Gaden Monks Forced to Swear Against Dorje Shugden (video)

Part 2

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This video was taken sometime in 2008-2009, which showed monks in Gaden Shartse monastery in some kind of swearing ceremony, but this was no normal ceremony, it was a ceremony to swear against the pracrtice of Dorje Shugden.

The monks were first lectured by some lay Tibetan government-in-exile officials (how dare they) about the negativities of practising Dorje Shugden, and after that, the whole Sangha community, from young novice monks to old senior Geshes, one by one lined up at the front under the thangka of Setrap to read out loud the swearing statement from a board/paper, swearing against the practice Dorje Shugden, and right after every reading, there was an applause.

The monks were made to swear against Dorje Shugden in front of a huge Setrap thangka (time 06:56), which is ironical because Setrap is very close to Dorje Shugden and Setrap appears in Dorje Shugden’s mandala, so the person who made this arrangement was either subtly and wittily protesting against the whole thing, or was purely ignorant.

You can see in the video even some very senior monks were made to swear: a very old monk in walking stick (time 09:40), an old monk whose hands were shaking while reading the swearing statement (time 10:40), and another monk who was seemingly disgusted and didn’t bother to read out loud (time 11:04).

Which leader/government in the world would make their people/monks do this kind of act of swearing against the practice of a certain deity? This video is a clear evidence of the appalling things that the then Tibetan government-in-exile made its own people to do.

These were the darkest hours in the history of Gaden Shartse Monastery. This forced swearing in against one’s religious practice (Dorje Shugden) was carried out in all the Monasteries and all Tibetan settlements throughout India and Nepal. Monks who had practices Dorje Shugden for over 60 years were forced to swear against this practice given to them by their eminent teachers.

The swearing in against Shugden was witnessed by a lay ‘official’ representing Dalai Lama. If you did not swear, then you were excommunicated and not allowed to interact with those who have sworn in. Everyone i carefully watched and recorded and reported to Dalai Lama. Those who have sworn in may not interact with those who continue Dorje Shugden’s practice. Families, friends and teachers/disciples have been torn apart.

There are many cases where some monks did not swear in but their families did. Because of this they did not meet their families again. How can Dalai Lama and CTA ask all to swear in against Dorje Shugden’s practice. How can someone take away your religious freedom. Dalai Lama and CTA says you have the freedom to practice, but if you do you are excommunicated from the Monastery or community.

You cannot go to any stores owned by Tibetans, hospitals, community meetings, or any talks given by Dalai Lama. What kind of freedom is that? Even now, those who do not swear in are hounded or investigated by the CTA and Dalai Lama’s people to force you to swear or be excommunicated. For some this may be shocking, but do further investigations to see how true all of this is. The Tibet you see romanticized to the world and how it really is are different.

Below are some related postings made during those period.



As everyone may know, over 500 monks was forced to leave their beloved home GADEN SHARTSE MONASTERY in South India. HH Dalai Lama and Tibetan govt in exile forced all the Monasteries to swear an oath to abandon all practices of Dorje Shugden. If they do not, they must leave the monastery for good. So these 500 monks decided to remain true to their spiritual convictions and left Gaden Shartse Monastery in Mundgod South India.

Nearby, they re-established Shar Gaden Monastery as a place to have freedom of worship. Help, support, donations and care has been pouring in from all parts of the world. They have a grand prayer hall, monk quarters, pujas, active Geshe Study program. Many monks and Tulkus from other Monasteries who refuse to abandon Dorje Shugden has also joined Shar Gaden Monastery. Shar Gaden have been working very hard in preparing huge lineage lama statues for their prayer hall, cleaning, painting, extending buildings, etc.



The 450 monks of Dokhang Khangtsen has officially seperated from Gaden Shartse Monastery. Gaden Shartse had meetings and the property of the Shartse had to be divided. Dokhang Khangtsen was given their share of the collective monastic property. From Gaden Shartse Monastery, Dokhang khangtsen has received:

  1. 400 crore Indian Lakhs (1 lakh is Indian rupees 100,000)( 1 crore is 1 lakh x 100)
  2. 15 Female buffaloes that produce milk
  3.  Shartse has a guest house in Delhi, that has been handed over to Dokhang.
  4. Shartse has a newly built guest house in Gaden, that has been handed over.
  5. Much ritual silverware and ritual objects of the monastery.
  6. Hospital Car
  7. Carpets and Many thangkas
  8. One lorry and two tractors
  9. 20 acres of agricultural land

They have remained where they are in the Monastery but seperated from the main Gaden Shartse Monastery completely. They have no involvement with any activities with eachother. They have kept their khangtsen prayer hall and monk rooms. With this, they have formed their own Monastery and now it is offically called: SHAR DOKHANG DRATSTANG.

The newly elected Abbot is: Geshe Lobsang Pende.

The incredible part is that The exile Govt of Tibet very much encouraged all monks and organizations to seperate from Dorje Shugden practitioners. They advised strongly not to share anything with Dorje Shugden practitioners. That any cost incurred in this THEY WILL HAPPILY COVER AND REIMBURSE. So far the expenses as mentioned in the 9 points mentioned above incurred by Gaden Shartse Monastery has not been reimbursed by the Tibetan Government. Gaden Shartse has to bear the ‘lossess.’ Tibetan Government is absolutely silent on this issue of reimbursement. They talk alot and demand, but when it comes to footing the bills, they are silent.

Dokhang Khangtsen has been an inalienable part of Gaden Shartse Monastery for the past 600 years. Dokhang has produced so many great Masters of the highest calibre. Now because they wish to continue worshipping Gyelchen Dorje Shugden, the Tibetan Govt insists that ANY MONKS WORSHIPPING DORE SHUGDEN may not remain in the monastery. The Tibetan Govt has put incredible unfair pressure on the abbot of Gaden shartse during this period. This policy will return to ‘haunt’ the Tibetan Govt in exile. Dokhang Khangtsen in Shartse is not fully gone, as around 30 monks stayed and did not move with their compatriots to Shar Dhokhang Dratsang.

Shar Dokhang Dratsang has had no conflicts with Gaden Shartse Monastery. Such a seperation/division within the sangha is unheard of . The Tibetan Govt is responsible for such an heinous act. The monks of Dokhang khangtsen has never had anything ill against HH the Dalai Lama, or were ever unpatriotic. Their worship of Gyelchen Dorje Shugden was granted to them by HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Their district in Tibet (Chatreng) where many of the monks from Dokhang hail from have kept Dorje Shugden as their heart protector for hundreds of years now and many generations. Their forefathers have worshipped Dorje Shugden for so many generations. Each home in Chatreng will have a shrine to Dorje Shugden.

Because they wish to adhere to the religious commitments of their guru (Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang) by worshipping Dorje Shugden, they are not allowed to remain in Gaden Shartse Monastery. That is their so called ‘crime.’ Much pain, anguish and loss has been inflicted upon both the monks remaining in Gaden Shartse and those who have left to Shar Dokhang Dratsang. May their practice, study, lineage, traditions prevail. Their courage, adherence to their guru samaya, and steadfast faith opens a new door for all Dorje Shugden practitoners. A VERY POWERFUL EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW. TO REMAIN TRUE TO YOUR COMMITMENTS AND WORDS OF HONOUR TAKEN BEFORE ONE’S VAJRADHARA LIKE GURUS.

Dokhang khangtsen are in need of financial aid to provide food/tea to the monks on a daily basis. It would be good to contact them to help.

Website of Shar Gaden Monastery:

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10 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. We are sad to present this never seen before video of the forced swearing in against Dorje Shugden. There is no religious freedom for Dorje Shugden practitioners within the exile Tibetan community in India and Nepal. There is no dialogue, discussion or respect for Shugden believers although they are Tibetans too. They do not enjoy the fundamental rights as other Tibetans. The Central Tibetan Admin or CTA hunt down those who do not swear in and excommunicate them. Admin

  2. I am sorry to say CTA has nothing much to do these days other than to bully Dorje Shugden practitioners. Tibet is lost to China and they are unable to get independance hence they need to create a scrape goat on Dorje Shugden to distract the attention on them. What a loser.

  3. It is almost unbelievable that even until 2008-2009, the CTA is still unrelentingly forcing monks to stop worshipping Dorje Shugden. As at 2008-2009, the ban had been on for a while, obviously the CTA is aware that the practice is prevalent and every now and then, this exercise of swearing will be conducted.

    Sad to see old monks swearing in and even more sad are the young monks being punished not to practice.

    If so much still need to be done to curb the worship of Dorje Shugden, it is my belief that nothing can stop the King of Protectors and soon DS worship will ascend the world.

    Let there be knowledge to be spread in all directions for the benefits of Dorje Shugden worship to grow exponentially.

  4. The person behind creating a schism in the sangha must be being lead by a mara. Buddha’s do not harm others.

  5. This shows that the CTA is still thinking in terms of forceful removal. In the political circles this is known as an expression of linear corporate thinking in which a physical non-violent ‘forceful removal’ is used. A good example is in the form of media imposing fear around the Dollar Euro or general economy. The goal of this type of use in mediais to make every one ‘agree’ to the ‘markets’and the so called economical growth in a almost religious way (the make believe in the grace of financial growth and its sole purpose). The consequence from this could be, that a constant justification culture arises of cutting wages or imposing strange taxes on the lower wages group in order for their dependance on the ‘markets’ or any Monetary body’s such as Monetary funds . Another widely recognized phenomenon, where often abusive power is used in a physical or psychological way is the resulting ‘Stockholm phenomenon’. During the event or incident the victims are told that they can not use the essential facilities such as the bathroom unless they co-operate. The abusers thereby reward their victims with the use of one these essential facilities, in the hope that the victims will start to agree and believe into the abusers ‘wants and wishes and their goals’. This incident looks like a careful planned technique with the hope on a ‘Stockholm phenomenon’ outcome, whether there are Monastic rules or not, Human rights and all the other Vinayas.
    A Bihishu/ Bhiksuni- Sramanera/ Sramaneri refusing to swear to elders, others, respected objects or the Monastery as a whole is not even a ‘bom bo’or minor offence! So when ordered to be excommunicated is invalid. The rules and regulations in monastery are those laid down due to the experience of the Buddha whilst forming the Monastic community and can be read in the collection of Dulwa texts, under: ‘when a vinaya holder is to be expelled’. Forceful removal is a sign of total inadequacy and desperation because the desired power can not be archived. Certainly Lay officials have no mandatory power in monastery’s. To exert this type of behavior is very delusional and in line with this linear corporate thinking to growth, in this case power!
    Buddha’s do not harm others!

  6. This shows that the CTA is still thinking in terms of forceful removal. In the political circles this is known as an expression of linear corporate thinking in which a physical non-violent ‘forceful removal’ is used. A good example is in the form of media imposing fear around the Dollar, Euro or general economy. The goal of this type of use in the media is to make every one ‘agree’ to the ‘markets’and the so called economical growth in a almost religious way by calling on the dormant fear to lose and the make believe in the grace of financial growth and its sole purpose as a reward. The consequence from this could be, that a constant justification culture arises of cutting wages or imposing strange taxes on the majority of the lower wages group in order for their dependance on the ‘markets’ or any Monetary body’s such as Monetary funds or local funds . Another widely recognized phenomenon, where often abusive power is used in a physical or psychological way is the resulting ‘Stockholm phenomenon’. During the event or incident the victims are told that they can not use the essential facilities such as the bathroom unless they co-operate. The abusers thereby reward their victims with the use of one these essential facilities, in the hope that the victims will start to agree and believe into the abusers ‘wants and wishes and their goals’. This incident looks like a careful planned technique with the hope on a ‘Stockholm phenomenon’ outcome, whether there are Monastic rules or not, Human rights and all the other Vinayas.
    A Bihishu/ Bhiksuni- Sramanera/ Sramaneri refusing to swear to elders, others, respected objects or the Monastery as a whole is not even a ‘bom bo’or minor offence! So when ordered to be excommunicated is invalid. The rules and regulations in monastery are those laid down due to the experience of the Buddha whilst forming the Monastic community and can be read in the collection of Dulwa texts, under: ‘when a vinaya holder is to be expelled’. Forceful removal is a sign of total inadequacy and desperation because the desired power can not be archived. Certainly Lay officials have no mandatory power in monastery’s. To exert this type of behavior is very delusional and in line with this linear corporate thinking to growth, in this case power!
    Buddha’s do not harm others!

  7. Dear readers my apologies in the first comment I made some mistakes i realized after submitting, please read the second comment.

  8. I sincerely feel for the monks in both Gaden Shartse and Shar Gaden. Such enforcement to force monks into swearing against practising Dorje Shugden. I believe many who swore were under tremendous pressure and we have come to know by now what the then TGIE can do even to the holy sanghas and disrespect them.

    I feel for the monks who stood by their holy commitments received the precious Dorje Shugden practice from their holy Gurus despite having to be separated from the Gaden Shartse and as well as their own family members. I can’t believe this is still happening in the modern world.

    At the same time I am glad that Shar Gaden Monastery has been formed resulting from such circumstances where the monks can have freedom of worship and practice what they believe.

    Every Dorje Shugden practitioners who read this article and saw the video should make some contribution and let’s help our sangha member to persevere through this period of difficulty. Thank you all who have made the contribution.

    Curiosity plays into my mind that the monks were made to swear in front of Lord Setrap’s thangkha and from the little that I know, Lord Setrap is very close with Dorje Shugden(!). So what’s happening here?

  9. Yep.This is what happens when you listen to people like the Dalai Lama.

  10. Irony is when you force thousands to swear out, thereby proving thousands were practising to begin with. Which then goes on to prove that Dorje Shugden ISNT a minority practice like your so fond of claiming.

    EH CTA???

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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