Oracle taking possession of Dorje Shugden in Ulan Bator, Mongolia

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I found this video on the net the other day and I thought that it would be very interesting to share with everyone here another video of our oracle in trance. I am unable to translate the mongolian description but from the video, the oracle is taking trance in the form of Dulzin, the peaceful form and many, many people flock in to offer khatas to him.

This is contradictory with CTA’s claim that his practice is dying. It is so wonderful to be able to see our protector in trance again and again as it proves that he cannot be destroyed. There is always incredible blessings from seeing our protector in trance, even if it is from a video recording as it shows us that our protector does exist and that he is here to help us. he is alive.

This proves that Dorje Shugden is big in mongolia to the point that they have an oracle, although I am not sure if this is the same Taiwanese oracle that can be seen in other videos. Dorje Shugden is very kind to manifest in this way to his Mongolian disciples and give them his blessings. Mongolia is not a small country or place and if most of the people there practice Dorje Shugden, it could only mean that Dorje Shugden is growing bigger than ever despite the ban, contrary to what CTA wants to believe.

I do hope that everyone here will feel inspired that Dorje Shugden is always with us and for us to not give up hope despite things being difficult for us now. The ban will be lifted with his blessings and our hard work.

We have to work hard and be united as Dorje Shudgen practitioners to show to everyone that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being and not a spirit. That way, nobody can say that he is a spirit. Results speak louder than words. May the Dalai Lama allow Nechung to retire and consult Dorje Shugden instead as the state oracle! I really do wish that this day would come!

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  1. I feel very inspired that Lord Dorje Shugden is always with us and ever ready to help us whenever we need him. I’m so thankful that there are these wonderful and dedicated oracles who take trance to enable Shugden practitioners to communicate with the Protector. Many practitioners are consulting Dorje Shugden and are receiving valuable help. Nechung has served His Holiness well and when it is time for him to retire, I do hope Dorje Shugden will become the State Oracle because I have absolute faith in him as an enlightened Protector.

  2. Dorje Shugden practice is certainly NOT dying as claimed by CTA or the anti-Shugden people. In fact it is flourishing because many high lamas rely on Dorje Shugden practices. Dorje Shugden practie was bestowed to them by lineage masters who are emanations of enlightened beings; e.g. Trijang Rinpoche is the emanation of Vajrayogini and Pabongka Rinpoche is the emanation of Heruka.

    The oracles of Dorje Shugden are very powerful, as their predictions are proven to be accurate time and again. As Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being, no harm will befall anyone who practice it. It is also not sectarian in nature because Buddha loves and accept everyone.

  3. I am amazed at how the remotest of place the practice of Dorje Shugden is there for the people. How wonderful how this enlightened Protector spread to the 10 directions of the world, bringing blessings and benefitting their Dharma practice. Contrary to CTA’s claims, Lord Dorje Shugden is much alive in millions of people’s heart and his practice still being strongly propitiated.

    The Oracles bring Lord Dorje Shugden and his Chief Assistant Kache Marpo live to people’s mind and answers their questions as well as teaches Dharma. His love for the Dharma even in his previous lives as such attained Masters that Lord Dorje Shugden is never far from the Dharma. How blessed we are to have this special Protector that promises to guide us to enlightenment.

    May the Dalai Lama manifest his true Bodhisattva nature to swiftly lift the ban on Dorje Shugden practice and reunite his people to prevent further sufferance of karma. May his followers realised their wrongs and start to practice as he taught…love, kindness and compassion to all sentient beings.

  4. Thank goodness I came across this post. All this nastiness from the other side of the fence was getting tiring and dragging me down, prompting me to ask the question, is all this going to end? All these threats and violence and condemning has one aim, and that is to make practitioners so tired that they give up.

    Well, thanks to this website bringing news like this to warm our hearts every now and then, we can plod on.

    Well done, admon.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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