Dalai Lama Meeting with Barack Obama

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VOAvideo Reports : February 19, 2010 — U.S. President Barack Obama met Thursday at the White House with the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, despite diplomatic protests from China. The meeting took place amid growing tensions between Washington and Beijing. Elizabeth Lee has this report.

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  1. Dear anyone out there,

    Can anyone can answer my questions:

    1. Why does the USA Govt (Obama) want to meet the Dalai Lama?

    2. What does the US Govt get from meeting the Dalai Lama?

    3. What does the Dalai Lama get from meeting Obama? Obama does not support Tibet’s independence at all. The US govt adheres to the One-China Policy.

    4. Wouldn’t it bet better if the Dalai Lama goes to Beijing and becomes friends with the Chinese govt who control Tibet? I mean, USA cannot do anything to China re Tibet. If they could or wanted to, they would of done it a long time ago.

    5. Isn’t Dalai Lama wasting precious time NOT MAKING FRIENDS WITH CHINESE GOVT?

    Thanks for helping me to understand ahead of time.

  2. Spiritually perhaps HH Dalai Lama receives payroll from CIA is a form of offering but politically I could not find any convincing reason why should he accept payroll from US? On the other hand, since Buddhism is talking about compassion and inclusiveness but why HH doesn’t want to meet Chinese gov to discuss any possibility to reach win-win solution for Tibet instead of meeting US president which has very little influence over Tibetan issues.

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