I remember the admin posted this before, so I would like to repost here for everyone’s reference:
While the Sixteenth Karmapa (the previous Karmapa) was on a pilgrimage in Nepal he stopped at Urgyen Rinpoche’s new monastery. At that time the Nepalese king and queen were there and came out to greet him with a scarf.
When he went into the monastery there was a statue of Guru Dragpo with Dharmapala Shugden being pressed down under the statue’s feet. The Karmapa stood in the presence of the statue for awhile, then pointed his finger at it and asked “who is the person that said to build this statue? This isn’t Nyingma nor Sakya, certainly not Gelug and not Kagyu either. I didn’t say to build it, this is not one of the deities you can’t rely on.
Although the time is a little early in the future you will definitely need to rely on this deity.” Out of all the abbots and masters present not one came forward to answer. The Karmapa said “remove this now.” Immediately a person with an axe and shovel came and had to remove it. Many lamas present at that time definitely remember, a seventy five year old man from Chamdo called Samcho witnessed this event. – from Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s sungbum
The first four pictures below are some pictures of the opening in 1976. Now, the founder of the monastery above is Kagyu, and the monastery was built under the direction of the 16th Karmapa, following the ‘new treasures of Chokgyur Lingpa’. Hence, the Karmapa has a “say” during the opening. What does a Kagyu monastery have against a protector of another lineage? It seems rather odd.
The Nyingma monastery in Pharping, as far as I know, it only started building around 10 years ago and follows the Ripa lineage. I am not sure whether the Dorje Drolo is still stepping on a monk, but I have seen the initial drawings of the statues. I have included 2 drawings with the recent pictures below. If the Karmapa disapproved of the particular form, why is it still being made then (10 years back) and now?
I could be wrong, but perhaps this is just plain politics, especially in Nepal where all schools of Buddhism and monasteries are out there to compete for survival, earning tourist bucks and the support of local community is more important than real Buddhadharma? However, this does not justify the derogatory portrayal of another lineage’s protector, definitely un-Buddhist? :-[ I hope the time that Karmapa’s prophecised will come soon.
by Vajraprotector
June 17, 2012
” I could be wrong, but perhaps this is just plain politics, especially in Nepal where all schools of Buddhism and monasteries are out there to compete for survival, earning tourist bucks and the support of local community is more important than real Buddhadharma? However, this does not justify the derogatory portrayal of another lineage’s protector, definitely un-Buddhist? :-[ I hope the time that Karmapa’s prophecised will come soon “…………….
Writer may watch his words.First Go nepal study Nepal s Monastery Then Write Artical. Kopan Monastery , Mahayana Buddhist Society are examples of great Monastery where you cant point as Tourist hub……Most Important Thing is Your Title of Artical Named ” Karmapa asked anti-Shugden statue to be removed ” didnt match with Your words jerk
October 1, 2012
The article sucks…it’s not some one who has compassion and understands Buddhist philosophy wrote this. Shame on you. The writer or translator is unbuddhsitic at it’s height… Decadent
February 19, 2013
Great article, thanks for re-posting it.
The two posts above (by padam and Anonymous) are a sad testimonial of the rampant anti-Shugden irrational fanaticism and sectarian hatred.
I heard in India from a pro-Dalai Lama Gelugpa monk that is well known that Nyingmapas would refuse to offer long life puja to the Dalai Lama unless he banned the practice of Dorje Shugden.
This account fits the description above, of an image where Dorje Shugden was trampled by a Nyingma protector, in a Nyingma-oriented monastery (the so-called Ka-Nying monastery)
There are very compelling researches suggesting that the murdering of Drakpa Gyaltsen was perpetrated by a Nyingmapa from Bhutan (with the accomplicity of the 5th Dalai Lama’s regent and likely son).
I think there is a need for scrutinizing and exposing rampant sectarian hatred within some Nyingma quarters, completely unfitting with the sublime example of real teachers such as Dilgo Khyentse and Penor Rinpoches.
The late Nyingma head Dudjom himself proudly boasts of the gruesome episode where his “protector” decapitated a dissatisfied creditor and offered his head in a tray. These seem to be the same kind of folks behind the sectarian gangsterism against Dorje Shugden practitioners.
March 21, 2013
“The two posts above (by padam and Anonymous) are a sad testimonial of the rampant anti-Shugden irrational fanaticism and sectarian hatred.” couldnt have said it better meself.
@ padam, why doesnt the title match? The Karmapa did ask for the statue to be removed; that depiction of Guru Dragpo was derogatory of Dorje Shugden and the Karmapa said to remove it.
Since you bring up Kopan, why dont you ask those in the know in Kopan what it is they did to Pabongka Rinpoche? How they backstabbed the lama who gave all of us the lamrim lineage by causing schism with his sponsors?
Since you bring up Kopan, why dont you ask them why is it Lama Zopa has manifested a stroke and no longer teaches? Why is it Lama Osel refuses to be directly involved as the head of FPMT? Now that the students have broken their samaya, who will take over Kopan when H.E. Zopa Rinpoche unfortunately manifests clear light?
@ Anonymous, nothing else to say other than have some balls and use your name
March 24, 2013
I agree that how un-Buddhist to do such things. As a Buddhist, we practice compassion and acceptance. We should not belittle and be disrespectful to anyone nor any religious beliefs and etc. If anyone think that the Shugden practice is not good, then prove it and show compassion and patience and practice what you preached as a Buddhist instead of creating disharmony and conflicts.
lhakpa diki hyolmo
March 28, 2013
i agree that buddism is one of the most important religion of buddhist thatwhy i lov all living creature
Yeshe Künkhyen
February 3, 2015
Syvia Wong writes in Karmapa Prophecies, a book written under the gudance of Shamarpa (pg. 44):
Dorje Shugden is a deity force
“Dorje Shugden tried to
harm Sharnarpa. In response, Sharmarpa immediately meditated in the wrathful form of Guru Padmasarnbhava and subdued the evil.”
Shamarpa is said to be the red hat Karmapa. Other accounts were given that 16th Karmapa rejected Sugden strongly when he saw a Shugden Statue in a tibetan center in Lyaon France in 1974.