About Dorje Shugden => General Discussion => Topic started by: LosangKhyentse on February 04, 2010, 05:39:30 PM
Great video footage of HH the previous Panchen Rinpoche visiting Beijing with HH Dalai Lama.
Two Karmapas, two Panchen Lamas... Its kinda depressing. And that's without taking into account the current ban on Shugden....
China's handpicked Panchen Lama "elected" Vice President of Buddhist group
Dharamsala, February 4 – The handpicked “11th Panchen Lama Gaincain Norbu” has been “elected” as one of the 25 vice presidents of the Buddhist Association of China on Wednesday, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.
Speaking at the closing ceremony of the eighth national conference of the Buddhist Association of China in Beijing, the 19 year-old appointed by China to replace the boy recognized by the Dalai Lama said he would “uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), adhere to socialism, safeguard national unification, strengthen ethnic unity and improve Buddhist exchanges, on the basis of adherence to the law and love for the nation and Buddhism.”
The Buddhist Association of China also “elected” three honorary presidents, Pagbalha Geleg Namgyae, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Ben Huan, a 103-year-old “renowned master”, and Yi Cheng, former president of the national association.
Gendhun Choekyi Nyima's photo taken in 1995, when he was six years old, remains the only clue available of him outside China. (File photo)
Panchen Lama is revered as the second highest tulku lineage in the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and one of the most influential spiritual leaders of Tibet.
Born on April 25, 1989, in Lhari County, Tibet, Gendhun Choekyi Nyima was recognised by the Dalai Lama as the 11th Panchen Lama on 14 May 1995 at the age of six. Three days later, on 17 May, he along with his parents went missing.
On 15 May, 1996, the Chinese government admitted to holding the 11th Panchen Lama Gendhun Choekyi Nyima and his parents in their “protective custody”.
Tibetan exiles claim he and his family were abducted by China which installed Gaincain Norbu in his place and refer to Gendhun Choekyi Nyima as the “youngest Political prisoner in the world”.
Traditionally, the Panchen Lama bears part of the responsibility for finding the incarnation of the Dalai Lama and vice versa, a practice many say has prompted China to install its own Panchen Lama.
Original article here:'s+handpicked+Panchen+Lama+%22elected%22+Vice+President+of+Buddhist+group&id=26543 ('s+handpicked+Panchen+Lama+%22elected%22+Vice+President+of+Buddhist+group&id=26543)
There is no Chinese Panchen Lama nor a Tibetan Lost Panchen Lama.
Do you think any politician could out smart the Panchen Lama?
He could easily manifest two,three or as many as necessary to do his Dharma.
The Panchen Lama is the Panchen Lama and anything else is a ploy.
Ganchen Lama has approved and assist the education of the Panchen Lama.
The Dalia Lama is a stinker and I do no know what he is.
Except a fraud, politicians and divinations do not mix.
That's how we ended up with a Muslim.
His brothers acted more like Muslim Mercenaries than Buddhist Children.
Norbu's regret was that they did not fight or have enough guns to kill the Commies.
What a incarnation, what did I do to deserve him as a mentor, bad karma?
so if the previous Panchen lama approved our current DL, and you held him in high regard but question his judgement, would that make you a hypocrite? i dunno, sounds to me yes.
The Tibetan Govt in exile has Gangchen Rinpoche on the Top ten most wanted listed. His picture with the other 9 most wanted are posted all over the 24 Tibetan Settlements throughout India and Nepal.
The Tibetan Govt in exile wishes all Tibetans to shun and ostracize Gangchen Rinpoche. Why else would they put up the wanted posters denouncing Rinpoche.
The Dalai lama has publicly denounced Gangchen Rinpoche on many occasions. On the Tibetan Govt's official website, they have a whole section against Gangchen Rinpoche. Sounds like the Governments of Burma and North Korea.
But Panchen Rinpoche very much likes Gangchen Rinpoche. In fact one of Gangchen Rinpoche's previous incarnation was the Abbot of Tashilunpo Monastery (the Monastery of Panchen Lama up till today).
Panchen Rinpoche and Gangchen Rinpoche have a very close relationship and do Dorje Shugden's Serkym (golden drink offering) together on occasion.
So the Dalai Lama denounces Gangchen Rinpoche, but Panchen Lama has Gangchen Rinpoche in High regard.
Dalai lama refuses to ever meet Gangchen Rinpoche, but the previous Panchen Lama will meet Gangchen Rinpoche easily.
The Dalai lama has publicly denounced Gangchen Rinpoche on many occasions. On the Tibetan Govt's official website, they have a whole section against Gangchen Rinpoche. Sounds like the Governments of Burma and North Korea.
But Panchen Rinpoche very much likes Gangchen Rinpoche. In fact one of Gangchen Rinpoche's previous incarnation was the Abbot of Tashilunpo Monastery (the Monastery of Panchen Lama up till today).
Panchen Rinpoche and Gangchen Rinpoche have a very close relationship and do Dorje Shugden's Serkym (golden drink offering) together on occasion.
So the Dalai Lama denounces Gangchen Rinpoche, but Panchen Lama has Gangchen Rinpoche in High regard.
Dalai lama refuses to ever meet Gangchen Rinpoche, but the previous Panchen Lama will meet Gangchen Rinpoche easily.
Dear TK
This is interesting. Panchen Lama and Dalai Lama's incarnations have always been very close. But in this incarnation, DL is not singing the same tune as Panchen Lama.
5th Dalai Lama wrote praises to Dorje Shugden. This incarnation wrote and issued a BAN!
Dalai Lama's actions seems to have a pattern of being consistently inconsistent..?
with much respect
Gangchen Rinpoche is held in high regard by world leaders. He has met Mother Teresa, Kofi Annan, President of Mongolia, the pope, etc etc etc. Do visit this gallery again for these great pictures of gangchen rinpoche
Is it really inconsistency or impermanence? 5th also "banned" but later changed his point of view. So if it is consistent then the current DL will follow his consistent past and lift the ban correct?
If you believe in reincarnation as these High Lamas prove lifetime after lifetime, then it would be safe to believe in the prophesy made by Trijang Rinpoche / Dorje Shugden not to "dis" HHDL at a time when it would appear HH was a destroyer of dharma.
That time is now, that prophesy I believe is Real.
Gangchen Rinpoche is held in high regard by world leaders. He has met Mother Teresa, Kofi Annan, President of Mongolia, the pope, etc etc etc. Do visit this gallery again for these great pictures of gangchen rinpoche [url][/url]
I love the photos on this site. I don't know how they managed to collect these photos. If HE Gangchen Rinpoche is good enough to take photos with all these distinguished people and is on good terms with the Panchen Lama, i'm sure that Gangchen Rinpoche is some exceedingly special.
I think that (oh yes - here comes another conspiracy theory) Gangchen Rinpoche very kindly went to China to establish himself there so that he can bring Dharma to so many millions of people there. Gangchen Rinpoche is incredibly humble, warm monk and there would be no other reason for him to openly do DS practice and be friendly with the Chinese authorities.
thank you for posting this.
And thank you to the website admin for the beautiful pictures on the front pages (on the sliding photo area) of all the different DS lamas with other great leaders and spiritual masters of the world such as the pope.
the pictures give a different perspective - that if spiritual and world leaders endorse and are friends with DS practitioners, then why can't our own Buddhist masters be friends with them? If another religion is happy to be friends and meet with them, then why doesn't our own spiritual leader even allow them into a teaching?
I like that the photos promote a very positive message of peace, understanding and interfaith exchange. this is the essence of what Dorje Shugden protects and encourages us to practice after all so it's nice seeing it in action through this website. Sometimes pictures really do say a thousand words!
Is it really inconsistency or impermanence? 5th also "banned" but later changed his point of view. So if it is consistent then the current DL will follow his consistent past and lift the ban correct?
If you believe in reincarnation as these High Lamas prove lifetime after lifetime, then it would be safe to believe in the prophesy made by Trijang Rinpoche / Dorje Shugden not to "dis" HHDL at a time when it would appear HH was a destroyer of dharma.
That time is now, that prophesy I believe is Real.
Good observation and we all do hope it will come true soon!
"Nothing changes, Everything changes" by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
I just read this is a great book a friend gave me and it describes another perspective of what you just said. It talks about the perspective of how we view things and how by just a simple switch of thought, and how we perceive, everything changes! A Negative experience could be positive. In reality everything is still the same, but the way you think, act and feel is different!