Since you came to my problem voluntarily, I will offer you advice. You are known here in the United States as a prominent Buddhist, a respected Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and a political activist. I therefore request that you not be a "package believer" and fall prey to becoming a fanatical Buddhist.
Now I will move away from your letter and present you with a question for reflection: if you use the political situation at the time of the 10th Karmapa to prove that the Dalai Lamas have the authority to recognize the Karmapas, you should also consider that from the time of the Great 5th Dalai Lama it has been obligatory that the reincarnations of the Dalai Lamas be approved by the Emperors of China. Setting the precedent that you attempt to do here, how will you prevent in the future, the Chinese government from claiming its historical right to recognize the Dalai Lamas?
The heads of the Karma Kagyu, Drikung Kagyu, Nyingma and Sakya lineages have never required the approval of either the leaders of China or the Dalai Lamas. The precedent you are setting here will pave the way for the collapse of every school of Tibetan Buddhism, Gelukpas included. Please consider the long-term effects.
The Dalai Lama has openly speculated about his next life, his reincarnation, musing that he might upend historical and cultural practice and choose his reincarnation before his death, the better to safeguard his exiled people.
What does not make me laugh, though, is an issue that is not being addressed thoroughly, to say the least, and should be in the future, if we really want that this website becomes the truly great Dorje Shugden website, the one who will provide History with the facts that others are trying to hide or distort.
The issue of the Tulkus. The Dalai Lama has been "appropriating" the Tulkus of our great Lamas that propitiated Lord Dorje Shugden, in order to prevent them from following the practice in their new emanation. He always has a way to convince people as we know, in this case, the adult people close to the Tulkus. Look at Lama Yeshe´s Tulku. Look at Kyabje Zong Rinpoche´s Tulku. Just think about the terrible injustice of cutting them from the practice they cherished and spread ... are you going to say that it's these Tulku's karma?
Friends, so much so very wrong, and we still want to call holy what is not holy ... This is an issue that we have to examine sooner or later, and analyze with great prayers to our Lamas for light and inspiration.
What does not make me laugh, though, is an issue that is not being addressed thoroughly, to say the least, and should be in the future, if we really want that this website becomes the truly great Dorje Shugden website, the one who will provide History with the facts that others are trying to hide or distort.
The issue of the Tulkus. The Dalai Lama has been "appropriating" the Tulkus of our great Lamas that propitiated Lord Dorje Shugden, in order to prevent them from following the practice in their new emanation. He always has a way to convince people as we know, in this case, the adult people close to the Tulkus. Look at Lama Yeshe´s Tulku. Look at Kyabje Zong Rinpoche´s Tulku. Just think about the terrible injustice of cutting them from the practice they cherished and spread ... are you going to say that it's these Tulku's karma?
Friends, so much so very wrong, and we still want to call holy what is not holy ... This is an issue that we have to examine sooner or later, and analyze with great prayers to our Lamas for light and inspiration.
Dear A Friend,
Please forgive my ignorance but could you please elaborate on what you mean by the Dalai Lama "appropriating" the tulkus of our great Lamas that propitiated Lord Dorje Shugden, in order to prevent them from following the practice in their new emanation?
Lama Yeshe's Tulku and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche´s Tulku? Sorry to be dense but who are these tulkus?
I have not heard of this and would like to know more.
Thank you,