Dalai Lama Says He Can’t Ask Tibetans to “Shut Up”

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In this video extracted from the BBC, HH says that he cannot control or tell the Tibetans to shut up regarding the Tibetan Independencemovement. It is very important that HH holiness tells them to stop or else many more will get killed. Embarrassing the Chinese govt will only make the crackdown in Tibet more severe. The Tibetans in Tibet will suffer. HH is the only person they will remotely listen to. They have to protest peacefully, as they are hopelessly outnumbered by the Chinese army. Supresssion will be brutal.

With the Dorje Shugden issue, HH says that he will go all the way with this issue. Why is it in that issue, he will make the Tibetans listen by saying it is a threat to tibet and his life? Isnt many ppl being killed in Tibet a ‘threat’ to his life, reputation and future of peaceful tibet-sino relations? Aren’t the safety of both the Tibetans and Chinese in Tibet upmost in HH’s mind? If he can make so many speeches that hurt many regarding the Dorje Shugden ban, surely he can make many speeches to stop the violent protests that can save many lives in Tibet. Isn’t saving lives much more worth speaking about and spending money on by the Tibetan Govt in exile?

These days it is widespread and believed that HH orchestrated the Lhasa uprising in which so many were killed. In the video you see monks throwing stones and sticks at the Chinese. You also see them violently tearing down doors and breaking windows. HH should send a message to all of them that they are monks, and to be seen doing that brings the prestige of the Tibetan Sangha down.

Even in the protests by Burmese Sangha in Burma, you do not see Burmese sangha behaving such as the Tibetan Sangha behaves. HH should say something of that. He should make speeches to ask the Tibetan Sangha in Tibet to stop being violent,and acting violent. If he can go all the way with the Dorje Shugden issue, why can’t he go all the way to stop the many monks rioting in Lhasa. After all monks can be patriotic. But the practice of Buddhist peace, gentleness and forgiveness should be above patriotism. After all, it brings the prestige of the monks down in the eyes of the world.

These videos are being shown everywhere on the news. It makes the HH look very bad. If HH Dalai Lama can go all the way with the Dorje Shugden ban, why can’t he go all the way to ban monks from protesting and why can’t he asks the Tibetans to ‘Shut up’ and don’t create violence??

Going all the way with the Dorje Shugden ban which restricts religious freedom and HH having the feeling he has the power to stop this practice that goes back 350 years, why can’t he go all the way with banning the violence of the Sangha? He can say that violence by the Sangha shortens his life and endangers the Tibetan Cause. That is what he said of the Dorje Shugden issue. How can that apply? Simple. The main support the world gives Tibetans is because of Tibetan Buddhism. Tibet has no other famous ‘export’ commodity from their country. No scientists, doctors, actors, writers, artists that are world famous or contribute to humankind. When we think of Tibet, we think Tibetan Buddhism immediately. So if the Sangha’s prestige is damaged or lost, so will Tibetan Buddhism.

If Tibetan Buddhism’s prestige is lost, so will the support for Tibet. So HH should lift the ban on Shugden and put a ban on rioting monks, sangha and the violence that arises from them. It is a very bad public image. Since they wear the robes and HH wears the robes, and he is their leader it reflects badly.

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  1. I’m pretty much ignoring all the stuff about HHDL seeking meaningful dialogue because clearly after 50 years and like hundreds of self-immolations, that isn’t happening any time soon.

    Sooooo…he can’t tell the Tibetans to shut up about Tibetan independence but he can tell them to persecute others for Dorje Shugden practice? Makes sense to me…not!

    So why the obvious double standards? HHDL is a smart man, he would’ve known that by now someone would’ve sniffed out his double standards. So why is he continuing to be so blatant about them?

    1.. Is it about power? But it can’t be, he stepped down from power.

    2.. Is it about money? But it can’t be, because he never has a moment to enjoy it anyway (have you seen his insaaaane schedule?!). And besides, look at his lodgings and what he lives in. The only things that are beautiful around him are his altars, which for all Buddhists should be beautiful anyway.

    3.. Is it about fame? But it can’t be, because he was famous long before he banned Dorje Shugden.

    I don’t geddit!

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