन मा विफल रहेको छ जहा तिब्बती शरणार्थि नेपाल सरकार को निरंतर संरक्षण मा पूरै निर्भर छ। उनीहरूको समर्थन छैनभने, तिब्बतीलाई कुनै पनि दिन देश छोड्न अनुरोध गर्न सकिन्छ। सिटिए कति लामो समय सम्म अरूको दयामा निर्भर रहन सक्छ, जबकि उनीहरूले अरूलाई रिस र अपमान गर्छ? CTA कति सम्म यस तरिकामा बाँच्न सक्छ? यस्तै हो भने ‘धेरै लामो सम्म सक्दैन।
नेपालीहरूको प्रतिक्रिया
बुद्ध भारतमा जन्मिएको हो, नेपाल मा होइन भन्ने दलाई लामाको बयानमा नेपालीहरूले यस प्रकारको प्रतिक्रिया दिदैछन। तपाईंले देख्न सक्नु हुन्छ, नेपालीहरू धेरै उदास भएका छन् र आधिकारिक समाचार च्यानलहरूमा र साथ-साथै सोशल मिडिया को अनलाईन प्लेटफार्म मार्फत नेपालीहरू दुखी भएका कुरा व्यक्त गरिरहेको छ। दलाई लामाको बयानका भिडियोहरू प्रचलित गरि व्यापक रूपमा शेयर गर्दैछन्। तल नेपालीहरूको प्रतिक्रियाको थुप्रै उदाहरणहरू देख्न सक्नु हुन्छ। यस देशका शान्तिपूर्ण नागरिकहरू, हाल तिब्बत को नेतृत्व र दलाई लामाको विरुद्धमा उत्रेका छन्।
सबै प्रतिक्रियाहरू
The opinion piece above was sent to for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
December 14, 2017
December 16, 2017
CTA would like to downplay Samdhong Rinpoche’s private visit to China. The fact is, in order for him to go, he needs permission of India government, China government and Dalai Lama. For someone as high profile as him and who has criticised China for decades to be even allowed to go to China shows you that he is not going there for excursion, holidays or just to meet relatives. It will definitely be something official. Since he is going as the envoy of the Dalai Lama, it is definitely to negotiate with the China government regarding Tibet’s autonomy and Dalai Lama’a returning back, it could not be anything else. Therefore it is important for CTA and all Tibetans and their supporters to stop criticising China so that the negotiation goes through smoothly, and there will be a positive resolution for Tibet and a chance for the Dalai Lama to visit China and Tibet. The irony is, after Samdhong Rinpoche visited china, he is not accused to be colluding with China government for Tibet, HE HIMSELF is going to China. So there is no point in accusing Dorje Shugden people of befriending China, because the Tibetans exiled leaders are going to China themselves now.
December 16, 2017
CTA would like to downplay Samdhong Rinpoche’s private visit to China. The fact is, in order for him to go, he needs permission of India government, China government and Dalai Lama. For someone as high profile as him and who has criticised China for decades to be even allowed to go to China shows you that he is not going there for excursion, holidays or just to meet relatives. It will definitely be something official. Since he is going as the envoy of the Dalai Lama, it is definitely to negotiate with the China government regarding Tibet’s autonomy and Dalai Lama’a returning back, it could not be anything else. Therefore it is important for CTA and all Tibetans and their supporters to stop criticising China so that the negotiation goes through smoothly, and there will be a positive resolution for Tibet and a chance for the Dalai Lama to visit China and Tibet. The irony is, after Samdhong Rinpoche visited china, he is not accused to be colluding with China government for Tibet, HE HIMSELF is going to China. So there is no point in accusing Dorje Shugden people of befriending China, because the Tibetans exiled leaders are going to China themselves now.
Chering Dorje
December 23, 2017
India and China realized the importance of maintaining peace and tranquility in the border areas, and held daylong talks to prevent border disagreements. This move shows the commitment of both giants to foster better relations with each other, seeking mutually acceptable resolutions. Please see the article below:
Tsering Dondup
December 31, 2017
China made another intelligent move in offering economic incentives in exchange for political favor. Recently, Senator Steve Daines of Montana hosted a delegation of Chinese Communist Party officials that oversee Tibet and undercut the simultaneous visit by the President of the Tibetan Government in exile in exchange for a $200 million deal with a leading Chinese retailer to export Montana’s beef to China. The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is no match for China regarding political astuteness and intelligence. If the CTA is smart, they will start to build rapport and stop condemning China for an event that happened over 60 years ago.
Ngodup Tsering
January 8, 2018
After looking at several contradictory reports regarding the alleged Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit to China, one should wonder why Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche had to deny his four-day visit to China after such visit was confirmed by multiple credible parties. If Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche had the best intention to promote the Dalai Lama’s middle way, then why he needs to deny this visit? After all the Sino-Tibetan relationship has been stagnant since 2011, the fact that Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche was able to secure a meeting with Chinese government officials should have been a great success for him, instead of becoming another source of controversy.
Thamchod Nyingma
January 9, 2018
China’s economic prowess is not to be underestimated. Leaders from various countries seek economic collaborations with China, who has been contributing to the world’s economic growth, especially in the past decade. The Indian Intelligence Bureau’s (IB) report highlighted the lack of opportunities in India for growth and advancement as the causes for Tibetan youth to willingly betray their host India and work as spies for China. Tibetan youth clearly have difficulties to survive in India as CTA failed to create sufficient jobs for the Tibetans in exile. This is a reality and we will see more and more trend like this and eventually Tibetans seeking improvement in their quality of life and intellectual advancement will leave India and ‘return’ to China.
Tsering Ngodup
January 9, 2018
Samdhong Rinpoche’s recent visit to China is brought up again in this article. At the moment, it is not clear yet as to what transpired during Samdhong Rinpoche’s 4-day visit to China and how the development may impact the progress of Tibetan cause or India-China relations. The confusion related to this visit were increased a notch recently after Samdhong Rinpoche denied that this visit even occurred. It is very likely that the public may speculate further about Samdhong Rinpoche’s real intention behind the visit and why he was hiding it, and the speculation could run wild and impose a new risk to the Tibetan cause and India China relations. Therefore, it is best for Samdhong Rinpoche to clarify this matter once and for all.
January 13, 2018
Instead of creating employment opportunities, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has nurtured a culture where Tibetans expect handouts and foreign aids to get by. As a result, they created a new generation of Tibetan refugees who are volatile and vulnerable, and always depend on others to help them out of circumstances. Now, Tibetan refugees in India do not even hesitate to compromise the security of their host country, India, who has been so kind to them, in exchange for monetary gain.
Dekyi Wangmo
January 13, 2018
Instead of creating employment opportunities, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has nurtured a culture where Tibetans expect handouts and foreign aids to get by. As a result, they created a new generation of Tibetan refugees who are volatile and vulnerable, and always depend on others to help them out of circumstances. Now, Tibetan refugees in India do not even hesitate to compromise the security of their host country, India, who has been so kind to them, just for monetary gain.
Yodon chela
January 18, 2018
China has been liberal towards Buddhist practitioners including those who are practicing Shugden deity. In fact, there are 250 million Buddhists in China currently, almost three times more than communist party members. On the contrary, the Tibetan leadership in exile continues to discriminate against Shugden practitioners and politicizes the Shugden controversy to their benefit instead of promoting harmony among Buddhist practitioners. How ironic that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) continuously criticizes China for their human rights issue, and yet the CTA fails to respect even the most basic human rights of other people, freedom of religion.
Tenzin Tsomo
January 22, 2018
Lobsang Sangay’s dismissal of Penpa Tsering with various accusations backfired, contrary to Lobsang Sangay’s expectation. Now, Tibetans are protesting and expressing their loss of trust in his leadership. Lobsang Sangay has to clarify a lot of things to the public, including the USD1.5 million loan with Tibet Fund. Tibetans are now beginning to see Lobsang Sangay’s true colours and are speaking up against him now.
Pema Wangchuk
January 24, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is once again expressing his wish to visit China. This is not the first time His Holiness mentioned about visiting or returning to China. In fact, His Holiness made a strong statement in November 2017 that His Holiness “would return to Tibet at once, if China agrees”. Could this be another sign from the Tibetan leadership that rapprochement with China is happening soon?
Pema Wangchuk
January 24, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is again, expressing his wish to visit China. This is not the first time His Holiness mentioned about visiting or returning to China. In fact, His Holiness made a strong statement in November 2017 that His Holiness “would return to Tibet at once, if China agrees”. Could this be another sign from the Tibetan leadership that rapprochement with China is happening soon?
Pasang Tashi
January 29, 2018
Dorje Shugden practitioners have been victims of unfounded blame for more than half a decade with news reports initiated by the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala alerting the public that Shugden fundamentalist groups posed huge security threat to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It was alleged that they were covertly backed up by China. The reality is that terrorists are out to harm His Holiness, with two bombs found amid His Holiness’ tight security, thanks to the intensive combing operation by Indian police. The Central Tibetan Administration should stop spreading lies that Shugden practitioners or more absurdly, Shugden practice imperil the life of the Dalai Lama, and pay more attention to real threats such as this.
Tenzin Choejor
January 30, 2018
In a letter by the Dalai Lama’s translator, Thupten Jinpa, he had said that The Dalai Lama Trust was “slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions”. Here is an excerpt from the letter:
“For someone who have [sic] had the honor and good fortune to serve His Holiness for over three decades, it had been painful to see how His Holiness’ name and legacy was slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions (Albany-based NXIVM) and discordant messages (of rich and celebrity orientation). Especially, for the Trust, which is effectively His Holiness’ principal charitable foundation for the outside world, the last two years’ record has been, to put it mildly, quite embarrassing. The Trust has alienated most of its inter-organizational relationships, almost destroyed its infrastructure of the Tibetan graduate scholarship program with a majority of the independent reviewers resigning, and failed to support those international organizations that were actively inspired by His Holiness’ vision for the world and were undertaking high profile initiatives furthering His Holiness’ vision. Most sadly, the Trust has unfortunately acquired a reputation of being authoritarian, confrontational, petty, and uncaring, characteristics so far removed from His Holiness’ personal ethics. In particular, for those organizations and individuals who had been the recipients of grants from the Trust, frankly, the behavior of the Trust can be best characterized as that of bullying. If ever, some of the email communications from the Trust during this period were to come to light within the public domain, it would be a source of embarrassment for everyone connected with the Trust.”
The Dalai Lama’s office had also called for investigations and the eventual of any wrong doings by the organisation.
Tenzin Dharpo
February 12, 2018
The Indian police has issued a circular for Tibetan refugees who are Indian voters or Indian citizens to surrender their Tibetan refugees registration certificates (RCs). Dawa Rinchen, Tibetan settlement officer at McLeodganj, said that the matter was to be dealt by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
There are around 1,400 Tibetan voters registered in Kangra district, many of them have exercised their voting rights in the state assembly elections without surrendering their RCs.
The Tibetan and Indian authorities are in a fix over this issue as the Tibetan authorities say that they don’t have any data of such Tibetans while the Indian authorities have passed the responsibility to Tibetan authorities stating that they had not asked anyone to apply for Indian citizenship or voting cards.
The CTA has already asked the Tibetans that they cannot take the benefits of being a refugee if they are holding Indian citizenship. There are also guidelines that such Tibetans have to leave the settlements. However, it remains to be seen if such rules will affect the CTA officials, such as Dhardon Sharling, Dolma Gyari, and Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar who hold Indian passports.
Tashi Dolma
February 13, 2018
Tibet Autonomous Region Public Security Department issued a report on organized crime, that contains information about activities that violate the existing law and regulations. The CPC Central Committee and State Council will act to control these criminal activities to ensure social harmony and stability, and that the people live and work in peace and happiness. CPC called the ‘Middle Way’ as a narrow nationalistic idea and is trying to control any activities related to supporting the Dalai Lama.
Golog Jigme
February 27, 2018
Mr. Mila Rangzen says the head of the Tibetan exiled govt is a sexual predator
Since 2011, Lobsang Sangay’s tenure as the President of the Central Tibetan Administration has been mired with various scandals and failures, such as the election scandal and the US$1.5 million loan scandal. The 17% unemployment rate among the Tibetans in exile has also forced some Tibetans to become spies, betraying their host country India. Now, in more shocking news from Mila Rangzen, who has been proven to have access to a lot of insider news, Lobsang Sangay has been revealed to be a sexual predator who does not hesitate to risk the Dalai Lama’s reputation to satisfy his lust. More women and people are speaking up about this. This is really breaking news. These women deserve a platform to express the pain and humiliation and be open to heal.
Mila Rangzen has, on numerous occasions, shared extremely accurate and reliable news for the benefit of the Tibetan community. He has never failed us with the accuracy of the news and they have all proven to be true. Mila seems to not be afraid to tell the truth.
All the victims of the sexual predator Lobsang Sangay should not keep quiet anymore and must expose him once and for all. He should be punished for his actions and asked to step down from his position now! The victims should be empowered by this and speak up and point the finger at Lobsang Sangay if this is true. Do not stay in the dark and hide your shame because Lobsang Sangay is destroying the reputation of the Dalai Lama.
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018
Tibetan govt in exile is corrupt, liars, segregationalists, greedy, bigots and this is what they do when Dalai Lama is alive. After Dalai Lama is no more, the whole Tibetan govt in exile will just collapse overnight.
They lost their country in 1959 because they are too corrupt to keep it. For the last 60 years they cannot get their country back. Tibetan govt is a failure whether in Tibet or in exile.
March 3, 2018
Comic drawn by Tendor, a prominent Free Tibet activist.
March 9, 2018
The Nepalese officials have again turned down permission for Tibetan refugees to commemorate the Tibetan uprising day in order to protect its alliance with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has proven to be more beneficial to Nepal as compared to supporting the Tibetan refugees.
The Nepal Chief District Officer issued a written notice in 2005 to the Representative of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Refugees Welfare Office (TRWO) in Kathmandu to suspend both offices, ending a 45 years partnership to care for some 2,500 Tibetan refugees who would transit in Nepal from Tibet. This move was a lesson to the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) for not addressing the tensions between the Tibetans and Nepalese, as well as not contributing back to Nepal for as long as they have been there. The fact that the Tibetan refugees continue to protest on March 10 is a perfect example in which they will jeopardise the relationship between Nepal and China, who is now the top assistance providers to Nepal. The Tibetan refugees are forever taking, and never reciprocating the favour has proven to be an ineffective way of dealing with the Nepalese as they feel they are taken for granted always.
March 9, 2018
Indian and Chinese foreign ministries have both made statements thawing relations between the two Asian giants. Determined to improve ties between the countries, the Indian government is taking steps to ensure nothing jeopardizes their efforts. First, they told their officials to distance themselves from the Tibetans, and then the planned #ThankyouIndia2018 events were moved from New Delhi (India’s political capital) to the out of the way Dharamsala.
Now, even Chinese ministers are hoping for improved relations, bringing stability to the volatile region. The Chinese dragon and the Indian elephant need to dance in order to become stronger said the Chinese Foreign Minister.
Will this be the end of India’s support of the Tibetans? What will they do next?
March 10, 2018
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) should really learn from Nepal. Aligning with Chinese policy is necessary if you wish for growth and economic stability. The Dalai Lama was recently quoted to say, “We want to stay with China. We want more development.”
Nepal has developed so much since collaborating with China, with China now contributing to around 58 percent of foreign direct investment (FDI) commitments received by Nepal. China has promised that areas of mutual cooperation with Nepal would be expanded in the days to come.
Lelkyi Tsho
March 13, 2018
Although both China and India are seen as giants, India has been seen submitting to China more and more. The relocation of “Thank You India” event from Delhi to Dharamsala and Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha’s note to Indian officials to not attend the event because it is a “very sensitive time” for bilateral relations with China both clearly show that India is bending backwards to please China. And they are definitely not going to entertain Lobsang Sangay anymore because the Tibet issue is no longer a trump card for India.
Lobsang Sangay said not long ago that an official usually wants to do something big in their last term of office so that people will remember them. In this case, he will forever be remembered for his incapability and his focus on building closer ties with young women, such as Dhardon Sharling, instead of significant diplomatic ties. He has done a lot of big things in his last term as the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) but none of these shows any leadership characteristics whatsoever. These include:
1) The sacking of Penpa Tsering to evade the Tibet Fund loan scandal of US$1.5 million. He even tried to push the loan on to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to settle on his behalf.
2) Allowing a downsized, low-key #thankyouindia2018 event to celebrate 60 years of exile, something which Dhardon Sharling, the Secretary of Department of Information and International Relations, claimed to have no idea as to why the events were shifted.
3) Allowing fake monk Tenzin Dhonden to use His Holiness’ fame to conduct dubious activities including being involved in a cult and sex scandals.
4) Losing India’s half-century worth of support towards the CTA and its people for his ungrateful attitude. Instead, he focused on filling up his own pockets instead of thinking of the welfare of the Tibetans in exile.
Lobsang Sangay’s intention to take on the role as the President of the CTA is clear and his best ‘achievements’ definitely outshine his predecessors as inept failures.
Khampa Warrior
March 13, 2018
India has lost significant support from Nepal, especially since Nepal’s devastating earthquake in 2015 when China gave the country funds for aid and rebuilding infrastructure. It is now losing its grip more and more, such as in its internet monopoly, now threatened by alternatives from China. China is making inroads into Nepal aggressively. India, which originally thought of China as a friend, can only sit by and watch China exert its influence and power further, such as improving telecommunications and building railway extensions from the border with Nepal and Yadong across Sikkim, to Kathmandu and Lumbini.
Nepal and India have historically enjoyed good ties and strong trade relations and if India does not take advantage of this fast-closing window of opportunity, China will be successful in wooing Nepal. Kathmandu already signed trade and transit agreements with Beijing in March 2016. This gave Nepal an alternative route for its trade and supplies. As China builds a stronghold in Nepal, it will continue achieving its strategic objective of eliminating Indian influence and curbing the Tibetan refugee population.
Athar Migmar
March 15, 2018
By hosting the Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi when India-Pakistan ties are at an all-time low, Nepali Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli is telling the world that he is not afraid of India, especially after landmark trade and transit agreements were signed with China. This seems to go well with the general sentiments of the Nepali people, as Oli’s pro-China stance is wildly popular among his core constituencies.
As mentioned in the article, New Delhi must learn to accept China’s presence in the region and to work with it. As China works on building trilateral cooperation with Nepal and India, the Tibetans will have no standing. Recently, the report that the Indian government had asked senior leaders and officials not to attend events that would mark the Tibetans’ 60 years in exile, as well as the cancellation of 2 events in Delhi, are clear signs that everyone is trying to please China. The Tibetans have no more sympathizers who will continue to support them as it risks jeopardising relations with China.
March 16, 2018
March 17, 2018
Apart from two big Tibetan events planned in Delhi being scrapped, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) can add another disgrace to the list, this time thanks to its own people, the Tibetans.
On Saturday 17th March, a large number of international protestors gathered near the Tibetan parliament, seeking the impeachment of Tibetan President Sangay, saying his actions are akin to those of a dictator. The protestors are from India, Nepal, Europe, and the US and the protest will go on until the session ends on March 24. Lobsang Sangay definitely made a mark in Tibetan history as he is the first President that Tibetans protested to impeach.
March 17, 2018
It is understandable that national ministers refrained from attending events organised by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) following the leaked classified directive from the Indian Cabinet Secretary. But to have a State Minister of Himachal Pradesh (that Dharamsala falls under) skipping such an important event for the Tibetans in-exile is a clear message – India is now making ties with China, and the ‘Tibetan cause’ (Tibetan independence) is no longer useful to India.
Over the past few months, the Dalai Lama has made numerous statements that Tibet should remain part of China. He has been reaffirming his stance that he is not seeking independence for Tibet. Meanwhile, India is exercising a whole new approach – to make friends with China. After all, India’s national interest comes first.
Jigme Tsering
March 18, 2018
In response to the cancellation of the recent ‘Thank You India’ event in Delhi, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) released a video message by His Holiness the Dalai Lama saying that the Tibetans have not been seeking independence for Tibet from China since 1974. In addition, His Holiness further reiterate the mutual benefits of reconciliation between Tibetans in exile and China.
This statement was very offensive to Indians who were very kind enough to host the Tibetan refugees for the last 60 years. Not only did the Tibetan community contribute nothing to India, they have also been using India in order to further their own cause. Now that India is changing their stance towards China, Tibetans are quick to turn around in favor of China and India is quickly abandoned. What is apparent in this speech is that India remains an undesired place to be called home.
Tashi Wangchuk
March 21, 2018
I see many Indians expressing their displeasure with Tibetans on Twitter daily. Look at what they are saying now.
March 21, 2018
Modi’s government’s direction is clear regarding the Tibetans – India wants the Tibetan government in exile to avoid indulging in any political activity against Beijing, and on the Indian side, it is stepping up its engagements with China to deepen economic and political cooperation before the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in June, of which Prime Minister Modi is attending the multilateral event.
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval are scheduled to meet their Chinese counterparts before the SCO summit and ministerial engagements with China is expected to translate into a bilateral informal summit between Modi and Xi.
Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha’s recent note asking all politicians and bureaucrats to refrain from participating in events organised by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is a huge contrast to when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in May 2014, this was when the then Prime Minister (now President) of the Tibetan government in exile Lobsang Sangay was invited for his swearing-in. As India denounce their strong support towards the Tibetans in exile, we know that the CTA’s power is dwindling down, especially when the Dalai Lama said that he wants to “voluntarily” put an end to the process of Dalai Lama succession.
dolma tso
March 22, 2018
India banning Tibetans from hosting a rally with the Dalai Lama this month for the 60th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule is a clear sign that India wants to improve ties with China.
China said that it is “willing to keep up the good momentum of two-way cooperation with India,” while the Indian side mentioned that India and China agreed to consult each other on regional and international issues.
You can’t really fault India for doing so. After all, it was His Holiness the Dalai Lama who batted for the recognition of the “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai” (India and China are brothers) spirit to take Sino-Indian relations forward.
Dolma Khoza
March 22, 2018
The Tibetan government in exile has been dumped by the Indian government for a bigger prize: China. For years, the Tibetan government in exile would accuse Dorje Shugden people of taking money from the Chinese but everyone knows that this is not true. Now even their host, India, will be friends with China. Everyone will be friends with China sooner or later, and the Tibetan leadership beg to be as well. The Tibetan leadership shouldn’t have messed with Dorje Shugden people. Too bad for you! And when the Tibetan leadership is friends with China, what will they accuse the Dorje Shugden people of then???
gonpo Tsering
March 22, 2018
There were some speculations that India’s objectives in slighting the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) could be because of a prior agreement with China.
Coincidentally, Foreign Secretary Gokhale’s note leaked a day before the foreign secretary visited Beijing, and now we hear news that Indian ministers have scheduled to meet their Chinese counterparts to prepare for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in June.
We may never know the real reason is for India’s sudden turn around to appease China. But one thing’s for sure, India will not allow the Tibetans to engage in anti-China activities from now onwards. Like what the article said, “…for India, the Tibetan story was over.”
Thinley Woeser
March 22, 2018
India has switched its policy on Tibet in order to align itself with China and gain economic benefits. With high unemployment rate and serious poverty issues in the countryside resulted in the Kisan Long March, as well as the uncertainties of the General Elections coming up in 2019, Modi’s government need to prioritise the interest of 1.3 billion people over 95,000 Tibetan refugees.
As the largest recipient of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) under the “Belt & Road” initiative, India needs to maintain good relations with China, especially after the Doklam tension. The reality is the fact that India cannot afford to go to war with China as its army is not as well equipped and the cost of war would be astronomical. So India is now opting a conciliatory as opposed to a hardline approach in order to keep China at bay, and for PM Modi to possibly have a higher chance to succeed in the coming election.
Modi and Xi are expected to meet this year on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit to be held in June this year at the Chinese city of Qingdao, and Modi’s congratulatory note to Xi for getting re-elected as the President on Chinese social media platform Weibo is a confirmation that further development of Sino-Indian bilateral relations is definitely under way.
March 23, 2018
Looks like India is taking serious measures to ensure that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala does not engage in any political activity perceived to be against Beijing.
An event to mark 60 years of the Dalai Lama’s stay in India, originally planned in Delhi, was moved back to Dharamsala in order not to create issues for India as Sino-Indian ties are very tense at the moment. As a result, organisers were forced to hold the programme in the temple complex where the Dalai Lama and his followers have been living for decades.
Many are speculating whether these cancellations and the new Indian government policy are permanent or just temporary. Looking at the series of engagements lined up between Delhi and Beijing, such as the upcoming visits to China by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, India is determine to mind Sino-Indian relations post-Doklam, which means the Tibetans should get ready for more bad news in the coming months.
Namgyal Wangchuk
March 26, 2018
Things are going from bad to worse as the Tibetan leadership has to grapple with yet another problem. Not only does the Indian leadership now refuse to be seen with them, but tourists are no longer attracted to Dharamsala, whether it’s to attend teachings by the Dalai Lama or because they want to go somewhere exotic. The region has seen a tremendous drop in tourists especially for the month of March, which used to be peak tourist season when the town would overflow with visitors.
And not only has the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) failed to host an annual summer festival that used to be a major tourist attraction, but now they are even blaming the cancellation on a lack of funds allocated by the Indian leadership. Does the CTA REALLY think this will improve their relationship with the Indian government? It is typical CTA mentality – if you don’t give things to them for free, they won’t do anything.
And just to prove everyone really has NO idea what to do to bring the tourists back, they’re thinking of requesting the Dalai Lama to give even more teachings as an attraction point. Yes, they are going to ask an 82-year old man to do even MORE work to bring in the money. When will the CTA let the Dalai Lama retire? And yes, that’s right – they don’t want to request the Dalai Lama to give teachings because they want Dharma. They want the Dharma to make MORE MONEY. That’s how it has ALWAYS been with the CTA. So maybe the real reasons tourists are avoiding Dharamsala is because they’ve figured this out, and they have had enough of giving their money to a corrupt leadership that has exploited them financially for 60 years.
Go Home Tibetans!
April 2, 2018
Even the Tibetans themselves do not care about Tibet anymore 👎
April 4, 2018
The Tibetan leadership is not as innocent as you would think. They are downright ungrateful. They have been using their freedom in India to irritate China and this has created tension between the two Asian countries. But now India is using the Tibetans, this time to improve ties with China instead.
(1) Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale met with both the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay to tell them to move their ‘Thank you India’ events out of Delhi, as India gears up to please China.
(2) Gokhale told government officials not to attend Tibetan events, but he did not have to write his instructions down. These instructions were leaked. Some think it was intentional and hints at the fact it was both a ploy to let China know that India is changing its stance towards the Tibetans, and to let Tibetans know that it was doing so.
(3) The leak was probably to slight the Tibetan leadership, who even went ahead with their smaller-scale events without coordinating with the Indian ministry.
(4) Samdhong Rinpoche’s secret visit to China last year really irritated the Indian government. If the Tibetan leadership were to accept that Tibet was always a part of China, this would jeopardise the McMahon Line, and call into question India’s entire border with China.
(5) The Tibetan leadership are not shy about stoking the fire during sensitive times. Lobsang Sangay even unfurled the Tibetan flag at Pangong Lake, near India’s border with China. He did this on Indian soil, but what made matters even worse, he did so during the Doklam standoff, when India and China were on the brink of war.
Kalsang Norbu
April 7, 2018
During the international security conference in Moscow, India’s Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman met with her Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe on the sidelines. Although no official details of the meeting are available, it is understood that the geopolitical security is one of the main concerns and border issues between the two countries were discussed.
With the Dalai Lama’s wish for Tibet to remain in China, the topic of Tibetan independence can no longer be used to maintain India’s geopolitical security. Hence India is now taking a more proactive approach in directly negotiating practical solutions with China.
So not only did the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) render themselves useless to the Indian government, but this was reaffirmed by the meeting between Sitharaman and Wei – China and India will now deal directly with one another, without the CTA as an interference. So once again, the CTA has proven themselves to be a failure. In publicly stating they wish to be a part of China, the CTA sent a strong message to India that they will do what it takes to become a part of China, and therefore not do anything to support their kind host of 60 years.
At this rate, it won’t be long that the Tibetans are asked to leave India.
Jamyang Dolma
April 16, 2018
In most parliaments, ministers discuss policies, budgets and legislation that can make a positive impact for their nation. However, in the Tibetan Parliament in-Exile, they talk about a bunch of postcards critical of their poor leadership. Astounding! That is how they plan to ‘save the world’ and lead the Tibetan people back to Tibet? Their intelligence is simply out of this world. It looks like the postcards were right after all, they are extremely ineffective.
Dawa Tsering
April 20, 2018
More evidence has surfaced regarding His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Charitable Trust’s dubious activities in India.
The Buddhist Community Centre UK (BCCUK) paid “donations” of £50,000 to the trust for the Dalai Lama’s talk in Aldershot in the UK 3 years ago. This is yet another example against the claim that the Dalai Lama does not charge or receive money for his highly priced and ticketed talks around the world. The other highly infamous case was the US$1 million received for the Dalai Lama’s appearance in Albany in 2009. This actually let to the Dalai Lama’s Trust endorsing the sex-cult leader, Raniere. In addition, a trustee also revealed that the trust is used to transfer profits made from events like this in order to evade tax.
It seems that charities set up in the Dalai Lama’s name show poor levels of accountability, lack transparency in the use of the money raised, and are involved in criminal activity. Millions of dollars are poured into these charities through various Tibetan advocacy groups and foreign NGO’s in an effort to support the ‘Tibetan cause’. It is extremely unethical for these charities to take advantage of the sentiments for Tibetan victims of self-immolations against China, to get money. On top of that they squander the hard-earned cash of donors and treat it like one’s ‘personal bank account’.
Samten Lhamo
April 25, 2018
It sure looks like both China and India are determined to achieve successful reconciliation, something that will mark a new milestone in the history of India-China relations. This will continue to impede the Tibetan leadership’s attempts to spew anti-China rhetoric and propaganda. India already began its clampdown on the Tibetans in March, when they banned key Tibetan events, including cancelling celebrations marking the Tibetans’ 60 years in exile, which were going to be held in Delhi.
India changed her strategy after recognising that a hard-line approach with China did not work. Rather, there is much more to gain if Asia’s two giants come together for the common goal of mutual benefit. If all goes well, India may even be the one cutting a deal with China to allow the Dalai Lama’s return to Tibet. After all, the Tibetan leadership in-exile have failed miserably in making progress in this regard. Nonetheless, we know for sure that India will no longer tolerate nonsense from Tibetans in-exile that would jeopardize their relations with China any further.
Tsering Wangyal
April 27, 2018
The beginning of the end for Tibetan leadership in India.
The Dalai Lama and Tibetan govt in-exile better be on the alert now. For years they have met politicians, organizations and private individuals while talking negatively about China and painted an ugly picture of China wherever they went to get sympathetic votes and more free aid in dollars. It didn’t work, as the whole world wants to be China’s friend now, even the Indians. Tibet was no Shangrila and the reason they even lost their country back in 1959 was due to their own ineffective and corrupt leadership. It’s their own fault. For the last 60 years living Tax free in India they have still not secured their country back. It shows their lack of abilities and ineptness. Now Prime Minister Modi has landed in China to meet the powerful President Xi. One of the agendas to be discussed is the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in India. Definitely China will work something out with Modi against the freeloading Tibetan refugees. High time too. Many Indians on social media have called for the Dalai Lama and Tibetans to return home as they have overstayed their welcome in India. Why should India stick their necks out any further for the useless Tibetans? That is how the Indians have rightly complained.
Now with Modi getting closer to China and President Xi, this spells doomsday for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans. For years the Tibetans have been meddling in Indian politics and insulting China and now the day of reckoning is near. The Tibetan govt in-exile are corrupt, useless, self-serving, schismatic and hateful. For years they have spoken against Dorje Shugden practitioners, segregating them and inciting violence against them in India. Now their karma has returned. The Tibetan govt in-exile likes to call Dorje Shugden pracitioners ‘Chinese spies’ and the funny thing is now the Dalai Lama is nearly begging China to return to Tibet/China. Who is the Chinese spy now?
Now the Dalai Lama and his exiled govt better keep quiet about China and be humble. They better remain silent on the unjust treatment of Dorje Shugden people and ‘allow’ religious freedom. They are losing power and losing support fast. Now the time has come they will have to swallow their own bitter pills they so happily doled out to others previously. Tibetan govt leaders better keep quiet and be humble now. The Tibetan govt in-exile should not have segregated Dorje Shugden people. Now Dorje Shugden people should go and become friends with China and return to Tibet to live also. The Dalai Lama wants to return to Tibet so bad but China does not want him. Too bad. India does not want him either. Too bad. Should have been friends with Dorje Shugden people in order to have more support in the hundreds of thousands. They should not have made trouble. Too bad the Tibetan leadership is so corrupt. So narrow minded, they trampled on their own people’s religious rights. Now we will see who wins. The Tibetan leadership or Dorje Shugden. I have a feeling Dorje Shugden will win.
April 27, 2018
His Holiness on Why a Woman Should Be Very Attractive to Be a Candidate for the 15th Dalai Lama
How come a spiritual leader is commenting on the value of women based on their looks? This is not funny, not intelligent and not politically correct. It is wrong. It is debasing and makes people lose respect for a monk such as Dalai Lama for talking about human beings in this manner.
Tsering Kyi
April 29, 2018
Breaking news!
Well, all the people who was saying China-backed Panchen Lama is fake sure look ridiculous now. They attacked all the Tibetans and supporters who respected the China-backed Panchen Lama calling them all types of dirty and foul names in person and on social media. Calling them China stooges and China paid vulgar names for believing in the China-backed Panchen Lama. Now who looks so ridiculous? Now the Dalai Lama says the China-backed Panchen Lama is good and has a good teacher. If he has a good teacher it means he is turning into a good teacher himself. So he is qualified to teach. The end.
Dalai Lama says the China-backed Panchen Lama is an emanation of the previous Panchen Lama because high lamas can incarnate back as several lamas at the same time. So the Panchen Lama recognized by the Dalai Lama and the China-backed Panchen Lama are both good and both are incarnations of the previous Panchen Lama. How the tables have turned. Now all the people who criticized China-backed Panchen Lama can keep quiet and remember how ridiculous they look now. Listen to what the Dalai Lama says now as of April 2018 about the China-backed Panchen Rinpoche
The Panchen Lama recognized by Dalai Lama is alive and well also according to Dalai Lama himself.
Sonam Rinchen
May 4, 2018
Is it time to save the sinking ship that is the Tibetan cause? But wait a minute, the ship has already been sunk for the likes of Mr Ugyen Gyalpo.
Gone are the days when Tibet’s independence was possible, yet Tibetans like Mr Gyalpo are still living in a fantasy, asking the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) to go against the Dalai Lama’s goal of meaningful autonomy for Tibet, and advocate full independence instead. On top of that, he wants India to help Tibet gain its independence, disregarding how these actions would jeopardize India’s relationship with China.
This is the same kind of illogical, self-centred, wishful thinking that caused the Tibetans to lose their country to China by signing the 17-Point Agreement in 1951. Why ask someone to fight for a lost cause? Perhaps Mr Gyalpo was on holiday and did not catch the latest media flurry about the Dalai Lama stating that he is happy for Tibet to be in China. The CTA President Lobsang Sangay even urged Tibetans to make the Dalai Lama’s dream of returning to Tibet come true.
It is time for My Gyalpo and other pro-independence activists to seriously wake up from their self-imposed slumber and plan what they can actually do if and when the Dalai Lama gets the green light to go back to Tibet. Do they want to support the Dalai Lama, their spiritual leader? Or will they betray and abandon him?