Why is the Dalai Lama suppressing religious freedom?

Do you know that the Dalai Lama…

  • the Nobel Peace Prize winner and supposed champion of human rights is busy at work removing the religious rights and the freedom of his own Tibetan people and persecuting all those who are trying to stand up for these rights;
  • and that he is using all his political power to destroy a well-loved and centuries-old religious tradition, causing huge confusion and pain among thousands of Tibetans;
  • and that this religious tradition he is trying to destroy is the one taught to him by his own Spiritual Guide, His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1901-1981), the Junior Tutor of the Dalai Lama;
  • and in a world where the Western ideal of the separation of politics and religion to prevent such abuses of power, the Dalai Lama is the very embodiment of this union of politics and religion;
  • and that his actions are illegal and unlawful, directly contravening the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Indian Constitution, and even the Tibetan government-in-exile’s own constitution;
  • and that no matter how many peaceful representations, letters and petitions have been sent to him over the last ten years begging him to reconsider, he has ignored every single one and refused to engage in any dialogue;
  • and all this makes the Dalai Lama’s actions contradictory and hypocritical – if you go around preaching non-violence and religious tolerance, it is hypocritical to then actively suppress religious freedom to advance your own political agenda of keeping control of the Tibetans:

…From the AP reports, Seattle, April 14, 2008:Inside the (University of Washington) arena, the Dalai Lama received an honorary degree and spoke of the importance of employing dialogue and mutual respect to solve problems. “You will make this century of peace,” the Dalai Lama told students. “Today’s world (is) heavily interdependent. Destruction of your neighbor or enemy is destruction of yourself.”

…From The Washington Post, April 20, 2008:Dalai Lama Urges Religious Tolerance. ANN ARBOR, Mich. — The Dalai Lama encouraged people gathered at the University of Michigan on Saturday to preserve their own religious traditions while respecting others with differing beliefs. “As you know, I always believed, since all different traditions have the same potential to bring inner peace, inner value, . . . it is important to keep one’s own tradition,” he told about 8,000 people at Crisler Arena.

Protests * and when the Dalai Lama says “I now practice all Tibetan religious traditions and think you should too”, what he really means is “I want to control all Tibetan religious traditions”;

  • and that the Dalai Lama’s “spiritual” reasons for repressing the practice of Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden comes across as both superstitious and incompatible with basic Buddhist teachings:

For example, the Dalai Lama says that Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden is a spirit who causes harm to his own life and the cause of a free Tibet. However, every Buddhist knows that if you go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, you are protected from harm from spirits. So how can such a spirit harm a supposed Buddha? How can such a spirit affect the cause of a free Tibet? It makes no sense, but of course these reasons are designed to produce a powerful emotional response in the intensely nationalistic, devout and loyal exiled Tibetans.

  • and that, because of the Dalai Lama’s calculated and uncompassionate political campaign of religious oppression, many Tibetans in India are now outcasts within the exiled community;
  • and that even some Western followers of the Dalai Lama are blindly repeating his claims that those who are following this tradition are spirit-worshippers and a sectarian cult, despite all evidence to the contrary (in this way deliberately setting out to destroy the reputation of Western Dorje Shugden practitioners and prevent people attending their Centers);
  • and that just because the Dalai Lama is a media darling of the West does not mean that he is infallible and beyond reproach, and that just because he is a supposed God King and Nobel Peace Prize winner does not make him above the law or immune to grave mistakes;
  • If you now read the points on the right, you will see actions and behaviour that are contradictory and hypocritical. If you say one thing to everyone in the West, but in your own backyard you engage in systematic calculated political religious repression, then what is the world to think?

    The purpose of this article is not to slander the Dalai Lama, but to point out a grave mistake that he is making. We urge him, yet again, to lift his ban on the practice of the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden and to ask his followers to stop persecuting Dorje Shugden practitioners right now.

    We don’t like hypocrisy. We hope you don’t either.

    Source : http://wisdombuddhadorjeshugden.org/

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  1. The anti-Shugden campaign and executors and supporters should reflect deeper on the impact of the contradiction in His Holiness’ speech and action. We are in a degenerate age where hope is rare and dim while distractions to faith, aggression, violence, depression and confusion is gaining grasp on humanity. As said, with great power, comes great responsibility: influential individuals and organization have the responsibility to act in ways that shed more light and not the contrary.

    This is especially when the 14th Dalai Lama is being hypocritical in front of idealistic and hopeful students, the future generation. In addition to being mindful of his own actions, His Holiness should invite and ensure that the actions of his followers are aligned to his teachings. If one is unable to benefit others, then at the very least, do not cause harm.

    The behavior and actions of anti-Shugden advocates shows lack of consciousness or virtue and should be revised urgently to protect and uphold hope and faith during these challenging times of humanity.

  2. The state of Tibetans in exile is a direct reflection of Dalai Lama’s work for the past 6 decades. The famous Free Tibet cause has been the cause of funding and monetary aids in the West for many decades. But where did the money go? We know things are not going well in the secular world under Dalai Lama’s leadership because news of embezzlement and other crimes are surfacing every now and then. The mortgage of the Prime Minister has been paid off, unexplained. Speaker of the House, Penpa Tsering was questioned for murder and embezzlement, yet still hold office in the government.

    Then, what about the spiritual world under Dalai Lama’s leadership? As a spiritual leader, peace, harmony and unity of the people of all faith under his care should be his priority. Or are we wrong? The fractions in the spiritual communities sprout up like mushroom after the rain. Here’s the list: the ban on Dorje Shugden practice, the ostracizing of Shugden lamas and monks from monastery, the controversial of Jonang Lineage, the division in Karma Kagyu because of the 2 Karmapas, and more recently, the restructuring of succession policy in Sakya lineage.

    No, I am NOT here to slander the Dalai Lama, nor cast doubts on his position as the highest lama in Tibet for I respect Dalai Lama as a high lama. But as a Shugden practitioner, I would like to peacefully request Dalai Lama to please relook at this policy. As the Tibetan leader in both secular and spiritual matter, Dalai Lama can resolve the Dorje Shugden issue, as well as other issue, if he wants.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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