On May 18, 2014 at around 3.30 pm, Gaden Choaling, a Dorje Shugden monastery traditionally belonging to H.H. Domo Geshe Rinpoche, was forcefully occupied by a group of monks and laypeople from Tharpa Choaling.
Over three months later, this grave injustice has yet to be resolved, no thanks to the gross inaction from the Central Tibetan Administration, thus prompting the Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choaling Association to call for a meeting with Dorje Shugden devotees from all around the world, including the President of the Dorjee Shugden Society of Delhi, in their efforts to garner support to reclaim what rightfully belongs to their Guru, H.H. Domo Geshe Rinpoche.
The official press release can be read below.
Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choaling Association
Central Committee
Regd No. S/55139/87-88
P.O. Ghoom, Dist. Darjeeling – 734102
Tel Nos: 0354-22-74297; 0354-22-74533
Fax No: 0354-22-74397
Samten Choaling Monastery, Darjealing
Tharpa Choaling Monastery, Kalimpong
Tashi Choaling Monastery, Kurseong
Gaden Choaling Monastery, Pedong
Enchey House, Gangtok
21st August 2014, Darjeeling
A meeting of all worshipers of Dorje Shugden was held at Ghum Dung Gon Samten Choaling Monastery on the 21st of August 2014.
The administrator of Samten Choaling Monastery, Ghe Tshering La welcomed the guests who had arrived from all over the country. He also requested the President of the Dorjee Shugden Society, Delhi to chair the meeting.
The General Secretary of Ghoom Dun Gon Samten Choaling Association spoke at length on the forceful entry into Gaden Choaling Gompa at Pedong. He informed the guests about the action taken by the Association and the cooperation it had received from members from around the world. He also informed the gathering that future plan of action would be decided once the Sub Divisional Officer gives her judgement.
The secretary also spoke about the plan for the future and highlighted the need for closer cooperation among members and the need to expedite the flow of information and news so that all members and followers are on the same wavelength.
The representative from Europe expressed his solidarity with the Association and his desire to be actively involved with the education and the welfare schemes planned by the Association. He also gave a brief History of H.H. Domo Geshe Rinpoche which was a revelation to all His followers.
The representative from the United States expressed his sympathy with the Association with regard to the demise of Ghe Passang Dorjee La and the debacle that was being enacted at Kalimpong and the forceful attempt to wrest control of Gaden Choaling Gompa at Pedong. He promised to work closely with the Association till justice is granted to the Association.
Other delegates from Nepal, Shillong, Shar Ganden and Ser Pom from the South also voiced their opinion and promised full cooperation to the Association in its fight for justice. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks given by Sri Nima Tshering.

The original press release (low resolution)
August 29, 2014
It is heartwarming to see the unity of all Shugdenpas around the world gathering at a meeting to support and reclaim the right ownership of Gaden Choling Gompa at Pedong. May all obstacles be cleared, may they overcome any hindrances and regain what is rightfully belonging to H.H. Domo Geshe Rinpoche.
August 30, 2014
The occupation of Gaden Choaling Monastery in Pedong is unlawful and should be condemned. What was being done by the international Dorje Shugden followers should be lauded and appreciated since the CTA is not taking action. It is also great to hear that a brief history of Domo Geshe Rinpoche was given during the meeting. Hope that this press release will put pressure on the CTA to take action and restore what is right and just.
Sofia Neumerkel
August 31, 2014
Clearly there is no equal treatment from CTA. CTA is supposed to protect ALL Tibetans, to make sure people abide by the laws. In this case, they are not doing anything to help the victims. CTA please be fair, please do something!
August 31, 2014
Sofia, it’s a total waste of time to ask CTA to be fair. From so many incidents happening especially in this year, can’t you tell the CTA are just like the IS*S in Ira*? they are like terrorists. Injustice, cruelty, senseless, inhumane…it’s so heartbroken to see so many shugdenpas suffered from this. I pray for the peace to come and please end all these ridiculous actions. Nobody deserves all these. All we want is just peace.
September 1, 2014
Thank you to Dorje Shugden practitioners working together to represent Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s mandala. It is good to ask for help especially when threat comes from the CTA and the lay people who have bought into the story about how it is for people who have never taken care of the monastery , now they can claim the rights to the monastery. They really can stretch the realm of reality.
And even before the previous caretaker body had been laid into the ground all the vultures are coming into the compound. Do any of these people actually call themselves buddhist?
Sofia Neumerkel
September 16, 2014
@Frisk, you are right, that is why ISC has to organise so many protests all over the world. In order to put pressure on CTA for fair treatment. I have heard of many Shugdenpas being discriminated and hurt, some even have to severe their ties with their families because they practice so called “demon”. It hurts me to see unpleasant thing like this happens in the Buddhist world! Buddhism is all about peace, harmony, respect and tolerance, but I see so many people get hurt and suffer. How can Dalai Lama be going around the world to promote world peace when there isn’t even peace in the Tibetan community?
August 26, 2016
Such audacity of the Anti-Shugden “monks” and lay people to forcefully occupy Gaden Choaling. CTA really failed in their role as protector of their people and their rights. In their ugly political play, they probably are actively encouraging the illegal occupation.
However, from this ugly situation, it is heartening to read of the gathering of Shugden representatives from all over the world and the support they give. The cooperated effort sees better line of communications and updating on the events surrounding the illogical ban on enlightened Protector Dorje Shugden. This will allow better collective effort in fighting against illegal actions of CTA and the Anti-Shugdens as well as to promote awareness for the lifting of the ban.
May the world leaders wake up to the reality of sufferings by the Shugden practitioners by the very hands of those who are suppose to uphold the rights of all Tibetans-In-Exile but instead are instigators of terrorising acts. May the Dalai Lama who brought on the ban please swiftly manifest his true compassionate nature to lift the ban and reunite all practitioners.
September 30, 2016
CTA and their supporters have increasing become like bullies and dictators. Since 2 years ago, it has continued to happen. But luckily incidences like this is not that frequent.
And, it is very good to see the co-operation by the many monasteries and parties and for them to stand together.
Bullies will be bullies the world over. Sometimes, I do get very angry and then disillusioned. But, as a practicing Buddhist I have to learn to try and control my emotions. I cannot afford to be like these ignorant people being crude and violent and have a bullying attitude.